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Do people board the ship sick???


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5 hours ago, Covepointcruiser said:

Whenever you cough or sneeze without covering you mouth and nose you are spreading germs(viruses or bacteria).   While they may not be currently making you sick they can cause illness in other passengers.   If you have an attack it would be polite to leVethe public area and tend to your needs in private.    Remember that quite of few of your fellow passengers are elderly or have compromised immune systems.   Hopefully your doctor has given you medication to control your symptoms.

The friend with whom we often travel suffers from a serious and persistent asthma condition. There are various daily inhalers, rescue inhalers, allergy shots and allergy medications that are constantly with her as well as hand sanitizers and wipes and frequent hand washing.. Whenever possible, she removes herself when an attack occurs, which happens multiple times daily. However if she were to remain in private whenever they happen she would never be able to leave home. She is considerate of others, always carries wads of tissues to cover her cough in addition to her medications, both maintenance and rescue. Still, I give her credit for living her life, travelling, and putting up with the dirty looks and the misunderstanding of her condition as being contagious by people who don't understand and don't bother to ask. Instead they rush to judgement. Perhaps, because of her I consider possibilities before condemning. There is a definite difference between someone with asthma, or COPD and a person with a contagious respiratory infection, sinusitis or the flu. 

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Thank you again,Luvcrusn- seems that we are on the same page with our thoughts !

Also,thank you, Germancriser- most times, I think I am thirty !

But there are some days that I tealizeI am not !

Where did all that time go ?

My DH and I still have a lot of traveling to do on our bucket list !

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I am asthmatic as well, so I understand the coughing issue.  Strong perfumes/colognes definitely trigger it.  Just a quick story - a couple of years back I was seated next to a young man who was coughing pretty much non-stop.  I pulled up my hoodie to cover my nose/mouth and prayed I wouldn't get sick.  The young man saw this and explained, "I have Tourette's".  My heart about broke.  I have a nephew with Tourette's.  It reminded me not to be so quick to judge.

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19 hours ago, Mike981 said:

I can guarantee you people travel when they should be home sick.


My wife does daycare and it is a known tactic for parents to medicate their kids and then drop them off hoping that SHE will deal with it so they don't have to.

It's called, 'drug and drop'. Very unfair to the child and anyone else who gets infected.


Yep. I worked at a daycare for a while and we had to call mom for one baby because he was clearly sick. When the director called, mom actually said “ The medication wore off that quickly?” Mom was informed when she got there that a note from a doctor with clear information would be required for the child to come back.

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Interesting reading.    There is a live blog that the writer reported that her son had some GI problems pre cruise that self reported at check in.   She was almost denied boarding but met with doctor who cleared him to board but quarantined until 24 hours after last symptoms. 



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16 hours ago, Luvcrusn said:

Still, I give her credit for living her life, travelling, and putting up with the dirty looks and the misunderstanding of her condition as being contagious by people who don't understand and don't bother to ask. Instead they rush to judgement. Perhaps, because of her I consider possibilities before condemning. There is a definite difference between someone with asthma, or COPD and a person with a contagious respiratory infection, sinusitis or the flu. 

Thank you! You have just described my life with chronic nasal allergies (not asthma, thankfully). Many people on cruise ships douse themselves with scented products, and wonder why people around them suddenly have coughing or sneezing fits! I always cover my mouth or nose in those circumstances, and you can be 99% certain I don’t have a cold or the flu. I use two allergy drugs daily, and a third if necessary. If everyone wants to cut down on coughing and sneezing aboard ships, practice obsessive hand washing and eschew (or at least reduce) the use of perfumes and other highly scented products. You would be helping those of us who struggle with asthma and chronic allergies immeasurably.

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1 hour ago, Silkroad said:

Many people on cruise ships douse themselves with scented products, and wonder why people around them suddenly have coughing or sneezing fits! I always cover my mouth or nose in those circumstances, and you can be 99% certain I don’t have a cold or the flu.


^^^^100% this ^^^^. And you can add essential oils. There is a scent in those oils that  most or all have and it triggers headaches and makes me nauseous. I know many love them, but remember, not all do.

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On 3/19/2019 at 3:08 PM, MJSailors said:

I appreciate your post, Luvcrusn !👍.

I also deal with asthma which is presented as having coughing spells triggered by many factors, some of which are included in your post.

As to people giving looks or making comments when we travel and I have a coughing spell,I jokingly say to my DH that perhaps  I should pin a tag on my clothing with a saying  to assure others that I am not sick, but am an asthmatic.

 To the  OP - . We have not gone on a cruise knowing we were sick.

Once my DH had a sinus infection two weeks before a cruise. Our family Dr gave him a course of antibiotics and he recovered. We went on the cruise,but a few days into the cruise,his symptoms reappeared,no fever though. Wether he did not totally get over his initial infection or he picked up another bug pre -cruise,it was difficult to determine.

He was given another antibiotic and put himself into isolation for a few days while the antibiotic kicked in. It wasn’t until  the last day of the cruise that he went out of our cabin.

Also, I have had pneumonia and double pneumonia. If the OP felt as sick as I did with these bouts of pneumonia, of course she / he did the correct thing in cancelling the cruise.

I do hope that the OP had travel insurance and that the costs of the cruise were reimbursed to them.

I also hope they can or did book another cruise when she/he was feeling up to travel.


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On 3/19/2019 at 3:08 PM, MJSailors said:

I appreciate your post, Luvcrusn !👍.

I also deal with asthma which is presented as having coughing spells triggered by many factors, some of which are included in your post.

As to people giving looks or making comments when we travel and I have a coughing spell,I jokingly say to my DH that perhaps  I should pin a tag on my clothing with a saying  to assure others that I am not sick, but am an asthmatic.

 To the  OP - . We have not gone on a cruise knowing we were sick.

Once my DH had a sinus infection two weeks before a cruise. Our family Dr gave him a course of antibiotics and he recovered. We went on the cruise,but a few days into the cruise,his symptoms reappeared,no fever though. Wether he did not totally get over his initial infection or he picked up another bug pre -cruise,it was difficult to determine.

He was given another antibiotic and put himself into isolation for a few days while the antibiotic kicked in. It wasn’t until  the last day of the cruise that he went out of our cabin.

Also, I have had pneumonia and double pneumonia. If the OP felt as sick as I did with these bouts of pneumonia, of course she / he did the correct thing in cancelling the cruise.

I do hope that the OP had travel insurance and that the costs of the cruise were reimbursed to them.

I also hope they can or did book another cruise when she/he was feeling up to travel.

Yes, We had travel insurance through our credit card.  But it is still a hassle getting money back.  We will get refunded but the paperwork and everything.  The reason I brought this topic up was I thought since I had all the medication that the doctor prescribed to me that I would be ok.  I literally got diagnosed the day before we were to leave.  I originally went to the doctor thinking that maybe he could give me an antibiotic to take with me just in case.   But when xray came back showing pneumonia in all honesty I was contemplating still going for I would not of been contagious after 3 days.  But the actual morning we were to board the plane,  was deathly ill.  I was just curious because I could of literally got on that ship (it would of been no fun for me whatsoever).  But I was respectful and knew in my heart was NOT the right thing to do.  

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You did the correct thing for both yourself and fellow passengers.

Pnuemonia can make a person feel so sick. I have had it when I have felt like I was hit by a Mack truck !😨

IMHO,there is no place like home when feeling so ill.

I hope that you are felling better.

Take it easy for awhile and perhaps pick up your spirits by planning another vacation. I think you posted that you were celebrating a special anniversary.

Your celebration may be a bit late,but celebrate nonetheless.

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3 hours ago, Silkroad said:

Thank you! You have just described my life with chronic nasal allergies (not asthma, thankfully). Many people on cruise ships douse themselves with scented products, and wonder why people around them suddenly have coughing or sneezing fits! I always cover my mouth or nose in those circumstances, and you can be 99% certain I don’t have a cold or the flu. I use two allergy drugs daily, and a third if necessary. If everyone wants to cut down on coughing and sneezing aboard ships, practice obsessive hand washing and eschew (or at least reduce) the use of perfumes and other highly scented products. You would be helping those of us who struggle with asthma and chronic allergies immeasurably.

Because of my friend and her condition, I'm very aware of wearing scented products. I suffer (far less than she) from migraines that are triggered by certain perfumes. I've been in elevators with people (male and female) who doused themselves in so much fragrance that after they left the elevator I literally couldn't breathe! It is wildly inconsiderate. 

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3 hours ago, Silkroad said:

Thank you! You have just described my life with chronic nasal allergies (not asthma, thankfully). Many people on cruise ships douse themselves with scented products, and wonder why people around them suddenly have coughing or sneezing fits! I always cover my mouth or nose in those circumstances, and you can be 99% certain I don’t have a cold or the flu. I use two allergy drugs daily, and a third if necessary. If everyone wants to cut down on coughing and sneezing aboard ships, practice obsessive hand washing and eschew (or at least reduce) the use of perfumes and other highly scented products. You would be helping those of us who struggle with asthma and chronic allergies immeasurably.


But that is just it. Not knowing you or your condition I would not be 99% certain of anything other than a person is having a coughing fit.  Unfortunately your personal condition is unknown to strangers around you.  


BTW, I don't have the severe reaction like you, but agree that perfumes can be very irritating.  

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On 3/19/2019 at 1:01 PM, justcrusn said:

Theres what people SHOULD do, vs. what they actually do.

Most people, faced with not going on a cruise, are not going to be truthful. Theres too much at stake. A 24 hour bug is one thing. Stay in your cabin for 24 hours. More than that stay home, and yet the urge to go on the cruise is overwhelming.

Yes, people sail who are sick.


Agree.  In the past CC posters have been very open about lying on the flu questionnaire.   


If I am not feeling well, the last thing I want  to do is travel.  I want to be in my home and in my bed.  



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There are people who are on board who may be sick as well. B2b Guests and Crew. One never knows. You can get sick just from flying in but feel perfect on day one. 


Sick Happens, although if you are that sick as OP mentioned they were, pneumonia is a pretty serious illness for the affected individual and it might not have been too much fun for them to go. 


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We have given up worrying about if there are sick folks boarding and just focus on keeping our hands clean by washing them every time we go back to the room and sanitizing each time we enter AND leave either a dining area or the theater. My DW has always practiced this approach, but it took a 14 day norovirus cruise a few years ago for me to wake up and keep my hands sanitized. Since then we can usually make it through most cruises without getting sick. I say most because sometimes you just can't avoid those nasty bugs, even when you're doing everything you can to avoid them. We also avoid the elevators at all cost.

Edited by Ken the cruiser
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9 hours ago, ldubs said:


Not following - cruise length is important because? 

From our perspective if you cruise 7 days or less, you probably won't hear a lot of coughing. Now if your cruises are 8-12 days long, take notice when you're sitting in a common area if the number of coughers don't seem to start increasing around day 7. If you are on a 2 week or long cruise and not a B2B, things should start getting back to normal around day 14.


Of course, that's just from personal observation. But just like an ex-smoker can tell if someone is still a smoker by those distinct odors, I pay attention to coughers because I used to be one of those "men" that didn't really focus on good hygienic practices while on a cruise and I would usually wind up with a good dose of bronchitis with symptoms starting to appear (scratchy throat, etc.) when we would head home after a 7 day cruise. But after being on a 14 day cruise, with 12 of those days in a code red norovirus state, I developed a whole new appreciation for personal hygiene, one BTW my DW had been practicing the whole time and would only get sick after I of course gave it to her. But, these are just my observationss while others might be different.

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I once boarded a cruise after a bout of food poisoning. I knew right away when I bit into the Pincho that I had made a terrible mistake and sure enough, a long sad night. 


Obviously I wasn't going to pass on food poisoning to anyone else and I did not disclose on the questionare that I'd been up all night ill. 


By day two I felt 100% again and to this day, I can't look at a pinch without gagging.



Edited by A Sixth?
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Recently on arrival in Busan, Korea they had thermal camera that all passengers had to walk through to get off the ship.   The signs indicated it was to prevent sick passengers from entering the country.   Was the first time I have ever seen this.  

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15 minutes ago, Jim_Iain said:

Recently on arrival in Busan, Korea they had thermal camera that all passengers had to walk through to get off the ship.   The signs indicated it was to prevent sick passengers from entering the country.   Was the first time I have ever seen this.  


I haven't had food poisoning since that infamous San Juan evening, but I don't recall having any fever, just terrible stomach cramps.... not sure if I was also running any real temperature, enough to trigger a thermal camera...



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