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The Daily for Friday August 13, 2021


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Good morning from sunny central Texas.  I'm a little late this morning as I slept in and had to get the laundry going and fix one dish for tomight's dinner.


We have been to Mazatlan once in 2016 on the Ruby Princess.  I am going to post my pictures, then go back an read the Daily.  Sorry if my pictures of the market are close to the ones @StLouisCruisers Sandi posted.  All my pictures of the church are like Sandi's.


In the morning, we took one of the litt'e open air vehicles that were outside the port for a tour of the city and the Gold Coast.  In the afternoon, we took another one into the old town and walked around.


Our first stop that morning was a viewpoint over looking the bay and the town.




A little further along the road




The drive along the Gold Coast, the modern tourist area.  We preferred the main downtown area.



The market




This is what happens when you feed the pigeons.



A pretty gazebo in the middle of the park in the main square



The area around the port







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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

Interesting days. I try not to blame someone else. I'm not too superstitious about Friday the 13th. Not left handed although I can do a lot with my left hand; a salute to those who are.

Haha on the quote.

The meal sounds interesting, but carby. I like the drink and wine.

I have been to Mazatlan on my Panama Canal cruise from LA to NY.


Thankfully I escaped the storms without losing power, although many did. We got about 1.5" of rain. I cry over having to toss almost the whole fridge contents when I had that 30 hour outage not too long ago.


@msmayor Happy Birthday to your daughter.

@rafinmd I hope all goes well with the new cardiologist.

@dfish Have a great time. Safe travels.

@StLouisCruisers Happy Birthday to your DH.

@cat shepard Good news on the insurance reimbursement!

@smitty34877 Hoping that Tana will improve at home.

@NextOne Sorry to hear about the shingles! I had a mild case last year (I had the old vaccine) and just talked to my PCP about getting Shingrix soon.


Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list. Stay safe everyone!


Some pictures from Mazatlan:

The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Mazatlan








At the Central Market





Performers at Plaza Machado





Day of the Dead decorations







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1 minute ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from sunny central Texas.  I'm a little late this morning as I slept in and had to get the laundry going and fix one dish for tomight's dinner.


We have been to Mazatlan once in 2016 on the Ruby Princess.  I am going to post my pictures, then go back an read the Daily.  Sorry if my pictures of the market are close to the ones @StLouisCruisers Sandi posted.  All my pictures of the church are like Sandi's.


In the morning, we took one of the litt'e open air vehicles that were outside the port for a tour of the city and the Gold Coast.  In the afternoon, we took another one into the old town and walked around.


Our first stop that morning was a viewpoint over looking the bay and the town.




A little further along the road




The drive along the Gold Coast, the modern tourist area.  We preferred the main downtown area.



The market




This is what happens when you feed the pigeons.



A pretty gazebo in the middle of the park in the main square



The area around the port







The gremlins are at it again. Your pictures don’t show up in my feed but when I quote you I can see them. Weird. Nice pictures btw

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2 hours ago, TiogaCruiser said:

So a personal milestone- one year ago today was my last day of work. The group of us who retired together are getting together for lunch next week. It will be good to see them.😁


Geesh, Laura! How can it be a year already? I remember celebrating the big day last year!

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Good Morning,


Happy Friday!  Unfortunately the hot weather continues to linger, and will be close to 100 today, air conditioning is a Godsend!  This little window unit does pretty well. 


Thanks to all the listers, prayers n thoughts to all in need.


@dfish Have a safe trip! @StLouisCruisers @JazzyV @Quartzsite Cruiser @Overhead FredMagnificent pictures!  @aliaschief Glad you're enjoying your sailing!



And, just when we didn't think it could get any worse with news these days, the murder hornets are back.




For Friday the 13th, Italian families are very superstitious.  But personally, Betsy Palmer is what I always think of on this day, especially if it falls in June, I wouldn't go camping for years because of her astounding performance in the role.  The story goes, her car broke down a few days before being offered the part, it paid $1,000 a day for 10 days work which just happened to be the price of a new Scirocco she was eyeing up, otherwise she thought the script itself was "a piece of bleep" that nobody would ever go to see.  It made 60 million dollars on a budget of $550,000. RIP Betsy.





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1 hour ago, NextOne said:

Happy Friday the 13th and thanks for today's Daily -- "the friendliest place on earth!"

My DSis is a lefty, and says that's because she's in her "right" mind...so I blame her for everything!


Rich - thank you for the reminder of the meteor shower last night. I settled down in the front yard and saw three in 45 minutes. Delightful!


My big news is that on Wednesday I was diagnosed with shingles. Ugh! But it's only a mild case and I'm on the meds now, so it could be much worse! Bummed that I had to skip the church dinner & concert that evening and will probably watch church online on Sunday. Ah well.

Have a great day and stay safe!


Good grief, Edi! Hope those meds work their magic! Fast!

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21 minutes ago, superoma said:

The gremlins are at it again. Your pictures don’t show up in my feed but when I quote you I can see them. Weird. Nice pictures btw

Thanks.  Glad you could see them finally.


It is Friday the 13th, so maybe our CC gremlims are working hard today.



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Good morning from sunny Colorado. We are lucky with the temps. While we could use rain, I am very happy to settle for days in the low 80's if sun is on order. We may get some showers this weekend, or maybe not. Hard to tell. I do notice that the tree in our neighborhood which always turns first is suddenly splashed with yellow. Fall is coming.


Spent yesterday working part time at the Humane Society - we are short staffed like everyone else. Had a dermatologist appointment in the morning and had several precancer growths frozen off and another small growth removed and sent for biopsy. Results in a couple weeks.  I loo a bit splotchy this morning (o.k. - very splotchy). All those summers of doing archaeology field schools is finally catching up with me. I did use sun screen and wore a hat, so I guess it could be much worse.


Sending good wishes and positive thoughts to all who need them. Wish I were Alaska bound. Right now I just need to keep plugging along on house and shelter. The macaws are probably headed out today for the sanctuary. We will miss them but boy are those messy birds!!!! And we have heard them speak a couple more times.... once was an "oops" when the male dropped a peanut.... the other comment was unprintable.















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2 hours ago, NextOne said:

My big news is that on Wednesday I was diagnosed with shingles. Ugh! But it's only a mild case and I'm on the meds now, so it could be much worse! 


Oh no!  😔. Hope it stays a mild case and the meds do the job for you. 🤞 

Shingles is no fun for anyone 😞 

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2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:


DH and I are now seriously thinking of having A/C put in the house. Even though our hot weather doesn't last for weeks or months like other parts of the country, it's pretty miserable when it comes.



If your house already has duct work consider a heat pump. Works very well!


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Good Afternoon All, thanks for the daily report.  I may fall into the odd duck category, I like Friday the 13th.  An interesting post cruise update.  My mariner points were updated this morning, 521, but the final bill has not hit my credit card. That is a first.  

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Good morning all. I was always taught Friday the 13th was a lucky day. I think my Mother taught more people stayed home and left more for us. My sister was left handed and two of my kids are. In sixth grade my teacher made the class use their non dominant hand for a week. The cc gremlins are playing with me today. I liked a few posts and then it said sorry you can’t like anymore. Just know I’ve read them all and tried to like them. 

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1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning from sunny Colorado. We are lucky with the temps. While we could use rain, I am very happy to settle for days in the low 80's if sun is on order. We may get some showers this weekend, or maybe not. Hard to tell. I do notice that the tree in our neighborhood which always turns first is suddenly splashed with yellow. Fall is coming.


Spent yesterday working part time at the Humane Society - we are short staffed like everyone else. Had a dermatologist appointment in the morning and had several precancer growths frozen off and another small growth removed and sent for biopsy. Results in a couple weeks.  I loo a bit splotchy this morning (o.k. - very splotchy). All those summers of doing archaeology field schools is finally catching up with me. I did use sun screen and wore a hat, so I guess it could be much worse.


Sending good wishes and positive thoughts to all who need them. Wish I were Alaska bound. Right now I just need to keep plugging along on house and shelter. The macaws are probably headed out today for the sanctuary. We will miss them but boy are those messy birds!!!! And we have heard them speak a couple more times.... once was an "oops" when the male dropped a peanut.... the other comment was unprintable.
















Makes you wonder about the language of their previous owner.  🤣

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49 minutes ago, lindaler said:

Good morning all. I was always taught Friday the 13th was a lucky day. I think my Mother taught more people stayed home and left more for us. My sister was left handed and two of my kids are. In sixth grade my teacher made the class use their non dominant hand for a week. The cc gremlins are playing with me today. I liked a few posts and then it said sorry you can’t like anymore. Just know I’ve read them all and tried to like them. 

Try clicking on the post count of any post, then back to the posts.  That usually works for me when I get the message that I can't like a post.  If that does not work, try clearing your browsing history, not any other histories.



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Good afternoon.  It's hot and humid today, so I'm glad to be doing inside chores.  Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler and cloudy, so the morning will be a good time to mow the grass.


Last night, I was outside about 5-10 minutes and saw one meteor.  I'm sure I would have seen more, but our sky was not the greatest and I was ready to get in bed and read before going to sleep.


I try not to blame somone else unless I know I didn't do it.  My mother's twin cousins would always tell their mother when she asked who did something, "Not me, him".  In honor of the day, I'll own up to my mistatke in my post with the Mazatlan pictures.  I called the new area the Gold Coast, and not the Golden Zone.  I thought what I wrote did not sound right, but was too lazy to double check it.


My mother was very left handed, and the practice of trying to change the dominant hand did not take with her.  My father was very right handed, and while I'm right handed, I can use my left hand for most things except eating and writing.


I'm only a little superstitious, and Friday the 13th does not bother me, even though DH was drafted on Friday, December 13th.  He served his Army time in New Jersey not Vietnam, so it turned out all right.


I've always liked the Groucho Marx quote.


I'll pass on the wine, but might like the drink of the day.  I'll keep the meal suggestion until I need something for our vegetarians.  Younger DD likes pasta and spinach, so it should be a winner.  I might even be able to talk her into cooking it.  😁


@msmayor  Happy Birthday to your DD.

@StLouisCruisers Sandi, Happy Birthday to your DH.

@NextOne  Edi, sorry your have the shingles, and hope the pills help keep it a mild case and a short one too.

@smitty34877  Good news that you could quickly adjust when Tana got there, and you have a back-up plan in case of a power failure.  She, her DS, and the dog are very lucky to have your and your DD in their lives.

@cat shepard  Congratulations on getting your insurance refund so quickly.  We had good luck the one time we had to get a refund from the insurance.

@Crazy For Cats  I might be able to shed some light on the mini bar charge.  It happened to us on one cruise. I had noticed when we boarded we were short one coke.  I should have said something then, but that day was hectic.  We figured that the previous occupants of our cabin waited until they had checked and restocked the mini bar then took the coke.  There is always one in every group.

@Cruising-along  I agree, heat pumps work well unless the temperature gets really cold, near or below freezing.  We have auxillary heat strips in Texas, but just the heat pump in Quartzsite.

@TiogaCruiser Laura, congratulations on your one year retirement anniversary.


I'll add to what others have said about the Delta variant, which is bad in Texas and most states in the southern half of the country.  Please be careful, social distance and wear your masks.😷  It's like Yogi Bera said, "Deja vu, all over again".  It seems like we're back where we were last year, only with a few lucky people being able to cruise.



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5 minutes ago, dfish said:

Made it safely to Michigan and avoided the heavy traffic.

Happy Birthday to those celebrating.  Get rid of those shingles!


Sounds like a win-win!


Thanks to the ladies for posting their photos of Mazatlan.  Good job!


And @Cruising-alongthe pies and muffins look so good.  My cake for DH isn't cool enough to ice yet so I still have that to do.  I hope he eats half the cake because he doesn't have a sweet tooth and leaves any desserts for me.  That's why I don't bake much anymore.  I'd be big as a house!

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