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The Daily for Tuesday Mar 02, 2021


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1 minute ago, NextOne said:


All our cats have been rescue, including our two most recent additions.

Our house is filled is filled "old stuff" that I keep trying to get rid of!

Good news! DH moved to rehab this afternoon, so he's making progress! He should be there for a couple of weeks and then come home. Yay!


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Since we are talking about cats today and what day aren’t we?😉. How are your cats provided for when you are traveling?  For short term we have a lovely neighbor who takes care of her highness.  For times up to a week we have a very caring vet where she is pampered and petted.  But we struggle with the longer cruises and have one coming up in the spring?  So what do you do?

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2 minutes ago, Mary229 said:

Since we are talking about cats today and what day aren’t we?😉. How are your cats provided for when you are traveling?  For short term we have a lovely neighbor who takes care of her highness.  For times up to a week we have a very caring vet where she is pampered and petted.  But we struggle with the longer cruises and have one coming up in the spring?  So what do you do?

We have a wonderful cat lady that comes in to feed & love the kitties twice a day. She's a treasure!

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16 minutes ago, Mary229 said:

Since we are talking about cats today and what day aren’t we?😉. How are your cats provided for when you are traveling?  For short term we have a lovely neighbor who takes care of her highness.  For times up to a week we have a very caring vet where she is pampered and petted.  But we struggle with the longer cruises and have one coming up in the spring?  So what do you do?

I have a friend from the north who comes down for the time we are gone. She loves the Florida winter. 

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9 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Thank you everyone for your continuing concerns about DGS and that unsportsmanlike goalie.  I don't know anything about the team that player was on except the Tigers had been warned by another team that their opponents that afternoon played "dirty".  DH and I watched the last 10 or 15 minutes of the video which is when the injury occurred, and we saw two trips and a shove, which all became penalties against the team.  Perhaps if they didn't break the rules so often they might have a better chance of winning, but instead the teams they beat up on get penalty kicks awarded and beat them!  Yay for us!  The teams in the tournament in Indiana could have been from any nearby states, since the Tigers were from Michigan.  Teams of a certain level are invited to tournaments like this all the time, so they aren't just the local kids in the neighboring school district for instance.  I hope someone sits the "dirty" team down and explains the rules of soccer and a give them a good lesson in sportsmanship.  

I'm beginning to think the coach may be more due for some corrective action than the goalie.  Doesn't sound like a good influence at all.



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13 minutes ago, Mary229 said:

 How are your cats provided for when you are traveling?  

With our previous cats (barnyard tabbies), they couldn't care less whether we were home or not, as long as they were fed.  So, we had a neighbour come in twice a day to feed them and scoop the litter box.  But, we got Sochi - a Ragdoll - who is very people oriented.  They're called "puppy cats" for a reason, because they follow you from room to room and although they don't want to be in your lap all the time, they want the comfort of people nearby.  For that reason, we've been hiring a house/cat sitter to live in during our cruise vacations.  


It also helps having someone in the house when we're away, especially during the winter months.  Living on the "frozen tundra", it wouldn't take long for the damage to became severe if a furnace quit (which happened to us just a few days ago), or if a water pipe burst.  It gives us peace of mind, keeps our kitty happy as well, and we just chalk it up to the cost of cruising.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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4 minutes ago, Mary229 said:

How did you find your house and cat sitter?

I put a call out to friends and family on Facebook; one friend had a niece in university who was looking to make a little extra money and she turned out to be like a second daughter to us.  Sadly, she's moved on, but the mother of my hair stylist also house-sits, so she's on call for our next cruise.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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8 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning Everyone.

     Never been to Scotland but it is on THE LIST. 

My news today is that many people are testing positive that were at the funeral. They had really strict guidelines in place but we found out yesterday, a person not even a family member was positive ( knew they were) and came anyway.  So far, one family member is hospitalized and 9 others have tested positive. I spoke with my doctor and we are going this afternoon. I had had one vaccine.  We have no symptoms. This is just too unbelievable! I am pretty angry.

Oh my.  This is just horrible and totally wrong on the part of the person who was positive. I’ll never understand how anyone would knowingly put others at risk, especially those who were grieving.  My thoughts are with you and your family, and hoping that everyone recovers  quickly and completely.



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32 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I'm beginning to think the coach may be more due for some corrective action than the goalie.  Doesn't sound like a good influence at all.




Roy, I feel the same way.  I know DGS's Tigers have an excellent coach and his team gets a lot of respect for their fair play.  I wouldn't be happy at all to be a parent of that other team's players.  👍🐯

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We had a nice day for our day trip, but we did not make it to Palm Springs.  Instead, when we got to the Joshua Tree NP/Mecca exit, we turned off I-10 and headed to Mecca.  The road is a shortcut that goes through some interesting back country and along a dry river bed in the hills.  If and when it rains, the road is closed due to flooding.


At Mecca, we turned south along the Salton Sea to Niland and Slab City.  Slab City is not a city or even a formal town.  It is an informal gathering place for RVers and people who call the area home on what was once a military base.  All that’s left of the base are a few slabs or foundations, thus the origin of the name.  Most of the residents are there permanently, and it looks like most of their rigs have not moved in years and will never move.  It definitely is not for everyone.


We stopped in Brawley for a quick lunch and then headed home through the Imperial Sand Dunes.  It turned out to be an interesting day.


BTW, there are locks on many of the canals in Scotland.  The Falkirk Wheel was built because the elevation difference between the canals was too much for a lock or locks.  We’ve also seen many of their lochs including Loch Ness.



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Unbelievable that someone went to a funeral, and then crashed a family party knowing they were Covid positive.  There are no words, @cunnorlI share your anger, and escalate it to fury.  I so hope no one in your family has serious symptoms.  Send the unwanted guest any medical bills. And my heart still breaks for your loss.  My beloved big brother passed 3 years ago, and I miss him intensely.  I agree with @kazuKARMA.  

On a happier note, all of our cats are rescues - or as I like to say “gifts from God”.  When God brought us a beautiful mama who delivered FIVE beautiful babies, I was forced to take action!  I went in the backyard, gazed into the heavens, and said STOP!  It seemed to help. 😀 At one point, we were supporters of 9 cats.  That’s been a while; we are down to 3, and they are all elderly.  1 is 16 (going on 17), the others are 15.  Our vet has said that none of them see well enough to drive, so we are withholding the keys!  

Thanks to all of you for showing up every day!

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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

With our previous cats (barnyard tabbies), they couldn't care less whether we were home or not, as long as they were fed.  So, we had a neighbour come in twice a day to feed them and scoop the litter box.  But, we got Sochi - a Ragdoll - who is very people oriented.  They're called "puppy cats" for a reason, because they follow you from room to room and although they don't want to be in your lap all the time, they want the comfort of people nearby.  For that reason, we've been hiring a house/cat sitter to live in during our cruise vacations.  


It also helps having someone in the house when we're away, especially during the winter months.  Living on the "frozen tundra", it wouldn't take long for the damage to became severe if a furnace quit (which happened to us just a few days ago), or if a water pipe burst.  It gives us peace of mind, keeps our kitty happy as well, and we just chalk it up to the cost of cruising.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



Really nice set up, Gerry.


My dogs’ “second mother” has offered to come and live here when we travel but I KNOW the dogs will be at the door the whole time waiting for us to “come back”.


So they go to their vacation home to see Debbie (whom they love) and they always get the equine view (she has horses) and the dogs are smart enough not to bark at them.  Marley barely hears me say I’ll be back as he is already watching the horses.


Debbie has even taken him out to the corral (shh don’t tell) as he loves them so much.  And she walks them on horseback quite often as they are so good with the horses.  (Miko?  Good?  Go figure).  So, they get really long walks on her huge property.

So, my friend comes in to check my house and all that stuff.  The dogs are happy to go and happy to see us when we are back.  It’s all good.

It’s been so long since we’ve gone, I wonder if they will remember “Debbie” when I tell them it’s time to go.  😂 

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Thanks for the daily reports, photos and humour.

Many years ago, we lived  in UK , visited Scotland several times, including Glasgow, not sure about Greenock.   Since returning "Down under "we have had several visits to the UK, including Scotland. 


It's a sunny day, 25 C expected.

Stay safe and well everyone.

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9 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning Everyone.

     Never been to Scotland but it is on THE LIST. 

My news today is that many people are testing positive that were at the funeral. They had really strict guidelines in place but we found out yesterday, a person not even a family member was positive ( knew they were) and came anyway.  So far, one family member is hospitalized and 9 others have tested positive. I spoke with my doctor and we are going this afternoon. I had had one vaccine.  We have no symptoms. This is just too unbelievable! I am pretty angry.


Thank you for posting this.

What appalling behaviour, you and your family have more than enough to cope with, without the actions of this selfish person, who has no respect at all for your family

Hope that those  members of your family who tested positive,  soon recover from the virus, and that your tests will be negative.

Edited by erewhon
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Caring for the cat and dog, especially on the long cruises has been difficult. Our K.C. (Kitty Cat)  put up with several very long vacations. Early on I had a young neighbor who liked the extra money and was our cat-sitter until she graduated from high school. I didn’t find out until much later that although she loved cats, she was also allergic, and her dad did a lot of the work! My kids stepped up to take care of K.C. until we did our 52 day cruise. They were with us for the first 21 days so I hired a young man who was a member of my church to cat sit. He was working and still living at home with his parents so he quite enjoyed having his own house for almost 2 months. K.C. has been gone since 2010 😢

Our dog spent a lot of time at his favorite kennel (same place that gave him his obedience diploma) and since he was practically a part time resident he had a good time. Recently though he has begun to have seizures and my daughters or our sweet neighbor has cared for him. The last two winters, instead of cruising as we had in the past, we drove to Florida and rented a condo in Davenport and then a house in Cape Coral, all so Fritz could travel with us. Of course we’ve been at home since February 23, 2020 and Fritz is quite okay with that.


St Louis Sal

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Thank you Rich, Roy, the drinks and recipes ladies.

We always had rescue cats growing up and my last cat before marrying DH who is terribly allergic was a rescue who went to live with a friend who also loved rescue cats.  Old stuff abounds in our home.  Sportsmanship seems to be a lost skill with many. 

We love Scotland.  Have never sailed into Greenock/Glasgow but have spent many delightful times in and around Glasgow.  We prefer Edinburgh.  Glasgow has wonderful museums, several of which have been mentioned previously, great food, wonderful pubs (including several Wetherspoons' I noticed in pics above) and is just a great place to walk around.  We have spent more time on the other side of the Clyde in Dumbarton, the home of Andrew Carnegie, seeing the Falkirk wheel, Loch Lomond.  The five years we live in England, we spent a lot of time exploring all of Scotland but still haven't made it to the Shetland Isles and missed out on that on a cruise with bad weather. 


The Elk Cove winery is not far from us and does have a number of very tasty bigger Pinots.  The first time we visited was after a snow storm here and very beautiful.


Prayers for all on the care list and best wishes to all.


I'm also really appalled by the behavior of someone known to be ill attending a funeral.

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5 hours ago, Mary229 said:

Since we are talking about cats today and what day aren’t we?😉. How are your cats provided for when you are traveling?  For short term we have a lovely neighbor who takes care of her highness.  For times up to a week we have a very caring vet where she is pampered and petted.  But we struggle with the longer cruises and have one coming up in the spring?  So what do you do?

In the past when we had cats we used a kennel. More recently our son and DGD house sat and took care of our precious Blue. I know all our pets are precious but I really worry about Blue because he is hairless and always cold. DGD did a wonderful job but now that she is a teenager she isn’t as watchful and observant. Our next planned trip is our Holiday Cruise for 14 days and I’m thinking about using our vet. I think they will dote on our little Blue. 

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