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The Daily for Wednesday Mar 10, 2021


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Thank you Rich and Roy and all the wonderful ladies who give us this gift every morning.


My mother had no middle name, so she gave me two Peta Beatrix,  Beatrix in honor the the then Princess of the Netherlands,  The was a BIG royal lover.

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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I enjoy hearing bagpipes, especially when they appear in unusual songs on the radio.  I haven't packed a lunch in nearly 7 years (can I have been retired THAT long?), and was given my middle name to honour my godmother Katherine - although she was known as Katie.


I really like the quote of the day, but dislike both the menu suggestion and the drink of the day.  DH would probably order one to try it, as he loves savoury things (I'm a sweet girl).  A number of years ago, he and his friend decided to try borscht popsicles; I made a small pot of cabbage borscht and they froze them into popsicle moulds.  I tried one lick and that was enough for me.  They each ate one and decided that it probably wouldn't go over well with the public, and their thought of making millions was melting in front of their eyes.


We had some snow yesterday, although not as much as was predicted - it came down for a couple of hours only, rather than an all day drop.  Fortunately it wasn't the heavy wet snow, so it was easy to take care of with the shovel.


Tonight's menu is quesadillas - I've got ground beef thawing in the fridge and fresh veggies just waiting to be chopped up and added to the top with salsa and cheese.  That's what will be on our dinner plates tonight.   And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.   Extra hugs for Roy.  We'll toast all on the happy list at dinner tonight.  Stay safe, be well, wash your hands and wear your mask(s).


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Two years ago today MS Prinsendam arrived in Manaus.  My alternative meal suggestion is Do it Yourself Lido salad, Dive Inn Burger, and Lido strawberry ice cream. 




Odd?  You bet.  That evening I was part of a tour that took in a performance at the Teatro Amazonas.  We left at 6PM and returned at 8:30, totally wiping out my standard dinner seating.  The Lido closes at 8 but the ice cream bar is open until 9, so I started with the salad and burger before leaving and was probably one of the last customers at the ice cream bar.


Here's a collage of views of the opera hall:


My seat was in just the second row and my eyes were pretty much even with the stage:



Most of the music was unfamiliar to me but one piece was Tequila.  The audience had the "Tequila" shout, and the Conductor was quite animated when the times came for ourt part.



I am a subscriber with the Baltimore Symphony and I noticed a couple of differences in the performers.  The BSO musicians are all elegantly dressed in suits, tuxes, and gowns while the band there was quite casual.  Less impressive was that the band was all male while the BSO is pretty evenly divided and we had the wisdom/fortune to have had Marin Alsop as our Music Director for over a decade.




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I love hearing  bagpipes. We were at Peggy’s Cove on a foggy morning and we could hear bagpipes as we walked towards the lighthouse. As we got closer we could see it was a female piper. The mist was swirling around her, beautiful.

I love pea soup but it is one of the few things my DH doesn’t like.

My middle name is my Mom’s first name. If I call my children or DH by their 1st and 2nd names, they know they are in trouble. 😁

We plan to go to Rouen on our Rotterdam TA so looking forward to any and all pictures.

Roy, hope you don’t have to wait long for your results.

Stay safe and well everyone. 😷


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Good Morning from a bright and sunny day at the beach.

      We were scheduled to stop at Rouen on our cancelled TA last spring. Hope to book that one again.

       In DH`S family, the men all have the same first name and use their middle name. Very confusing. I didnt even know his  real name until we had been going together for awhile. LOL

Even now, if someone calls for him by his first name, I know it is not someone who knows him!


Stay safe 

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1 hour ago, cat shepard said:

Rich, this wine also appeared on February 13th. I edited in the info from that Daily. It is a decent Riesling. I tried it as a result of the reviews.  More semi-sweet than semi-dry in my opinion, but I love dry wines. 

Sorry, I tried to eliminate duplications but I guess I missed one (or many?). I'll check again.

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Good morning!  It's another beautiful day in north central Georgia.  But never fear, the forecast for next week is rain.  We will probably need some by then.


Middle name day.  I know several people in my family who go by, or went by their middle name.  I guess they didn't like their first name.  There is an interesting story about the naming of myself and my twin sister.  My parents didn't know they were having twins and had decided on Linda Kay if they had a daughter.  When two girls arrived (!) they had to come up with another name.  They decided to give me, the first baby and quite underweight, the middle name Kay but gave me a different first name, Sandra.  They gave the second daughter who was quite a bit larger the name Linda but gave her the middle name Sue.  Maybe they were afraid I was too small and may not survive.  Just speculation as no one thought to ask why.  But I did thrive, and I give part of the credit to my elder sister who was 9 years old at the time.  She adopted me as her "pet" and gave me extra attention.  To this day we are quite close.


Like Jacqui, we have been to Rouen, France too.  Maybe we were on the same unique cruise on the Prinsendam in Sept. 2018?  European River Explorer.   We sailed up the Seine River which was beautiful, by the way, and had an overnight stay in Rouen.  I'm fairly certain this was the port where members of the crew signed up for an overnight bus ride to Paris.  They arrived back at the ship around 4 am so some may have been dragging with tiredness, but they loved it.  We were only 78 miles from Paris so this must have been the port.


To add to Jacqui's photos this was a hotel we walked past and I thought it was beautifully done on the exterior. enhance


The Great Clock again.  Magnificent!enhance


Look at the detail underneath the arch!enhance


Rouen is known for its half timbered buildings, but I would be worried to be inside or standing next to this one.  My gosh! enhance




Don't you imagine something like this when you think of France?enhance


The beautiful Rouen Cathedral (or the Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Rouen) which was partially destroyed in 1944 by Allied bombing but rebuilt.enhance


Rouen is known for Impressionist artists such as Monet who painted this Cathedral often.  As pretty as it looks when walking inside I was shocked at how dirty and cobwebby it was.  Someone needs to get to work and make it shine.enhance


We ran into two of our favorite buffet wait staff out in town getting a snack.  When eating in the Lido we sat in Canaletto and they worked there.  enhance


If I come upon any more interesting photos I will share later.

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Good morning. Thank you for the Daily, Rich.


@Mary229 Our prayers for your friend Rachel.

@rafinmd Thank you for that lovely sunrise.

And thanks to all for showing us the world we've never seen through your port pictures and memories. They are appreciated.


I carry my Grandfather's middle name proudly, now. Didn't think as much of it when I was young.

Love bagpipes. The last time we heard them played was to welcome us as we were docking in Halifax.

Lori is eligible for her second jab in a week. They say maybe April before I can get it. Time will tell.


It is sunny here this morning, but we are getting some of the winds that Kansas is known for. Definitely want to strap ye wig down tight today!


Our prayers for those with a need, our cheers for those with a cause.

Hope everyone stays safe and healthy and has a wonderful day!




Edited by VintageGeo
Added thanks.
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Ok, my pics are from September 2003. My Sister and I did a walking/train/ driving tour of Northwest & Central France, ending in Rouen. We had mostly cloudy weather, but some of the pics show off the history and architecture. 

Here are some different views of the cathedral. @KirkNC, I bet the light show would be magnificent. It was not taking place when we visited. 


We also loved the one-handed clocked. And we met a very friendly couple as we were walking near it. Both allowed us to pet them. I think they were hoping for treats.


My tour of Rouen ends in the square where Ste. Jeanne d’Arc was burned at the stake.  The square is now full of life. Beautiful architecture, a carousel for the little ones and a lovely, modern church Sainte-Jeanne d'Arc. The sweeping curves of the structure are meant to evoke both the flames that consumed Joan of Arc and an overturned longship. The tiled roof echoes this theme and forms a covered walkway over the square.


Drumroll please! This is my first attempt at inserting pics throughout a post! I have earned myself another cup of coffee! Thanks to all who shared the “how tos” with me.

Edited by cat shepard
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7 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

Drumroll please! This is my first attempt at inserting pics throughout a post! I have earned myself another cup of coffee! Thanks to all who shared the “how tos” with me.

Very well done, too!

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1 hour ago, Mary229 said:

Good morning everyone and thanks for the updates.  Comfort and prayers for those who are struggling, please add my dear friend, Rachel, the mother of two small boys and caretaker of her own mother who has been diagnosed with breast cancer.   Blessings to to those who help us.  They are our heroes.  


Prayers are winging their way for Rachel. Another hero.

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To add to @cat shepard's photo of the modern St. Joan of Arc church built in 1979, we were there when they were doing an archaeological excavation.  Looks like they found some bones here.enhance


This was the inside of the St. Joan of Arc church, modern but such stained glass windows!enhance




Also of interest was the trailer (or caravan) park across the road from our docking spot.  I took this photo as we were still docking.  We were told this was a gypsy caravan park, but who knows.  enhance


And just ahead of our docking space we could see this vertical lift bridge, named Pont Gustav-Flaubert bridge.  It was up upon our arrival. The next day it was down in the second photo.enhance




More flower photos just because I love them.enhance


Wouldn't you love to be walking down this street this year?  If only we could.enhance

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24 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

This is my first attempt at inserting pics throughout a post! I have earned myself another cup of coffee! Thanks to all who shared the “how tos” with me.


And a great job you did!


Thanks for sharing your great pics 😄 



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30 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Maybe we were on the same unique cruise on the Prinsendam in Sept. 2018?  European River Explorer.   We sailed up the Seine River which was beautiful,


Ours was on the Prinsendam too and the River Explorer but not the same time as you.  I so agree with you on the Seine River.  That cruise really was a “river explorer” 🙂 

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1 hour ago, Mary229 said:

my dear friend, Rachel, the mother of two small boys and caretaker of her own mother who has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Hugs and positive thoughts for Rachel and yourself.  She will need your support, understanding and love.

One year ago, breast cancer was the last thing on our minds, and now 12 months later DW has had her treatments and kicked the 'C'.  We pray Rachel will also succeed in beating it.  

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I think I am in a minority here, but I absolutely hate the sound (noise) of bagpipes.  It is one of the most un musical instruments ever created.  I could drone on and on about it (see what I did there?).

Even the Irish 'Uilleann Pipes' (air is pumped by a bellows tucked under the elbow) is only slightly more musical, but not much more! 


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20 minutes ago, caroltovt said:

Bagpipes are wonderful, but like Mummers' String Band (Philadelphia) much better outside. 


Middle Name: Ruth


Yes to pea soup and Many Thanks for the lovely port pictures. 


Welcome to posting on the Daily.



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Good morning everyone.I attended a wedding a long time ago where they had bagpipes playing and it was quite beautiful. My middle name is very common, Ann.

I rarely use it unless some form requires it.


I have a consult this afternoon with the mohs surgeon to see if she will want a plastic surgeon to close me up after she removes the basal cell.


The weather is beautiful here, in the 60s and this way until the weekend. I’ll take it.


We’ve been to Paris on a la d tour, but not a cruise. Then we went to the Loire Valley and stayed in a chateaux. That was a lot of fun.


Stay well everyone.




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11 minutes ago, VMax1700 said:

I think I am in a minority here, but I absolutely hate the sound (noise) of bagpipes.  It is one of the most un musical instruments ever created.  I could drone on and on about it (see what I did there?).

Even the Irish 'Uilleann Pipes' (air is pumped by a bellows tucked under the elbow) is only slightly more musical, but not much more! 


I admit to being in some disagreement with you on this, but I would fight to the death to defend your right to be wrong. 😁

Have loved Irish music (and dance) for most of my life and still harbor the hope of visiting your beautiful land some day.




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