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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday, December 21st, 2023


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Good morning everyone.  Hurrah for Winter Solstice leading to eventual longer days and less darkness.  I fully confess I’ve been celebrating Blue Christmas & saying Bah Humbug on more than one occasion.  Sadly, my DBIL’s mother has been moved to palliative care to make her as comfortable as possible in her last days. 😔   My DBIL, his brother & my sister are taking turns staying overnight with her and, of course, she has company all day.


Today’s quote is a good one & quite true.  I’ve been to French Polynesia but not Valere.  Great days in history!  Especially the Curie’s discovery of radium.





Got home from my visit last night and saw all my boxes were still on the porch 😱. I called and they said he was behind but would be there.  So, I turned on the porch lights so he could see and nope, nada..  They are still there.  Grrr.  They better show up today.





With luck, I’m going to finish wrapping the odds and sods and pack up the bags for delivery, make a bit of bread and clean up the mess after.  And, give some good quality time to Ivan.  He was left longer than usual yesterday at a strange time and was as good as gold, bless him.





Many thanks to Dixie, Debbie, Vanessa & Ann for their dedication & to all for contributing.  Prayers for those on the Care list, those suffering losses, health problems, pain, worries and those that need them.  🙏  Cheers to those celebrating and cruising 🥂 




Have a good Thursday everyone.

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Good morning everyone.  Thanks for taking on the responsibility of the daily report @kazu, it’s very much appreciated.  Here we are at the Winter Solstice the end of our slide into long nights.  Prayers for the many of us who have a reason to celebrate Blue Christmas, hopefully we aren’t humbugs though.  The quote is inspiring.  Today’s meal sounds tasty but I think I’ll save the drink for Sunday.  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for everyone on today’s prayer list.  Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events! 🍾

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Good morning everyone!


Up early today to get caught up on Christmas and GV stuff which seems never ending...

Still have lists for both events ongoing but they are getting smaller and less lists, thank goodness.


Lots of very funny, LOL, memes so far this morning; had to be careful not to spit out the coffee on the computer! 😜

Big thanks to @kazu for just being you and all you do for us....

Thanks also to ALL contributors today.


Question for the AUS/NZ GV fellow travelers, can you remind me when the Dailyites are meeting on the ship?

I think it is Jan 5th, 2pm Crows Nest. I wrote it down but cannot find the notes...I may be losing it!

I may need a Sunday Funday Bloody Mary...yum.


Prayers for all especially those in need and in pain; we all deserve to live a comfortable and safe life.

Have a good day everyone and take care.🙂


Edited by Cruisercl
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1 hour ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good morning to all!  Been at the airport for an hour. All checked in and waiting to go through security. On my way to FLL!!


Yippee!  You’re on your way.  Smooth travels!



1 hour ago, seagarsmoker said:

Then won again in the casino.  😀 


Wow, you are doing really well in the casino 👏 👏 👏.


What game(s) are you playing?



39 minutes ago, richwmn said:

I am in San Diego, where it is 4:30 in the morning, and I am awake. Of course it is 8:30 on the east coast where I was yesterday so I am making progress toward acclimating to the current time zone.

Everything is well here, getting prepared for my short trip to the port where I will board Volendam. There have been a couple of small hiccups, but everything has worked out ok. Yesterday I was sitting at the assigned gate for my flight when I realized that another flight was boarding and it was time for mine. I checked the Delta app and found the gate had changed. Luckily, the new gate was close and I made it as one of the final people boarding. When the cabin door closed, an announcement was made that the flight would be a bit over 4 hours rather than the 5+ hours scheduled. A very nice change. Even though I was early, the hotel had a room ready and I was checked in.


Yikes on your gate changing, Rich !  So glad you caught it in time and you are all set in San Diego. 👍 




35 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

We've been to Moorea twice, once on Golden Princess in 2014 and again on Maasdam in 2017. 



Your visit to Moorea was very different than mine.  Our weather was horrible with rain, dark clouds and fog.  We still explored despite the weather but none of my pics are worthy of posting.  They are just  too dark and dismal so your lovely pictures are very appreciated 🙂 



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Morning to all. Another cold morning here. We had a dear friend over for dinner last night. Sue made a delicious crab bisque and salad that really hit the spot along with wine.

Pedicures got changed until today as the place we go to had employee issues. I believe we now have all the meds we need for the cruise. Yesterday we picked up meds in case we get Covid. Our doctor has been very accommodating on prescribing meds for being prepared for all scenarios. He knows of our medical backgrounds and that we would only self treat if absolutely needed.

Lest then two weeks to go so I need to seriously start the final packing process.

Have a great day and thanks for the reports and post. Bruce













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Good morning to all.

Thank you to Jacqui for filling in for Rich.  We all appreciate your generosity in taking the time to do this.

Thank you also to Vanessa for the cares list.  Thank you for taking me off the list.  So far I am doing okay.  Hopefully there are no more flares.  Maybe being on a better schedule of weaning off the meds may work.  We will see. I sure hope that you get some relief from your leg pain in the most non-invasive way possible.

Thank you to Ann, Dixie and Debbie in the F&B department.

The days are interesting.   Happy that we are solstice day and now can look forward to longer days and eventually see Spring.   This has been a very cold December here in the Low Country.  This morning it is 36 degrees.  Last year we were still wearing shorts at this time of the year.  When I think back to last year and realize that we were in the middle of cleaning up from our awful flood, I realize that we have a lot to be thankful for.  We are certainly grateful to be back in our home.

Blue Christmas is always hard.  We find it hard that we now find ourselves alone.  After years spending holidays with family it is now sad to realize they are gone.  Last year we took a cruise during Christmas and found that helped some.

I am not going to go into Humbug Day.  Try to stay away from that.


I have not been to the destination.


Well, I finished all the Christmas Cards that need to be mailed.  They will go out in today’s mail.  I know they will not reach their destinations until after Christmas, but that is the best I could do.

I will distribute the neighborhood cards on Saturday.


Today I have manicure appointment.  Other from that, I will try to get some other things done around the house.    


Hope everyone has a great day.  

God Bless,


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36 minutes ago, Cruisercl said:

Good morning everyone!


Up early today to get caught up on Christmas and GV stuff which seems never ending...

Still have lists for both events ongoing but they are getting smaller and less lists, thank goodness.


Lots of very funny, LOL, memes so far this morning; had to be careful not to spit out the coffee on the computer! 😜

Big thanks to @kazu for just being you and all you do for us....

Thanks also to ALL contributors today.


Question for the AUS/NZ GV fellow travelers, can you remind me when the Dailyites are meeting on the ship?

I think it is Jan 5th, 2pm Crows Nest. I wrote it down but cannot find the notes...I may be losing it!

I may need a Sunday Funday Bloody Mary...yum.


Prayers for all especially those in need and in pain; we all deserve to live a comfortable and safe life.

Have a good day everyone and take care.🙂


I found the Dailyites meet info!!!

Jan 5th, 2pm, Crows Nest....😉


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Good morning,

Thank you Jacqui for stepping in to keep this going. I too have had periods of humbug and the blues. It is better than last year which is moving in the right direction. 

I have an update on Murphy. She continues to improve but has a couple of challenges. She had a gtube placed and was scoped to find one of her vocal cords is paralyzed. They feel it will improve but nothing by mouth for now. They found that the bases of her lungs were “floppy” DSIL words so will keep her on CPAP for now. Good news is that she is interacting more by smiling and regaining her strength through her various therapies. DSIL was there in the hospital with her last week while her parents had to work. They want someone in the room with her at all times. 

I got my boarding time!  It is awful early at 10:40. It’s hard to believe they will be ready that early. I am waiting for DGS to wake up. He told me he is staying until Christmas Eve and then I am sleeping at his house. I don’t know how we will be apart for so long. He asked me why I wanted to go to Australia with it being so far away. That boy has my heart for sure. 

Yes, the Daily meet up on the GA is on January 5th at 2pm in the crows nest.  I put it on my phone calendar. 

Have a great day. 

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Good morning!   I always like to celebrate the Winter Solstice because days begin to get longer.   @kazu thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports.  Sandi, @StLouisCruisers thanks for the photos of today's port.   A very true quote.   John will give today's cocktail two thumbs up, I am sure he will be having quite a few this upcoming cruise.   Pass on the carb heavy soup but today's Zinfandel looks like a winner.   

Vanessa, thank you for your diligence to continue with the Cares and Celebrations Reports through your back problems and subsequent sleep issues.  I must have miscommunicated we are driving to Fort Lauderdale on the 28th for a January 3 Eurodam cruise, we will be aboard for 52 days.   I continue to pray for some relief for you soon.  @Cruzin Terri I am happy to read your medications have helped your PMR pain.   Prayers for Baby Murphy to go home with her family soon.  Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, Israel and the innocents in Gaza.   Cheers to our group in Baltimore I just heard Wes Moore saying the Orioles have signed a 30 year lease to remain in Camden Yards.   

Today is a day of more packing last minute stuff for my rolling bag and the bag for the road trip we leave in the truck when we go to our FL hotel.   It is cloudy and cool but the snow is disappearing.    Have a good Thursday!   Nancy 

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Good morning, everyone!


Cloudy skies this morning, but the temps are warming up a bit.  I woke up to a horrific cramp in my right thigh.  I couldn't get up and walk it out as that hurt more and my leg wouldn't hold me.  So, I had to massage it until it let go.  I am taking magnesium for the muscle cramps, but that does not seem to help.  I do have low sodium and that may be the culprit, but I've been trying to remember to use salt.  


Hugs and warm thoughts to all those going through Blue Christmas.  Many of us on the Daily have lost loved ones over the last couple of years and it is never easy, especially at the holidays.  


@Haljo1935 Wow, your flight situation was giving us all reason to stroke the worry stone.  Glad you are on your way finally.

@kazu I hope those  packages get  picked up today!   It looks like an obstacle course to get into the house.  But, maybe that's a good thing to deter those who shouldn't get into the house.  

@cruising sister Thank you for the update on Baby Murphy.  She sure is a fighter.


We had today's meal back in the early fall, but it is ok to review once in a while.  I kind of like when this happens as I have the pictures saved already and just need to match the websites to them.  The soup sounds heavenly, but it is high in carbs, so I'll be passing on it.  We had baked salmon and cheese cauliflower last night and it was really delicious.  Sometimes, simple is best.  https://therecipecritic.com/creamy-sausage-tortellini-soup/




I like the addition of kale (or spinach, if you prefer) to the soup.  It gives it some visual interest as well as enhanced nutrition.  https://thecozycook.com/sausage-tortellini-soup/




This one has more of a tomato base to it.  I think that would give it a good boost of flavor.  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/creamy-tortellini-soup-with-sausage/




Whatever you choose for dinner tonight, I hope is is full of flavor and warms the heart.  


Wishing you all a wonderful day.



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Catching up from last night and this morning…

@rafinmd Roy, why was the MSC ship diverted from her normal ports of FL and Bahamas to Canada?  That’s the cruise our one granddaughter just did with her in-law family, and now other granddaughter is on honeymoon cruise in Caribbean…. so I’m very curious!  

Thank you @kazu Jacqui… this thread is a huge support to me!  I’m really on the Blue side this Christmas!  Not fully sure why but feeling so disoriented from the move, exhausted from the wedding trip, and worried about DH’s unstable glaucoma have all hit me harder than I expected. Just trying to be in the Here and Now, not sure why it’s been hard for me but it just is. I feel very isolated from everything familiar except this thread!  Thank you all for being here!  

Sandi, I love the Mo’orea pix!  We’ve been twice, so lucky to have traveled while we could!  I swam with the rays and reef sharks too, a favorite memory!  

Blessings to all seeking healing and relief!  
Hugs to those in need of comfort.  Hope to those who need peace!  
Cheers to those celebrating!  Smooth travels for all our cruisers!  

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Good morning. It will be sunny and up to 40 later. I have not been to the port,will skip the meal and admit to the Blue Christmas. I try not to be a humbug.

Tomorrow I leave for New Hampshire again. I was ambivalent about going but the grandchildren called and specifically asked me to make the trip. Of course I said yes! The poor dogs are worried about suitcases being out and general scurrying around. DD will move into my room in order to help Tana overnight. I am sure to meet lots of folks doing the same thing tomorrow morning. It took my DB and family twice the usual time to get back to their home after our lunch yesterday. 
Have a great day everyone.

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Good Thursday Morning Dailyites!  Computer says it's 34 and clear.  Frost again spread across the neighborhood.  I went to work yesterday and sometime in the morning, I caught a cold. I called out for the night shift, and only worked a total of 4 hours yesterday.  My right eye was running, my nose was running non stop, and by 8 last night I had the hoarsest voice.  BUT by 10 all the running had stopped.

It was nice to have dinner at the dinner table last night, and not my work station.  It was nice to just sit and watch some TV with DH.  I had been planning a night time run to W-M and never made it.  It was time for me to just STOP.  Today is a new day, and I can only procrastinate for so long.  I think it was the walking the dog in the cold, with wet hair that did it.  


No stray seemed interested in the heated porch, Bubbles was asleep in his box in the carport last night. so I turned the heater off.  The box was empty this morning, and I called for the cats, no one came.  I turned back to go into the house, and there was Bubbles on the porch.  No heat, but curled up on the love seat.  I put his food on the porch, and turned the heat on, and when I debated about adding a litter box to his shelter, he left.








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For a person with seasonal affective disorder, the solstice is coming not a moment too soon. I have no personal experience with Blue Christmas celebrations (I'm not sure that celebration is the right word and I'm already morose) but several of my Protestant clergy friends lead them. I once wrote an adaptation of "A Christmas Carol" for puppet theater.


Wayne Dyer may have been right -- positive-psychology experts say something similar -- but he went off the beam with abundance when he said that thrifty habits cause poverty (by perpetuating a poverty mindset) but extravagant spending leads to abundance.


The meal is another that I couldn't make at home, and the drink is just a Bloody Mary made with a specific brand of vodka. There is still no Zinfandel in the Finger Lakes so I'll counter with McGregor Saperavi. I don't think it's the same McGregor as in Peter Rabbit. I haven't been to any port in French Polynesia.


The number of things that I'm anxious about is growing. I still haven't received the biopsy result, my new glasses may not be ready in time for the January cruise, and the wireless thermostat is on order with not even a guess about when it will be installed.





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Good morning from Quartzsite where it is 48F with a predicted high of 74F.  A cold front and heavy rain will move in overnight with the rain continuing through sometime Saturday.  Our humidity is already 72% with a dew point of 39F.  Beginning tomorrow, our highs will be in the low 60s before rising the the mid-60s the middle of next week.  We'll be under a flood watch from tomorrow morning through Saturday morning.  When there is heavy rain in the surrounding mountains, our washes flood.


I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the weather is not as bad as predicted.  DD and DSIL are flying from Texas to Phoenix tomorrow, arriving at 5:30 pm and driving to Quartzsite.  It it's really bad, I hope they'll stay in Phoenix until the conditions are better.


We'll definitely celebrate the Solstice and the beginning of longer days.  After Graham's @grapau27 explanation of Blue Christmas, I honor that day.  If possible I'll skip Humbug day, but it is house cleaning day, so who knows.


I like the Wayne Dyer quote.  DH did what he loved with his business, and he said it really wasn't like work.


The meal sounds good, but not today.  We'll be having the leftover chicken cacciatore.  DH would like the drink, but they usually make it too spicy for me.  I'd like to try the wine.


We have been to Morea many times, and sailed into today's port on the ferry from Tahiti.  Cruise ships stop at one of the two bays on the north side of the island.


Three days in history that helped change the world.  I remember the first manned mission to the moon.


@seagarsmoker  What is your secret to winning in the casino?  I rarely have good luck there.

@RedneckBob  RNB, sometimes the ship captain will surprise you with a hidden talent.

@grapau27  Graham, thank you for the explanations of two of our days today.

@richwmn  Rich, I'm glad you caught the gate change in time, and made it to San Diego safely.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope they pick up the boxes today.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, thank you for the update on Murphy.  She is a fighter.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, you have been through a lot the last few months.  It's easier said than done, but try to relax and enjoy the holidays.

@smitty34877  Terri, safe travels tomorrow to New Hampshire.

@kochleffel  Paul, I hope you get the biopsy results soon, your new glasses before the January cruise, and the thermostat asap.















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We have been to Moorea five times on Wind Star, Princess and HAL.  Most of our pictures are from prehistoric times before digital cameras, but I did find a few.


In 2002 on the APEC cruise on Volendam, Moorea was not a port.  We took the ferry from Papeete to Moorea, and rented a car.  In fact, we've rented cars there every time except 2007.  That time we took a taxi to the Intercontinental Hotel to snorkel.  The reef comes very close to the shore there, and the colors of the fish and coral are outstanding.  Sadly, the hotel was permanently closed last year.


These first pictures were taken in 2007 at the hotel.





These were from our drive around the island in 2002.





We stopped at a park where a tour was watching a feast being prepared.




A young man carrying on an ancient craft.



Moorea is our second favorite port after Bora Bora.  The night in Moorea on Wind Song, dinner was a barbecue on deck complete with a roasted suckling pig.


In 1996, on the Wind Song, anytime the pilot was not on one the bridge, passengers could walk into the bridge.  One evening, probably in Bora Bora, we did and started talking to the young deck officer.  He even took us out on the bridge wing and pointed out the Southern Cross and other constellations.


Fast forward to 2016 on the Prinsendam and a talk with Captain Tim Roberts.  In 1996 he was a young officer on Wind Song.  We all decided it was probably Captain Tim who was the young office we talked with 21 years earlier.


It really is a small world.



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14 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from Quartzsite where it is 48F with a predicted high of 74F.  A cold front and heavy rain will move in overnight with the rain continuing through sometime Saturday.  Our humidity is already 72% with a dew point of 39F.  Beginning tomorrow, our highs will be in the low 60s before rising the the mid-60s the middle of next week.  We'll be under a flood watch from tomorrow morning through Saturday morning.  When there is heavy rain in the surrounding mountains, our washes flood.


I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the weather is not as bad as predicted.  DD and DSIL are flying from Texas to Phoenix tomorrow, arriving at 5:30 pm and driving to Quartzsite.  It it's really bad, I hope they'll stay in Phoenix until the conditions are better.


We'll definitely celebrate the Solstice and the beginning of longer days.  After Graham's @grapau27 explanation of Blue Christmas, I honor that day.  If possible I'll skip Humbug day, but it is house cleaning day, so who knows.


I like the Wayne Dyer quote.  DH did what he loved with his business, and he said it really wasn't like work.


The meal sounds good, but not today.  We'll be having the leftover chicken cacciatore.  DH would like the drink, but they usually make it too spicy for me.  I'd like to try the wine.


We have been to Morea many times, and sailed into today's port on the ferry from Tahiti.  Cruise ships stop at one of the two bays on the north side of the island.


Three days in history that helped change the world.  I remember the first manned mission to the moon.


@seagarsmoker  What is your secret to winning in the casino?  I rarely have good luck there.

@RedneckBob  RNB, sometimes the ship captain will surprise you with a hidden talent.

@grapau27  Graham, thank you for the explanations of two of our days today.

@richwmn  Rich, I'm glad you caught the gate change in time, and made it to San Diego safely.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope they pick up the boxes today.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, thank you for the update on Murphy.  She is a fighter.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, you have been through a lot the last few months.  It's easier said than done, but try to relax and enjoy the holidays.

@smitty34877  Terri, safe travels tomorrow to New Hampshire.

@kochleffel  Paul, I hope you get the biopsy results soon, your new glasses before the January cruise, and the thermostat asap.















Correct and maybe this video will work of Captain Kirk!




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2 hours ago, richwmn said:

Thanks to everyone for keeping this thread alive.

I am in San Diego, where it is 4:30 in the morning, and I am awake. Of course it is 8:30 on the east coast where I was yesterday so I am making progress toward acclimating to the current time zone.

Everything is well here, getting prepared for my short trip to the port where I will board Volendam. There have been a couple of small hiccups, but everything has worked out ok. Yesterday I was sitting at the assigned gate for my flight when I realized that another flight was boarding and it was time for mine. I checked the Delta app and found the gate had changed. Luckily, the new gate was close and I made it as one of the final people boarding. When the cabin door closed, an announcement was made that the flight would be a bit over 4 hours rather than the 5+ hours scheduled. A very nice change. Even though I was early, the hotel had a room ready and I was checked in.

I had a nice evening and I'm ready to face today.

We’re disembarking the Volendam tomorrow morning.  The ship is in fine shape.  If you haven’t sailed since they installed Starlink, you’ll love how fast the internet is now.  Only one or two hiccups when it wasn’t working properly.  Hopefully your embarkation is as smoothly as ours.  Our Uber stopped at the drop off point a couple minutes after our scheduled boarding time (11:20 AM).  A porter immediately took our luggage and directed us to the entrance.  Only a couple of people in front of us before we did the facial recognition thing.  The agent said boarding was running a little behind and we should take a seat until our group was called (group D).  We were in our seats only a couple of minutes when the PA announcement called group B as well as the suite people, five star mariners, etc.  We got up and were on the ship before noon.  Enjoy your cruise!

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