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The Daily for Thursday 04/14/2022


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Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


Laughter is good for the soul. Dolphins are fun to watch.


I am very fortunate to have a few true friends and greatly appreciate them.


The meal sounds wonderful.


@Rowsby Sue, thinking of you and your family today. May your DH's memories flood your mind for years to come. Praying that comfort and peace enfold you.


@cunnorl Charlene, wishing you safe travels and a terrific visit with family.


@Heartgrove Jack, praying your sister wears those golden slippers in July.


@durangoscots I hope they found and fixed the problem with the roof and that there are no more issues.


Thank you for all of the flower pictures yesterday, they were all beautiful. @grapau27 Graham, what a wonderful tribute to your parents. Hydrangeas are my favorite flower.


I gargled with salt water several times yesterday and this morning as Graham suggested and @StLouisCruisers seconded. I also switched from cold to allergy medication and my throat is much better today, a little scratchy, but not sore, I don't have a headache or feel stuffy. My allergies usually attack my eyes, nose and top of mouth. (I'm talking 40 years.) So, I was not thinking sore throat=allergies. Thank you Ann. @marshhawk


It looks like we are still in the path of storms sometime today. An hour ago it was 58 and pretty clear. Now it's 57 with heavy fog. Stay safe everyone.


Wishing each of you a great Thursday.


🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

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9 minutes ago, JAM37 said:

Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


Laughter is good for the soul. Dolphins are fun to watch.


I am very fortunate to have a few true friends and greatly appreciate them.


The meal sounds wonderful.


@Rowsby Sue, thinking of you and your family today. May your DH's memories flood your mind for years to come. Praying that comfort and peace enfold you.


@cunnorl Charlene, wishing you safe travels and a terrific visit with family.


@Heartgrove Jack, praying your sister wears those golden slippers in July.


@durangoscots I hope they found and fixed the problem with the roof and that there are no more issues.


Thank you for all of the flower pictures yesterday, they were all beautiful. @grapau27 Graham, what a wonderful tribute to your parents. Hydrangeas are my favorite flower.


I gargled with salt water several times yesterday and this morning as Graham suggested and @StLouisCruisers seconded. I also switched from cold to allergy medication and my throat is much better today, a little scratchy, but not sore, I don't have a headache or feel stuffy. My allergies usually attack my eyes, nose and top of mouth. (I'm talking 40 years.) So, I was not thinking sore throat=allergies. Thank you Ann. @marshhawk


It looks like we are still in the path of storms sometime today. An hour ago it was 58 and pretty clear. Now it's 57 with heavy fog. Stay safe everyone.


Wishing each of you a great Thursday.


🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

Thank you Julia.

I'm pleased to hear your sore throat is a lot better this morning.


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Good morning. I thought the picture of the dogs on the bus was such a hoot thanks  @cat shepard!

My ex spouse brought me my DS but I am not sure about giving him a day. I certainly  remain grateful  for the DS though.

Thanks for the great recipes Debbie @dfish.We will try the second one  after I find us zucchini  in the store. Our meals have been less than wonderful  lately but I am happy there were no audible  complaints.

Thanks to all for the Daily.


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Good Morning Dailyites!  Yesterday had a few medical resolutions for both DH and myself.  My tests came back, and everything is "normal".  Other than the fact that there is a tumor on my adrenal gland, everything is fine, and the tumor is not doing me any harm, all tests came back normal.  So, it really is a wait and see, which to me is life anyway.


DH's appointment didn't really have an immediate resolution, but plenty of options.  In the past three weeks he has seen the oncologist, the radiation oncologist, a cancer ENT for head and neck, had an MRI and back to the oncologist.  And don't forget all those dentist and oral surgeon appointments thrown in.  This particular doctor knows DH better than all of them, all of DH's bad habits. and he is honest with DH.  So the first thing he said, was "no one knows what is wrong with you.  We don't see anymore cancer, and if more shows up there will be no more surgeries as it would further disfigure your face, and you would no longer look human, or be able to live a normal life.  And none of us see any cancer. The pain can be treated by staying on the drugs, but if that doesn't help, there is a treatment where  we can deaden the nerves and you will not feel anything in your face, or head, or mouth.  You need to take the meds as they are prescribed to you, not cut back, and only take the pain pills when you are in pain."  You see, this doc knows that DH is a friend of Bill W's but only a new friend.  So there is history.


I asked him at lunch after the appointment, how long he wanted to live with the pain, as he absolutely refused to be walked down to the "nerve" clinic.  He said not much longer.  I said lets wait out the month with you taking the drugs correctly, and you can decide after our next appointment with the oncologist.  So, another wait and see...


Fawn news, she got on the porch last night to sleep and she was begging for petting this morning.

Some critter came onto the car port last night and took off with her "cookie" jar.  She loves Temptations, and apparently the raccoons do too.  So back to the store this morning.


I think we had some rain last night, but not enough to wash away the pollen, it was moist outside but not soggy.  Gray clouds again today, temperature is 62 right now.


I have loved all the memes posted this morning -

@cat shepard I love the picture of the dogs on the bus, what I want to know is which one brought his bike?


@Rowsby you are in my thoughts and prayers today.


Ex spouse day?  I celebrate every day that they are ex's.  The first one married me to get back at his girlfriend,  the one I didn't know about til a week before we got married.  After 9 years of insults about how i was not perfect, I walked out, and he married the old girl friend.  They were married 25 years, I saw that he had passed away several years ago.  My second ex was the one that got me sober, and I celebrate that every day, but he could not, and he suffered from all sorts of delusions that made it impossible for both of us to be near each other.  I have always wished him well.    Sometimes you just have to figure out who you are without someone else, and I discovered that the men I had married didn't enjoy the things I did, so I waited a while before I got married to my dear DH.  Worth the wait.  We love classical music, we love to travel and cruise.  He still thinks its weird that I go out every night to look at the stars and sky, but I don't care.  I'm not looking for UFO's I'm looking at the vastness of the universe.



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Good morning friends!  It's about the same temp here as Stone Mountain, 63F but all my weather apps say it's sunny here and it's not!   Very cloudy!  We were supposed to be raining here all day but it dispersed and headed somewhere else I guess.  The landscaping company decided if it was supposed to rain they would bring out the huge mowers and mow our street's lawns today.  They love to do that during or after a rain storm.  But at least we don't have to cut it. 


We exercised on the treadmill today in anticipation of rain, ate breakfast and have no plans to go anywhere today.  So thanks for the Daily today Rich and more thanks to Roy for the Care and Celebration lists.  Many prayers said for the Ukrainian people and all who help them defeat their oppressors, our CC friends and family on the Care list, and my relatives in need of them.  Prayers for those in the path of tornadoes, thunderstorms, and blizzards.  My thoughts are with you @RowsbySue on this sobering day.  I'm sure you will be handed a folded American flag at the internment, and that is when I can never hold my tears any longer, when the flag is presented to the loved ones.  We appreciate your DH's years of service to his country.  Cheers to all on the celebration list!  Enjoy your happy events. 


There are no  ex spouses in our household thank goodness.  DD has one but thankfully her children with him are over 18 and she doesn't have much contact with him anymore.  Her new spouse is a gem!  As for dolphins, love them.  I always think of the dolphin show at the Atlanta Aquarium that we went to with some of the GC because it was outstanding.  I always wonder if DGD Morgan decided to study marine biology after that visit.  She just completed her Divemaster credentials, and this summer will work at the aquarium in Tampa and at a dive shop down there.  It will be summer break from USF Tampa after completing her sophomore year.  I hope for some moments of laughter today, and have already enjoyed some while reading @cat shepardAnn's memes.  The tasty Italian vegetable soup looks delicious.  A non meat variety would work well with Good Friday meals.  Thanks @dfishDebbie! 


@JAM37Julia, it's good to hear the throat is better and you may have a handle on the allergies.  As a matter of fact yesterday the doctor agreed to run a blood test to see what my environmental allergies are which should be very interesting.  I didn't have allergies growing up but we can grow into them I've heard.  Can't wait to hear back on that test.  @marshhawknice to hear your tests were "normal", and hope you continue to proceed okay even with the tumor on the adrenal gland.  As for your DH's doctor, he is a very wise man.  Doctors sometimes have to learn how to handle their patients in other ways than medically.  Good luck to your DH and I hope he can take his meds properly and start to feel less pain. 


Naha, Japan was first posted on March 21, 2021, over a year ago!  Here's my report from back then.


At first when I read the Port of the Day I thought, no I haven't been there yet.  Then as I looked further into it, we were there in 2010 on Diamond Princess on our Asia cruise.  That is where our ship docked and we got off to look around a bit.  I'm happy to see some photos posted here of the many attractions others have enjoyed.  


These same dancers greet all the ships I'm sure.enhance


Costumes up close.enhance


Everyone's favorite shopping street.enhance




I can't imagine picking this jar of snakes to take home as a souvenir.  Look at those fangs!enhance


The covered pedestrian street.enhance






Heading back to the ship.enhance



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Good morning! @Rowsby A crisp salute for you’re husbands service and our deepest condolences for you and your family!🇺🇸

We got through the storms this morning without damage and welcomed the rain we received. Last night we went to our local Ruby Tuesday’s for the first time since the pandemic. Inflation was evident with a $76.00 bill plus tip!😱

It was good seeing the Zaandam again. Sure do miss those class of ships! 


Well it’s off to a an appointment and then to the grocery store.


Have a great day.





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@JAM37  I'm glad the throat is better today.  Growing up I was allergic to any critter with fur, had shots for years.  I'm surrounded by a herd of cats now, and living and working at home, my allergies are doing me in.  But when the pines start poofing out yellow bursts or pollen, I feel like I'm drowning.  Sleep with my mouth open, and wake up daily with a sore throat.


Of course allergy meds are less expensive than a trip to Mexico, but i do wish I could do the trip.  LOL

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Rowsby, Deepest sympathy for your loss.  His life story was certainly very interesting, and you should be quite proud of him, as he sounds like a great guy.


It has been a little breezy here the last few days.  Sustained winds between 30 and 40 mph with gusts of over 60.  I had white caps on the bird bath, but that is not a problem today, mostly because its 22 F and the water is frozen.  LOL

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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  The CC gremlins are at it again - I had written my post, hit Submit Reply and *poof* it disappeared.  I'm pretty sure the blue button didn't say "Erase All"!  


DH has an ex, but we don't talk about her.  We laugh together almost every day, and who doesn't love dolphins?


@Rowsbythank you so much for sharing your husband with us; he sounds like he was a wonderful man.  My hugs and prayers to you and your family as you navigate through the days ahead.


We're lucky the storm didn't get as far north as us, but in the south-east part of the province, they were really hit hard.  Highways leading to Manitoba were closed on Tuesday night, as the RCMP were trying to head off having anyone stuck on the road between towns/cities.  In light of the storm, I thought this was appropriate:



 Oh my gosh, I just heard a robin outside - spring MUST be here!


@marshhawkI'm glad your appointment turned out well, and that your DH's doctor told him what he did.  Sometimes husbands don't think their wives knows what's going on, and it takes words from a professional to make them realize we're right.


I like today's menu suggestion, but since we just had borscht last night, I'll tuck the recipe away for another time.  I don't have a lot of it left though, as I gave half of it away to our friend who's wife is in a care home for Parkinson's.  He called yesterday to say he'd tested positive for Covid, so we filled up a couple of large jars of borscht and left it along with some buns on his doorstep.  He should have enough for at least or 3 meals without worrying about cooking for himself.  A friend has invited us for dinner tomorrow, so DH has suggested we have pizza tonight.  I'll check the online menus to see what appeals to us and we'll have pizza on the table for dinner.   And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for the people of Ukraine and all who are providing assistance to them.  Extra prayers for our Daily family who have experienced loss, and those who are struggling with health and family matters.  We'll clink the glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list.  Stay well, get your boosters, wash your hands, wear your masks when you need to, and be safe.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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6 minutes ago, Overhead Fred said:

Here are a few less common views of Half Moon Cay from our last cruise -












We missed that day with you guys Fred @Overhead Fred  thanks for the beautiful pictures , our cabin was facing away from the Island so we could not see anything but blue water ! 

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2 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:


We missed that day with you guys Fred @Overhead Fred  thanks for the beautiful pictures , our cabin was facing away from the Island so we could not see anything but blue water ! 


Glad to help😁!


I have some other photos I will email to you before you leave on your next cruise

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Busy , busy packing and last minute stuff , double checking our list of things to do , BUT I would like to shout out a BIG Welcome  to the Zaandam in Port Everglades a lovely ship we have been on a number of times .


She is one of the last ships of the fleet to get back to active service after a long long time being tied up in Greece for many , many days with her sister ship the Volendam and a long dry dock in Spain .


I will try to include a couple of pictures  of when we last saw her while on a tender from the Eurodam in October 2021 


Have a great day every body , take care and stay safe .


Tony 😍



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Good Morning All,

@Rowsby Thinking of you and your family today. And thanks for sharing.


We have a lovely day today. DH is off the rest of the week, so we’ll do wash and unpack, and tidy up, as we left a big mess. DH agreed to let me take him to on of the places I have ridden MTB with my group. 
 HAL offers that wine by the glass. Not sure of the year. It is yummy. We had it in PG ( and along with the passion fruit candy, it was a highlight.)

Adding- heck if I can find it locally. Not even my local well stocked on that has an online presence. 😞



4 hours ago, cat shepard said:




McPherson shiraz

This is one elusive wine. More options for online purchases than reviews. But consumers have given the 2018 vintage a rating of 3.9 out of 5.  So they like it and the price is certainly reasonable. Some of the comments makes me believe aerating this one would help. You can pay as low as $15.97 for the 2018 to $7.00 for the 2020.

Distributor Notes


With subtly integrated American Oak balanced with ripe plums and blackberries, this wine has excellent structure and length. Secondary aromas of chocolate and spice add intrigue and complexity to the wine with soft tannins creating a supple and smooth wine with impressive length.
3 hours ago, 0106 said:




Funny. Our Golden is that smart too. 
Except he sits by DHs place at the table, so I “don’t know” what’s going on. 

Edited by TiogaCruiser
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Rowsby, reading your post was a great way to start the morning, thank you for sharing your memories. ❤️
It is cool and overcast in Seattle, a great day to read some fiction, sew some little rips and tears in Darling Grands clothes and think about finishing a needlepoint case started on the Zuiderdam last month…🚢

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