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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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Morning all!   I'm so happy to hear all y'all in FL were spared any bad conditions and damage.   I'm now thinking about the relatives in South Carolina...


Hmm. What do I hate to shop for.  Right now, it's alcohol!  We have State Stores.  They've been limiting the number of people in the Store right now.  Nothing like waiting in line on pavement with no shade in the upper 80s for 15 minutes to get in and grab a bottle of wine!!!!   Outside of that, I'll go with bras.  I'm right on the line between a 36 and a 38 - some 36s are too tight and some 38s end up too loose.  When you are a DDD, you can't just walk into Victoria's Secret or Nordstrom and pick up a bra.  I would like to donate some boob tissue to someone in need so I can at least move down to a DD...


OOTD:  I have to hit the pharmacy for some refills, so "real clothes" are in order once I do my shower.  It'll be another running skirt and a Tshirt.  The camo shirt is now washed, so maybe I'll put that one on.  

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Quick update:  At the grocery store this afternoon, I perused the beer section to maybe get some more Mango Car.  Well, my eyes spied a solo can of the Michelada made by Golden Cart!!!  It was the Spicy Piña one, so it was made with Pineapple Cart beer and spicy Clamato.  I figured I'd give it a try since it was Pineapple Cart.  I stopped off Cafe Río and and picked up a taco salad on the way home.  I popped open the Michelada and gave it a swig.  Nope, not me.  Same taste that I didn't like before.  Oh well, don't know if you don't try it.  

 It got up to 96 at the height of the afternoon.  It NEVER gets that hot up here.  I'm so hot I'm just a slug. 

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Bras....definitely bras... I'm really picky about bras and I feel like I'm a hard fit on top of that...so I seriously hate bra shopping. 


Last night was a big momma/son cooking night! We roasted potatoes. Made the white and peppercorn gravy. Chicken fried steak and then green beans. A whole lot of cooking. It was the first time in my life I have ever fried anything!! How crazy is that? It all came out very very good. Tons of gravy left over so we're going to add sausage and do the whole biscuit with sausage gravy. Good times.


I can get depressed thinking about DS going back to school. In my heart, I do have peace about the whole situation...but still. The world feels messed up KWIM?


I've been researching more breathable masks. I made long ones for DH and I...they are like a normal mask around the face but they hand down like a bandana/scarf. They are very breathable...but DS isn't keen on wearing that. I've found several "breathable" videos on YouTube with the mask having a kind of bump out in the design to push the mask away from your face. I'm going to give a couple of these a try and see how they go. Making some masks for DS is on my agenda.

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Good morning, I had fresh fish for dinner last night.   Anyone have Cobia before? I think this was my first time

and I have to say, it is is DELICIOUS😀.  It is a white fish that is thick but at the same time flakey. Simply outstanding!

I had a piece of Cobia along with a piece of Mahi (which I have always loved). I put some Mrs Dash on them along with paprika. Then I squeezed a fresh lemon and added some of Marie's newer dressing called

Wildflower and Honey Lime Vinaigrette.   OMG.....20 minutes on 400 and both pieces were cooked perfectly! 

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Fish!!!  Living on the coast gives you some good fresh choices.  Out here, not so much.  And, when it's here, it's rather pricey.  Usually it's salmon and halibut and ahi.  I saw a couple of red snapper at Whole Foods the other week, but now the season ended for catching them.  I'm weird, I think.  I love ocean fish, but I cannot stand fresh water fish.  We have a ton of good looking fresh trout up here, but I just don't like it.  Oh well.  


It's another hot, dry, windy day up here.  National Weather Service issued another Red Flag Warning for us.  I really want to get down to Salt Lake to Trader Joe's, but I don't want to wait in line in 100+degree heat to get in.  I'll have to make do with Whole Foods today.  I still can't believe it got up to 96 here in town yesterday - I honestly can't remember all that many days in the 90s since I moved here in 1988!!  Oh - my relatives in South Carolina made it through Isaias unscathed.  Now, it's the few that live in VA around Hampton Roads that have the issues...  


I saw an ad one the weekend for Census takers for my county.  I thought I'd maybe look into it - I've been a survey taker as part of my Sociology degree (part of the first major survey of the Los Angeles Jewish community and a survey of children's health in Los Angeles).  Pick up a couple of dollars.  Then, today, I saw that "they" are cutting short the Census...  That idea went out the window.   They were going to pay $15/hr, which, if you did a full 8 hours/day, is the same that the Unemployment Supplement was.  Depending on what happens in the next few weeks, I may have to pull the trigger and sign up for Social Security.  I've been holding off as long as I can to get the most I can.  It's also a delicate dance then between SS and how much I can make when I work the Winter season.  One thing I found out: SS doesn't know if you get UI and UI doesn't know if you get SS.  I can keep my $360 UI, sign up for SS and get that money and then, if the Supplement is restored, get that, also.  But, my ethics wouldn't let me do that.  So, I'm in a little  bit of limbo right now.  


Nothing on the schedule today since I thought I was going camping.  Maybe I'll clean the kitchen a little.  

OOTD:  the trusty gray sleeveless hoody mini dress.  I washed my hair yesterday and let it dry natural.  It was curly for about 2 hours - the total lack of humidity straightened it back out!  I'm just going to bandana it if I go anywhere - re-wetting it is only going to kind of curl it back.  


Below Deck Med:  Hannah should have stood up for Kiko - she told him the food to make.  She needed to take ownership of her part in that menu.  Hannah likes to throw people under the bus.  I'm hoping they get Ben or Adam again!!!  Kind of rooting for Adam.  




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HI Kat, I have a friend in California who was helping with the Census but now during the virus everything changed.......

(not on the census) but with the takers.  He is not going to do it anymore.   They wanted him to start going in 

person (before it was over the phone).  Well, during this pandemic and the way some folks have been reacting to it?

He doesn't want to go knock on doors.  ( I don't blame him).  

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17 hours ago, slidergirl said:


I saw an ad one the weekend for Census takers for my county.  I thought I'd maybe look into it - I've been a survey taker as part of my Sociology degree (part of the first major survey of the Los Angeles Jewish community and a survey of children's health in Los Angeles).  Pick up a couple of dollars.  Then, today, I saw that "they" are cutting short the Census...  That idea went out the window.   They were going to pay $15/hr, which, if you did a full 8 hours/day, is the same that the Unemployment Supplement was.  Depending on what happens in the next few weeks, I may have to pull the trigger and sign up for Social Security.  I've been holding off as long as I can to get the most I can.  It's also a delicate dance then between SS and how much I can make when I work the Winter season.  One thing I found out: SS doesn't know if you get UI and UI doesn't know if you get SS.  I can keep my $360 UI, sign up for SS and get that money and then, if the Supplement is restored, get that, also.  But, my ethics wouldn't let me do that.  So, I'm in a little  bit of limbo right now.  




Kat, something to consider is that both of these are programs you paid into and are entitled (generally not a good word but applies here).  If either considers assets as a whole then I agree it would be dishonest to not include them, but if not I would think of it more as if you were a beneficiary on any other type of insurance that paid out during the same time.


Best wishes in your decision.

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We got a lot of rain on Monday afternoon from the "storm" as it passed up the coast -- and strong gusts of wind. Had a 45 minute power outage at one point, but luckily it was back on before we started to swelter.


I've got little new to talk about...  Working, reading, doing a little more cooking. Not very exciting stuff. I put off the new TV for now as it just seems like something I'd have to shop for IRL, not online. :classic_mellow:


I have two "virtual" events to participate in today, so I have to go find some work appropriate clothes and put on my make-up. I'm growing to hate Zoom -- can I just say my webcam is broken??



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Good morning friends,  I had my first mammogram in June post lumpectomy and everything came back looking good.


The other day after getting out of the shower I thought I felt something below the scar area.......it does not feel like

a lump per se but I went to see my Oncologist.  I am having another ultrasound today......the Dr's office (it was his

assistant who helped me) and she said it felt more like scar tissue but we scheduled an additional ultra sound just

to be safe. I don't know how quickly the results will come back but if you could keep a good thought, I would 

appreciate it.


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1 hour ago, Lois R said:

Good morning friends,  I had my first mammogram in June post lumpectomy and everything came back looking good.


The other day after getting out of the shower I thought I felt something below the scar area.......it does not feel like

a lump per se but I went to see my Oncologist.  I am having another ultrasound today......the Dr's office (it was his

assistant who helped me) and she said it felt more like scar tissue but we scheduled an additional ultra sound just

to be safe. I don't know how quickly the results will come back but if you could keep a good thought, I would 

appreciate it.


Positive thoughts flowing up the coast from Indian Harbour Beach😀



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1 hour ago, Lois R said:

Good morning friends,  I had my first mammogram in June post lumpectomy and everything came back looking good.


The other day after getting out of the shower I thought I felt something below the scar area.......it does not feel like

a lump per se but I went to see my Oncologist.  I am having another ultrasound today......the Dr's office (it was his

assistant who helped me) and she said it felt more like scar tissue but we scheduled an additional ultra sound just

to be safe. I don't know how quickly the results will come back but if you could keep a good thought, I would 

appreciate it.


🤞🏻🙏🏻🤞🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻  Likely scar tissue, good that you’re following up. Melody

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2 hours ago, sjb317 said:

I don't know how quickly the results will come back but if you could keep a good thought, I would 

appreciate it.


Definitely will keep positive thoughts for you.  Hope you get results that put your mind at ease.

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Hi girls, looks like it is good news😀. They had a Dr on staff (along with the tech) who did the Ultra sound and  the Dr

was actually in the room with us. She was very nice and quite sure this is nothing bad.  She asked me if I had radiation. That would be a yes.

  She also asked me if I sleep on my left side--that would be a yes too. And that is where the

lumpectomy was done.  She said radiation can definitely take a toll on the area and she said I could try and sleep on

my right side.  And yes, part of it is scar tissue as well.  


Thanks for all the good wishes🙂

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That’s great news Lois!  I’d get a body pillow & place it on your left side to keep you from rolling onto it. That’s what I had to do when I had the abdominal surgery. 

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13 hours ago, Lois R said:

Hi Melody, thanks for the pillow suggestion.🙂  Not sure how well I would do with it but I may give it a try.

Helped me a lot. Les used one when he had his shoulder surgery to keep him from rolling onto his side. He liked it so well that he still uses it 

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21 hours ago, Lois R said:

Hi girls, looks like it is good news😀. They had a Dr on staff (along with the tech) who did the Ultra sound and  the Dr

was actually in the room with us. She was very nice and quite sure this is nothing bad.


Yay!!  I'm so glad they were able to give you some quick reassurance.



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That is great news, Lois!


I was supposed to go to my dentist today for my cleaning/checkup (I do it 4x/year).  Got called at 10am to see if I could come in by 11am instead of 1pm - nope *I have to shower and drive down the canyon*.  So, we re-scheduled for the 24th.   I was going to combine the dentist with a trip to Trader Joe's, but now that has to wait.  Sigh.  

Another "red flag" day up here - hot, dry, windy.  We had a very short thunder/lightning last evening with about 5 minutes maybe of a little rain.  Not enough rain to do any good, but the lightning started yet another wildfire.  

If any of you like yogurt - I had a new Fage Tru Blend Cherry today.  No added sugar, low carb (10).  It was very good.  First "no sugar, low carb" yogurt that I could stand.  I put in a little muesli and let it sit before I ate it.  It could be a new yogurt in my rotation! 


OOTD: A t-shirt and running shorts.  This is getting boring.  

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Hi Kat, I have a Dentist appt on Tuesday.   As for yogurt, I LOVE it but have not eaten any in quite a long while.

That Tru Blend Berry sounds good.😀

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Lois, so glad to hear your good news  :)  it's great that they were able to give you an answer so quickly, with out yo having to wait on pins & needles!


Melody, do you have an answer on your scan yet?


I'm so behind here... I pop in & read a bit, but work is crazy busy right now...  sick of being alone in my home office...  & I should be working right now but taking a tiny break :)


Off topic, gross but funny story (may be TMI, so look away if you're sensitive)


The other day I could hear Roomba doing its thing in the living room, when it suddenly gave its 'distress' call....  from the corner of my my I could see it stopped with a toy mouse halfway stuck... no problemo, I round the corner into the living room & find that one of our cats had let loose a hairball....  & if you have cats you understand that it's not just a hairball, it's also the 5000lbs of cat food they've consumed in the last 24 hours, & Roomba has considerately tried to clean up that 'little' mess by dragging & smearing it across the entire living room & brand new area rug I bought back in March....  at some point it decided the its work was done & quit.   


Luckily I was able to clean the carpet, the the old hardwood floors are pretty indestructible...  had to get out my tool kit & completely take roomba apart to clean, & it survived.   


The cat has zero remorse, because, well, he's a cat ;)



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