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Will I feel out of place?


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My husband and myself are considering taking the Crown Princess 28 day Hawaii/South Pacific cruise. We are frequent cruisers, mainly the Caribbean (not been on Princess for many years though). We’ve never sailed for more than 14 days.

He is 72 and I will turn 70 on debarkation day. Tahiti especially has been on my bucket list for a looong time. So thought we’d splurge for my birthday. We are not rich by any means, nor have we traveled the world like many we’ve met. I’m thinking that the clientele of people we meet may make us feel inferior? We are rather shy and not good at starting up a conversation, like at dinner, so wondering if we will feel out of place. 

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Welcome to Princess.  In my opinion, I feel you will fit right at home with these passengers.  Unfortunately, since the pandemic, there hasn't been a lot of socializing.  You may find some to be cliquish.  You may have to step outside of your comfort zone and initiate a conversation.  Most often, if people are in a public area, they want to talk (unless buried in a book).  I have traveled solo and with a cabin mate, but wander off to meet new people.  Be prepared, this trip entails many, many, many sea days.  


A good time to reconnect with your spouse, meet new folks, and just enjoy the fresh air.  Have fun.


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Please don't feel inferior. Character counts more than the number of cruises you've taken or the number of countries you've been to. Just go with an open mind about meeting new people. Strike up conversations. Move on when you wish. Avoid the pretentious people. 

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My response is more to spending the money for your bucket list "Tahiti".  We did this cruise 6 years ago and I would not do it again, even if it was free.  

1.  Tahiti is one stop - one day out of 28

2.  It is hot and humid - much like Hawaii

3.  You have a lot of sea days.  I can handle sea days, but 7 or 8 in a row is a lot


I would go to Alaska again and again.  Not Tahiti


others will disagree with me, but give it some thought.

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Different strokes for different folks.  I have been to Alaska once, once was enough for me.  I have been to the Mediterranean 12+ times, never tired of going again and again.  Went 3 times to Egypt, mainly because it was on an itinerary I really wanted for ports in Israel.  Egypt was on my bucket list, glad I went at least the first time, would I go again not necessarily.  We all need to follow our dreams, not someone else's.    Had to comment since some are trying to talk you out of going on the trip you planned.

Getting to your question, I am sure you will fit in.  Join the roll call for your cruise you may make some connects with others going on the cruise before you leave.    You may think up some questions to ask more seasoned travelers, to start them talking about what they enjoyed.  Travelers love to share stories with anyone willing to listen.  I hope you have a great trip.  

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We absolutely loved that cruise! We had the best roll call and the nicest people. I had to laugh because a number of people told me how "young" I was. I was 64 at the time and actually a fair amount younger than a number of fellow cruisers. 😁


There was and, as far as I can tell, never has been any sort of "class" discrimination. We had people who had been pretty much everywhere and others (such as my wife and I) who were on our 9th cruise. It really didn't (and doesn't) matter. My take is that, anybody on Princess who would car whether you are a zillion time cruiser or a first time cruiser would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay outside of the norm.


As for the sea days.... Yep. The last 8 days of the cruise were sea days. We loved them! The only downside I see to this cruise is that Princess is no longer allowed to make a stop in Bora Bora as that locale has decreed they don't want that many people descending on them. We loved Bora Bora and, while we can understand their reasoning, it's a sad thing for all future cruisers. One would have to book with a line that has much smaller ships in order to visit there on a cruise.


As for not being "rich"... We both get a bit of Social Security and I have a small pension from the State of California. (No, I don't have the snazzy pension people would assume.) We are luck to be able to cruise and never take it for granted. The people we have met don't give a darn what our income is. Be nice to other people and be very nice to the staff and you will find that everybody else is nice to you in return. (The staff will treat you like royalty. )


Book away and enjoy your cruise. I wish we were going with you but there are still so very many other places we haven't visited yet.

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35 minutes ago, marymount said:

My husband and myself are considering taking the Crown Princess 28 day Hawaii/South Pacific cruise. We are frequent cruisers, mainly the Caribbean (not been on Princess for many years though). We’ve never sailed for more than 14 days.

He is 72 and I will turn 70 on debarkation day. Tahiti especially has been on my bucket list for a looong time. So thought we’d splurge for my birthday. We are not rich by any means, nor have we traveled the world like many we’ve met. I’m thinking that the clientele of people we meet may make us feel inferior? We are rather shy and not good at starting up a conversation, like at dinner, so wondering if we will feel out of place. 

I don’t think so at all.  We did this cruise in 2019 and loved it. Tahiti was no hotter than the Caribbean.  Polynesia is different than the Caribbean and the Polynesian people are very friendly.  We really liked Samoa too.  It is a very relaxing vacation and it is what you make of it.  We love the sea days. 
Don’t worry about other people on any cruise. These people are the same as you and me.  In fact, my DH and I are on it.  We’d love to say hi to you two.

Come on over to our roll call!  Welcome!



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56 minutes ago, marymount said:

We are rather shy and not good at starting up a conversation, like at dinner, so wondering if we will feel out of place. 

We've never had a problem getting a table for 2 at meals, so if you want to dine by yourselves you can!  You don't have to eat with strangers if you'd rather not.  


Have a great trip 🙂


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Throughout the years, we've only met one couple who tried to act like big shots and make us feel inferior. It didn't work. Everybody else has been great. You won't find a more friendly bunch of people anywhere.

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To OP:  Hello youngster, I am 78, and want to offer you some ideas on starting conversations. 😁

As you walk up to the 10 top dinner table smile and say hello my name is Mary and this is my husband Clyde how are you all doing?  That will make it easy for others to talk to you. Most conversations around the dinner table usually concerns what happened during the day, what tours they went on, what shows they will see that night or questions about where you are from. 

When standing in line for something most people standing along with you will talk to you if nothing else on how slow the line is going. 

IF the conversation is not to your liking then you can change subject or move on. 

Just a smile and a hello is often enough to get someone else to talk to you. 

If you are not interested in talking then just move on. 

Hope you have a wonderful cruise.


Edited by 4x4bob
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Go and enjoy every moment. I went on this cruise solo a few years back. It was a bucket list trip for me and it was magical. If you want to be with people you can and if you want quiet reflection time you can do that. Don't worry about other people and just be your self. I would do this cruise again.

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We did this cruise in 2016 and loved it.  Tahiti sounds so exotic but really we liked Moorea much better.  I say take the cruise.  You have cruised before so know what cruising is like.  You will cross the International date line and also the equator.  Truly a bucket list cruise for many people.  Oh, don't worry.  No one will make you feel inferior because you are not widely traveled.  There will be many others on this cruise just like you.  We even met some people who did this 28 day cruise as their first ever cruise!

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We did this cruise in February of 2020 (right before covid hit the U.S.). It was always a bucket list cruise for us, and it didn't disappoint. It was our best cruise. Like you, other than Hawaii, we had only cruised in the Caribbean. This cruise made us want to expand our cruise horizons. You will not have a problem "fitting in". You will not regret taking this cruise of a lifetime.

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12 minutes ago, dickinson said:

We did this cruise in 2016 and loved it.  Tahiti sounds so exotic but really we liked Moorea much better.  I say take the cruise.  You have cruised before so know what cruising is like.  You will cross the International date line and also the equator.  Truly a bucket list cruise for many people.  Oh, don't worry.  No one will make you feel inferior because you are not widely traveled.  There will be many others on this cruise just like you.  We even met some people who did this 28 day cruise as their first ever cruise!

Moorea was also our favourite but we liked all the islands.

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2 hours ago, marymount said:

My husband and myself are considering taking the Crown Princess 28 day Hawaii/South Pacific cruise. We are frequent cruisers, mainly the Caribbean (not been on Princess for many years though). We’ve never sailed for more than 14 days.

He is 72 and I will turn 70 on debarkation day. Tahiti especially has been on my bucket list for a looong time. So thought we’d splurge for my birthday. We are not rich by any means, nor have we traveled the world like many we’ve met. I’m thinking that the clientele of people we meet may make us feel inferior? We are rather shy and not good at starting up a conversation, like at dinner, so wondering if we will feel out of place. 

Look for the guy in the hot tub with a beer, I'll make you feel welcomed. Good to see someone close to our age will be on the cruise, I'lll be 64, wife will be 60.

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7 minutes ago, maggie777 said:

Moorea was also our favourite but we liked all the islands.


Agreed. Other than Bora Bora Moorea was our favorite as well. What a beautiful place. One small caveat regarding American Samoa:  $2 Beach was not a good beach. (Of course it is now more than $2 as well. It was $5 when we were there in 2017.) It was mostly rocks even out in the water. Also, if you do go there make sure to ask how much the fare will be if you take a taxi. It's easy to get there and then find out the taxi driver is demanding an insane amount of money. Most are honest but some will want to charge you an incredible fare and, if you haven't asked in advance, you may well be stuck paying what is asked.

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Oh good!! I hope we meet up someday. I chuckle inside (no, you can't hear it) when people try to impress me with how many times they've cruised. Let's talk about kids, hobbies, music, or what you've done / plan to do on the cruise. That's more than enough to develop commonality 


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Agewise-it will skew older due to the length.

This cruise is a very affordable way to visit Tahiti. You get a 28 day vacation and no airfare to and from Tahiti. You also avoid the long flight to Tahiti, over 8 hours from LA.


You can socialize as much as you choose--or not. It's up to you!

And the clientele on Princess is not at all snooty--much the opposite.

I think you found a great, economical way to visit Tahiti and have a 28 day vacation.



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2 hours ago, marymount said:

My husband and myself are considering taking the Crown Princess 28 day Hawaii/South Pacific cruise. We are frequent cruisers, mainly the Caribbean (not been on Princess for many years though). We’ve never sailed for more than 14 days.

He is 72 and I will turn 70 on debarkation day. Tahiti especially has been on my bucket list for a looong time. So thought we’d splurge for my birthday. We are not rich by any means, nor have we traveled the world like many we’ve met. I’m thinking that the clientele of people we meet may make us feel inferior? We are rather shy and not good at starting up a conversation, like at dinner, so wondering if we will feel out of place. 



You will not feel out of place.  



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You must do this cruise! How often can we take something off our bucket list? There will be all sorts of fellow Pax on the ship. For the most they will be interesting, smart, funny and kind. Nobody can or should make you feel inferior. That's not a Princess vibe. Rather, most will be thrilled you are able to take a trip of a lifetime with a line beloved by them. Trust me, they will be cheering you on. 


In terms of going out of your comfort zone to meet people I think it would be easy for you. If you have a chance to look at the posted copies of the Princess patter here you will find all sorts of meetings and events to mingle in a low key way. There are knitting groups, book groups, Bible study, crafting classes etc. The demonstrations and games in the Piazza are also great opportunities. It's ok to be a little reserved but it might be fun venture out of your comfort zone. Maybe don't enter the limbo contest this time but do go to a Polynesian Dance class or a lecture. All those other passengers are looking forward to meeting you. 

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If you want to meet people, request a large table to share at dinner.  You can then talk with your tablemates about that day's port, the next day's port, that evening's entertainment or the on-board activities on sea days.  And of course, what they do in the real world, where they are from, their kids and grandkids!  There is no end to the topics that are available, and most of us are happy to talk!


In prehistoric days, when the Patter (Princess' activities sheet) was paper instead of electronic, I always carried the Patter to dinner because my wife and I needed it for the evening's entertainment.  However, someone would always ask "what time is the Trivia [or Fox Trot class or Jazz Trio or ...] and I'd be able to look up the information.  That would trigger a conversation of the entertainment offerings.


One thing I always tried to do:  Be positive.  There are some people who insist on complaining, but my preference is to be with people who are happy!


Even if there are 3,000 passengers on the ship, somehow the people who I talk with at dinner or in the showroom or at a fruit carving demonstration or whatever turn up over and over during the cruise (and my longest cruise has been 14 days!), and since we talked together before, they are no longer strangers!  

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We went on this cruise in October, 2018, for 28 days, round trip from Los Angeles.  Our cruise included Bora Bora and Moorea which were our two favorite ports.  We had one of the largest CC roll call, with over 200 people attending the first meeting.


On a longer voyages you really get to know your fellow cruisers.  Many of them were seasoned travelers.  I loved listening to their adventures to exotic locations.  We had the best tablemates, who we still keep in contact.  Different activities are plan to fit the cruise, like crossing the equator event, even received certificate from Princess.


You will love your cruise.  It's an adventure you will not forget.

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