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The Daily for Friday 12/24/2021


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Happy Christmas Eve to all!  Wishing @grapau27 Graham quick healing - glad all went well.

Prayers for all who need them, especially Jose & Jacqui, and Father Himself. I wish we'd get some news about his condition!

I have a quiet morning, but this afternoon will be busy. My church added another service (all masked) this year, so there will be 5, starting at 2pm, and also at 4,6,8 and 10 pm. Our choir sings at 2,4, 8, and 10. We eat dinner (Greek this year) at 6 while the contemporary choir handles that service. It's a marathon, but lovely, particularly when we light the candles to sing "Silent Night."

When I get home, I'll pour myself a glass of "seasonally adjusted" eggnog and wind down before bed.

I have to be up early tomorrow to make the green bean casserole & creamed onions to take to my DSIL's home for dinner. And repeat on Sunday afternoon when DS and DDIL come to celebrate Boxing Day!

Edited by NextOne
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2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Graham, as I listed on the Thursday Daily, you will heal quickly and hardly see a scar.




God Bless!

Graham, believe me I can relate to the surgery. Fortunately the scar will heal pretty quickly.... and at least that is over and the nasty is gone. Take it easy for a few days.



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2 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Everyday should be chocolate day and I love eggnog.

So, I was more than surprised when my cardiologist office called yesterday to tell me I had been exposed to covid. I knew from process of elimination that it was the technician who did my cardiograph. She was right in my face wearing a cloth mask but I had on a real N95 which is supposed to protect me. She began coughing about 5 minutes before the test was over.The office manager gave me her cell phone and told me to call over the weekend if I have any pm symptoms because there is someone they can give me. The frustrating thing is I can’t get a test until Tuesday. The pharmacy where I was vaccinated told me to call but there lab is overwhelmed. 
Both my grandsons tested negative so that was a relief. This scare made me decide to cancel  Sam’s in person birthday part. We will get him a cake and zoom.

 I could use some prayers that I don’t get sick and I don’t know which variant I was exposed to.

Our clubhouse closed down yesterday because one of the landscapers was in it at a meeting and he tested positive.

Stay safe everyone,



Fingers crossed for you Carol - 

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I'll post a few photos from Athens and Piraeus that haven't captured here yet.


First is the changing of the guard at the Palace. White is their Sunday attire and as I recall from a previous visit, brown is the rest of the week. It's quite a spectacle.


Also, in Piraeus, it's rather interesting to walk down the street near the waterfront with one restaurant after the other. Some have octopi on display, hanging from the awnings! And I couldn't help  adding a picture of a beautiful Greek salad we shared.

Picture 182.jpg

Picture 186.jpg

Picture 189.jpg

Picture 192.jpg

Picture 082.jpg

Picture 100.jpg

Lunch in Piraeus (3) - Copy.JPG

Lunch in Piraeus (12) - Copy.JPG

Lunch in Piraeus (13) - Copy.JPG

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Happy Christmas Eve!  A wonderful, festive group of posts today.  @bdrcole I laughed at “Hannah has never jumped on the table”.  She just got careless this time and was caught!

Thank you everyone who posted pictures from Athens, they brought back happy memories.  Absolutely, the climb to the top of the Acropolis was challenging, but we made it; not sure either of us could do it now.  We were there in 2004, a few months before the Olympics.  I believe the ancient race course was the finish line for the marathon, fittingly.

@mamaofami, good for you for having an N95 mask.  I’m trusting that it protected you.

@kazu, you and Jose are in my heart.

To the intrepid northern travelers, grateful that you all made it safely!

It’s going to be 81 in Tulsa today.  Bah Humbug!  I don’t like winter heat waves.  Next week looks more appropriate.

Happy celebrations to everyone!

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Good morning to all. I woke this morning to rain although when I looked at the ridge across the road from me there was a dusting of light snow. Now, the snow level has lowered and the snow is falling outside my window. Bandit is displeased and I am going to have to take him out several times to get all business accomplished. The next few days are are going to be interested. I plan to stick very close to home.


Hope we are all able to avoid this resurgence of covid. And I very much envy those of you on ships. I need to sign off and check the location of my snow shovel. Something tells me I am going to need it. I will probably need hot chocolate too..... or maybe heated eggnog with a liberal addition of the nog.



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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

Every day is chocolate day! I like eggnog, but haven't had any this year. No last minute shopping here.

Cynical quote.

I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine today. I may make a pizza, although that was going to be tomorrow's dinner.

I have been to Athens, way back in 1999, on a land trip.


It's Christmas Eve, and quiet here.


@kazu Prayers for Jose, his medical team and you.

@Himself Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

@grapau27 I'm glad your procedure is done; now on to healing!

@Sharon in AZ Thanks for sharing the great pictures of Dailyites.

@mamaofami I'm glad to hear the grandsons' tests were negative. I did read they recommend testing 5 days after exposure; the waiting is hard. Prayers that you don't get sick.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


A few pics from Athens:

View of Athens from the Acropolis



The Parthenon



Parthenon and Acropolis



Remains of the theater of Dionysis



Temple of Olympian Zeus


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Merry Christmas Eve from windy and raining Quartzsite.  So far, we've received 0.14 inch of rain, which hopefully will settle the dust.  It looks like we could get more rain before it is over.


Chocolate Day is celebrated everyday around here.  Ilve never been a fan of eggnog, but DH likes it occasionally.   No last minute shopping today.  As of last year, we decided to stop exchanging gifts, which the DDs seemed to like.  However, Christmas cookies don't count.  Younger DD's cookies were delivered early this morning according to the package tracking. 


My present this year is older DD and DSIL will be here later today.


I cannot agree with the Bill Maher quote.  While there are some men who are not faithful, the ones I know are.


The sea bass sounds good.  @dfish  Debbie, thanks for the recipes today.  We'll pass on the drink and on the wine.


@kazu  Wishing the best for you and Jose, and sending good thoughts that his medical team will find the answers soon.


@cat shepard  Thanks for the memes and today's laugh.


@mamaofami  Carol, thanks for clarifying that the technician was wearing a mask, but I think it should have been a surgical one or better yet an N95.  Just every glad you had on an N85 mask and I know the stress of waiting is hard.  So happy both your DGS tested negative.


@Sharon in AZ  Thanks for the pictures with more of the Daily family.


We have been to Athens at least four times, not counting the two times we flew home from there.  I'll try to not duplicate many of the pictures already posted.


In 2019 while on the Veendam, we took the Ho-Ho from Piraeus into Athens.  The first group of pictures were taken from the bus as we drove through Piraeus.







The next pictures are from the bus in Athens.  It was one of the hottest days of the year, and they closed the Acropolis in the afternoon due to the heat.



A pedestrian shopping street



A couple more pictures of Athens





In 2017 on the Prinsendam, we took a taxi to the Acropolis, but due to the lines just waiting to get a ticket, we decided not to visit the top.  We'd been there in 2003 on the old Regal Princess.  Instead, we walked down the hill to the ancient agora and then to the modern agora.  This was a street between the Acropolis and the agora.



A small chapel along the way





The ancient agora









The modern agora area near the train station.





An old church at the train station in Athens.






Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good Christmas Eve morning!


Chocolate is ALWAYS needed/wanted....my favorite saying is that's the bottom layer on the food pyramid!  Not into eggnog, and haven't been to Athens (thanks everyone for the pictures, wish I could visit right now!).


We rarely have a white Christmas on Long Island - but woke up to this:\


Of course, it's all gone by now, but it looked so pretty when I woke up at 5am (the Amazon delivery guys were bringing a Christmas package at 5:15!!!)


Hoping everyone has a wonderful Eve, and that all with health worries feel better (Jose, Graham, Roy, and those whose names I forgot - getting older isn't for the faint of heart!). Cheers to our Celebrations list. Enjoying following along with our Dailyites on their cruises. Stay safe everyone!



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I would like to thank Gerry, @ger_77 for here 2 hour bun recipe  .  I cut the ingredients in half and here are the results using 8x8 pans. 

It made 18 buns and since it is Xmas day tomorrow I do not think we are going to need the how to freeze using paper towels instructions.




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Good morning and Happy Christmas Eve to all!    It’s our dear granddaughters birthday!  

Continued prayers for Jacqui and Jose!   Thanks to all who take the time to multiquote. 

@mamaofamiI am sorry you are dealing with this,  I am praying you stay negative you have done every thing right.  

@grapau27cannot say I liked your photo, may be it’s just me, but perhaps a tad TMI especially first thing in the morning.  Heal well. 

We had the pleasure of an overnight in Athens last trip so we left town and visited Meteora and  Delphi. I will attempt some photos. 













Edited by bennybear
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I have a few more pictures from our stops in Athens and Piraeus.  The first one is a church in Piraeus between the cruise terminal and the train station.



In 2016 while on the Prinsendam, we took a tour to the Corinth Canal which included a boat ride through the canal.  The first picture is taken from the bridge over the canal.   On the tv show the Amazing Race, the contestants had to bungee jump from the bridge.  In the second picture, the small ship was stuck for a while and our boat circled the bay for a while until the ship was moving again.







On our first visit to Athens in 2002, when we were much younger, and fitter, we climbed to the top of the Acropolis.  I know there are similar pictures, but no visit to Athens should leave out pictures of the Acropolis.





The ancient theater that has been modernized.



The ruins of another ancient theater





Those seats do not look very comfortable.  I hope the performances didn't drag on too long.  😀



















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8 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and Happy Christmas Eve to all!    It’s our dear granddaughters birthday!   



please let your dear granddaughter know about this….




Here’s to many more wonderful birthdays. 


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15 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and Happy Christmas Eve to all!    It’s our dear granddaughters birthday!  

Continued prayers for Jacqui and Jose!   Thanks to all who take the time to multiquote. 

@mamaofamiI am sorry you are dealing with this,  I am praying you stay negative you have done every thing right.  

@grapau27cannot say I liked your photo, may be it’s just me, but perhaps a tad TMI especially first thing in the morning.  Heal well. 

We had the pleasure of an overnight in Athens last trip so we left town and visited Meteora and  Delphi. I will attempt some photos. 













Nice photos.


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2 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Thank you Graham!  We are having a great time!


 I saw your picture of your Mohs repair. I think you will heal quickly and in time you won’t even see a scar. Glad everything went well for you today. 

Merry Christmas!

Thank you for your reassuring words Sharon.

I am delighted you are having a great time.

Happy Christmas to you both.


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3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

For some reason, I couldn’t get back into my previous post after I’d done an edit.  I wanted to wish @grapau27quick healing from his surgery, and safe travels to all who are not staying home for Christmas.  

Take care everyone, we want to talk to you after Christmas, not about you!


Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂



2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Glad the surgery went well and that it is over. Hope you heal quickly.

God bless.



2 hours ago, Rowsby said:


@grapau27  First thing I wanted to check this morning....SO glad it's over...and all went well....!!!!


2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Like many others, every day is chocolate day at my house!  Last year I made egg nog that takes a couple months to "brew" (it was SO delicious!) but no time this year.  Also no last minute shopping, we had to get that finished before we did our 2-week land trip earlier this month.


I'm not surprised to hear that quote from Bill Mahar 🙄 'nuff said...I've had this wine before and it's good.  We've been to Athens several times, the most recently was this past September and October so my photos are from that cruise on the Eurodam.


@richwmnRich, I see that Rich Felder is on your cruise.  I'm sure you've seen him at Trivia -- could you tell him hi from Carolyn and Henry, his next-door-neighbors from the aft Eurodam?  He and his wife are lovely people.  And a huge thank you to all who are posting photos from the Rotterdam!


@mamaofamiprayers that you don't get Covid and thank you for giving more details about the technician.  I've relieved she was wearing a mask, and VERY happy you were wearing a good one.


@grapau27I'm sure you're happy that your surgery is over -- prayers for quick healing.


This visit we took the HOHO in Athens one day, some views from the bus





Dionysos Theater



Dionysos Theater and view of Athens



My favorite part of the Acropolis







While on the HOHO we saw a large police presence in the streets.  Pretty soon we found out what was going on.



It was a protest by students about funding.





We also went to the Acropolis Museum







Hadrian's Arch. Our first visit to Athens in 2011 there was no fee to enter.  Now there is.



We stopped to get some take-out from this restaurant, a favorite from 2011.  We were saddened to hear that the beloved patriarch of the family-owned restaurant had passed away in 2018.



2 hours ago, irishjim said:

I  am  so  glad  everything  went  well  and  you  are  home  with  your  darling  wife  and  can  be  together  for a  wonderful Christmas

                                                                                       Jim and Sheila


1 hour ago, NextOne said:

Happy Christmas Eve to all!  Wishing @grapau27 Graham quick healing - glad all went well.

Prayers for all who need them, especially Jose & Jacqui, and Father Himself. I wish we'd get some news about his condition!

I have a quiet morning, but this afternoon will be busy. My church added another service (all masked) this year, so there will be 5, starting at 2pm, and also at 4,6,8 and 10 pm. Our choir sings at 2,4, 8, and 10. We eat dinner (Greek this year) at 6 while the contemporary choir handles that service. It's a marathon, but lovely, particularly when we light the candles to sing "Silent Night."

When I get home, I'll pour myself a glass of "seasonally adjusted" eggnog and wind down before bed.

I have to be up early tomorrow to make the green bean casserole & creamed onions to take to my DSIL's home for dinner. And repeat on Sunday afternoon when DS and DDIL come to celebrate Boxing Day!


1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

Graham, believe me I can relate to the surgery. Fortunately the scar will heal pretty quickly.... and at least that is over and the nasty is gone. Take it easy for a few days.




1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

Every day is chocolate day! I like eggnog, but haven't had any this year. No last minute shopping here.

Cynical quote.

I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine today. I may make a pizza, although that was going to be tomorrow's dinner.

I have been to Athens, way back in 1999, on a land trip.


It's Christmas Eve, and quiet here.


@kazu Prayers for Jose, his medical team and you.

@Himself Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

@grapau27 I'm glad your procedure is done; now on to healing!

@Sharon in AZ Thanks for sharing the great pictures of Dailyites.

@mamaofami I'm glad to hear the grandsons' tests were negative. I did read they recommend testing 5 days after exposure; the waiting is hard. Prayers that you don't get sick.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


A few pics from Athens:

View of Athens from the Acropolis



The Parthenon



Parthenon and Acropolis



Remains of the theater of Dionysis



Temple of Olympian Zeus


Thank you everyone for all your lovely get well messages which I really appreciated all your best wishes.

Wishing everyone on this amazingly friendly thread a very 

Happy Christmas 🎄☃️.



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34 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I have a few more pictures from our stops in Athens and Piraeus.  The first one is a church in Piraeus between the cruise terminal and the train station.



In 2016 while on the Prinsendam, we took a tour to the Corinth Canal which included a boat ride through the canal.  The first picture is taken from the bridge over the canal.   On the tv show the Amazing Race, the contestants had to bungee jump from the bridge.  In the second picture, the small ship was stuck for a while and our boat circled the bay for a while until the ship was moving again.







On our first visit to Athens in 2002, when we were much younger, and fitter, we climbed to the top of the Acropolis.  I know there are similar pictures, but no visit to Athens should leave out pictures of the Acropolis.





The ancient theater that has been modernized.



The ruins of another ancient theater





Those seats do not look very comfortable.  I hope the performances didn't drag on too long.  😀



















Well, back in antique times, these were like the places places. Kings, heirs and famous people of those times would seat there watcing a play. This is what I would think of sitting on such a place. The place is amazing anyway 

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Happy Christmas Eve everyone. Hope everyone has a peaceful and healthy holiday. It seems so many plans have changed in the last week. We are expecting my husband's son to arrive in a couple of hours for a short visit and are dog sitting his cousin's dog until the New Year. Not really planning on going out much over the next few days, hopefully I really am as well stocked with supplies as I think I am!

I'm planning on "Whatsapping" my siblings in England tomorrow, hopefully it will work as they are all self isolating at their own homes, and not together at one place as usual. it might be chaotic! 


I did get some good news yesterday that all my skin biopsies from three weeks ago were benign so that was a great relief.


Hopefully Omnicron will be short lived and we will be able to get back to a more normal routine in 2022.

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1 minute ago, Sea Viewer said:

Happy Christmas Eve everyone. Hope everyone has a peaceful and healthy holiday. It seems so many plans have changed in the last week. We are expecting my husband's son to arrive in a couple of hours for a short visit and are dog sitting his cousin's dog until the New Year. Not really planning on going out much over the next few days, hopefully I really am as well stocked with supplies as I think I am!

I'm planning on "Whatsapping" my siblings in England tomorrow, hopefully it will work as they are all self isolating at their own homes, and not together at one place as usual. it might be chaotic! 


I did get some good news yesterday that all my skin biopsies from three weeks ago were benign so that was a great relief.


Hopefully Omnicron will be short lived and we will be able to get back to a more normal routine in 2022.

That is fantastic news your skin biopsies were all benign.


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30 minutes ago, Sea Viewer said:

I did get some good news yesterday that all my skin biopsies from three weeks ago were benign so that was a great relief.


Hopefully Omnicron will be short lived and we will be able to get back to a more normal routine in 2022.

Good news indeed, on the biopsies being benign.

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2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning and Happy Christmas Eve. Our dinner guest couple called early and they are cancelling as she has come down with bad cold symptoms and is going to get tested for Covid! So just me and my sweetheart which is always special.


I have been playing the forward echelon runner to the grocery store. Need more eggs, need brandy for eggnog, ginger snaps for pie crust, etc! By the amount of folks at the store I’m not the only one assigned these duties.

We will attend a Christmas Eve service (masked) and dinner following.


First time in my life without my wonderful sister but in my heart I know she is in better place then her last year here on earth.


Wishing all of you who celebrate a most joyous and safe Christmas Eve. 

Continued prayers for Jacqui and Jose and our long time Cruise Critic member Reverend Himself.

I always miss my DB and I feel for you on this first Christmas  without your sister.   Like you I focused on the fact that he was so ill before he passed and was in a better place now but it is still hard.All the best to you and your family. 

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Good morning, and Happy Christmas Eve to all!  Though we are thinking of, and praying for, all those who need our prayers.  Graham, they did a wonderful zig-zag on your face!  I had the same on my nose and cheek, it's amazing that there is no scar.  I guess that is why we go for the MOHS!  Did they get it all in one fell swoop or did they have to take a few more pieces?  I think they did about 6 with mine, and then the reconstruction...


@mamaofami, please don't get sick!  Pleased for your DGS's, now just take care of yourself.


We have been to Athens and Piraeus a few times.  I'm enjoying all the pictures.  I am trying to get a few things done today (mainly the vegan stuff, ugh) so I don't have to think about it tomorrow.  Other than that, not much going on.  We will just be 5 tomorrow, so well under the max allowed, which is 10 (just including one other family).  DD found us a little turkey, but I decided to save the ham for New Year's.  I have a tofurkey for DS and his partner (I do believe they are made of cardboard!)  Dr. Bonnie is talking now, if she said everything is off, I will just pack it all up and drop it off at DS's doorway!

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