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The Daily for Monday 01/03/2022


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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I'm pretty sure Festival of Sleep day means we get an unlimited number of naps today.  I've never tossed a fruitcake - oh wait, I did last year after DH bought a horrible one from the grocery store.  Humiliation day - I can manage to humiliate myself any day of the year, I don't need one special day to do it!


I mentioned yesterday that DH needed to replace the battery on his SUV, and because the temp warmed up, it had to be done.  He tried calling Canadian Tire (which has the largest stock and variety) and was on hold for over 30 minutes.  I tried calling from my call phone with the same results, so we figured we might as well head over there.  Talk about a zoo!  It appears most of the city had the same idea and were there replacing their vehicle batteries.  While we stood in line waiting to get to the counter, we saw at least 24 batteries leave the store, with many more coming in to be replaced.   Also, while standing in line, someone mentioned they'd been on hold over an hour on the phone, only to have the clerk say "Oh, we haven't answered phones at the store since 8:30 this morning, we're too busy."  That explained it.    


What is this "dry January" of which you speak?  I don't think I could participate in it, as the alcohol is required to keep the blood flowing freely during these cold times.  We refer to it as "personal antifreeze".  LOL


Neither of us is a fan of swiss chard, so will take a pass on today's menu suggestion.  I think we'll have a breakfast for dinner for a change, with fried ham, scrambled eggs, fruit and toast tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for Jacqui, Jose, Marley, and Jose's medical team.  We'll raise the antifreeze glasses to celebrate all on the happy list.  Stay well, wear your masks, wash your hands, get your boosters, be safe, and stay warm!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Good morning friends!  What a cold and blustery morning in north central Georgia.  The wind wants to keep tipping over the trash bins, or blow open their lids.  I'm wishing better weather blows in soon!  Yesterday morning's temp when we woke up was 70F and this morning it was 35F!  Crazy!


Thanks for our Daily report this morning Rich @richwmn.  And to Roy @rafinmdgood on ya for sleeping in today.  Thank you for keeping the lists.  Prayers for our friends and family on the Care list and cheers for those celebrating.  An interesting and no doubt true quote from Marilyn Monroe.  No thanks to the menu suggestion.  Unfortunately I never sleep straight through the night so I don't think I can celebrate Festival of Sleep properly.  I wouldn't know what to do if I slept 8 hours straight!  I have no fruitcake to toss.  Humiliation day sounds intriguing.  I should look that up.


I've been coughing a lot lately too Roy.  I've had that chronic cough for several years now and even the ENT didn't come up with anything, so not sure what it's all about.  But this week it's been ramped up a bit.  It is quite a disruption, isn't it?  Hope yours goes away and doesn't stick around like mine does.


Hoping for better news this week for Jacqui and Jose (and Marley!).  A new year, a new start! 


Time to go cut DH's hair for him, and then groom mine too.  I have plenty of photos of Ushuaia from our 4 visits but they will have to wait until afterwards.  📷

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876217388_5maskedgrandsons2022.thumb.png.e925eef47096562df5f4a9ea69521d31.pngGood morning everyone. I'm up early to see that my grandson's flight to LA last night was canceled and now his early AM flight was canceled too.

Thank you everyone for your condolences yesterday on the loss of our dear friend and for your warm wishes for Sam's birthday. It was the first time our three children and five grandsons were all together since June of 2019. I remember because on the 1st of that month my family made me a big party. So, my daughter had 3 tables out for our three families and we were all masked, but that didn't last. We were all outside and the three that just flew in from California on the 28th took rapid tests in the morning. I'm going to try to post a picture. I haven't been successful doing that here. 876217388_5maskedgrandsons2022.thumb.png.e925eef47096562df5f4a9ea69521d31.png

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43 minutes ago, kazu said:


1 hour ago, summer slope said:

Good morning from the Rotterdam.  I'm disappointed at the Neptune Suite on the Rotterdam.  It is small, about the size of the Signature Suite on other ships with a small deck.  However, the ship is beautiful. 


Another faithful daily-ite keeping up with the drinks of the day even though she is cruising 👍 Impressive!  Happy to here you got to meet Seasick Sailor and so sorry on your disappointment on the Neptune Suite.  Makes me wonder how much smaller the Signature Suites are on that ship?



Here is a comparison by ship class for staterooms with verandahs

Pinnacle Class (Rotterdam):
Pinnacle - Approximately 1,290 sq. ft. including verandah. 
Neptune - Approximately 465–502 sq. ft. including verandah 
Signature - Approximately 393–400 sq. ft. including verandah 
Vista - Approximately 260–356 sq. ft. including verandah.
Verandah - Approximately 228–405 sq. ft. including verandah.

Signature Class (Nieuw Amsterdam):
Pinnacle - Approximately 1,357 sq. ft. including verandah 
Neptune - Approximately 506–590 sq. ft. including verandah
Signature - Approximately 273–456 sq. ft. including verandah.
Vista - N/A
Verandah - Approximately 213–379 sq. ft. including verandah.

Vista Class (Westerdam):
Pinnacle - Approximately 1,150 sq. ft. including verandah 
Neptune - Approximately 500–712 sq. ft. including verandah
Signature - Approximately 372–384 sq. ft. including verandah
Vista - N/A
Verandah - Approximately 212–359 sq. ft. including verandah




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3 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

876217388_5maskedgrandsons2022.thumb.png.e925eef47096562df5f4a9ea69521d31.png It was the first time our three children and five grandsons were all together since June of 2019. I remember because on the 1st of that month my family made me a big party. So, my daughter had 3 tables out for our three families and we were all masked, but that didn't last. We were all outside and the three that just flew in from California on the 28th took rapid tests in the morning.

Carol - how very special! This is a wonderful picture. It tells a great story. One for everyone’s memory books!

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1 hour ago, summer slope said:

Good morning from the Rotterdam.  Interesting Monroe quote.

I'm disappointed at the Neptune Suite on the Rotterdam.  It is small, about the size of the Signature Suite on other ships with a small deck.  However, the ship is beautiful.  New deck plans to get used to.  Ok, rant over.  Got to meet @Seasick Sailorlast night!  Off for early morning exploring and coffee.

Prayers and toasts to our lists.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.

Bourbon Tarragon Cooler:

2 Parts Maker's Mark Bourbon
1 Part Lime Juice
0.5 Part Agave Syrup
1 Pinch Salt
1 Cup Ice
4 Tarragon Sprigs
Infuse bourbon with Serrano peppers (instructions follow). Place all ingredients in a blender and blend on high until the ice is pureed. Serve immediately. *Serrano-infused Makers Mark Bourbon: 2 cups Makers Mark Bourbon and 1 piece Serrano pepper, cut in half and de-seeded. Combine the pepper and Makers Mark Bourbon in an airtight container and allow it to macerate until ready to serve. Store in the fridge and shake container gently twice a day.


Screen Shot 2022-01-03 at 7.02.30 AM.png

Interesting drink.  Have a great cruise on the ROTTERDAM. Thanks for the post.

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Good morning.  Not a dry January here either.  The green drink doesn't appeal nor Chenin Blanc.   I am trying a new recipe from NYT today - sheet pan chicken thighs with shallots, olives and lemons.  I am riding to Costco with my fiancee but not going in.  COVID continues to rage so I am not risking it.  We are 40 days out from our NS cruise so don't want to risk anything.   Lots of chatter on RC CC  page that popped up in my Google feed.  Videos of NYE party. Probably pulled down by now.  Everyone stay safe and warm wherever you are.  Sunrise here this morning. 




Edited by ottahand7
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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you for the Monday Daily, Rich.  I seem to be celebrating sleep a lot more than usual lately.  I'll eat my last slice of fruit cake today,  Often humiliation seems to find me.  I've been to Ushuaia several times.  I'll pass on the meal.  Interesting quote by Monroe.  Snowing this morning.  I may have a dental appointment but will consult with the doctor first since I seen to be not quite recovered from a nasty cough.


Today’s care list:

Strength for Jacqui, healing for Jose and wisdom for his doctors
Saint John Hospital Covid Situation

Colorado Wildfires
My pastor with breakthrough covid
Welfare of furloughed crews
Walker in hospice
1ANGELCAT with finger in splint
Tana’s continuing struggles with pneumonia added on
MissG’s dad with pneumonia
From the rotation:
SrLouisCruiser awaiting MOSE 2/21
HAL Sailor DH health issues
NextOne  DDIL with mystery illness
summer slope BCC surgery in February



Celebrations and Shoutouts:

6 BHB with passengers
Front Line Health Care Workers
6 days for GTVCRUISER (Koningsdam 1/9 to 1/16)
6 days for sassy~one (Rotterdam 1/9 to 1/29)
Carnival Group  hospital ships Noordam, Crown Princess, and Queen Victoria
Aliaschief on babysitting duty
Lottery luck for dfish
summer slope (1/29), Seasick Sailor (1/16), Av8rix(Rotterdam to 1/9) and Ichiban Nekko (Nieuw Amsterdam to 1/8) at sea
Welcome home Lindaler, garlictown, Sharon,  Rich, and  Copper10_8
Koningsdan Staff Captain Sabine - officially onboard & introduced. - Our first female Staff Captain and HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)




Thanks for the lists, Roy

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Good morning everyone,

Well, our balmy weather is over.  It is 52 degrees and very windy here in Bluffton, SC.  What a change overnight!

We don’t have any fruitcake to toss.  Humility is good for the soul.

Like the quote.

We have been to Ushuaia and thoroughly enjoyed our day there.

Would love to go back.  Somewhere there are photos.  If I can find them, I will post them later.

Prayers for all who need them, especially Jacqui to stay strong and Jose to recover.

Also to those with breakthrough COVID infections.

Cheers to those who are celebrating and cruising.

Hope everyone has a great day and 

God Bless,


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18 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  What a cold and blustery morning in north central Georgia.  The wind wants to keep tipping over the trash bins, or blow open their lids.  I'm wishing better weather blows in soon!  Yesterday morning's temp when we woke up was 70F and this morning it was 35F!  Crazy!


Thanks for our Daily report this morning Rich @richwmn.  And to Roy @rafinmdgood on ya for sleeping in today.  Thank you for keeping the lists.  Prayers for our friends and family on the Care list and cheers for those celebrating.  An interesting and no doubt true quote from Marilyn Monroe.  No thanks to the menu suggestion.  Unfortunately I never sleep straight through the night so I don't think I can celebrate Festival of Sleep properly.  I wouldn't know what to do if I slept 8 hours straight!  I have no fruitcake to toss.  Humiliation day sounds intriguing.  I should look that up.


I've been coughing a lot lately too Roy.  I've had that chronic cough for several years now and even the ENT didn't come up with anything, so not sure what it's all about.  But this week it's been ramped up a bit.  It is quite a disruption, isn't it?  Hope yours goes away and doesn't stick around like mine does.


Hoping for better news this week for Jacqui and Jose (and Marley!).  A new year, a new start! 


Time to go cut DH's hair for him, and then groom mine too.  I have plenty of photos of Ushuaia from our 4 visits but they will have to wait until afterwards.  📷

I've also had the same chronic cough for several years and, thus far, I've received no definitive diagnosis!

I have had a CXR done and am booked for an appointment at a 'Respiratory Clinic'!  Dependent upon the results, the next step will be an appointment with the ENT Clinic!

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Thank you so much for these dailies, how fun! It feels

lime forever since I have been on a dam ship I think the last time was in 2018. We are finally booked on NA in March and can’t wait to get back on board. It makes me happy to see so many names I remember still here.


prayers for those who need them and cheers for those celebrating. Aliaschief babysitting? That’s awesome 🙂


for those suffering with chronic cough with no ENT answers, maybe see if you can be checked for GERD. Chronic cough and post-nasal drip were my only reflux symptoms and apparently my GERD was quite severe. 🤷🏻‍♀️

have a great day all!

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Good Morning, Dailyites!


Certainly can't celebrate Festival of Sleep Day here -- woke up at 2:30am and haven't been able to fall back to sleep (grrr).  Hate it when this happens!  Maybe a nap will be in order this afternoon 🤞.


Thanks to all who contribute here -- it is my "go to" place every morning (even at 2:30).  Cheers to those on the celebratory list and healing thoughts to those on the care list.


We have been to Ushuaia twice.  The first time was 12/26/2013 on the Golden Princess, LA to Rio.  We took a ship tour "Drive to the End of the World".


Saw this guy from the bus along the way



Beagle Channel





Getting their passports stamped





The local beer



Our "home away from home" Golden Princess



This expedition ship was docked with us -- little did we know then that less than a year later we would be back here boarding an expedition ship to Antarctica!  





Part 2 to follow.










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Good Morning from a very windy day at the beach

       I woke up to my patio chairs and plants  blowing all over.  What a mess but all cleaned up. Temp is 69.

       No fruitcake this year so nothing to toss. But I do like a good one,

     I tend to avoid high maintenance people. A little humility goes a long way.

   I think todays port was on our cancelled S. America trip. That trip is back on the list. Looking forward to pictures.

   Another quiet day here for me. I cancelled water aerobics due to the wind.


Stay safe and enjoy today






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OMG!  The cough, that I have had since I fell on my face two years ago. (May 2020) Nose, not broken, elbow was, but then once out of surgery, I started THE COUGH!  DH says it's because I smoke, not sure that was the sudden cause. I tried to make an appointment with my doc, but their offices kept saying if you have a cough, you cannot come in. (the world with covid)  


I lied last January and finally got in to see the doc.  He was mad that I lied, but really by then I had been coughing for 8 months, I didn't think it was covid, and I had been tested. (before surgery) He asked me what I had done to handle it, um....since I have high blood pressure, and he advised me years ago not to take any OTC drugs without his approval, and it took 8 months to get in, I had taken nothing.  And he said, he wasn't going to do anything for me, since I hadn't done anything for myself.  They took a chest X-ray, and my lungs were fine.  Sinuses still running like crazy, which creates THE COUGH, and lying down feels like drowning. And now I am in year two of THE COUGH!  I seem to breath better when I am outside, but right now??? it finally is winter.  Maybe I can live in a tent.  I thought about that last year...


I really thought it was just me, so thank you for bringing THE COUGH up in conversation. Besides the quitting smoking, which is this years goal (quit drinking 30 years ago) and using cough drops, any one had any luck trying anything else?  Besides sleeping sitting up?  Oh well.....





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38 minutes ago, GeriatricNurse said:

I've also had the same chronic cough for several years and, thus far, I've received no definitive diagnosis!

I have had a CXR done and am booked for an appointment at a 'Respiratory Clinic'!  Dependent upon the results, the next step will be an appointment with the ENT Clinic!

Welcome to the Daily!

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Ushuaia - Part 2.  Fast forward to 11/6 and 11/7/2014.


After flying to Buenos Aires and spending two nights at Iguazu Falls, we flew to Ushuaia to spend two nights at Los Cauquenes Resort prior to our expedition cruise on Quark Sea Spirit to Antarctica.




The sun room



Yep, I was happy as a clam with the scenery and a glass of wine



Rainbow over the Beagle Channel



On the second day, we ventured into town.  Stopped in this place for a snack, and wine 😉







View of the roasting pit from inside



That evening we went back into town for dinner at Volver restaurant for King Crab.


Picking out our dinner





Taking it back to the kitchen for the "weigh in"



Finally, we get to enjoy it



The remains



As we were leaving the restaurant, we saw that our ship had slipped into dock



The expedition team ready to greet us the next morning as we set out on our Antarctic adventure!





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39 minutes ago, Zeta3 said:

Thank you so much for these dailies, how fun! It feels

lime forever since I have been on a dam ship I think the last time was in 2018. We are finally booked on NA in March and can’t wait to get back on board. It makes me happy to see so many names I remember still here.


prayers for those who need them and cheers for those celebrating. Aliaschief babysitting? That’s awesome 🙂


for those suffering with chronic cough with no ENT answers, maybe see if you can be checked for GERD. Chronic cough and post-nasal drip were my only reflux symptoms and apparently my GERD was quite severe. 🤷🏻‍♀️

have a great day all!


Thanks, I'll look into that.  And welcome to the Daily!

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1 hour ago, GeriatricNurse said:

I've also had the same chronic cough for several years and, thus far, I've received no definitive diagnosis!

I have had a CXR done and am booked for an appointment at a 'Respiratory Clinic'!  Dependent upon the results, the next step will be an appointment with the ENT Clinic!


Hope you figure out what's going on.  Maybe look into the GERD like @Zeta3said.  Welcome to the club and to the Daily!

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Good morning. Seems I can post this morning! I read every day but often can’t post. Prayers for those that need them and cheers to the celebration list.


oh that chronic cough! @StLouisCruisers. @GeriatricNurse @Zeta3 @marshhawk three years now. Chest X-ray, VQ lung scan, several breathing tests, gastroscopy, treated for h.pylori twice. I have Gerd but controlling that didn’t make a difference. I never did smoke so nothing to give up. The biggest change for me came when I stopped drinking carbonated beverages. (Club soda and tonic). This has really cut my coughing down to almost nothing. I does mean I drink my vodka over ice rather than with club soda. Of course, controlling the Gerd did help too. 

dh and I continue our isolation. Just found out that another grandson and his gf were exposed to Covid yesterday. We haven’t seen them since 27th. But I fear it is just a matter of time before we all come down with Covid. Thank goodness we are all triple vaxed.


stay safe, stay warm, wear your masks! 

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Good morning  to all.Snow showers are expected later and it is cold and grey out now. It certainly is an interesting  collection  of days.I think I utilized  the Marilyn  Monroe quote often when working with patients  who were very upset by their changes in function. It helps now when trying to keep things calmer  at home.It is challenging  to be ill and/or disabled.

@dfish,Debbie, the recipes look  so good,thanks so much.I congratulate you on your lottery win but I am sorry it has to be put towards dental repairs.

@mamaofami,Carol,I love the pictures of all of those handsome grandsons.I hope the party went well.

My Massachusetts  family (grandma of Camilla) told us yesterday  that both Grandma and Grandpa are covid positive. They are both nurses and triple vaccinated.They are experiencing  mild cases,thank goodness.Their respective hospitals are really full and the Gov is talking about National Guard assistance. Oh my.

My best to all of you.Please be careful out there.


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