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The Daily for Sunday Apr 11, 2021


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Thank you Rich, Roy, the drinks and recipe ladies and everyone who enjoys the Daily.

Our neighbor lady is in a barbershop quartet and loves it.  We've seen her once and thought the ladies were great.

No 8 tracks but we used to see them quite a bit at car shows before Covid.

No pets of our own as we were traveling a lot and thought it unfair to be gone all the time.  May reconsider in the future but love to play with other folks' pets!

Just got my second JAB this morning.  DH got his last weekend.

Looking forward to the warming weather this week and getting some more yard work done.

Got the taxes back from the accountant with a refund.

We have a busy week ahead with a variety of appointments.  Would appreciate prayers on Wednesday for DH's heart catheretization procedure. 

Prayer for all on the care list and those who need them.  Best wishes to all.

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Good morning all! (well for a few more minutes here) 🙂  

I also remember 8 track tapes.  Will pass on the meal today, but Roy's lamb chops sound DElicious.  It will be left over chicken tonight from dinner last night.  I made the meal yesterday using rotisserie chicken -- I'm afraid I won't be making that one again -- DH loved it, but I had heartburn all night.  I should have known better, and the sauce didn't even seem spicy, that's probably what fooled me.  I did enjoy it before the heartburn hit though!  😉  


We've had many cats over the years, and a few dogs too when I was a child.  Like others, we don't have any pets now because we want to travel more (I know, what's that???)  I'm loving others' photos today.  @LAFFNVEGASyour black kitty reminds me of our beloved Ebony and also "Jinx", the neighbor cat who visits me whenever I garden.  


Never have been to China, I'm enjoying the photos.  Question for those who have been to Beijing, was the air pollution bad?  I'm reading an article in the current National Geographic about air pollution and it of course mentions China.  I remember a few years ago when our son flew there on business, he was warned about the air pollution too.


@Vict0riannbest wishes for a good report on your biopsy.

@bennybearthe Skagit Tulip Festival is well-known and they actually send bulbs to Holland (!) We've always gone every year up until Covid.  I would love to see Keukenhof some day but for now will have to be content with our local beauty.  This photo was taken 3 years ago with our oldest grandson.









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11 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all! (well for a few more minutes here) 🙂  

I also remember 8 track tapes.  Will pass on the meal today, but Roy's lamb chops sound DElicious.  It will be left over chicken tonight from dinner last night.  I made the meal yesterday using rotisserie chicken -- I'm afraid I won't be making that one again -- DH loved it, but I had heartburn all night.  I should have known better, and the sauce didn't even seem spicy, that's probably what fooled me.  I did enjoy it before the heartburn hit though!  😉  


We've had many cats over the years, and a few dogs too when I was a child.  Like others, we don't have any pets now because we want to travel more (I know, what's that???)  I'm loving others' photos today.  @LAFFNVEGASyour black kitty reminds me of our beloved Ebony and also "Jinx", the neighbor cat who visits me whenever I garden.  


Never have been to China, I'm enjoying the photos.  Question for those who have been to Beijing, was the air pollution bad?  I'm reading an article in the current National Geographic about air pollution and it of course mentions China.  I remember a few years ago when our son flew there on business, he was warned about the air pollution too.


@Vict0riannbest wishes for a good report on your biopsy.

@bennybearthe Skagit Tulip Festival is well-known and they actually send bulbs to Holland (!) We've always gone every year up until Covid.  I would love to see Keukenhof some day but for now will have to be content with our local beauty.  This photo was taken 3 years ago with our oldest grandson.









We’ve been to Beijing and other Chinese cities three times, twice in the fall and once in early June.  The level of pollution varied with each visit.  The first time in 2002, we had sunny skies, but still noticed the pollution.  In June 2005, the smog was the worst we have seen.  We could barely see the ground from our hotel room.  In 2018, the pollution was moderate.  Never was it as bad as what as reported in the news a few winters ago.  I think winter is when the pollution is the worst.


The pollution is not limited to China, but can be found throughout that region of Asia.



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I am a bit surprised at the number of people who don't remember 8-track tapes.


For the rest of you, how many people remember the nomenclarure "pirate tape?"  I'm sure @richwmn does. I had a friend who built a very nice business selling pirate tapes.  The music industry was aghast that their product could be so easily counterfeited and predicted the their demise--if not all of civilization--unless something was done.


I did not know that cassette tapes were actually invented before 8-tracks. That is very interesting.  Thank you, @Quartzsite Cruiser.  (Isn't Cruise Critic great?)  I think the first time I ever saw a cassette tape was in the movie "A Clockwork Orange" which was made in 1971.  At that time the presumed "state of the art" was 8-track, but I thought that the cassette looked pretty neat.


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2 hours ago, Himself said:

Rich Thanks for the DAILY Fleet report.  I am surprised how many remember and comment on eight tracks.   I preferred casettes.   I am vexed that Buick no longer puts CDs in their vehicles. Thanks to all for their contributions to this thread.   Have a good Sunday everyone. 

We just bought a new SUV. I stashed my favorite CDs in the console only to discover on the first day we hit the highway, there is NO CD player! What? No one asked me if this was okay. 😂.


St Louis Sal

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Continuing on with Amsterdam's Grand Asia/Pacific voyage, after arrival in Hong Kong and having taken care of admin and logistical business, I went out at night to explore the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (HKSAR) at night. it is generally believed that the name "Hong Kong" is an early phonetic rendering of the Cantonese pronunciation "Heung Gong." The name translates as "fragrant harbor" or "incense harbor". "Fragrant" may refer to the sweet taste of the harbor's freshwater influx from the Pearl River or to the odor from incense factories lining the coast of northern Kowloon.


I wound up taking the Peak Train, a funicular railway to the upper levels of Hong Kong island. Running from Garden Road Admiralty to Victoria Peak, it provides the most direct route and offers good views over the harbor and skyscrapers of Hong Kong. Operated since 1888, it was the first funicular railway in Asia.  


Victoria Peak, aka Mount Austin, aka "the Peak," is 1,811 feet high hill located on the western half of Hong Kong Island, making it the highest hill on that island. It is a major tourist attraction that offers views of Central (the central business district of Hong Kong), Victoria Harbor, Lamma Island, and the surrounding islands


Back down from The Peak, it was a ride in one of Hong Kong Tramways' narrow-gauge trams, opened in 1904 under British rule, to the waiting bus and back to the Ocean Cruise Terminal and Amsterdam via the Harbour City Shopping Mall. Fascinating City!




















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Good morning, or at least afternoon, all! It’s been a long time since I had an eight track cassette. Somewhere along the line they just didn’t make the final cut on moving day. Rizu the squirrel qualifies as our pet now, although she is wild and independent. I was feeding her a walnut a day all winter, and she would sometimes take it from my hand after much hesitation. By the time we went to Salt Spring, there was new growth available and she was fine on her own. Now we’ve  come back to Chilliwack for a couple of weeks for medical stuff. When we got here, the moment I opened the garden door Rizu came racing down the top of the back fence. She has since been taking her walnut from my fingers every time  gently but confidently.

Both meal suggestions sound great. I have pork strips marinating in the fridge for Char Sui tonight, so the menu is set. 
We’ve never been to China, and really enjoy the pictures everyone shares. Thank you!
Roy, I think it’s safe to take my BIL off the care list. He is conscious and talking and doing much better. His health will never be what it was, but he’s turned a corner and working on getting sent home. We’re all so relieved!

The sun is out and it’s forecast to be a beautiful week coming up! In the meanwhile, enjoy your weekend and Happy Sunday with thoughts of our beloved BHB’s!


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Just wondering, do any Dailyites observe Holy Humor Sunday?  The idea is that the Resurrection was the ultimate joke on the Devil and deserves a celebration the week after Easter.  It was a big deal for my prior pastor but not so much the current one.



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Close Ann  @VictOriann, but here is where the name Keukenhof came from.
The history of Keukenhof, the name meaning “kitchen garden”, goes back to the 15th century. Countess Jacoba of Bavaria (1401-1436) gathered fruit and vegetables from the woods and dunes here for the kitchen of Teylingen Castle. Keukenhof Castle was built in 1641, and the estate grew to an area of over 200 hectares.
In 1949 a group of 20 flower bulb exporters came up with a plan to use the estate for a permanent exhibition of spring-flowering bulbs,
I should also show a few of the indoor pavillions the Orchid , the Willem-Alexander  and the Beatrix pavillions 
That's it you can spend quite a bit of time there 
Tony 😀





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For our high school's  driver's education last class - we drove to Holland MI [about 35 miles away] and back - the teacher drove through the city so we could look at the tulips and not the road. In our part of SW Mich, there were/are a lot of Dutch, my mother's side is pure Dutch - unlike my dad's which was a blend.


So Holland is very familiar but we tended to skip the 'tulip festival' - because of the traffic, we'd go once the tourists went home. 

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3 hours ago, Himself said:

Rich Thanks for the DAILY Fleet report.  I am surprised how many remember and comment on eight tracks.   I preferred casettes.   I am vexed that Buick no longer puts CDs in their vehicles. Thanks to all for their contributions to this thread.   Have a good Sunday everyone. 

Thankfully I have a CD player in my Subaru and I have made CD copies of some of my favorite casettes and also a couple of vinyl albums I really like. Since I am usually driving alone, I really enjoy.

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Very late today and it is my own fault. For the past few nights have not slept well and was thinking it was my pillow. Last night I must have really moved about and gotten the pillow at an odd angle as I woke up with a sore neck that I could not even turn. Boy it hurt. After moving around gingerly for a few hours I went to Walgreens and got something to rub on. It now feels better but tomorrow will find me at Bed Bath and Beyond getting long overdue new pillows- I just can not get comfortable with the old ones. At least I can turn my head a bit now.


Windy here this afternoon... little Bandit's ears were standing out in the breeze. Rain next week is iffy, but we can hope.


Flowers here are not blooming unless they are in a really sheltered spot. It is still well below freezing at night.



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54 minutes ago, DeeniEncinitas said:






If interested I posted to Saturday’s

Daily instead of today!’ LOL!

Just on Island time!

Please go to Saturday daily. I took pictures of our place and our little beach! Enjoy!


What a lovely place. Enjoy your stay.

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4 hours ago, Himself said:

Rich Thanks for the DAILY Fleet report.  I am surprised how many remember and comment on eight tracks.   I preferred casettes.   I am vexed that Buick no longer puts CDs in their vehicles. Thanks to all for their contributions to this thread.   Have a good Sunday everyone. 

I never liked the 8 tracks, had way to many cassettes. Then loved C.D's. I was very upset when I bought my last new vehicle in 2019 and found out that Toyota no longer puts CD. in their vehicles. I still have a few cassettes and lots of C.D's.

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1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

I woke up with a sore neck that I could not even turn. Boy it hurt. After moving around gingerly for a few hours I went to Walgreens and got something to rub on. It now feels better but tomorrow will find me at Bed Bath and Beyond getting long overdue new pillows- I just can not get comfortable with the old ones. At least I can turn my head a bit now.

Susan, I hope you’re feeling better! Your post reminded me of this. I know it applies to me, among others. I hope you don’t mind.



1) Riding my bike too fast.

2) Trying to climb one tree branch too high.

3) Landing wrong when I jump.



1) Standing up too fast.

2) Trying to reach one shelf too high.

3) Laying wrong when I sleep.

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Popping in here late in the day today.  Lots of planting of peppers and tomatoes took place today at our house.  I'm trying a whole bunch of new varieties.  🌶️  🍅


I'm laughing about the 8-track tapes.  I'm for sure old enough to remember them. OMG were they bulky!  lol   Oddly though, I don't remember what music I had on them.  But I do remember a boy dropping by out of the blue and giving me a whole bunch of Gordon Lightfoot 8-tracks.  🤷‍♀️    I mention that for our Canadian friends here.  😉

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4 hours ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

Susan, I hope you’re feeling better! Your post reminded me of this. I know it applies to me, among others. I hope you don’t mind.



1) Riding my bike too fast.

2) Trying to climb one tree branch too high.

3) Landing wrong when I jump.



1) Standing up too fast.

2) Trying to reach one shelf too high.

3) Laying wrong when I sleep.

So very true.



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5 hours ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

Susan, I hope you’re feeling better! Your post reminded me of this. I know it applies to me, among others. I hope you don’t mind.



1) Riding my bike too fast.

2) Trying to climb one tree branch too high.

3) Landing wrong when I jump.



1) Standing up too fast.

2) Trying to reach one shelf too high.

3) Laying wrong when I sleep.

Gee, whiz.
All 6 of those are causes of recent injuries to myself.

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Am very late posting today, dentist was late with appointments.

Thanks everyone for all the updates, photos and humour.

@Vict0riann very best wishes for your biopsy on Tuesday.  

@baltic17 very best wishes to your DH for the Heart Catheterization proceedure on Wednesday.

Take care, stay safe everyone.


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