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The Daily for Tuesday Jun 15, 2021


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Top of the morning Rich and Daily-ites, sweet sisters, and Roy in our prayers.


Goodness, the amount of prayers going out for our family here. I hope all goes well for everyone. 


Actually,  I like prunes..




And smiles...




And photography (not mine)




Going to be another hot day. Out early watering and changing feeders. We have a bunny that comes by about 6:30 and expects a treat. Our roadrunner had something in his mouth and was running up and down the fence with it. Speaking of.. I just heard our friendly puppy basset hound next door call me. It's time for his morning treat.


Have a great day. Send a note to a friend. Be kind. Love, blessings and cheers.

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Good Morning Everyone from an overcast but warm day at the beach.

          We are definitely in the rainy season. Looks like more coming in this afternoon. We do need the rain and it is that time of year.  Just dont want any storms, although like others have said, its going to be a busy year.

        Montevideo was on our cancelled S America cruise in 2020. Looking forward to pictures. A big thank you to all who post such wonderful pictures. Gives me hope and a reason to dream.

        I also need a new camera. DH said I would be better off getting a new phone , because the cameras in them are so superior.  I dont know, will have to do some research.


Stay safe and enjoy today


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52 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Sam continues to increase his strength and his walking distance. 

I had a little spill Sunday night.Alexa wouldn’t turn off the den lights, so I sat down in Sam’s chair to turn the switch.The whole house became dark. I reached out to a rolling desk he has near the chair and of course it rolled and I slid off the chair. Unable to get up, I dragged myself to the laundry room, opened that door, and then opened the garage door and pulled myself up with the grab bars we installed on either side of the two steps. I’m sore of course, but that’s all.

Yesterday I called  Samsung to update my emergency contacts in my smart watch. We programmed in 911 and they asked me to oust the button three times to see if it worked. The call went to Rutgers, bounced off a cell tower and back to the police at my town. I then asked for the local ambulance number and while getting that, guess who arrived at my door? The police.


Being extra extra cautious now.






Goodness Gracious Carol! Be careful!


Our previous neighbor in Idaho would call me from time to time. She would slide off her recliner and call me to help her up. She fell just before we left and broke her hip. She's in assisted living now. Happily as it turned out.

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13 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

@KirkNC isn't it a little early for tropical storms?  Not living anywhere near the coast, I'm not sure when they usually begin.  I always thought the season was from November to April - or is that for hurricanes?


Not Kirk, but hurricane/tropical storm/tropical depression season is traditionally June 1-November 30.  Lately, there have been tropical storms/depressions and hurricanes outside those dates.

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3 minutes ago, Cruise Suzy said:


Not Kirk, but hurricane/tropical storm/tropical depression season is traditionally June 1-November 30.  Lately, there have been tropical storms/depressions and hurricanes outside those dates.

Thanks, I really had no idea; hope everyone stays safe!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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25 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

 isn't it a little early for tropical storms?  Not living anywhere near the coast, I'm not sure when they usually begin


Not Kirk, but yes, this one is early for us.  Tropical storms are usually here around Sept - November - with the odd one in July or August.


They have to have a fair force and travel to get to us.  So, while Cruise Suzy is right on the season for them, we normally don’t get nailed until later thanks to the cooler water here 😉 

It’s going to be a bad season if the forecasters are to be believed.

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Thank you Rich for the daily and to Roy and other family here, you make a difference. Oh Carol, that fall sounds scary and painful. And then to have the police come to visit must have been a busy time. Nothing major here, but I was up at 4am. My service dog is aging and she let me know it this morning. I keep telling myself she is just a dog but without her by my side I would not have been able to start cruising again and I was hoping to share one more cruise with her before she travels to the other side. Interesting about the hurricanes starting early, our wildfires started about a month ago which is a few months early. And like with hurricanes, when they gets names it’s serious. Be safe everyone and someday we will all meet on a BHB. 

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While cruising on the Zaandam in 2018, we visited Montevideo, Uruguay, and took a tour showing some highlights of the city as well as a museum near the port showcasing the country’s annual Carnival celebration.  After a tour of the small museum, we were served a light lunch and then had a show demonstrating various aspects of the Carnival parades.
















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Good morning everyone!  I'm running behind today.  It seems like it's going to be a hot day today here.  But that's nothing!  I looked at the weather in St. Louis and it will be 100F on Friday when we drive up there.  Having lived there for many years I know how miserable the summers can be there.  


Ann @cat shepard we will be in St. Louis Friday to Sunday, with the services for Nancy on Saturday.  We will get a visit in with DMIL too.  Sunday (Father's Day) we drive to Ohio to visit with our DD.  We haven't been there in ages thanks to Covid.  DD's birthday is Thursday the 24th but we have to leave that day to drive back to St. Louis for the big soccer tournament.  DD will be 49!!  She's a decade older than your DS @ger_77so imagine how old that makes me feel Gerry!  We will be spending a week in St. Louis watching the games as the teams move up to semi-finals and finals, unless DGS's team doesn't play well (NOT gonna happen).  If he shouldn't make it to the finals we can head home to Georgia early.  I will not be able to post here in the morning on Friday, Saturday or Sunday but will check in evenings at the hotel or I will never catch up with all the news on the Daily.  


Please, someone tell me where @rafinmd's photo of Roger is posted.  I looked at yesterday's Daily trying to find it, and I don't know how I missed it.  @smitty34877it's good to hear that Tana's health issues have been diagnosed but I hope they can find a way to treat her so that she can get back to some semblance of normal.  It's so nice of you to help with the food and her son's care, Terry.  We have a great group of people here.  @mamaofamiwhat a scary fall you had!  It was so smart of you to get to the grab bars to get yourself up.  I hope Sam will be well enough to come home soon.


An unusual group of days to celebrate today.  I enjoy nature photography, prunes aren't bad but we don't have any in the house, and a smile can really help you get through your day.  A frown, on the other hand can ruin the day of everyone around you.  Thanks for the Steve Martin quote today - he's one of the funniest people I know.  His Father of the Bride movies were favorites in our house.  


Montevideo, Uruguay has been a frequent stop for us, since we've been there on every South America cruise we've taken.  Time to look for photos.  Hope I can find some good ones to share.

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2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you for the Tuesday Daily, Rich.  A great selection of days.  Interesting quote by Martin.  I've been to Montevideo several times both on Crystal and BHB.  I think I'll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Chilled Sour Cherry Soup, Prime Rib of Beef Au Jus, and Strawberry Sundae as served on MS Prinsendam June 15, 2015.  I expect to soon be on hold for some time with the IRS on a matter connected to my church.


Welfare of furloughed crews

StLouisSal’s weakness and fall injuries

bennybear’s SIL diagnosed with aggressive cancer awaiting surgery

mamaofami DH Sam in rehab until about 6/27

Kazu’s foot

Garlictown difficutl recovery from arm surgery

Tana awaiting biopsy results

Cruising-along’s cousin rejecting a kidney


Celebrations and Shoutouts:


Front Line Health Care Workers

Jabs for HAL crew at Los Angeles, San Diego and Fort Lauderdale

TiogaCruiser on a camping getawauy

One month since my hospital discharge

Good neibhbors

highland cruiser on a road trip

and Sabine, HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)







Roy Blessings to you for posting the Care and Shoutout Lists.

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2 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone.


I am all for nature photography.   I wish I was better at capturing nature's beauty.   I'll pass on the prunes and put my energy into smiles.  What a difference a smile can make in someone's day.  


Kudos to all the caretakers on this board.  Now we know one of the reasons this board is so friendly and caring.   I helped take care of my mom and dad in their last years.  While living in Ohio, I traveled up to Michigan and spent one week out of every month up there with them.  I gained more than they did by doing that and I cherish the time I had with them.  


My flight mess is all straightened out.   I don't know what happened, but all's well that ends well.


Today's meal is a side dish and I might have some to go along with Roy's alternative meal.  



jicama and red cabbage slaw.jpeg




Good Observation.  It might go well with Prime Rib

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Since it's Smile Power, Prune and (nature) Photography day, I decided to search for all 3. In a single search query.


What can I say, I'm not quite right. Anyway... The search results show a disturbing number of Olsen Twins pix.


Turns out there's a reason.



Edited by POA1
Fixed an extra carriage return(Remember those?)
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16 minutes ago, Mtn2Sea said:

While cruising on the Zaandam in 2018, we visited Montevideo, Uruguay, and took a tour showing some highlights of the city as well as a museum near the port showcasing the country’s annual Carnival celebration.  After a tour of the small museum, we were served a light lunch and then had a show demonstrating various aspects of the Carnival parades.


Thanks for the pics and the memories 🙂 


We loved Montevideo.  One of our favourite stops.  Sadly my pics are not digital - so nice to some here.

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@smitty34877I am so sorry to hear of Tana's diagnosis.  My DH had pulmonary fibrosis, and after his diagnosis, that is how I became a caregiver for several years.  I do not regret doing, but it became a very hard job because I was doing everything for his care plus caring for our home.   She will be in my continued prayers, as will you and the rest of her family!  There are treatments available to slow the progression, but the medications are very expensive.  Pulmonary rehab does help to improve lung capacity.


Off to an all day meeting at the Red Cross office.  First time we can go into the office in well over a year.  We should be traveling to another town about an hour away, but travel is not authorized yet, so Zoom it is!


I made the final payment for my August 21 Alaska cruise!  Now I am very anxious for the date to arrive.  Just to step on a BHB!  I have always been hesitant to sail from Seattle, because I love Vancouver so much, but guess that desperate times call for desperate measures! LOL


Have a great day, everyone.

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@smitty34877I am so sorry to hear of Tana's diagnosis.  My DH had pulmonary fibrosis, and after his diagnosis, that is how I became a caregiver for several years.  I do not regret doing, but it became a very hard job because I was doing everything for his care plus caring for our home.   She will be in my continued prayers, as will you and the rest of her family!  There are treatments available to slow the progression, but the medications are very expensive.  Pulmonary rehab does help to improve lung capacity.


Off to an all day meeting at the Red Cross office.  First time we can go into the office in well over a year.  We should be traveling to another town about an hour away, but travel is not authorized yet, so Zoom it is!


I made the final payment for my August 21 Alaska cruise!  Now I am very anxious for the date to arrive.  Just to step on a BHB!  I have always been hesitant to sail from Seattle, because I love Vancouver so much, but guess that desperate times call for desperate measures! LOL


Have a great day, everyone.  It's hot out there!

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Good morning everyone!


Not really into Prune Day, but wanted to share some photos for Nature Photography Day from our cruises: Hawaii, Butchart Gardens in Victoria, and two Alaska glacier photos.  I had to limit myself - I could fill the page with pictures!!


Prayers for all who need them (especially Tana and Carol), cheers to all on our celebration list. Have a great day!







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@smitty34877I am so sorry to hear of Tana's diagnosis.  My DH had pulmonary fibrosis, and after his diagnosis, that is how I became a caregiver for several years.  I do not regret doing, but it became a very hard job because I was doing everything for his care plus caring for our home.   She will be in my continued prayers, as will you and the rest of her family!  There are treatments available to slow the progression, but the medications are very expensive.  Pulmonary rehab does help to improve lung capacity.


Off to an all day meeting at the Red Cross office.  First time we can go into the office in well over a year.  We should be traveling to another town about an hour away, but travel is not authorized yet, so Zoom it is!


I made the final payment for my August 21 Alaska cruise!  Now I am very anxious for the date to arrive.  Just to step on a BHB!  I have always been hesitant to sail from Seattle, because I love Vancouver so much, but guess that desperate times call for desperate measures! LOL


Have a great day, everyone.  It's hot out there!

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👍Thank You for The Daily, Rich @richwmn and to Roy @rafinmd for the Care and Celebration Lists. I appreciate all who contribute to this site!😊

We were in Montevideo in November 2019 ( Viking Sun) and had a tour and free time to wander and have lunch on our own...and 🍺🍷😉

The Samsung Galaxy cell phones take decent photos. Google 'best phones' ( maybe CNET?).

🙏Prayers to all in need.🙏

California opens up today!




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Good morning from a sunny central Texas.  It looked like we were going to get a thunderstorm yesterday afternoon, instead we just got the thunder.  The storm was heading straight for us, but veered west just before it reached us.


Love nature photography, but my pictures don't seem to match what I saw.  A smile is always good.  Someone can have my prunes.  To me, the are over grown raisins with pits.


Steve Martin is a funny guy.


Will pass on the meal suggestion and the drink.  The wine sounds like something I would like.


@mamaofami  Carol, please be careful.  Glad Sam is making such good progress.

@kazu  Glad you foot is getting better.  Always love your memes.

@ger_77 Gerry, it does seem that the storms are beginning earlier this year.  The major storms historically have been in August and September, but like everything with the climate, there doesn't seem to be a normal any more.  Happy Birthday to your DS.  My stepmother said that getting old did not bother her until she realized that her kids were middle aged.  My older DD did not like that when I told her as she is in her 40s.

@StLouisCruisers Sandi, the link to @rafinmd Roy's picture from yesterday, is at the bottom of the care list.  It took me a while to find it.

@smitty34877  Glad Tana's biopsy did not show any malignancy.  Hope they can help her get better now that they have an idea what is happening, and more tests could help with her treatment.  It's is great how you and your DD are helping with her son and with food.


We have been to Montevideo twice.  The first time was in 1999 on the old Noordam in the time of non digital cameras.  The second was in 2015 on the Ruby Princess.  We walked around town some and then took the Ho-Ho.  When we saw the long line at the first stop, we just stayed on until we got back to the starting point.  My pictures are just random ones from the Ho-Ho and from our walk.


We were there on a Sunday, and most of the stores were closed.  The activity picked up a little in the afternoon.




Some scenes from our Ho-Ho ride.






A view of their lovely beaches.



After our tour, we walked around and back to the port.  These are from an indoor arcade.





Some interesting things around the port entrance.





Pictures as we sailed, including the lighthouse on top of the building.






Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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My lists show we have seen Montevideo, Uruguay four times.  The first two were on Star Princess and Ruby Princess in 2012 and 2015, on circumnavigation cruises of South America.  The last two times were on Antarctica cruises going from west coast to east coast so near the end of the cruises which ended in Buenos Aires.  2017 was the end of the Seabourn Quest Antarctica/S. Georgia Island cruise and 2020 was on Coral Princess on our drive by of Antarctica.  In 2020 we didn't even get off the ship that day and prepared for our departure in Buenos Aires by packing our bags.


Our 2012 visit to Montevideo was a real disappointment to us.  The city was run down and I hate to say it, but the sidewalks were littered with dog feces.  Not just a little, but a lot!  We had to keep our eyes down as we walked around trying to see the sights.  Friends were with us on that cruise and they can verify that memory.  So on our second stop there in 2015 we were a little leery but went out anyway.  We were so relieved to see the city had been doing a clean up the prior 3 years.  We had an enjoyable time seeing the sights, and repeated that experience again in January 2017.  


At the entrance to the port is this display.enhance




2015 visitenhance


The Montevideo Cathedral located on Constitution Square.enhance




Things were really busy here in the square.enhance


The archway leading into the downtown area.enhance


Plaza Independencia  enhance


Everything looks better on a sunny day.enhance




In January 2017, heading back to the our ship after seeing the Plaza Independencia, again.enhance




The Cathedral again!enhance


and the interior of the Cathedralenhance








I have so many more photos of the Cathedral interior but have to stop now.  We wound our way back to the port enjoying some of the beautiful architecture.  enhance


Thank goodness the people of Montevideo decided to put some effort into restoring their city to its present state.  I know you'll enjoy a stop there on your next South America cruise.







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1 hour ago, kazu said:


Not Kirk, but yes, this one is early for us.  Tropical storms are usually here around Sept - November - with the odd one in July or August.


They have to have a fair force and travel to get to us.  So, while Cruise Suzy is right on the season for them, we normally don’t get nailed until later thanks to the cooler water here 😉 

It’s going to be a bad season if the forecasters are to be believed.

Our worse ones in NC tend to be in September but anything can happen.  

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