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In quarantine on Equinox. Ask me anything. I’m bored.


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I'll add my thanks with the others; this was a great first-hand report. We were to have left today on Equinox, but we cancelled at the last possible minute...before this thread even. But this thread makes me believe we made the right decision. Looking forward to everyone cruising safely soon!

Edited by klflote
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4 minutes ago, phoenix_dream said:

Agree you may be right.  But that is poor management in the extreme.   What kind of plans are they if they only allow for a few cases onboard!  


Some are saying they hope the CDC doesn't read this thread.  Frankly, I'm hoping they do.  If the cruise lines can't handle what is happening they need to be shut down again for a couple of months until this peak passes.

They don't really need to read this thread.  The CDC is highly likely to be monitoring the situation directly with the cruise lines.  And might even have a field agent on board.  

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1 minute ago, hcat said:

Thank you for starting this thread and sharing...hope you arrive home safely and in good health!  Same for all thread contributors.


Our cruise is Nov 2022...hope things improve. Would hate to be sick on board or required to  wear a mask...

We too have a European cruise booked August 2022. Almost 8 months away and much can change. Final payment is May and if any doubt in our minds at that time, we will cancel before booking flights from Canada to Amsterdam,  hotels etc.  FFC is of no interest to us so cancellation before final payment is likely as things stand. Ultimately being stuck somewhere in Europe, trying to get home is pretty daunting for this Senior. We pays our money, or not, and takes our chances. This cruise has long been on our bucket list and we have hopes it will be doable for us.

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This has been an incredibly interesting and I have to say entertaining thread. @Parkinsonyour approach to the situation has been refreshing and a great example of “it is what it is”. I wish you and all others who were quarantined with this virus the best of health and recovery.  So nice to see your approach in a world full of media negativity right now.  

We have a B2B planned departing Feb 25 on the Silhouette so I’m hoping things calm down a bit between now and then. South Africa seems to be indicating they’ve conquered the wave or at least have it slowly moving on.   I’m hopeful.  Why not! 

I do not plan on cancelling. We will see what happens.  Hey if I end up in quarantine in Florida how bad could it really be missing out on more Canadian winter and having to stay. 

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13 minutes ago, phoenix_dream said:

Agree you may be right.  But that is poor management in the extreme.   What kind of plans are they if they only allow for a few cases onboard!  


Some are saying they hope the CDC doesn't read this thread.  Frankly, I'm hoping they do.  If the cruise lines can't handle what is happening they need to be shut down again for a couple of months until this peak passes.

I would imagine Celebrity management would not want the CDC to read these threads but as a future passenger I am with you and hope they do get hold of information like this from passengers.


I vary slightly from you about shutting down the cruise lines. If folks want to cruise - let them but if you do not want to cruise the line should refund the money and not hold folks to the FCC stuff.

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15 minutes ago, TeeRick said:

They don't really need to read this thread.  The CDC is highly likely to be monitoring the situation directly with the cruise lines.  And might even have a field agent on board.  

But do the cruise lines communicate what is really going on onboard?  I highly doubt that (case numbers, yes, but how effective they are at handling it, likely not).  I hope they have people onboard to see what is really happening.  After reading this thread I am very, very disappointed in Celebrity.  I felt more or less comfortable sailing believing unlike some other lines, they had their act together and if I got sick I would be treated appropriately and in accordance with their safe sailing policies.  Much of that seems not to be true if these postings are to be believed (and they sound very credible to me).  


I don't know the actual Covid numbers on this ship, but I am presuming/guessing fewer than 100, and most likely quite a bit lower than that.  Given the ease of transmission of Omicron, it is not unlikely that a ship could end up with hundreds of cases on a sailing.  What in the world would they do to handle that??

Edited by phoenix_dream
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5 minutes ago, RollWave said:

I vary slightly from you about shutting down the cruise lines. If folks want to cruise - let them but if you do not want to cruise the line should refund the money and not hold folks to the FCC stuff.

I agree.  Even if they extended the deadline to use it, it would help.  Cruising in the next year or so will be more difficult for us for several reasons. We really have to cruise this winter or we may have to forfeit our FCC. 

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Wishing @parkinson and everyone else who are covid positive a quick recovery and safe travels home…whenever that may be since it doesn’t appear as if you’ll be getting a private jet home like their guarantee spelled out. 

Thank you for the thread.  I’ve learned a lot.  I’ve always been a planner but sometimes have taken guarantees at face value.  This has now prompted me to make contingency plans for our upcoming trip to the Galapagos on Celebrity later this month.  

It definitely seems like they were overwhelmed by the sheer volume of covid cases on board.  I’m sure with it all unfolding over the Christmas holidays when shoreside would be working with a skeleton crew didn’t help. 

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12 hours ago, dollyd said:

You all have to understand how much I love the celebrity brand and how much it pains me to be on here making such negative posts. However, the treatment has been completely unbelievable with the lack of information. The crew are working tirelessly definitely a problem with the administration and how they are handling this crisis. 

I hear you. My wife and I have enjoyed our Celebrity cruises so much, but this poor treatment leaves such a sour taste. I want to be a patron of companies that look after their customers.

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I watched a YouTube video last night from someone currently quarantined on a Royal Caribbean ship and they were much more informed than these cruisers were...and they had only been in quarantine for a few hours.   


Safe travels home everyone...especially my fellow Canadians. I'm sure you're in for an adventure. 😞

Edited by sunseeker551
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26 minutes ago, phoenix_dream said:

Their safe sailing website information says that if you test positive they will arrange private transportation home for you (not sure of exact wording but that's the main point).



From the website:


We’re with you every step of the way no matter where in the world you travel with us. If you test positive for COVID-19 onboard during your cruise, Celebrity Cruises will cover the cost of your onboard COVID-19 medical treatment, land-based isolation, and private air transfer home for you and your traveling party, if required*.


This came up a few weeks ago. Short of needing an air ambulance to get home, if you have a viable option to drive or quarantine locally they are not flying you home on a private flight. 



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36 minutes ago, phoenix_dream said:

Agree you may be right.  But that is poor management in the extreme.   What kind of plans are they if they only allow for a few cases onboard!  


Some are saying they hope the CDC doesn't read this thread.  Frankly, I'm hoping they do.  If the cruise lines can't handle what is happening they need to be shut down again for a couple of months until this peak passes.


But if CDC read this, which CDC rule did X violate (when all exceptions and circumstances are considered)?  

Some of what I read suggests there was even some overkill (e.g., Chest Xray and full lab and urinalysis on everyone who tested positive regardless of symptoms is not what is done or necessary in the community when you get sick with Covid and have no or only mild upper respiratory symptoms -- are there extra requirements on X?  Are there requirements they be done instantly?)


The part I found most disturbing is the difficulty reaching someone by phone to ask a question, report a problem, order food, etc.  Though everyone eventually got food and no one developed kwashiorkor, there should at least be a hotline if someone is having a rapid deterioration in health, for whatever reason.


As for the lack of fulfillment of perceived promises to privately jet you home even if you feel fine -- well, I never believed they would do that anyway, though a couple months ago someone on CC surprisingly posted that is what they had done (and he had a private limo take him to the jet) , but there were very few cases. X did promise to reimburse accomodations, will see if they do that. 



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8 minutes ago, Catlover54 said:


The part I found most disturbing is the difficulty reaching someone by phone to ask a question, report a problem, order food, etc.  Though everyone eventually got food and no one developed kwashiorkor, there should at least be a hotline if someone is having a rapid deterioration in health, for whatever reason.


+1 to that part in particular!  As many were quarantining solo, i maintain that periodic phone wellness checks should be mandatory.  

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After reading this DH and I decided that if 1 of us tested positive and had to go into quarantine the other would not join them.  It sounds like having your partner not with you would give you someone on the outside who could advocate for you which may have helped @dollyd get tested and treatment faster.


The letter raises the questions do some hotels accept guests requiring quarantine? How do you find them? Or do you just book a hotel and not mention Covid?  I have visions of passengers being disembarked through the separate gangway and left on their own to figure out the regulation, transportation and accommodation logistics.

I hope some who were quarantined and don’t live within a reasonable driving distance home come back and post their experience. 

We love X but this letter leaves me very disappointed in what appears to be no follow through.  Maybe, since the ship is in Florida where they have staff, once off the ship there will be a team from X working to get accommodations, transportation and other logistical taken care of 🤞

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1 hour ago, phoenix_dream said:

After reading this, I am more concerned than ever.  Their safe sailing website information says that if you test positive they will arrange private transportation home for you (not sure of exact wording but that's the main point).  Reading this, they say they "may be able" to assist you in that regard.  What?!?!  That implies they also may not be able to assist you!!  What kind of baloney is that!  Basically it means I would most likely be stuck trying to find a hotel that would take me, and then being stuck there in quarantine for who knows how long.  And while they apparently would reimburse for the hotel cost, what about meals, what about potentially higher air fare to fly home?  IMHO this does NOT track with what they are promising us!  Is it just me?  Does anyone else read this the same way??

Like you I had every confidence Celebrity would take care of Covid guests. Seems like they just want to dump them ASAP. I have cruised 2x since August and praised X on Princess boards for their policies. We are all disappointed in the reality!  I even switched an Encganted Princess cruise to X in March! Thank you, Parkerson for opening our eyes!  Safe travels! Be well!

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2 minutes ago, luv4cruises said:

Like you I had every confidence Celebrity would take care of Covid guests. Seems like they just want to dump them ASAP. I have cruised 2x since August and praised X on Princess boards for their policies. We are all disappointed in the reality!  I even switched an Encganted Princess cruise to X in March! Thank you, Parkerson for opening our eyes!  Safe travels! Be well!

I would check with current passengers on Princess to see if things are any better.  Omicron has changed the landscape faster than anyone anticipated. Not saying X couldn't do better but I'd be interested to see if any cruiseline stepped up any better.


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9 minutes ago, jelayne said:

After reading this DH and I decided that if 1 of us tested positive and had to go into quarantine the other would not join them.  It sounds like having your partner not with you would give you someone on the outside who could advocate for you which may have helped @dollyd get tested and treatment faster.


The letter raises the questions do some hotels accept guests requiring quarantine? How do you find them? Or do you just book a hotel and not mention Covid?  I have visions of passengers being disembarked through the separate gangway and left on their own to figure out the regulation, transportation and accommodation logistics.

I hope some who were quarantined and don’t live within a reasonable driving distance home come back and post their experience. 

We love X but this letter leaves me very disappointed in what appears to be no follow through.  Maybe, since the ship is in Florida where they have staff, once off the ship there will be a team from X working to get accommodations, transportation and other logistical taken care of 🤞


Maybe it's not such a good idea to book my pre-cruise hotel next to the port.  It sounds like I could be surrounded by covid quarantine people if I stay on 17th street next to the port.  I've been looking for cheap rates, maybe I should book a very expensive hotel for 1 night to minimize the chance it will be used as a quarantine hotel.

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I wonder if people have travel insurance...couldn't they assist in locating hotel?


It might be a good idea to establish a point person for contact with impacted passengers..but what do you do when that point person is infected themselves. Perhaps this is an odd idea.. but identify a quarantined passenger or passengers to act as an ombudsman... they have nothing else to do... they could help funnel calls rather than have hundreds call... (have someone gather up questions and then get back to the passenger..unless it is something requiring ..say medical input).. that might take some of the pressure off. One person could say gather up room service requests, another protocol requests..that kind of thing.. Anyway it is an idea.


If all they symptoms are like OPs... would they be doing this if the illness was called..the flu? Sounds like vaccination keeps illness mild.. so I am wondering if on an essentially all vaccinated cruise, this is all an over reaction... we won't know until later when we look back. Are people generally quarantined during flu season? I honestly don't know... I know they do for norovirus.. but that is generally 2 days..as I recall.

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20 hours ago, stinkyenglishteacher said:

Glad to hear y’all are headed back out on the seas soon. I watched that same couple get escorted out. 😬


I expect school will be a hot mess next week…hoping omicron gets a move on! 

We were only fully remote 4th quarter of 2020. We have been live ever since. Last yr we did a live/remote combo--nightmare--but this year we have teachers who were hire JUST to teach those who chose to go remote. Unfortunately being on COVID quarantine is just treated as "sick" & they miss out.

I'm trying to wear a better mask but hot flashes make it a challenge.😡

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16 minutes ago, KKB said:

We were only fully remote 4th quarter of 2020. We have been live ever since. Last yr we did a live/remote combo--nightmare--but this year we have teachers who were hire JUST to teach those who chose to go remote. Unfortunately being on COVID quarantine is just treated as "sick" & they miss out.

I'm trying to wear a better mask but hot flashes make it a challenge.😡

I cannot wear N95 masks, but I can double mask with the 3 ply without issues.

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