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The Daily for Friday Jun 04, 2021


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Good morning everyone.  Thank you for the updates and the photos and the very cute cat memes.

Prayers for all who are suffering, past and present, and congratulations to those who are celebrating.  I need to run around today taking a friend to her doctor appointments so I am leaving Snowflake in charge.  



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2 minutes ago, Mary229 said:

  I need to run around today taking a friend to her doctor appointments so I am leaving Snowflake in charge.  




I don’t know if it’s wise to leave Snowball with access to the computer 😉 :



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Good morning all!  I am late today because it was hair washing day.  It doesn't sound like much of a reason, but it's the truth.  Drags out the morning routine.


A good selection of days.  My twin would be happy because she has been making applesauce cakes for decades.  She got the recipe from our Mom, but for some reason I never liked that cake much.  Maybe we need a different recipe.😉  No cats (or dogs) here to hug.  We always have cheese in the house.  I like arugula and I agree it makes a great ingredient in a salad.  No thanks to the drink of the day. 


Yesterday I heard there is no change for Nancy.  However, I also was told the mother of the twins showed signs of early labor and was hospitalized.  No further news on that yet and I'm worried about that because she is only 22 weeks along.  Prayers were asked for and delivered by me already.  The twins are Nancy's great grandsons and niece Lisa's only grandchildren (from her only child Alex).   I'm almost afraid to ask for updates anymore.


We've been to Burnie twice and I have a few pictures I can share with you.  I enjoy visiting anywhere in Australia or New Zealand.  I'll post them right away.

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Good morning all!


I wish I could hug my cat, I still miss him. I do have a grand-cat, but our relationship is up & down. Sometimes he cuddles on my lap and sometimes he hides under the dining table so he can pounce and nip me in the ankle. I will skip the applesauce cake, but I could live on cheese sandwiches. (Plug for Aldi stores if you happen to have one in your neighborhood; they have a great cheese selection). @Crazy For Catssays it’s also National Doughnut Day; I just happen to be eating one right now with an excellent cup of Wicked Wolf coffee from Ketchikan.


Love Judy Collins. Interesting suggestions from @dfishon the arugula. It’s an aphrodisiac? And todays’s drink is a pornstar martini? Is there a connection? The wine sounds delightful.


Haven’t been to today’s port. Australia and New Zealand have always been on my bucket list. When we began cruising we talked about it, but I was worried about the length of the flight for DH. I had almost signed up just by myself for a combo land tour & cruise through a local travel agent (early 2020), but then DH and I chose the Rock & Romance charter cruise instead. A friend who did go just made it back into Los Angeles before things went crazy. 

Offering prayers this morning 🙏 for all in need of healing and comfort. And a toast to the celebrations that you all share here 🍷. Take care everyone.


St Louis Sal

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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I love applesauce cake, but haven't had it in ages, I hug our dear Sochi every morning, and if there's no cheese in the house, it means we are on a cruise.


Our old cat (Muggins) used to love cheese - every evening when DH would have a night snack, he'd go into the fridge for some cheese.  By the time he turned around to put it on the counter, dear Muggins would be sitting at her dish, looking up expectantly at him.  So, he'd break off a little piece for her, and take some for himself . . . and he professes to hate cats.  LOL


It was a hot day on the frozen tundra yesterday; we reached our expected high of +34 and are ever so thankful that 5 years ago to the day, we installed air conditioning. Our deck was extremely warm - so much so that we couldn't eat out there, it was just too hot even with all the windows open and fans running.  


I like arugula in a salad, and even on pizza, but by itself?  Tonight is Friday, so it's pizza night at our house - maybe I'll ask for them to toss a handful of arugula on the top.  We'll hopefully enjoy it on the deck tonight if it isn't too hot; if not, we'll head out into the yard where we can enjoy the sound of the fountain and the multitude of birds, and eat in the pergola in the shade.  And wine.


This isn't Sochi, but I think I've found my spirit animal.1266034439_CatCheese.jpg.fa83350ccb2a8433ef3ab94b3a403ddc.jpg


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Thank you to everyone for keeping me close in your hearts yesterday, it was a great comfort.  Raising the wine glasses to celebrate all on the happy list.  Be safe, stay well, wash your hands, and wear your masks!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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In October, November and December 2017 we enjoyed B2B2B2B cruises on the Sun Princess, taking in all of Australia, Tasmania, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand.  Bonus was the number of times we got to spend a day in Sydney.  It was our initial embarkation port, turnaround days port, and disembarkation day port so we were able to sail in and out of there many times.  It was a great trip and I'll always remember it fondly.  On the first cruise (circumnavigation of Australia) I was honored with my 500 day certificate with Princess, as well as champagne, chocolate covered strawberries, a lovely flower arrangement and special recognition at the Captain's Circle party.  The second cruise was our Tasmania getaway and that cruise DH achieved his 500 day status.  Both cruises we were offered and accepted a tour of the bridge.  Different officers conducted the tours so each one was a little different.  




The first day in Burnie was Oct. 11, 2017 and the ship had a shuttle bus to run us into downtown and back.  This made it easy for shopping trips.  We like to get things like bottles of water, toiletries, chocolates, snacks, etc.  The drop off point was at the visitor's center/museum/art center shown here.  enhance


Next to that building was a walkway along the shore.enhance


DH calls himself my pack mule.  He has the water, the umbrella, the extra gloves, hats, rain jackets etc. in his backpack.  The weight makes for extra help with his cardio though!



A look over our shoulders at the visitor center.enhance


At the end of the boardwalk was this strange looking fountain/sculpture.  The fountain wasn't on but it had jets where water would shoot up in the air.enhance


An interesting spot we passed.  Fish market or restaurant? 🙄enhance


Not a lot of pedestrians here but the ship passengers made up most of the crowds on the street.enhance


The grocery store we shopped in.  After this we went back to the ship.  Our next stop in Burnie would be in 27 more days.enhance


After our circumnavigation of Australia (fantastic cruise) and a lovely turnaround day in Sydney we headed south again to Tasmania.  It was November 7, 2017.  Dh's turn to be a VIP!enhance


This was a sunny day.  We were dropped off at the regional museum (and library) this time.enhance


There was a monument nearby for the Van Diemen's Land Company.  I found this description of their purpose on the internet:  

  • The Van Diemen s Land company was first formed in 1824, with a group of wool merchants and mill operators, coming together with bankers and investors in London, with the aim to develop northwestern Tasmania as productive farming land, primarily for the export of wool.enhance



Near here was the Burnie Arts Building.enhance


And this church.  I noticed the SUV parked out front with the exhaust that goes up to vent out near the roof of the vehicle.  Someone must be doing some off road driving in deep water!enhance


By this time we needed to head to the grocery to pick up more water and other goods since we still had a long way to go on this cruise.  Next day we were at Port Arthur which is a favorite place of mine to visit in Tasmania.  Maybe someday Port Arthur will be port of the day.



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46 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Yesterday I heard there is no change for Nancy.  However, I also was told the mother of the twins showed signs of early labor and was hospitalized.  No further news on that yet and I'm worried about that because she is only 22 weeks along.  Prayers were asked for and delivered by me already.  The twins are Nancy's great grandsons and niece Lisa's only grandchildren (from her only child Alex).   I'm almost afraid to ask for updates anymore.

Oh my heart is breaking for you 💔  So much and so worrisome 😢 

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Good morning from another dreary day in central Texas.  We didn't get any rain yesterday, the third day in a row.  However, it is supposed to start about 2 pm and rain everyday through Tuesday.  


An interesting collection of days.  I don't think I've ever had applesauce cake.  Alas, all our cats and grand cats have crossed the rainbow bridge, so we will not be able to hug a cat today.  We do have a few different types of cheese in the refrigerator, and had some on our fajitas last night. 


Another good day, Donut day is definitely one I can celebrate, if we had any in the house.  So, I'll hold off until we can get a hot Krispy Kreme donut as they have me spoiled for any others.


Like @summer slope, I am not a fan of arugula.  But I would like @rafinmd Roy's alternative. but would substitute a Caesar salad for the pineapple boat.  I still don't know what we'll be having for dinner, but it may be meatloaf and mashed potatoes.


@kazu Jacqui's suggestion of the Salonpas patch is a good one.  Icy Hot and Aspercreme patches also work, and we've tried them all over the years.

@smitty34877  Sorry Tana's fever is still spiking.  From what I've read, long haul Covid can be really rough.  Tana, her son, and all your family are in our thoughts.

@StLouisCruisers Sandi, take care of yourself during this stressful time with your DS, DB and now with the expectant mother of the twins.  Remember, we are all here for you and have you and your family in our hearts and thoughts.  On a brighter note, we also got our 500 day certificate on the Coral Princess  in 2018.  


We have not been to Burnie or any other place in Tasmania, so @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for the pictures.  Tasmania is still on the bucket list, but unfortunately, it is not on the Princess 2022 or 2023 world cruise out of Sydney.


The tragedies in Kamloops and Tulsa are unbelievable and so sad.  It should not have taken 100 years for them to come to light.  I wish man(woman)kind would start treating everyone as equals.



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Sasha does not really like to be hugged, and I have only known one cat who did. She would rather that I take a nap with her, which I did.


Twice on sea days I've had an arugula salad at lunch in the Pinnacle Grill. I don't know whether it's also on the dinner menu.


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👍Thank You for the Daily,  Rich @richwmn, to Jacqui @kazu for the Care List and to Roy @rafinmd for the Celebration List.....and to all others who contribute.

🚗We saw lots of cheese in the Netherlands on our road trip and especially in Markt Square in Gouda.🧀

Miss having my 'Maine Coon' kitty..no pets ( dogs or cats) at this time.🐾

In 2014, we circumnavigated Australia on the Volendam and visited three ports in Tasmania including Bernie. 🇦🇺The mayor at the time, Anita Dow, welcomed us at the gangway all dressed in her official robe! We should have had excursion ....so just walked around  the town and beach area after being dropped off at the Maker's Workshop.

🙏Prayers to all in need.🙏





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The other two Dwarf Korean Lilacs we planted for Mother's Day are blooming -



We also planted a bunch of herbs in pots using @kazu's recommended Pro Mix potting soil. Hopefully, we will be able to bring them inside for the winter -


Basil, chive, thyme, oregano, cilantro, sage, and rosemary

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Thanks Rich for the daily. Thanks everyone for all they contribute to this great place. I have a question for our garden guru Kazu. I have large rhubarb plants. Some have huge flowers on top. Should I cut them off so more goes toward the stakes getting red?  This one is out my side door and I could grab a picture without putting my shoes on but the flowers in others are more impressive. Thanks. 


Edited by lindaler
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Thanks for the report!


Arugula as a meal?  So can I have something that not my food's food?  I'll take the arugula 2nd hand.



And just wondering, not sure if anyone knows, Why are the ships on the west coast just going back and forth between La Paz and LA?  Like what's the purpose of that?

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Good morning, all! Applesauce cake would be nice. I haven't had a cat to hug for many years now. Every day is cheese day in this house! I’ll pass on arugula as a meal, although watching people’s faces as it was served could be worth it. I have not been to Tasmania yet, it’s another on the list for 2023. Looking forward to pictures!

DH has nothing medical for two,weeks, so we’re heading back to the island today. My peony, that survived a botched transplant from a poor location, actually produced a bloom! My mother always grew peonies, and the smell took me right back to childhood. Maybe next year it will have more than one.


My one peony  in all its glory.



And of course, TGIF! Happy Friday, from the elevator mats of our BHB’s!


Edited by Horizon chaser 1957
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4 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

I saw the arugula and thought what a great idea to list an ingredient then have Deb make a meal from it. And she did!


I always enjoy a challenge.  I could have done more with it if I hadn't had to hurry to get to water fitness this morning.  My brother went to culinary school and always talked about arugula.   He would have put it in anything and everything.   

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36 minutes ago, lindaler said:

Thanks Rich for the daily. Thanks everyone for all they contribute to this great place. I have a question for our garden guru Kazu. I have large rhubarb plants. Some have huge flowers on top. Should I cut them off so more goes toward the stakes getting red?  This one is out my side door and I could grab a picture without putting my shoes on but the flowers in others are more impressive. Thanks. 



Hi Linda, we grew TONS of rhubarb in Coeur d'alene!! Never let the flower start, and cut the stalk as close to the bottom as possible or it can start to rot and draw nasty bugs. We had a neighborhood garden and rhubarb was a big hit.

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Happy Friday everyone!  It really cooled off in the Pacific Northwest, thank God for oceans!  Showers will be moving in for the weekend, I'm okay with that.  


We continue to wait on what's going to happen with the Alaska cruise season, but meanwhile, traps are going up for Murder Hornets, thankfully we're 2 counties away, but nevertheless all residents have been told to keep an eye on their hummingbird feeders.  Um, I don't know about all of you, but I would need an air evac to the nearest trauma center if I saw one of these on my hummingbird feeder.






Thanks to all the listers, prayers to all that need them.  I think I will skip the arugula.  Every day is hug your kitty day in this house, Diablo appreciates it.  I'll see if I can get some pictures up.  Never had applesauce cake but I know of a similar recipe make with fruit cocktail.  


Have a great Friday everybody!

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