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The Daily for Tuesday Apr 13, 2021


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Good morning.  As usual, our Texas weather did not read the forecast and will be warmer today than expected.  Yea!  Another day I can wear shorts and sandals, my much preferred attire.  Our much needed rain isn ot predicted for later this week  I guess I should not have put the hose up yesterday.  Spring in Texas is very unpredictable.


While I have have a brown thumb, I do appreciate plants and all who can grown beautiful gardens.  Love peach cobbler, but I don't remember the last time I had any.  Occasionally, I will be allowed to play scrabble with DD and her SO, and I always lose.  SO is generally the winner as he knows many two and three letter words.  


I had two plants that I managed to keep alive for a long time.  The first was a snake plant that I received from coworkers when my mother died in 1974.  It not only thrived, but was divided and I managed to keep more pots alive.  The youngest DD gave me a spider plant in a styrofoam cup when she was in pre-school about1981, and it too thrived and more pots were started when it got too big.  When we moved in 1999, I kept one pot of each plant, but letting the oldest DD babysit them when we were gone a couple of winters.  Unfortunately, the second time, she had them on the balcony of her apartment and due to an unexpected freeze, they froze to death.  I decided that was a sign that I not have plants anymore, just like we don't have pets now.  It's not fair to them when we are travelling.


The quote is definitely something we should strive to do.


The dinner suggestion looks good.  I make a similar dish only using penne pasta and homemade sauce.  Since we have two vegetarians in the family, I have a version with spinach and ricotta, and a version with Italian sausage.


@rafinmd Roy, as you said, Fairbanks is a stretch as a cruise port, but well worth a visit.  We have been to Fairbanks at least seven times, but not on a ships land tour.  We have driven our motorhome to Alaska seven times in the last 30 years.  I firmly believe unless you see the interior and the southeast Alaska cruise ports, you really haven't seen Alaska.  The interior is so much different than the coast.  @kazu and @ger_77 The first time we drove to Alaska in 1992, it was 92F in Fairbanks when we arrived, which was warmer than Texas when we left 11 days earlier.


I will look through my "land cruise to Alaska" pictures for photos of Fairbanks.  If some of mine are different, I will post them later.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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1 hour ago, St. Louis Sal said:

We are always looking for the things we don’t get to see at home.


That is so true!  We have whales, eagles, deer, etc here along with lots of ice and snow and even the occasional ice berg 😉 


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Good morning everyone and thanks again for the Daily!

Good luck today Roy, hope it's a go for you!

I was given a plant, known as the "Forever Flower" (don't know it's technical name) back in 1981. It has continued to thrive and when it gets too tall I cut it and stick it in new dirt and have another plant....and yes, it always has flowers!

Have never been to Fairbanks but have been to other Alaska ports.

Inline image


 Inline image

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Good morning all!

I'm definitely celebrating plants today and all week.  We're having glorious weather -- I hope to plant my seedlings outside the end of this week when it will really warm up.  Also today I'm going down to DD's house to check on her raised bed veggies while they're away on a RV trip down the coast.  So I guess I'm appreciating a lot of plants today!

We both love peach cobbler, but haven't had any in years.  I think we still have our Scrabble game, but haven't played it in years.  I have to limit the amount of pasta I have, so will pass on the meal today. 


@puppycanducruisecongrats on the first jab!

@St. Louis Salbest wishes for a positive outcome with the drug trial screening.


We took a land/cruise in May of 2019 with my best friend and her DH.  We flew into Fairbanks, but because of flight schedules, our arrival time was too late in the day to see anything.  The next day on our way to McKinley Park, Denali we did a 3-hour river boat ride on the Chena River, stopped at an Athabaskan village and saw where Susan Butcher raised her Iditarod dogs.


On the flight between Anchorage and Fairbanks



Caribou, moose and grizzly skins at the Athabaskan village



This parka weighs 23 pounds and would sell for $3600



7-foot-long Timber Wolf skin








Edited by Cruising-along
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Good morning, all! This gorgeous weather here goes hand in hand with Plant Appreciation Day. I would love peach cobbler, but have used up the frozen peaches. Gerry has already used my one Scrabble joke. She who posts first, posts best!😉

What a lovely world it would be if more people lived by today’s quote! Baked spaghetti sounds good, it just might fit the bill for tonight. We’ve never been to Fairbanks. 
Yesterday DH got his first jab! They even let me go in to see if I could get one too, but no deal. Oh well. I’m registered, and should be able to book an appointment soon.

Meanwhile, enjoy the sun for those who have it, and curl up with a good book for hose who don’t. Either way, Happy Tuesday with thoughts of our BHB’s.


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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

Good days - I like plants, peach cobbler and scrabble. Besides my cacti, I've been trying my hand at orchids. I did get one to rebloom. Just lost one, but the 3rd one is hanging in there.

I like the quote.

Good meals and drinks.

I have been to Fairbanks, although on the land part of a cruise/land package. Took a train from Denali to Fairbanks. We did the river boat ride on the Chena River and stopped at an Athabaskan village. Also saw where Susan Butcher raised her Iditarod dogs; her husband gave a demonstration with the dogs. Then stopped at the pipeline and went panning for gold.


Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list. Congrats to those getting their shots, and prayers for all with medical issues.

Stay safe and wear your masks.


Today's bread baking



The eaglets growing up



HAL train car



River cruise in Fairbanks



David Butcher with the Iditarod dogs



Chena Village demonstration of Alaskan Parka


Edited by JazzyV
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Good Morning and Thank You for the Daily.✏️

I recall taking a bus from Whittier, Alaska to the airport....cruise was a north bound from Vancouver. Next time from SF. Beautiful state --will look for photos later.🤓

🙏Prayers for all in need! We've played Scrabble a few times during the pandemic. I really like the game of Hand and Foot--CC group on Princess (patiently) taught me.🙃


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Good morning from the sunny (for a change) Pacific Northwest.  I have been to Fairbanks in January when it was about -20degrees F.  I rented a car in Anchorage and drove up to teach some classes there for an organization called Electronics Commerce Resource Center.  When you parked your car you had to plug it in so it would start again a few hours later.  One fond memory from there is seeing the Northern Lights at night.  Watching crows or ravens walk on the frozen snow made me wonder why their bare feet didn't freeze.  The University of Alaska at Fairbanks has been running ads on TV encouraging Washingtonians to attend classes there.  I think I would prefer the University of Hawaii.

Yesterday there were come comments about using Bailey's with your coffee.  I use the less expensive alternative, Kirkland Irish Country Cream from Costco.  1.5L costs about $10. while two .75L Bailey's would be about $60.  The primary cost difference is that Bailey's is 17% alcohol while the alternative is 13.7%; thus Bailey's is taxed as a liquor while the other is taxed as a wine.  I doubt if anyone could taste the difference of a tablespoon or two in their coffee.

One other thing:  Last week we were cheering the Ever Given for being free again in the Suez Canal.  She is still in Bitter Lake still and not free.  She has been seized by the Egyptian authorities until she pays them a 900 million dollar fine ordered by an Egyptian court.


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Good morning, I'm up quite early today - I was gardening yesterday, and put my back out, love those plants!  I think this thread is a very good example of being able to "make life less difficult for each other"!  So thank you everyone.😀


The sky is blue and the sun is shining and there is left over lasagna for dinner, so all is good here.  DD gave me a packet of godetia seeds last night, and I'm trying to decide where to scatter them.  I think I might make a kind of snaky line through my perennial bed - see if I can make it look like the Keukenhof! Either that or I will just give them back to her to use...


We haven't been to Fairbanks, but I do think that Aperol spritz sounds yummy.  Wow on the Ever Given fine!  But maybe just a drop in the bucket for the company. 


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Good morning everyone!  Thank you for the Daily Rich and thank you for your lists Roy. 

I appreciate plants but don’t really consider my few chili plants and basil much of a garden. It just gets too hot 🥵 here and my yard is too small for more than that. 

Scrabble is the only game I can get DH to play with me. I bought a travel set to take on trips and it has come in handy. I found that the sets on board were always missing tiles. 

I have been to Alaska twice with DH but not Fairbanks. DH has been once without me and I’ll have to ask him if he went there. He took his Father on a land/cruise tour in 2000. 

The meal suggestion sounds really good but I just made a one pot pasta dish on Sunday:

I told you I love cheese!  Since I have leftovers I might fashion a pasta bake out of them. 

I love a good Aperol Spritz and even have Aperol on hand, I just don’t have them very often. Another version is to just use white wine in place of the Prosecco. And I don’t bother with the splash of soda water. 

@St. Louis Sal I hope all goes well with your drug trial screening today. 

Have a great day everyone!

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5 hours ago, richwmn said:

Today is International Plant Appreciation Day, National Peach Cobbler Day, and Scrabble Day

"What do we live for, if not to make life less difficult for each other? - George Eliot"

Meal suggestion for today - Florentine Spaghetti Bake

Drink of the Day - Aperol Spritz

Wine of the day - Lapostelle Cabernet Cuvee Alexandre - Chile - Red

Port of the Day - Fairbanks Alaska

At Sea Pacific
Nieuw Amsterdam Destination Los Angeles eta 4/15
Noordam Destination La Paz MX eta 4/17

Corfu GR

Great Stirrup Cay
Nieuw Statendam Anchorage

La Paz MX
Koningsdam Anchorage
Westerdam Anchorage
Zuiderdam Anchorage

Limassol CY

Torquay UK
Eurodam Anchorage
Oosterdam Anchorage



Thanks fro the DAILY Fleet report.  Love Peach Cobler.  Did not know Fairbanks was a port.

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5 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you for the Tuesday Daily, Rich.  Lots of appreciation for plants here.  I would love a peach cobbler on a BHB.  Haven't played Scrabble in years.  Fairbanks stretches the definition of "port" a bit but an interesting destination yet.  I like the way Elliot thinks.  Spaghetti Bake sounds nice.  My alternative is Pineapple, Kiwi, Strawberry, Arroz Con Polla, and Triple Berry Sundae as served on MS Zaandam April 13, 2017:




Today's care list:


St. Vincent

myself facing cardiac surgery

Baltic27 DH  heart catheterization

NextOne DH facing chemo

Vict0iann biopsy

RIP Prince Phillip


Today's Celebrations and Shoutouts:


Teachers, school workers and at home surrogates

Front Line Health Care Workers

Jabs for 1Angelcat, Sharon’s DD

Jab booking for Crazy for Cats

lindaler visit with sons

and Sabine, HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)








Thanks for the  Care List.   My Shout Out List would be the teachers who have been in person teaching since last summer.   

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Thank you Rich, Roy, the drinks and recipe ladies and everyone who enjoys the Daily.

Glad we're celebrating our plants and gardeners, peach cobbler sounds wonderful, and scrabble is great fun especially when 'arguing' about real words.

Back to normal after the day off yesterday with vaccine effects.  Had a wonderful walk this am.

Prayers to all on the care list and those who need them.  Best wishes to all.

@St. Louis Sal Best of luck with the drug trial screening today.

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5 hours ago, summer slope said:

Good morning.  International Plant Appreciation Day has a lot of fans on this thread.  I love my plants and so enjoy Kazu's photo's of hers.  Peach Cobbler is yummy, tho I've not had it in years.  Haven't played Scrabble in years.  Great Eliot Quote.  The meal sounds delicious, will print the recipe out for later.  First cruise started with a land portion.  Flew into Anchorage then a bus trip to Fairbanks.  Had a salmon bake, didn't see much of the town.

Prayers and toasts to our lists.

Stay safe, social distance, and please continue to wear your mask.

Aperol Spritz:

A Spritz Veneziano or Aperol Spritz, also called just Spritz, is an Italian wine-based cocktail, commonly served as an aperitif in Northeast Italy. It consists of prosecco, Aperol and soda water. Wikipedia
Ingredients: 1 1/4 oz Aperol, 2 oz Prosecco, Splash of Soda water
Preparation: Build into glass over ice, garnish and serve.
Served: On the rocks; poured over ice
Standard garnish: Orange Wedge

Screen Shot 2021-04-13 at 7.04.07 AM.png

I never heard of this one before!

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Good morning to all. And it looks like a good morning here in southwest Colorado.... the sky is gray and rain is in the forecast.... now if it will just happen. Weather here is cooling for the next few days with highs in the 40's. Just hope the peaches will be ok. Last year we lost the whole west slope crop. And I am more than willing to eat peach cobbler if someone else will make it.


My neck is returning to normal.... I think I could do a commercial for Aspercreme. It seems to have done the job (and it certainly smells much better than Ben-Gay. Anyone remember that?). At least I feel comfortable driving now.... for awhile I could not turn my head.


Have not been to Fairbanks for many years (and I do mean many.... maybe 50?). I am sure it has changed.


You gardeners and others keep posting pictures of your plants for me to enjoy. I am the kiss of death to any houseplant or flower. However, back in the day when I had a vegetable garden it did very well and the deer loved it.





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3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

It's StLouisSal in the running for a trial medicine today. 


I hope the J&J issue is resolved quickly.  It sounds like just women under 50, so I'm having trouble why they aren't just limiting who should get it.



Thanks for clearing that up for me. I guess I miss read it.

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