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The Daily for Sunday 01/23/2022


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In looking at Quebec City photos, I see that in October, 2018 they were having a marathon on the city streets when we got off the Rotterdam.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLrzV02QcwvAKvgAHJC7Sch?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1546377039




Near the Fairmont hotel was this colorful building housing restaurants and shops.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIqJmrfvuUZAg0LqctjGY7U?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1546377064




An artist selling prints here.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKY5YdX-vrxe9v5k0nwwMdg?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1546377061




The U. S. Consulate General offices.  While visiting in Quebec on Aug. 29, 2018 on Seabourn Quest there were two security officers standing across the street chatting, so we stopped and had a nice conversation with them.  Unfortunately this day in October they were nowhere to be seen.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLfWrYrdV3wNmECxkJPla0o?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1546377075




The final picture was taken about 6:20 am on Aug. 29, 2018 as the Quest pulled up to the dock in Quebec City.  The sun was rising and shining on the Fairmont.  I love the color of the brick with the lighting early in the morning.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKtevAtaUla3UUYrXa6YSBS?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1538516542

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Lovely frosty morning here, but sunny so I’ll take it. 

I love pies, but not rhubarb. My mom used to make them a lot but they make me gag. I used to make apple pies a lot but got out of the habit when the kids all moved out. I always used lard in my crusts. 

I worked with a girl at my last job who could not read the cursive letters her grandmother used to send her. She would bring them in for me to translate. Egads… My daughter made sure her little ones knew how to write in cursive and read analog clocks. She will make sure they can drive a standard transmission when they get to that age too!


That quote reminds me of what my mother used to say about me “she can speak three languages but can’t get herself across the street without getting hit”. She’s been dead many years now and I still don’t miss her 😡.


The meal sounds delicious. I love peas. 
The drink and the wine sound awesome. 
My last cruise was the Canada/New England one in 2019 and I had a great time in Quebec. Tea at the Frontenac was delicious and the funicular ride was cool, although a bit nauseating as it was an extremely warm day (upper 80’s). I will be on that cruise again this fall. 


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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  Two pies in one day - wow!  I can't make pie crust, so I don't even bother trying any more, I just buy the crust and make the fillings.  Both DH and I love rhubarb pie, but don't have it often; I should check to see if I have any rhubarb in the freezer and put one together.  I know I have tart shells, so instead of pie  . . . 


I've always had good handwriting; my girlfriend liked my penmanship so much that she asked me to address all 250 of her wedding invitations.  That's what you do for your BFF when you're 18 years old!  LOL   On the other hand, DH has terrible handwriting, and even more so now that he has an essential tremor.  Like @jimgev, he can print faster and better than he can write, so most of his life he has printed.  Our DS seems to have inherited his father's poor handwriting which is almost embarrassing to me.


Welcome to @0106 and @MISTER67 to the Daily, we hope you'll feel comfortable with us and post more often.

Happy Birthday to @smitty34877, have a wonderful day of celebration - after all you do for others, you deserve more than a single day where you feel like a princess!


Looking at the driveway this morning, you'd never know I cleared it off yesterday.   I'll have to see if the leaf blower will take some of it before I start digging in with the shovel.  It's relatively warm for us (-6C, 21F), so at least clearing the snow won't be a face numbing chore today.


Yesterday we went mattress shopping, getting analyzed, trying everything from mattresses that keep you warm, to keep you cool and can sense movements, and adjustments, etc.,  I think we've decided on a Casper memory foam mattress.  I recall having a foam mattress from Sears when we first got married and remember how absolutely comfortable it was for a very long time.  Of course, it was only a double bed, so we upgraded to a queen and foam was no longer in fashion, so went with a coil type.


I like today's menu suggestion, and although I don't have rigatoni, I have bow tie pasta that I think will work quite well.  I know DH isn't terribly fond of sausage, so I think I'll substitute bacon instead.  A hearty pasta dish and a side salad will be what's on our dinner table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for Jose, Jacqui, and all our Dailyites and families who are experiencing health issues.  @rafinmdit was very kind of you to add DH and me to the care list, thank you.  We'll raise the glasses tonight to cheer on all on the celebration list.  Be safe, wear your masks, get your boosters, wash your hands, stay well, and keep warm!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Quebec is a great city. I have no idea when I will have a chance to visit it again, bu I will certainly do it in the near future. Thank you very much for all the photos you have posted. Cant express my enjoyment of going over them. Its like going back in time. In any case, hope everyone is doing great and gets eady to travel 

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8 minutes ago, Navybikermom said:


I worked with a girl at my last job who could not read the cursive letters her grandmother used to send her. She would bring them in for me to translate. Egads… My daughter made sure her little ones knew how to write in cursive and read analog clocks. She will make sure they can drive a standard transmission when they get to that age too!


I love that your daughter taught her children to write in cursive and read analog clocks.  The standard transmission is a good idea too.  Of course my kids were of an age they learned all the writing and clock reading in school, but we also made them drive a standard transmission too.  Both of them had standard transmission cars at an early age, of their own choice and not forced upon them.  Of course we all drive automatics now but everyone still has that skill!

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1 minute ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I love that your daughter taught her children to write in cursive and read analog clocks.  The standard transmission is a good idea too.  Of course my kids were of an age they learned all the writing and clock reading in school, but we also made them drive a standard transmission too.  Both of them had standard transmission cars at an early age, of their own choice and not forced upon them.  Of course we all drive automatics now but everyone still has that skill!

She still drives a car that has a stick and it’s a fairly new model! Mine is an automatic but I do have a motorcycle, so I still keep my shifting skills sharp. 

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20 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily report.  Two mornings in a row I was allowed to sleep until 6.  Today’s meal suggestion sounds good and @dfish recipes look very tempting.  Made an early run to the grocery store.  The gaps on the shelves is very noticeable.  Planning on a Target run in a bit.  I’ll take a piece of pie any day.



Jake, haven't you heard?  Some people claim the shelves are NOT empty!  Is that why we have to go to several stores to find our goods?  It's getting worse I think.

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1 minute ago, Navybikermom said:

She still drives a car that has a stick and it’s a fairly new model! Mine is an automatic but I do have a motorcycle, so I still keep my shifting skills sharp. 


If we decide to go on The Amazing Race, we can drive those stick shift cars!  We only have to figure out the right hand drive instead of the left hand drive.  I've heard the pedals are still in the same order as the left hand drive.  Just need to know where first gear is!

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1 minute ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I love that your daughter taught her children to write in cursive and read analog clocks.  The standard transmission is a good idea too.  Of course my kids were of an age they learned all the writing and clock reading in school, but we also made them drive a standard transmission too.  Both of them had standard transmission cars at an early age, of their own choice and not forced upon them.  Of course we all drive automatics now but everyone still has that skill!

I used to use a fountain pen at grammar school 50 years ago.

Pauline bought 2 fountain pens with spare ink cartridges when we were away this week and she has been practising writing with them.

She got interested because she has the job in church of writing names in the church's remembrance book with a fountain pen.



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2 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


If we decide to go on The Amazing Race, we can drive those stick shift cars!  We only have to figure out the right hand drive instead of the left hand drive.  I've heard the pedals are still in the same order as the left hand drive.  Just need to know where first gear is!

The only difference is you are using your left hand to change gears on a right hand drive car.


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50 minutes ago, Roger88 said:

Its weird. I mean crusive writing should be obligatory in schools. It hurts my eyes seeing people who cant write in crusive.. its so weird. To me, cursive writing underlines the level of your general education. 

There are a lot of things they don't teach anymore like History, Geography and Social Studies, I'm not sure what they teach now in this day and age.

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10 minutes ago, MISTER 67 said:

There are a lot of things they don't teach anymore like History, Geography and Social Studies, I'm not sure what they teach now in this day and age.

I do some substitute teaching at a local High School. They have classes in all those subjects and several are requirements for graduation. 

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On Pie Day, a fond memory was a visit 30+ years ago from one of my DM's best friends. Knowing that DM had taught me to cook, Mrs. Hahn was quite aghast when I pulled out a store bought, refrigerated box of pie crusts. I explained that my homemade crusts always turned out tough.  At that point, she taught me to make 'her' never-fail pie crust that is both easy and tender. I've never bought a pie crust since. 


Not knowing the origin of 'her' recipe, I've always called it Mrs. Hah's. Hoping that I'm not stepping on our @dfish food expert's toes, I offer:


Mrs. Hahn's Never-Fail Pie Crust

DRY -- mix together:

3 cups flour

1⅓ cup shortening

1 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. salt


WET -- mix together:

1 egg, beaten

2 Tbl. vinegar (white or apple cider)

4 Tbl. cold water


Moisten the DRY mixture with the WET mixture. Don't over mix. Form into three balls. Each makes one crust.


Note: This crust freezes well unbaked. You can flatten the balls into pucks, wrap well, and freeze. Thaw to roll. Or, if you have extra pie pans, you can roll out, place in pie pan, and freeze in pie pan wrapped well ready for use later. No need to thaw; just fill and bake.



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21 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

I used to use a fountain pen at grammar school 50 years ago.

Pauline bought 2 fountain pens with spare ink cartridges when we were away this week and she has been practising writing with them.

She got interested because she has the job in church of writing names in the church's remembrance book with a fountain pen.



I used to love writing with the Schaefer, I think, cartridge fountain pen.  Peers thought I was crazy.  A more elegant writing instrument.

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1 minute ago, HAL Sailer said:

Not knowing the origin of 'her' recipe, I've always called it Mrs. Hah's. Hoping that I'm not stepping on our @dfish food expert's toes, I offer:


Not at all!   Always feel free to add to the recipe collection.

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Good Morning from a cool and overcast day at the beach.

    Looks like we are stuck with this weather front for the next few days. Not complaining, others have it much worse than me.

    Dont care for rhubarb so my share goes to someone else.

    I was also taught the " Palmer Method" for writing.  DH had a brilliant young lawyer working for him and he could type faster than anyone. DH asked him to type up notes due to a time crunch. He said oh Mr. C. I cant read cursive. DH was floored!

It is just amazing. 

    @ger_77 I was sorry to hear about DHs health issues and your cancelled cruise. Better to get it taken care of now and then you can really enjoy your cruise later.

      @smitty34877 A very Happy Birthday to you. May you enjoy many more.


  Stay safe and enjoy today



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24 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

I used to use a fountain pen at grammar school 50 years ago.

Pauline bought 2 fountain pens with spare ink cartridges when we were away this week and she has been practising writing with them.

She got interested because she has the job in church of writing names in the church's remembrance book with a fountain pen.



I'm really dating myself here but some on this board will remember this. In elementary school, we had desks with ink wells. We learned to write with a pen by dipping the point into the ink and then writing on the paper. It was a mess!. There were big ink blotches all over the paper and our hands were stained with ink. Then they invented pens that had a snorkle kind of system to fill an internal resevoir with ink. That was mauch better and the ultimate was when they invented ink cartridges.

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34 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I love that your daughter taught her children to write in cursive and read analog clocks.  The standard transmission is a good idea too.  Of course my kids were of an age they learned all the writing and clock reading in school, but we also made them drive a standard transmission too.  Both of them had standard transmission cars at an early age, of their own choice and not forced upon them.  Of course we all drive automatics now but everyone still has that skill!

I learned to drive on a standard and taught both kids that way.I hadn't  driven a standard in years and had to remember very quickly how to manage in our stop and go traffic with hills. I was sweating bullets by the time  I returned home with DS's car.

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19 minutes ago, jimgev said:

I do some substitute teaching at a local High School. They have classes in all those subjects and several are requirements for graduation. 


19 minutes ago, jimgev said:

I do some substitute teaching at a local High School. They have classes in all those subjects and several are requirements for graduation. 

I have grandchildren in Orange County California and my son told me that the three I mentioned are not being taught, classes are mainly in Math, Science and English and other languages. Maybe curriculum is based on where you live in the country.

Edited by MISTER 67
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1 minute ago, MISTER 67 said:



I have grandchildren in Orange County California and my son told me that the three I mentioned are not being taught, classes are mainly in Math, Science and English and other languages. Maybe curriculum is based on where you live in the country.

True. Curriculum is based primarily on State standards and to a lesser degree  on local boards of education.


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Thanks for our Sunday Daily, Rich.


Not a huge pie eater but I do love rhubarb.  None to be found at this time of the year, sadly.  I guess I celebrated National Handwriting Day early when I did up my thank you notes unless writing out my list of things to do today counts 😉 


LOL on the Oscar Wilde quote.  Quebec city is always fun to visit.  Have never been there on a cruise but we have certainly visited 😉 


Oh goodie it snowed last night and there is more coming today.




I don’t get how it can be so cold and still snow.  Sheesh.  




Well @ger_77I joined your club and cancelled our cruise in May to the Norwegian fjords & British Isles.   After months of planning I’m now unwinding everything 😢 It’s pretty evident that DH won’t be able to go and I’m not leaving him now.  


@Cruzin TerriI hope you are feeling much better today 🤞 


I started this post earlier this morning and just getting it finished now.  Sheesh. Didn’t take and Trying to do too much cancelling arrangements I guess along with hospital calls.  Now to catch up. After a few weeks of medicating dogs, I got a kick out of this one:




Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them & 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great Sunday everyone!




Stay safe and please don’t forget your 😷 










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Well, it was a great service and sermon this morning. Due to recent surge we are back to on-line church services. My singing at home is atrocious but is heartfelt. 
  I have found my penmanship is deteriorating more every year. In today’s world it is seldom that I have to write.


We have done around 5 Canada to Florida repositioning cruises and just can’t wait for the next one. A great cruise and more likely most will begin in Quebec City now that the smaller fleet ships are disappearing.


Pies sound great but we are on a diet.☹️


May all of you have a safe, healthy and memorable week. 

A few pics of Quebec City follow.




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