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The Daily for Thursday 02/24/2022


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4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  We both love tortilla chips, but I haven't made them into nachos for a while; maybe it's time I did.  Digital learning is great, but is a poor substitute for in person learning.  Hooray for bartenders, especially those on our BHB's!


Prayers for Ukraine today; what's happening there is absolutely deplorable.  We've been to 3 places (Odessa, Yalta and Sevastopol), and enjoyed each one of them on HAL cruises.  I'm sure it will be a long time (if ever) that we get to return to any of them.


We had some good news yesterday, DH's angiogram is scheduled for March 7th, so we'll head to the hospital very early in the morning with his overnight bag in hand in the event (totally likely) that they have to insert a couple of stents.  Some of you may wonder why it's taken so long - well, our ICU beds have been taken up with Covid patients, and they have to have a bed available in case it's needed.  Hopefully this is a sign that this darn virus is starting to ease up, or that more people have been vacccinated.  Now that restrictions have been lifted, I will be able to spend the day at the hospital waiting for him, rather than nervously at home.  


I like today's menu suggestion, but seriously, I'd take @rafinmd's menu exactly as he's ordered it.  Sure wish I was sharing a table with him at dinner tonight!  For us, we're having leftover meatloaf!  I sort of over estimated the amount of ground beef thawed out, so I figured I might as well make it into a couple of loaves.  I was nearly sleeping when DH came to bed last night, but I'm sure that by the smell of it, he had some in a sandwich as he watched the late news beside me.  LOL  I'm good with leftover meatloaf, but will likely make some air fried potatoes and steamed veggies to go along with it.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  We'll celebrate by clinking our glasses together to cheer on all who make up the happy list.  Stay safe, get your boosters, be well, wash your hands, wear your masks, and keep warm!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂




3 hours ago, Sea Viewer said:

Good news for you both! I had to take my husband to the ER on Saturday night as he had chest pains, I dropped him off at the door and went to park the car ( no valet parking at hospitals now). By the time I got back to the ER, he had been taken to a room and as there is a no visitor policy in the ER currently I couldn't see him. Due to lack of beds he had to be monitored in the ER until Monday late pm when he had had an angiogram. Due to other medical issues they could not insert the stents at that time. I was finally able to see him Tuesday. Yesterday he was scheduled to have stents inserted and I spent the day in his room with him. At 5pm the cardiology team decided that his other medical condition had not improved enough to do the stenting, so he is now rescheduled for Friday.


The lack of beds and additional procedures due to Covid  definitely has impacted healthcare delivery.

I'm thankful for the care he is getting at the moment and also that he is not considered to be in imminent danger of another heart attack at the moment. Hopefully he can get the procedure on Friday and his chest pain will stop. I just wonder about him not being scheduled for many of his routine tests (echocardiograms, stress tests etc) over the last couple of years due to medical offices only wanting to telehealth visits.


It is definitely better to schedule in advance if possible. Hoping you get a great result from your DH's procedures.



Sending my prayers 🙏 and best wishes for both of your husband's for their angiograms.

Hopefully they are successful in having an angioplasty procedure and stents fitted to open any blocked or partially blocked arteries.


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The winery covered a large area, the poor grape vines lived a hard life!  But the wine was good..,









Then we visited our guide's home town, Villa de Teguise, in the middle of a barren land!














And past the  Thousand Palm Tree valley




On to post no. 3!


Edited by Vict0riann
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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

From Nov. 11, 2014 on the Constellation.  We took a stroll through Arrecife both times we've visited there.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKvUXZp-NAZLmDzqYHVvP9X?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779408




We walked by a unique history museum which appeared to be housed in an old fortress.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJnZZzc7R01-hz5ykPp2yTE?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779414




Many people probably come here to lie in the sun on a nice sandy beach.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKF-2EU_o5-kbut3ipa6cBv?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779422


While others come to shop or eat in restaurants.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIn2YSsMObyL76RAQn05QPD?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779440




Here is the Church of San Gines00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKj-1yZVwE3o9nWCs6gwBuC?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779428




Nice Spanish architecture00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIYxLAGqWZu1J2fPg6TfJnJ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779425


Docked behind the Constellation was the Sea Cloud II, a cruise ship with the feel of a tall ship.  Of course we had to walk back there to take a picture or two.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJaokuDYzmHByyhRrOlrL4P?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1416779452




I just hope the passengers on that ship didn't have to help raise the sails!  


Thank you for your photos Sandi. 

We used a camcorder on most of our cruises so only have video recordings.

We are due to go to Arrecife later this year on a Canary Islands cruise from Tenerife.

Our prayers 🙏 are with the people of Ukraine.



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Then we went on to an underground creation - I don't know what you would call it - a resort? art installation? - with a cave pool with small white crabs, and an auditorium with amazing acoustics, designed by their premier artist, Manrique.












All in all, a fascinating day.



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4 hours ago, Sea Viewer said:

I had to take my husband to the ER on Saturday night as he had chest pains, I dropped him off at the door and went to park the car ( no valet parking at hospitals now). By the time I got back to the ER, he had been taken to a room and as there is a no visitor policy in the ER currently I couldn't see him. Due to lack of beds he had to be monitored in the ER until Monday late pm when he had had an angiogram. Due to other medical issues they could not insert the stents at that time. I was finally able to see him Tuesday. Yesterday he was scheduled to have stents inserted and I spent the day in his room with him. At 5pm the cardiology team decided that his other medical condition had not improved enough to do the stenting, so he is now rescheduled for Friday.


The lack of beds and additional procedures due to Covid  definitely has impacted healthcare delivery.

I'm thankful for the care he is getting at the moment and also that he is not considered to be in imminent danger of another heart attack at the moment. Hopefully he can get the procedure on Friday and his chest pain will stop. I just wonder about him not being scheduled for many of his routine tests (echocardiograms, stress tests etc) over the last couple of years due to medical offices only wanting to telehealth visits.


It is definitely better to schedule in advance if possible. Hoping you get a great result from your DH's procedures.




Mary, I am glad he is going to get the care he needs, but the lack of beds is a real problem.   My sister's ex MIL is 92 and paramedics determined she needed to be taken to the hospital.  The first three hospitals told them they were full and couldn't take her.  This was traveling 30-40 miles to a hospital!   They finally called the first one back and said they were coming anyways.  


Best wishes for a successful procedure for your husband.


24 minutes ago, kplady said:

Ann, I agree with you - I need to have a knee replacement (had the right one done 3 years ago, now it's the left's turn). We're sailing for 24 days to Canada, Greenland and Iceland in August, so I've scheduled the surgery for April 1st (April Fools Day!), figuring that 4 months recovery should be fine.  Hope you can find out what your hip problem is so you'll be fine to walk around on your cruise!!



 With my first knee replacement I was hiking in Acadia three months later.  With the second one I could get around the block at the 5 month mark.  They are all different.  I hope your recover is quick and at a low level for pain.


@ger_77  Great news that you could get your DH's appointment moved up.   I hope all goes well and you are planning your replacement cruise on March 8th.


@msmayor I'm joining the ranks of baby watchers.   How exciting and I can't wait to see pictures.

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Good morning and thanks all! Prayers for Ukraine!  We have one of the largest populations in Canada, outside the Ukraine with a large group in our province.  
One of my good friends lives in the Canaries now, hope to visit one day! 
@kazu glad you slept a little longer! 
@ger_77 and @Sea Viewer hope the angio and stents go well Covid has had such a negative impact on health in so many ways. 

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7 hours ago, richwmn said:


Today is National Tortilla Chip Day, Digital Learning Day, and World Bartender Day

Destination of the Day - Arrecife, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain

I loved visiting Lanzarote. I did it in Oct 2019.  Took a wonderful tour around the island.

Saw Mirador and also the famous Jameos de Aqua which was pretty.

1st photo if Mirador lookout.  then at Jameos's






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Thanks to everyone for the prayers and good wishes. I'm at the hospital now, possibility of procedure being done this evening so DH has been on a clear liquid diet again which doesn't make him happy! He's looking at cruises to book to cheer himself up. 

I managed to get a bedside recliner for him so he's a little more comfortable.

I really feel for the staff in hospitals these days trying to provide care in these Covid times. It seems that by the time patients are admitted they are sicker than BC and many new infection control procedures have been added to their workload.

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily @richwmn and to all contributors.

I like tortilla chips, digital learning has it's good and bad points, and a salute to bartenders.

Quintessential humorous Twain quote.

I like the meal and wine (but $$). The drink would be good if I were somewhere warm.

I haven't been to today's destination. Thanks for the pictures.


This AM was spent cleaning up the kitchen from yesterday's dough making, then baking the loaves. It's sunny but cold, with potential ice/sleet/wintry mix later this evening.


It's a sad turn of events in the Ukraine. Prayers for them and for the lives lost. Prayers for the whole world.


@kazu Safe travels to and from the hospital to visit Jose. Good news on Marley "sleeping in".

@msmayor Safe travels. What an exciting time for your family!

@dfish Condolences on the passing of your friend's Mother.

@rafinmd Thanks for keeping up with the lists.

@mamaofami I'm glad you're getting someone to help you out, so you aren't so overwhelmed.

@ger_77 I'm glad DH is getting his procedure. One of the downsides of all the unvaccinated people is them taking up beds with Covid and people can't get other procedures done. I'm glad you can be there with him.

@Sea Viewer Praying for your DH's medical issues and the sent placement. 

@StLouisCruisers Continued prayers for Jen. 

@luvteaching Great that you got an earlier appointment for DH and that his test was relatively stable.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

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Good afternoon, checking in while DH is having some down time.  It will be nice to get his procedures done so he can have his regular energy back again.  He's not one to normally take naps, but feels tired all the time.  On the other hand, I could nap anytime, any where, I'm just a good sleeper.


@Sea Viewer I feel for you; I've been bedside while DH had his 2 heart attacks and subsequent sextuple bypass 23 years ago, so know what you're dealing with.  Hopefully they will be able to do all of the proper procedures so you'll be able to have your DH home with you, whole again.  I'll keep both of you (and his medical team) in my prayers throughout the days to come.


@msmayor I'm super excited that you're on baby watch . . . we'll be anxious to hear more about the progress and ultimate arrival of your new grandbaby.  Of course, photos will be appreciated.  LOL 


Thank you to all of you for your kind words; I didn't realize how concerned I really was until after DH and I hung up from the telephone call advising of the procedure date, and let out a huge sigh.  It was like a big weight was lifted from my shoulders, just knowing he was going to be taken care of.  Thank you for all your support, it does not go unnoticed and I'm grateful for all of you.


Enjoy the rest of the day, folks!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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1 hour ago, Sea Viewer said:

Thanks to everyone for the prayers and good wishes. I'm at the hospital now, possibility of procedure being done this evening so DH has been on a clear liquid diet again which doesn't make him happy! He's looking at cruises to book to cheer himself up. 

I managed to get a bedside recliner for him so he's a little more comfortable.

I really feel for the staff in hospitals these days trying to provide care in these Covid times. It seems that by the time patients are admitted they are sicker than BC and many new infection control procedures have been added to their workload.


Hope the procedure can be done today and that the stents help him feel better and that he is home quickly.



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Good afternoon everyone;,

Chilly day here on the coast.  Fires are still burning.  But the sun is trying to come out.

My computer is finally backed up...I was off it periodically the last 2 days.

A lot to catch up on here but I do enjoy all the news from everyone.

Prayers for Ukraine and those on the prayer list.  Thank you Roy for both the prayer and cheers list.

Rich, enjoyed the quote and meal suggestions.  Had my chips for lunch.


Stay well and safe everyone.  


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Good afternoon all, I hope everyone had a great day.

      It’s going to be a miserable night with a freezing rain and ice storm overnight. 
I’m glad I don’t have to go anywhere.

I received my Stockholder packet today, looks like they spent money to produce it.

  Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.


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3 hours ago, Sea Viewer said:

Thanks to everyone for the prayers and good wishes. I'm at the hospital now, possibility of procedure being done this evening so DH has been on a clear liquid diet again which doesn't make him happy! He's looking at cruises to book to cheer himself up. 

I managed to get a bedside recliner for him so he's a little more comfortable.

I really feel for the staff in hospitals these days trying to provide care in these Covid times. It seems that by the time patients are admitted they are sicker than BC and many new infection control procedures have been added to their workload.

Prayers sent for your DH and I hope they get the procedure completed ASAP.  🙏



3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good afternoon, checking in while DH is having some down time.  It will be nice to get his procedures done so he can have his regular energy back again.  He's not one to normally take naps, but feels tired all the time.  On the other hand, I could nap anytime, any where, I'm just a good sleeper.


@Sea Viewer I feel for you; I've been bedside while DH had his 2 heart attacks and subsequent sextuple bypass 23 years ago, so know what you're dealing with.  Hopefully they will be able to do all of the proper procedures so you'll be able to have your DH home with you, whole again.  I'll keep both of you (and his medical team) in my prayers throughout the days to come.


@msmayor I'm super excited that you're on baby watch . . . we'll be anxious to hear more about the progress and ultimate arrival of your new grandbaby.  Of course, photos will be appreciated.  LOL 


Thank you to all of you for your kind words; I didn't realize how concerned I really was until after DH and I hung up from the telephone call advising of the procedure date, and let out a huge sigh.  It was like a big weight was lifted from my shoulders, just knowing he was going to be taken care of.  Thank you for all your support, it does not go unnoticed and I'm grateful for all of you.


Enjoy the rest of the day, folks!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


So happy his procedure has been moved up.  Prayers for your DH and yourself, too.🙏

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Good afternoon all.  We tested negative on our Covid tests today so it looks like we’ll be cruising on Saturday.  We are thinking of the Ukraine people constantly and they are in our prayers.  It’s really frightening the amount of evil in the world.  I can’t hep but think that our daily thread does it’s little part to push back.  Have a nice evening everyone.

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Good afternoon.  We got our cabin assignment today, and the good news is we won't have to change cabins this time.  😀  👍  When you book b2b2b cruises with a guarantee, there's always the chance they cannot give us the same cabin all the way through.  Maybe this means the ship will not be too full.🤞 The luggage tags and boarding passes are printed. I guess that means next week I start getting everything together and ready to pack on Saturday.



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I’m finally caught up with reading the Daily. Hope I can keep it that way. 


Thanks going out to @richwmn Rich for the Daily, and @rafinmd Roy for our Care and Celebrations & Shoutout lists.  Prayers 🙏 and hugs to those on the Care list, especially @kazuJacqui, Jose, and @smitty34877Tana. “Yippees!” 🥂🎉 to everyone on the celebration/shoutout list. 


Extra prayers for Jen @StLouisCruisers.

@msmayorhow exciting! Safe travels. 

@Mr. Boston great news on failing your tests! 👏

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda I’m glad you don’t need to change cabins on your cruise. Wish I was meeting you again… or sailing with you!

@kazuLove your memes Jacqui!

🙏🙏 Prayers for Ukraine and the world. 🙏🙏

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