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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday May 29th, 2024

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Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  Computer weather report says-Humid.  That all so far. So the "out the window" report- it's cooler than yesterday, the sun is shining, and my arthritis in my fingers are letting me know, it's humid.


I have been worried about my daily friends west of Georgia,  I hope that you are all safe in TX.


Things at home have not been so great.  DH is in a lot of pain, and cant seem to focus on anything-that and his meds, just doing something simple like putting ice on the part that hurts, he forgets to do, and I hear him moaning and just trying to breathe.  And then after I get ice on him, and tell him to relax, 20 minutes later he's fine and want to fix dinner, and then he starts and he cant finish.  So yesterday was a very long day for me.


We got the babies to the vets, and because their updates were done by an assistant, we were not allowed back to be with them as their second round of deworming and weigh ins were being done.  I gave the nice lady my camera, and she took pictures of them on the scale.  They now all weigh more than a pound and a half. 


Then we took them home, went and had lunch at a new greek restaurant (food was fantastic, but limited menu) then picked up some necessaries, got home, watched the F3 Race from Sunday, and then at 4 I went to the "second" job, got off at nine, I fixed dinner due to DH's pain, I walked the neighbors dog and sat down to play mahjong on the computer (my only respite these days) and realized it was past midnight. I went to bed, didn't sleep well, so about 5 hours total, and today I get to work the full 8 hours. I did cook extra burgers for dinner tonight so at least I know that dinner is done. Trying to give both campaigns 20 hours as my contract says, so my next day off is Sunday.


Anchorage AK!  I have been there, our port after Kodiak, which we never made it to due to bad weather.  May of 23-and we sailed right into a typhoon.  The pool was over flowing, and the ship was leaning, and the wind was incredible.  












this picture is the curtain not hanging straight down because the ship was listing so badly



The captain sailed us behind some mountains, and out of the wind, and the next day we arrived safely in Anchorage.  Poor planning on excursions through Holland, as our excursion was cancelled as the tour guide didnt start up for two weeks later in the season, so we did an Anchorage tour.  We went out to Earthquake Park, an area destroyed by the earthquake, and no one is allowed to build on the peninsula mow,.  A fuzzy picture of our HAL ship, and a view from the park.






We then went to the Aviation Museum, something we always try to do if we can, as DH was Air Force





Because the tours ended up having two tours arrive 5 minutes apart at the museum, we had a lot of wander time outside before our group could get into the museum. I ended up buying a huge thick book about WWII in Alaska, and am still reading it.. After we were rushed through the museum, we went to a store that sold CANDY, and while it took us 10 days to eat what our BFF had purchased that day, this is what I remember- it was right next to the store.




Coming back to the ship- and a few views from the ship-














Doesn't anyone proof read anymore?



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Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie for the  Fleet Report and Daily.  Three nice days to celebrate, especially UN Peacekeepers.

I think there’s a lot of truth in Twain’s quote.

A great accomplishment by Hillary, Norgay, and their support team..

I have been to Anchorage many times, but never by ship, always from Whittier, Seward, or Denali.

I’ll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Papaya with Rainbow of Fruit, and Tournedos Rossini as served on MS Prinsendam May 29, 2015.

Best wishes for Graham and Pauline.  It is somewhat cooler today.  Paul from my church now has pneumonia, although the antibiotics seem to have cleared up his blood infection.



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25 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I found some pictures of downtown Anchorage. As we usually rent a car, we don't often spend time in Anchorage.  In 2018 on the Zaandam, we did not have a car rental reservation, so we walked around the area where the shuttle drops us off.  We then checked with the company and were able to rent a car.


The visitor center



Downtown Anchorage




The Alaska Mint is actually an unique store that is worth wandering through for a few minutes.



There are flowers all over Anchorage and Alaska.  This is for the garden club.


In 2015 on the Statendam and 2012 on the Amsterdam, we went to the State Fair in Palmer.  This is the "big" or main state fair, but since Alaska is so big, we have seen signs for the state fair in southeast Alaska, on the Kenai Peninsula and Kodiak.  The fair in Palmer is held in August and ends Labor Day weekend.


The fair is not big like the state fairs in Texas, Minnesota or even Arizona, but it is more a traditional state fair from years ago.




They even have tractor pulls.



I think the sign says it all.



The stories about the giant vegetables are true.  The Matsu Valley has warm summer days with a lot of daylight for growing big produce.




Then there are the giant pumpkins.




The midway and the vendor areas




A lot of flowers




I'm not sure why, but I thought this group would like this picture.



I think even though the growing season is short, the long days of sunshine are the reason for the giant vegetables and the bigger flowers seen all around Alaska.



Interesting collection of photos Lenda.

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  UN Peacekeepers certainly have tough jobs today.  We don't have a compost pile, but do have a little pail with compostable liners that we keep in our kitchen which goes into the large green bin and is picked up and taken to the city compost station every 2 weeks.  Every year on our eldest DGS's birthday, we make an annual contribution to both boy's education funds.   We didn't have one for our own son, so when he finally decided to go to university, he took out a student loan - which we helped pay off.


We've got a rather raggedy bunch of grey clouds and wind out there this morning.  It looks like it's snowing, but it's not.  The wind is blowing off all the white blossoms from our neighbour's ornamental apple tree and the back lawn is covered in white - they'll soon turn brown and very ugly, so hopefully the lawn cutting this week will cover up all the ugliness.  


@cat shepardwishing you a very Happy Birthday with many happy and healthy returns of the day!

@Horizon chaser 1957Happy Anniversary; let the love and laughter continue!


A couple of things on the agenda today - DH needs a haircut; he's starting to look like one of the Beatles already.  After that we'll come home so I can finish repotting the last of the papyrus - this one is a dwarf papyrus which I'm going to try to keep in a pot of water to see what happens.  After lunch DH has coffee with his bandmates, so I'll drive him over there and spend the next hour or so shopping at a strip mall nearby.


I'm going to pass on the drink of the day (no idea where I'd get some of the ingredients), would probably like the wine, and will take a look at the menu suggestion, as it sounds good.  DH said he's "cooking dinner" tonight which means he'll pick up roast beef sandwiches from Tim Horton's that we can enjoy with fresh veggies and dip on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in the path of devastating storms and fires.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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48 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Very true Graham.  Thank you.🙂




That would be great!  I do hope you both feel well enough to get out to see it.  I wish I had a stop in Newcastle coming up.  It would be amazing to meet you two.

It would be lovely to meet you two too.

We would be your hosts for the day.

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Good morning Dailyites. 69 now going to 87. Rain possibly later.


@cat shepard  Ann: "Wishing you the biggest slice of happy today.”


@Horizon chaser 1957 Here's to another year of creating beautiful memories together. 


Lenda, here is Oliver's favorite vehicle, Elvis:















Prayers lifted for all our Daily friends who are having pain and injuries. Wishing Pauline and Graham a healthy day. Sandi hoping your cough is better and your cold goes away. It is miserable to be on a lovely cruise and be sick.

Jacqui hoping you have not been over doing yourself. We need to get you up and running!! 


Today we are having friends for Happy Hour. Nothing else has been planned. Just the way I like it!


Blessings to each of you. 


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10 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

It would be lovely to meet you two too.

We would be your hosts for the day.


That would be a real treat!




8 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. 69 now going to 87. Rain possibly later.


@cat shepard  Ann: "Wishing you the biggest slice of happy today.”


@Horizon chaser 1957 Here's to another year of creating beautiful memories together. 


Lenda, here is Oliver's favorite vehicle, Elvis:















Prayers lifted for all our Daily friends who are having pain and injuries. Wishing Pauline and Graham a healthy day. Sandi hoping your cough is better and your cold goes away. It is miserable to be on a lovely cruise and be sick.

Jacqui hoping you have not been over doing yourself. We need to get you up and running!! 


Today we are having friends for Happy Hour. Nothing else has been planned. Just the way I like it!


Blessings to each of you. 



Elvis is a real beauty!  Riding in style, I see.


I heard there is a baby girl on board Zuiderdam named Elvis.  ??


Yes, Joy, there is barely any cough which is strange considering how I cough at home.  Just some nose blowing here and there.  I'm good (until the next germ comes my way!).




5 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Prayers for Paul!!




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Good morning 

Just a quick note.

I am sitting in the waiting area expecting to be called soon.  

I am supposed to get a steroid injection in my shoulder that will hopefully relieve the pain I am having.  

As I am typing this, the Doctor came out to tell me that he is waiting for his PA to come from the OR so that she can assist him.  It will only be a few more minutes.

After that I’ll go back to the hotel and get our things together and we will be on our way.

We had a lovely time last night visiting our friends and a lovely dinner.  It was really nice to see them after such a long time,


@cat shepard  Happy Birthday

@Horizon chaser 1957 Happy Anniversary.


Prayers for all.


Hope everyone has a great day.

God Bless,


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3 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:

Something for the Gardening Club








53 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

  Paul from my church now has pneumonia, although the antibiotics seem to have cleared up his blood infection.




Prayers that for Paul for a quick recovery from his pneumonia 🙏 

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Just found out about another birthday today and a belated one.   Regular followers on the Daily and posting on occasions.


Peter @P&PNH Has a birthday today.  Happy Birthday Peter!


and sadly his DH’s Paula’s was May 25th.  A very happy belated birthday to you.  I hope you were treated like royalty!



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Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  Peacekeepers have had a lot of work to do lately and a 529 plan wasn't around for me or my kids.  Now composting - I need to learn about that as I think it might be an interesting thing to do.  Twain's quote is true, yes to the meal (and reminds me to cook some chickpeas in my instant pot) and wine, no to the drink and I have been to Anchorage many times but never from a BHB.  A momentous day in history.




My bathtub/shower faucet is fixed!!  No more constant dripping.  I wonder if that will reduce my gas bill - which is rather low to begin with - but we will see.  And I got rid of my shower chair!!  A friend is having lapiplasty next week and, since she can't be weight-bearing on her foot for at least 4 weeks, she needs one.  I refused to have her pay me for it; I was glad to give it to her.




I keep looking at the HAL website looking for another cruise to book but nothing seems to hit my fancy.  I need to go on the NA, as it is the only BHB that I have not been on.  Plus I need to use my free bingo cruise!!  It is itching in "my pocket"!!!  I tend not to go to the same places I have been in my travels so that limits me tremendously - as well as finances!!  LOL!!  It is hard as a solo cruiser.




Happy Birthday @cat shepard and Happy Anniversary @Horizon chaser 1957@Cruzin Terri safe travels home and hugs to anyone who may need one - stated or not.  Cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone.



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My Anchorage experience last year did not go as planned. Our goal was to fly into Anchorage, settle into the hotel and do some sightseeing a day before our cruise on Nieuw Amsterdam which was sailing out of Whittier. Mind you was coming from Pennsylvania. We flew out of Philadelphia to Charlotte, then to Dallas where we met up with my brother and sister-in-law. We were to fly from Dallas to Anchorage. Well. our flight out of Dallas was delayed by several hours as they looked for a replacement pilot as ours was pulled for another flight. Needless to say, we did not get to Anchorage and our hotel until midnight Anchorage time. 


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I could make the menu suggestion today, with a different mix of vegetables. I'd try the drink, once. I had to look up cachaca; it's sometimes called Brazilian rum but is made from fresh cane juice, not molasses, and has distinct flavors (variable depending on whether and how it's aged). Cabernet Sauvignon really isn't a top grower in the Finger Lakes, but wineries grow a lot of it anyway, because of market familiarity and demand. We might try Barnstormer Winery's 2022. "Cool climate expression of Cabernet Sauvignon. Dark peppery notes, black cherries, leather, and a hint of smoke and vanilla," $30.


I slept well last night, which is so rare that it feels abnormal.


Did you see the film The Deer Hunter? The church in it, St. Theodosius Orthodox Cathedral in Cleveland, caught fire last night, apparently in connection with work being done on the copper onion domes. Because the fire at the roof level, the body of the church was saved, but with tremendous water damage. https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/firefighters-battle-church-fire-in-tremont.



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