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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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15 hours ago, Ozark_Kid said:

I have had those nights! Although I have not got up to look at coins. 😂 I usually start thinking of something I want to do like in the garden and then I am wide awake.  I try a technique that I learned from a hypnotist. Envision slowly going down in a long elevator.  As you are going down slowly count backwards from 100.  Don’t get frustrated like me if you miss a number.  😂 I was at a show and started doing what the hypnotist said to do.  I was going out until Sharon noticed and shook me.  If you try it, you might want to wake your DH and have him softly say, you are getting sleepy,  your eyes are getting heavy.  😂 


Sharon has a quarter book like that.  She said they do pop out easy.  She keeps the book in a large ziplock bag.

I also have problems sleeping.  I mentally make an effort to not think about any worries, focus on breathing,  court backwards in three's from a hundred or sevens, listen to my favourite version of Pride and Prejudice on my head phones . If nothing works I go downstairs,  make a cup of tea and read for a while.  

Not sure if BBC sounds works abroad but here's a link. I love her voice and it seems to send me to 😴 



Edited by sgmn
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54°, raining and getting colder here this morning.   More flight change headaches.  Ugg!  

Is 8:30 am too early for a drink?   Asking for a friend!


On a better note, I printed some cruise luggage tags this morning. 

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16 hours ago, John&LaLa said:


Laura recently got a competition cornbread recipe that was very hush hush. It is very good, and I kinda get the competition part of it. But most recipes aren't being used in professional bbq competitions 

I gave in and gave a friend my favorite Bunco breakfast recipe.
I made her promise she wouldn’t make it for any of our women’s  club functions. 
She hosted a month before I was hosting again. 
And what did she serve? My breakfast casserole. 
When I asked her why she did that, she said she forgot she got it from me. 
Even though I had written Mimi’s breakfast casserole recipe on the card!

Sometimes there’s a good reason for not sharing a recipe. 

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We had a gorgeous sunny day yesterday with light breeze and high of 82f.    We bought patio furniture out of storage and did some yard clean up in between working online.

I just spent 1.5 hrs doing some yard work as another lovely day here.  Time to go work online.

I go for my mohs procedure this afternoon.

Storms to start around dinnertime. 


@Ozark_Kid I'm doing some plant hardening this morning and discovered my super sweet tomato plants have a couple yellow flowers already.   Far too early.

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14 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

We had a gorgeous sunny day yesterday with light breeze and high of 82f.    We bought patio furniture out of storage and did some yard clean up in between working online.

I just spent 1.5 hrs doing some yard work as another lovely day here.  Time to go work online.

I go for my mohs procedure this afternoon.

Storms to start around dinnertime. 


@Ozark_Kid I'm doing some plant hardening this morning and discovered my super sweet tomato plants have a couple yellow flowers already.   Far too early.

Good luck with your mohs procedure. 

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10 hours ago, Ozark_Kid said:

I am a big Alton fan.  I have enjoyed watching some of his shows where he not only shows the recipe but explains why you cook it a certain way.


Looks like you prefer fluffy.  Here is an Alton Brown chocolate chip cookie recipe  I used to bake before I found the thin cookie. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/the-chewy-recipe-1909046
 I like using the vanilla I get while cruising in these recipes.

If you ever get a chance to see him live do so. He puts on a great show. We saw him a couple years ago. This recipe looks similar. Yes I like my cookies fluffy and big and tall. I like a real cookie dough center. I also like keeping them in the fridge. They still taste chewy and doughy while being cold.



5 hours ago, sgmn said:

I also have problems sleeping.  I mentally make an effort to not think about any worries, focus on breathing,  court backwards in three's from a hundred or sevens, listen to my favourite version of Pride and Prejudice on my head phones . If nothing works I go downstairs,  make a cup of tea and read for a while.  

Not sure if BBC sounds works abroad but here's a link. I love her voice and it seems to send me to 😴 




Im in the same boat I’ve always been a tosser and turner. Lately with my restless leg syndrome due to my knee replacement sleeping has almost been impossible. Now don’t think bad of me but a friend of mine who has a medical marijuana card gave me gummy and I was amazed how well I slept and the restless leg syndrome did not bother me. I was  so happy that I got doctors approval and applied for a medical marijuana card here in Missouri where it is legal. I got approved late last week and made my first purchase of gummy’s (I don’t smoke or like the smell so I’ll just do edibles)and the results have been amazing. I used to get up every hour now I sleep in 4 hour blocks. I wake up feeling good and refreshed. I’m not sure if it’s legal where you are but if it is it might be something to look into.Hopefully no one will think I’m a druggie because I’m not. 



1 hour ago, h20skibum said:

54°, raining and getting colder here this morning.   More flight change headaches.  Ugg!  

Is 8:30 am too early for a drink?   Asking for a friend!


On a better note, I printed some cruise luggage tags this morning. 

Time for a good Bloody Mary. Just stare at those luggage tags and know you are getting closer to bliss. I’m sure you gave thought about backup plans for the flights. I wish you calm and happiness. Things will go great for you.

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So glad הילה is on the mend. Fifteen and "stroke" should not be uttered in the same phrase...


@Sunshine3601 Debbie, also glad your colo was negative. Good luck with the Mohs.  


@Sea Dog

"I'm in the same boat I’ve always been a tosser and turner". In this boat too... those gummy look good, I'll try and see if available here...

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18 hours ago, Sea Dog said:


That's always been my pet peeves. Why is some people want to keep a recipe all to themselves but most of the major top chefs aren't afraid to share their recipes. I had a coworker who made the best chocolate chip cookies but would never share the recipe. I tried everything to get her to share and she would not. Very selfish person she is. Finally after about 20 years of tasting her cookies, and experimenting myself, I have come pretty darn close to recreating the cookie. I finally told her one day I didn't need her recipe that I had figured it out on my own. All of a sudden she wanted me to tell her how I made the cookies. Sweet revenge.

A co-worker once made deviled eggs for a pot luck lunch.  I asked her what the ingredients were and she refused to tell me.  I told her "oh I didn't want to make it, I'm not a fan, I was just curious."

17 hours ago, John&LaLa said:


I share my Limoncello recipe😁

If you didn't, you would be run out of town.

49 minutes ago, jagsfan said:

Good luck with your mohs procedure. 

Debbie, from me too!

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First of all I want to wish all a healthy and meaningful holiday with family and friends  on this being  one of the most holiest weeks of the year for different faiths.  




But, along with this, I wonder how many people realize that this month is dedicated to those who suffer from various health issues.    My daughter being a social worker with interest in counseling has enlightened me to the cause of the month, that being suicide  prevention  It must have something to do with not being able to bear with life and carry their burdens on their own cross.  Years ago, when in high school, the article posted below appeared in our school news paper.  It was anonymous, it impacted me, and I remember it to this day keeping a copy of it.  It was titled:




Growing up I had the perfect life till the third grade.  Nice clothes, good friends and my parents were the best parents in the world.  Then it changed.  My dad’s company started to struggle and he thought smoking and drinking were the answer.  My mom did her best with what little money she got and kept food on the table, and although we had clothes they were few in number. It was hard dealing with the comments from classmates about my attire, but I persevered. I knew one day it would be better.


A few years later, it only got worse, coming home from school, my dad if not working was still drinking and my mom decided she had enough and decided to go out every night with her friends and escape by going to club, or just bingo games.  At this time dinner was usually a bologna sandwich or a can of soup.  Homework became challenging, and there was no one at home to help me.  At school fellow classmates called me the “dummy” and should be flunked and do a repeat grade. I used to write my emotions down, and that was my daily outlet, and writing was what I became good at.    I moved onto the next grade and knew one day it would get better.


Now eighth grade, pre-testing for high school, barely passed, and was placed in the special reading room for slow learners.  I was embarrassed and ashamed, I must be a dummy.  It was a long year.  Sadness for me was my daily outlook.  Grim and dim was all I had to look forward too.  But my dad’s job became better for a few months and we would do fun stuff when we had the money.  But that was short-lived. I turned inward and avoided life in general.   But this felt good, because one day it would get better.


High School, new life new friends.  My dad’s worked was the worse it has ever been.  My mom was never home, and there was little too eat for dinner.  People asked why I never smiled, if they only knew. But one day it would get better.


Then sophomore year, my life changed for the worse.  I saw only one solution to my life, and I knew it would make me happy.  As I was planning my solution, one of my teachers must have sensed something was array, and took me under their wing and made me feel important.  At first a casual conversation, which then lead to intense counseling.  They saw in me talents I never knew because no one ever took the time to work with the “slow learner”.  My grades soared; I was now in clubs, sports and talk about grades.  I was not a “dummy” I was just bored and lacked interest, and had to much to deal with at such a young age.   I started getting all “A’s and B’s”.  I was afraid of what the future would hold, could it get better?


My teacher saw the signs, recognized, counseled, and made an impact.  Because of him, it did get better.  We do not know the cross one bears, and the hardships silently dealt with, but, having faith, and believing will give a new life.  Then and only then it will get better, it did.


I no longer remain anonymous, (my article above was published in April of 1972) and learned to express myself in writing at an early age, and have actually received awards for my writing through out high school and college  and am very grateful for the life I lived, learned and continue to grow realizing that things do get better, and if it were not for my teacher friend, I do not know if I could have ended the situation, but, call it the emotions of teens. But life did get better, and I have and will continue to be their to help others lives get better.  Writing continues to be my outlet and I enjoy sharing my thoughts with others.


". . . . Remember in life there is always something old to be sought and enjoyed; always something new to be found, treasured and shared, thank you for sharing your life with me. . . ."





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1 hour ago, Sunshine3601 said:


@Ozark_Kid I'm doing some plant hardening this morning and discovered my super sweet tomato plants have a couple yellow flowers already.   Far too early

I know that feeling of too early.  How long until you plan to plant?  Now that the storms have passed I plan to plant them today!  Although the winds were strong and we got a lot of strong rain part of me wished I would of planted earlier but a month from now I will not see a difference.

I hope the worse of the storms miss you.  

Edited by Ozark_Kid
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1 hour ago, Sea Dog said:

Time for a good Bloody Mary. Just stare at those luggage tags and know you are getting closer to bliss. I’m sure you gave thought about backup plans for the flights. I wish you calm and happiness. Things will go great for you.

Actually, I was thinking I would like one of these BlackBerry Tequila Coolers I had last night.  Very tasty. 



At least there are no further changes for the flights for our cruise, and we are going a couple days early.  


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9 minutes ago, h20skibum said:

Actually, I was thinking I would like one of these BlackBerry Tequila Coolers I had last night.  Very tasty. 



At least there are no further changes for the flights for our cruise, and we are going a couple days early.  


Are you still in lockdown??

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1 hour ago, Lionesss said:


First of all I want to wish all a healthy and meaningful holiday with family and friends  on this being  one of the most holiest weeks of the year for different faiths.  




But, along with this, I wonder how many people realize that this month is dedicated to those who suffer from various health issues.    My daughter being a social worker with interest in counseling has enlightened me to the cause of the month, that being suicide  prevention  It must have something to do with not being able to bear with life and carry their burdens on their own cross.  Years ago, when in high school, the article posted below appeared in our school news paper.  It was anonymous, it impacted me, and I remember it to this day keeping a copy of it.  It was titled:




Growing up I had the perfect life till the third grade.  Nice clothes, good friends and my parents were the best parents in the world.  Then it changed.  My dad’s company started to struggle and he thought smoking and drinking were the answer.  My mom did her best with what little money she got and kept food on the table, and although we had clothes they were few in number. It was hard dealing with the comments from classmates about my attire, but I persevered. I knew one day it would be better.


A few years later, it only got worse, coming home from school, my dad if not working was still drinking and my mom decided she had enough and decided to go out every night with her friends and escape by going to club, or just bingo games.  At this time dinner was usually a bologna sandwich or a can of soup.  Homework became challenging, and there was no one at home to help me.  At school fellow classmates called me the “dummy” and should be flunked and do a repeat grade. I used to write my emotions down, and that was my daily outlet, and writing was what I became good at.    I moved onto the next grade and knew one day it would get better.


Now eighth grade, pre-testing for high school, barely passed, and was placed in the special reading room for slow learners.  I was embarrassed and ashamed, I must be a dummy.  It was a long year.  Sadness for me was my daily outlook.  Grim and dim was all I had to look forward too.  But my dad’s job became better for a few months and we would do fun stuff when we had the money.  But that was short-lived. I turned inward and avoided life in general.   But this felt good, because one day it would get better.


High School, new life new friends.  My dad’s worked was the worse it has ever been.  My mom was never home, and there was little too eat for dinner.  People asked why I never smiled, if they only knew. But one day it would get better.


Then sophomore year, my life changed for the worse.  I saw only one solution to my life, and I knew it would make me happy.  As I was planning my solution, one of my teachers must have sensed something was array, and took me under their wing and made me feel important.  At first a casual conversation, which then lead to intense counseling.  They saw in me talents I never knew because no one ever took the time to work with the “slow learner”.  My grades soared; I was now in clubs, sports and talk about grades.  I was not a “dummy” I was just bored and lacked interest, and had to much to deal with at such a young age.   I started getting all “A’s and B’s”.  I was afraid of what the future would hold, could it get better?


My teacher saw the signs, recognized, counseled, and made an impact.  Because of him, it did get better.  We do not know the cross one bears, and the hardships silently dealt with, but, having faith, and believing will give a new life.  Then and only then it will get better, it did.


I no longer remain anonymous, (my article above was published in April of 1972) and learned to express myself in writing at an early age, and have actually received awards for my writing through out high school and college  and am very grateful for the life I lived, learned and continue to grow realizing that things do get better, and if it were not for my teacher friend, I do not know if I could have ended the situation, but, call it the emotions of teens. But life did get better, and I have and will continue to be their to help others lives get better.  Writing continues to be my outlet and I enjoy sharing my thoughts with others.


". . . . Remember in life there is always something old to be sought and enjoyed; always something new to be found, treasured and shared, thank you for sharing your life with me. . . ."





Thanks for sharing.

Your story brought memories of my youth.  We hear rags to riches stories but I tell people my story is riches to rags to middle.  While my dad was around we were well off.  We lived in a nice house in Brecksville and during the summer we spent almost every weekend at the Lake in Bar Harbor.  We had a cabin cruiser boat.  Mom and dad slept at the point, the cabin dining table convert to a bed for my older brother and sister and the 3 youngest slept on the deck.  This was near Lakeside where we visited last year and will again in June.

All changed when dad left.  My mom had to support 5 kids so she was always working.  The kids learned to cook and take care of the house.  Toasted cheese sandwiches or an egg sandwich is still quick go to’s for me.  I never was a fan of those left over mash potato cakes.  One of my favorites was chopping up bacon and getting it going in a frying pan.  Then I would toss in diced up potatoes and onions.  Once it was all fried up good I would top it off with cheese!

I was blessed with a mom that worked hard and made the ride good.  Also my siblings helped out.  We would "pay rent" as we got jobs.  I look back and see it as a blessing.  We learned to work and cook but most of all to be content.  When one learns contentment, life is better.

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2 hours ago, George C said:

As the great Jimmy Buffett says “ it’s five o’clock somewhere “

A man of many talents. Two more of his sayings that I like:

* The weather is here, wish you were beautiful (I appreciate a clever twist of words)

* Wrinkles only go where the smiles have been (words to live by). 

Edited by bobmacliberty
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