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The Daily for Tuesday 06/07/2022


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33 minutes ago, cruzn single said:

Interesting group of days.  I honestly don’t think I have ever encountered a June bug, as I don’t know what they are.


I had to be at VA early today for my ID.  When the lady tried to do everything, I hadn’t been put in the computer!!     GRRRR!  The woman I have been working with is out of the office for most of this week.


Glad that there is some hopeful medical news today.  Wish all reports were as good.


My sister’s email was hacked and I got an interesting scam email. Was glad I could see right through it.  Guess one of her friends fell for it.  When I reported to our local police, they don’t investigate unless someone has actually lost money.


Have a great rest of the day, everyone.




June bugs live up to name - Mount Desert Islander



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@cunnorl Great news about your sister!   Celebrate!


@ger_77, @Quartzsite Cruiser, @smitty34877, @AncientWanderer, @JazzyV, @Cruising-along  Thank you for your kind comments about my recovery.  I am thrilled.  I used to wake up every hour or two.  Last night I slept straight through and don't remember waking up at all

@AncientWanderer Maxine, I hope your DMIL likes her new digs and that the move goes smoothly.

@Cruising-along Thanks for taking us with you to Yellowstone, Carolyn.  Love the bear cubs.


The rain we were supposed to get yesterday showed up today.  Thankfully, I got my laps in before the rain started.  I'm anxious to get back to the pool.  It says I can't go until I see the doctor, but that is at the end of the month.  I might call the office and ask if I can go earlier.  


I had a busy day today and booked a RIB adventure in Eidfjord, a fjord cruise in Flam, the troll train in Eidfjord and the Pulpit Rock cruise in Stavanger.  Credit cards make it so easy.  At least until the bill comes.

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Chocolate ice cream was always my favorite as a child but as I mature I now prefer either Moose Trax or Rocky Road.

Am I the only one here who used to play with June Bugs as a child? I would catch them, tie thread on their back legs then fly them for what seemed like hours. PS our June Bugs were the iridescent green ones.

The food, drink and wine all sound good however true Carnitas are made with Pork Shoulder and no other kind of meat.

Thank you for the photos of todays port. I have never been there and it is not on my Bucket List.


Edited by lazey1
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Good afternoon, all.  I have spent some time today going over the cruises we have booked to see if the prices are better on the Celebration sale.  Just a bit confusing!


We have been to Taipei airport.  We had been in Hong Kong and wanted a stopover there, and DH said we didn't need visas, but in reality, we did.  We were relegated to a little room in the airport, watched through a window, and sat there until there was a flight we could be ejected on...


@JazzyV, I had my barium swallow yesterday.  Not pleasant.  They gave me a medicine cup of some sort of crystals that I had to hold in my mouth and then drink maybe 4 ounces of barium to "wash" them down.  Yuck!  Then I had to roll all around on the narrow bed to coat the esophagus, get pictures taken in a bunch of positions, and then lie on my right side with my left arm over my head.  In that position they gave me 2 mini-marshmallows to swallow.   Just try swallowing mini-marshmallows flat on your side with your arm over your head.  It was really difficult - and no chewing the marshmallows!  When I finally got that done, I had to drink a large glass of some other liquid, it seemed like some sort of flavoured creamy drink, through a straw, still lying  on my right side.  I was very happy when it was all over.  It only took about 20 minutes.

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23 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

@JazzyV, I had my barium swallow yesterday.  Not pleasant.  They gave me a medicine cup of some sort of crystals that I had to hold in my mouth and then drink maybe 4 ounces of barium to "wash" them down.  Yuck!  Then I had to roll all around on the narrow bed to coat the esophagus, get pictures taken in a bunch of positions, and then lie on my right side with my left arm over my head.  In that position they gave me 2 mini-marshmallows to swallow.   Just try swallowing mini-marshmallows flat on your side with your arm over your head.  It was really difficult - and no chewing the marshmallows!  When I finally got that done, I had to drink a large glass of some other liquid, it seemed like some sort of flavoured creamy drink, through a straw, still lying  on my right side.  I was very happy when it was all over.  It only took about 20 minutes.

 Thanks for the rundown of your barium swallow. I've never had one before and suspected it will be hard to choke down the barium, even if they flavor it. I'll just have to do the best I can, and hope I can keep it down!

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Just now, JazzyV said:

 Thanks for the rundown of your barium swallow. I've never had one before and suspected it will be hard to choke down the barium, even if they flavor it. I'll just have to do the best I can, and hope I can keep it down!

I had a difficult time with the barium.  I was told "No burping."  I said "Can I throw up?"  He said no....

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Just now, USN59-79 said:



Sorry for just pictures with no comment.  Wanted to show something different in Taiwan.  This is a distillery we visited in 2018 located a few miles south of Keelung.  They make what they call single malt whisky and it is quite good and fairly expensive.

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10 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Today will be spent trying to get organized. Still have tables full of china from my kitchen redo. I would have everything back, but if I put it away it will stay here - so it is out while I sort. And sort. And sort. My sister and I have different ways of dealing with family "heirlooms". I take a picture, send it to family and ask who wants it. If no one... it usually is donated. My sister's approach? Mail it to me. No wonder I have so much stuff.


Oh my!  Read this to DH and he asked if I wrote it.  

Currently doing major renos to the bedrooms, and sorting.  And sending those pictures to my kids. And then it is off to the thrift store.

And my sister......when she moved from a house to an apartment, I got a huge box filled with things I told her I DID NOT WANT.  LOL

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Thanks for all the Daily reports.  

@Vict0riann the Barium Swallow sounds quite unpleasant.  When will you hear the result?

Yesterday was given a good report at my checkup, another appointment in  6 months.

It;s a grey day, after sunshine earlier.

Will be out for dinner this evening.

Stay safe, take care everyone.

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Good evening all.  I started to post this morning, but had a dentist appointment and did not have time to post and get ready to go.  It’s a good thing I did not take the time to post because we had a torrential rain storm with blinding rain that caused a real slow down.  My normal trip to Hilton Head of 20 minutes took 45 and I just about made my appointment.  Finally finished with the root canal.  

I did not post yesterday because I just could not move.  I was really upset that I have a two month wit for an appointment with my doctor.

This morning I sent my doctor a message and told him that since I could not see him and have not had a blood test and would not have one until August 8, I am taking it upon myself to increase the dosage of my prednisone because i can’t live like this.

Well, it did precipitate a call from his nurse with lots of questions and instructions.

At least they were paying attention.

So I am on increased dosage for the next four weeks with gradual reduction.

Sorry for just talking about my ailments but it’s hard not to, when you’re feeling lousy.


Thank you all for your prayers and for keeping me on the cares list.  I really appreciate all of you.

This is just where I am at and it is the best I can do right now.

Hope tomorrow is a better day.

God bless everyone,



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Good morning from the Oosterdam at sea. 

Great news!  Craig is out of quarantine!  He is feeling better but is fatigued. 

Right now the Oosterdam is going to a yacht, which really looks like a sail boat, that is in distress. The Captain said that they were out of water and food but it actually looks like it’s sinking. Time will tell. I’ll keep the Daily posted. 

Have a great day!

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Well I guess the sailboat wasn’t sinking but the Italian Air Force and Coast Guard arrived about 30 minutes after the Oosterdam did. 

The orange zodiac is us with the Italian coastguard above. If you look closely you can see a black dot to the right of the sailboat—that’s one of the provisions the Oosterdam sent. 



The Captain just announced that the Oosterdam has been cleared to leave the rescue. The coast guard is taking the passengers aboard and towing the sailboat. 

Such excitement for a sea day. The Crow’s Nest was packed. 

We are now 10 hours ahead of Arizona time so it’s even harder to contact family. 

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11 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

I had a difficult time with the barium.  I was told "No burping."  I said "Can I throw up?"  He said no....

That sounds awful.

Pleased it's over for you now and hopefully the results are good for you Ann.

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1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning from the Oosterdam at sea. 

Great news!  Craig is out of quarantine!  He is feeling better but is fatigued. 

Right now the Oosterdam is going to a yacht, which really looks like a sail boat, that is in distress. The Captain said that they were out of water and food but it actually looks like it’s sinking. Time will tell. I’ll keep the Daily posted. 

Have a great day!

Great news Craig is out of quarantine and you can spend time together on your cruise.

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7 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good evening all.  I started to post this morning, but had a dentist appointment and did not have time to post and get ready to go.  It’s a good thing I did not take the time to post because we had a torrential rain storm with blinding rain that caused a real slow down.  My normal trip to Hilton Head of 20 minutes took 45 and I just about made my appointment.  Finally finished with the root canal.  

I did not post yesterday because I just could not move.  I was really upset that I have a two month wit for an appointment with my doctor.

This morning I sent my doctor a message and told him that since I could not see him and have not had a blood test and would not have one until August 8, I am taking it upon myself to increase the dosage of my prednisone because i can’t live like this.

Well, it did precipitate a call from his nurse with lots of questions and instructions.

At least they were paying attention.

So I am on increased dosage for the next four weeks with gradual reduction.

Sorry for just talking about my ailments but it’s hard not to, when you’re feeling lousy.


Thank you all for your prayers and for keeping me on the cares list.  I really appreciate all of you.

This is just where I am at and it is the best I can do right now.

Hope tomorrow is a better day.

God bless everyone,



Sending you our prayers 🙏 and hugs Terri.

Love Graham and Pauline xx

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9 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good evening all.  I started to post this morning, but had a dentist appointment and did not have time to post and get ready to go.  It’s a good thing I did not take the time to post because we had a torrential rain storm with blinding rain that caused a real slow down.  My normal trip to Hilton Head of 20 minutes took 45 and I just about made my appointment.  Finally finished with the root canal.  

I did not post yesterday because I just could not move.  I was really upset that I have a two month wit for an appointment with my doctor.

This morning I sent my doctor a message and told him that since I could not see him and have not had a blood test and would not have one until August 8, I am taking it upon myself to increase the dosage of my prednisone because i can’t live like this.

Well, it did precipitate a call from his nurse with lots of questions and instructions.

At least they were paying attention.

So I am on increased dosage for the next four weeks with gradual reduction.

Sorry for just talking about my ailments but it’s hard not to, when you’re feeling lousy.


Thank you all for your prayers and for keeping me on the cares list.  I really appreciate all of you.

This is just where I am at and it is the best I can do right now.

Hope tomorrow is a better day.

God bless everyone,





praying that your increased dosage brings relief. 

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9 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good evening all.  I started to post this morning, but had a dentist appointment and did not have time to post and get ready to go.  It’s a good thing I did not take the time to post because we had a torrential rain storm with blinding rain that caused a real slow down.  My normal trip to Hilton Head of 20 minutes took 45 and I just about made my appointment.  Finally finished with the root canal.  

I did not post yesterday because I just could not move.  I was really upset that I have a two month wit for an appointment with my doctor.

This morning I sent my doctor a message and told him that since I could not see him and have not had a blood test and would not have one until August 8, I am taking it upon myself to increase the dosage of my prednisone because i can’t live like this.

Well, it did precipitate a call from his nurse with lots of questions and instructions.

At least they were paying attention.

So I am on increased dosage for the next four weeks with gradual reduction.

Sorry for just talking about my ailments but it’s hard not to, when you’re feeling lousy.


Thank you all for your prayers and for keeping me on the cares list.  I really appreciate all of you.

This is just where I am at and it is the best I can do right now.

Hope tomorrow is a better day.

God bless everyone,



Terri, you can unburden yourself with us all you want.  Sometimes you feel better just knowing others understand your plight.   I hope the increased prednisone helps and I'm glad the doctor's office took notice.  Wishing you relief and better days ahead.


@Sharon in AZ How wonderful that Craig is out of quarantine.   Enjoy!


@Vict0riann the barium swallow sounds awful, but hope the results are beneficial to you.

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