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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday August 2nd, 2022


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1 hour ago, kazu said:


Thanks - Jose loved all our dogs - and Fox, our fearful rescue had a dear spot in his heart.  He was skeptical at the beginning and could not believe her transformation.  I think he would approve of this ♥️ 


I appreciate your post so much and, sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything but is a dog or trying to help a dog a major decision?  I’m not selling the house for crying out loud.  And she needs help.  I have always found that if you try to help someone else it is better than feeling sorry for yourself constantly.


Yes, I am still shaking and crying at times but when I am with her training I try to clear my mind, put my shoulders back and focus on her.



Of course you should have said something.   We want to be able to support our Daily family when they need it.  Working with Shadow takes you outside of yourself rather than dwelling on your sorrow.  You'll shake and cry for a long time, but Shadow will help lessen the shaking and make the crying healing.  I think what you are doing is healthy.   If it feels like the right thing for you, it probably is.  And, like you said, it isn't a major life decision.  

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1 hour ago, kazu said:


Thanks - Jose loved all our dogs - and Fox, our fearful rescue had a dear spot in his heart.  He was skeptical at the beginning and could not believe her transformation.  I think he would approve of this ♥️ 


I appreciate your post so much and, sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything but is a dog or trying to help a dog a major decision?  I’m not selling the house for crying out loud.  And she needs help.  I have always found that if you try to help someone else it is better than feeling sorry for yourself constantly.


Yes, I am still shaking and crying at times but when I am with her training I try to clear my mind, put my shoulders back and focus on her.




Aww thanks as well.  I’m trying.  I don’t accomplish much some days but I’m trying.  Her days were numbered and time was running out 😔 

Really appreciate it ♥️ 


I  think what you are doing is just a beautiful  thing and  as you know,dogs know who cares for them and respond as best they can. I don't  understand  people being critical.  My  DSIL had a young rescue puppy shortly after my brother died and says that they rescued each other.

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50 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:

@kazuJacqui, 100 percent agree with Debbie.  Totally up to you how you choose to go forward.  Frankly, if it were me, I also would have taken Shadow -- just to get out of my own head and to have a boost to get up in the morning.  But nobody has a right or wrong way to grieve.   Pretty sad that anyone would be critical.




49 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:


@kazu Does Shadow allow you to pet her?


Oh my, yes she does now.  She is coming (most times) when I call and follows me around outside.  When I say we play “hide and seek” - it’s me getting out of her sight so she comes looking for me 👍 Trying to show her who she can trust and give her a leader. 🤞 


25 minutes ago, puppycanducruise said:

@kazu Vent all you want.  You make your own decisions, don't let anyone tell you you are doing it wrong. (you're not)    Hugs to you and Little Shadow.


Ahh, thanks.  I felt badly after I posted - felt like I was attention seeking but I really appreciate the support - you have no idea how much.


15 minutes ago, srdancer said:

@kazui agree with others who have posted that you were right to adopt Shadow (Little).


You saved that puppy’s life - no way that could be the wrong thing to do.



Thanks so much.  To be clear she is not adopted (yet).  She is technically a foster but the organization has already given me the all clear to adopt and hope I do.  If it works out, I will.  It takes 3 months to get a fearful dog’s total trust and turn them over to someone else without them feeling they are being abandoned again and lose trust.  As long as it works out, yes, her forever home will be here.


I made sure that I had a spot secured for her at my dogs’ vacation home for the cruises and she is reserved.  Debbie is fabulous with rescues & willing to work with her especially with me having her for 3 months.


2 minutes ago, dfish said:


Of course you should have said something.   We want to be able to support our Daily family when they need it.  Working with Shadow takes you outside of yourself rather than dwelling on your sorrow.  You'll shake and cry for a long time, but Shadow will help lessen the shaking and make the crying healing.  I think what you are doing is healthy.   If it feels like the right thing for you, it probably is.  And, like you said, it isn't a major life decision.  


♥️. Thank you ♥️ 


It’s tough some days to buckle down and work with her but she’s here and can’t be ignored.  

Well, back out to work with her a bit more.  I think I might have scored a small victory again today.  🤞 Now to see if she still likes me after it - LOL.

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@kazuI have a kitty abandoned at the vets guess 6 months of age.  He is the lovable boss in the house. When fending for himself he must have swallowed and alarm clock. He is very vocal every 12 hours for feed time. . He can’t replace the love of my life but he Is my companion that gives me unconditional love and companionship. 




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@kazuI have a kitty abandoned at the vets guess 6 months of age.  He is the lovable boss in the house. When fending for himself he must have swallowed and alarm clock. He is very vocal every 12 hours for feed time. . He can’t replace the love of my life but he Is my companion that gives me unconditional love and companionship. 




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2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Sandi, If you are on Medicare, it should pay for one and once it is paid for, it is yours.  I would not spend the money for it.  You PT will order it for you.  

Once it is prescribed then Medicare pays for it.  If you have other insurance, as I do, it pays for it as well. Don’t spend money needlessly.


Thanks for pointing that out.  I will be prepared when the discussion of future home therapy comes up.  I have secndary insurance as well as Medicare so it should be all good.



2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

All good days. My porch light will be on (always is) for National Night Out; no neighborhood gathering usually. CAD is important. I haven't had an ice cream sandwich in a while. I like the quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine.

I've been to Portugal, but not Horta. Thanks for the pictures.


Today's our last nice day before it gets very hot again with some storms. Fortunately the bad storms missed me yesterday. I seem to get weird stuff. My left palm has been hurting since Sunday, and now I notice a lump and black and blue area (hematoma). How'd I do that? Anyway, I've spent the morning doing some sorting for donations and putting on the bay.


@Rowsby Congrats on your trip. I do understand the hesitancy, as I have it too given my health issues.

@dfish It does often take time to adjust after travel. I hope Sue's bag is found soon. Oh no on the mess at the airport and what happened to Donna's feet!

@kazu It sounds like you're making progress with Shadow (Little). Great flowers too. 

@StLouisCruisers  Wonderful pictures, as usual. After shoulder surgery and for my knee I've had TENS done at PT; interesting sensations 🤨.

@marshhawk Having a day for yourself is not selfish, it's self care! Oh no on the brownouts yesterday and no water today! I hope it's fixed soon. We have a lot of water main breaks around here. Sorry to hear of the loss suffered by your neighbor.

@cruzn single I understand your issues, especially as a single traveler.

@smitty34877 So good to hear you're all starting to feel better! Prayers answered. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Nice photos.

@aliaschief Some challenges, but your guide seems up to the task. Great photos.

@Cruising-along Good you got an appointment quickly and I hope they can figure out your arm pain. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Try to stay safe everyone.

Sorry to hear about the lump and hematoma on your palm.   I hope it doesn't require a doctor visit.  So many of us having Tens treatments at therapy here!  I haven't needed therapy in decades so I'm out of the loop.




2 hours ago, AncientWanderer said:


@StLouisCruisers, your captain's dinner looks like so much fun.  I bet the captains enjoy you guys a lot -- good conversation!


Maxine, we did have a wonderful dinner that night at Canaletto. It was an unforgetable experience.  The Captain is a very, very interesting individual.




2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:


Thank you Sandi.  I had to look up Tennis Elbow (have heard of it, but didn't know the symptoms).  I don't think it's the same thing, as Tennis Elbow affects the outer side of the elbow, this is the inner side.  Also my forearm doesn't seem affected at all.  Any movement or weight on that arm hurts, but in the inner elbow near that little inner bone. My guess is repetitive use with gardening (that's my weeding arm) but we'll see what they say tomorrow.  


Carolyn, tennis elbow is also called tendonitis, I'm pretty sure.  And yes it's on the outside of the elbow.  From what I recall from the orthopedist, the tendon attached to the elbow between wrist and elbow becomes detached with excessive use.  And guess where I got my tendonits?  In the yard manicuring my lawn.  I use to be pretty excessive about it.  Now I have to force myself outside to pull weeds in and around the shubbery beds.  I guess I burned out on lawn care.😓




2 hours ago, kazu said:


Thanks - Jose loved all our dogs - and Fox, our fearful rescue had a dear spot in his heart.  He was skeptical at the beginning and could not believe her transformation.  I think he would approve of this ♥️ 


I appreciate your post so much and, sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything but is a dog or trying to help a dog a major decision?  I’m not selling the house for crying out loud.  And she needs help.  I have always found that if you try to help someone else it is better than feeling sorry for yourself constantly.


Yes, I am still shaking and crying at times but when I am with her training I try to clear my mind, put my shoulders back and focus on her.


Aww thanks as well.  I’m trying.  I don’t accomplish much some days but I’m trying.  Her days were numbered and time was running out 😔 

Really appreciate it ♥️ 


I totally agree with everyone else that Little Shadow is a blessing to you right now, not a mistake!  She needs you and you need her.  Having her there needing you so much must help you get out of bed in the morning.  I agree with Roy.  Shame on the criticizers for being so negative.  It's none of their business anymore because the decision has been made.  Period!❤️




1 hour ago, TiogaCruiser said:


Count me in as another TENS unit user. I bought mine online after my chiropractor got me started on it some 15 years ago. He used estim for most of his patients. He was a trainer for the Angels at the time. Some 40 years ago when I was doing my clinical rotation in med-surg, one of the surgeons prescribed TENS for all his abdominal surgery patients as they needed less pain medication. TENS doesn’t have to hurt. It can actually feel good.


Thanks!  Good to know it may actually feel good.  😁

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I have never found that filling a soul hole with something has been bad, if it's good for the soul.   When I got sober, instead of drink, I got cats.  Everyone of them a stray or rescue, and "oh, Ann cant you keep it for a while," and the while turns into years, and I wouldn't  trade that for anything. 


I think you did the right thing @kazu Little Shadow keeps you busy, and your heart in the right place.

Always choose joy, and that line in Make me a Channel  of Your Peace,- Oh Master, Grant that I may never seek , so much to be consoled, as to console. or Where there is despair in life, let me bring hope.

@kazuyou do that so much for us all here, it only makes sense to do that for Little.


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3 hours ago, kazu said:


I have a couple people criticizing me for trying to do this in the early stages of grief and while they may be right, her only chance was being shipped out now.  There could be no delay - time was of the essence.   I was really disappointed (and hurt) they didn’t share in my success and instead pointed out I was doing the wrong thing for me.  😢  Just a little vent, sorry.


Isn't it amazing how others think they know how we should be living our lives!  Ignore these people.
Each and every one of us that has lost a loved one has grieved in their own way for as long as we need and no one has the right to tell us that we are wrong.

I admire you for your courage in booking another cruise and in stepping up for this little dog. I expect that you will eventually feel that she has done far more for you than you have done for her. ( I know I feel that way about the cats that I adopted after my husband passed.



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3 hours ago, kazu said:


Thanks - it’s not something done here in our little town nor I think, in most places in NB.  Sounds lovely 👍 



She is a year and 1/2.  I’m no trooper but I am trying.  We had a 2 step back morning with the garbage truck sounds and then my generator coming on. After the garbage truck I brought her IN successfully to take away some of the noise when the generator was going to start up.

But she’s actually happily sleeping in the house and has settled.  Once the drizzle stops we’ll go out and work on hide and seek, leash, play and sit.  


It’s a lot of work but there is reward ♥️ I would say she is near Fox’s fear level which is a huge improvement.



Oh, I am so sorry to hear this 😢 You are kind so help her - believe me she will appreciate the support and more and more as time goes by ♥️ 



Ugh - and how frustrating.  So sorry - especially on the boil order.    Your meme is perfect - that just about sums up any workers I see - at least 7 people and I swear only one is working.



Her rescuer (whom I am in contact with now) is stunned, surprised and happy.  She has a long ways to go. But I try to look at what we have accomplished and not the journey.


I have a couple people criticizing me for trying to do this in the early stages of grief and while they may be right, her only chance was being shipped out now.  There could be no delay - time was of the essence.   I was really disappointed (and hurt) they didn’t share in my success and instead pointed out I was doing the wrong thing for me.  😢  Just a little vent, sorry.


Personally if we were in the same position as yourself Pauline or I would get a dog or cat for company.

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@kazuJacqui, if you are happy with what you did, then it is right for you regardless of what anyone else says.  It seems that you and Shadow are doing okay and it is something good for both of you.


I finally have some news.  I have finally gotten an appointment with the Hand Surgeon for a consultation.  Unfortunately, it is not until Sept. 22.  i did request a certain doctor.  if I didn’t I might have gotten an earlier appointment. He took care of me in the past, so I feel more comfortable with him rather than someone I don’t know.  i am on a wait list for cancellations.  Here’s hoping 🤞.  I am trying to figure out how I will handle this.  We are planning a trip to Barbados for the first two weeks in October for our anniversary.  So I am hoping that I can have surgery on one hand after I return and before the Christmas Cruise.  That will help me get a chance to recover.  

Then I will try to get the left hand done after the New Year and have the February cruise to recover from that.  Now, I have that planned out.  Let’s see if the Mayo Clinic cooperates.


Edited by Cruzin Terri
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4 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

You and everyone else here is so helpful.  Thanks for offering!




Thanks Annie for your offer.  I think you two might still have uses for your Tens unit.  Hopefully you can figure out where to place the pads on your back.  


Any idea why the electricity went out whenever the AC came on yesterday?  Glad we didn't have any problems like that because it's AUGUST!  It's hot outside!  I hope your AC is working today.  And I hope that water main is fixed soon.  Not a good situation to be in.




More great Scottish countryside pictures.  Ullapool is a charming small town.  How much longer is your vacation there?




You're welcome on the Horta photos.  And as for the sunrise photo, I love a purpley-pink sunrise.  Always have to reach for the phone to get a photo of it.


It's sad to hear of another Dailyite with a painful condition.  I had tennis elbow around 20 years ago and that was pretty painful.  Do you think it could be that?  Surgery fixed that immediately. Bone spur doesn't sound good either!   Let us know what the doctor says. 



Kay, hard to believe so many here have needed a Tens unit!  I looked at your link and it really does look very portable.  I'm going to bookmark that page in case I need it in a few months.  Thanks to everyone for their insight and offers to help

Until the 12th when we head for Amsterdam then sail out on Rotterdam for two weeks. Sail Away has changed to Port Of Rotterdam.

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Good afternoon.  We decided to drive to Dallas to be sure we knew how to get to the correct building in the large UT Southwestern Medical Center complex, and to see how long it takes.  I'm glad we made the effort because a glitch in the GPS directions had us turn two driveways too soon.  It didn't take that long to find the correct driveway thanks to a nice security guard, but it would have been nerve wracking if it had happened Friday.


After we left the clinic, we drove through downtown Dallas and took I-30 to Ft. Worth and our nearest Total Wine store.  We got what we needed, and I got eight more bottles of my favorite Riesling after seeing a sign saying 15% off if you buy six bottles or more.  Well, I didn't read the fine print that bottles whose price ends in 7 are excluded.  Yep, the wine price ended in 7, but at least I didn't pay any more than I would have at the local grocery store.  


We took a few backroads home and saw some areas between here and Ft. Worth that we'd never seen.  Boy is the grass in the countryside brown and dry.  We need rain desperately, and hopefully there won't be many more grass fires before we finally get some rain -- some day.  Also, there was very light traffic today, and we've noticed this on Tuesdays before.


6 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Thanks for the explanation of National Night Out; I thought it was date night.  It seems we're one of the few couples of our friends who will go out later in the evening, as most don't like to drive at night.  Really?  I admire those who can CAD; the designs they create can be amazing.  Okay, light the flames - I don't care for ice cream sandwiches.  I dislike soggy cookies and that's how they feel in my mouth.  I like ice cream, just not squished together between soggy cookies.  If all that's left in the freezer for treats is ice cream sandwiches (DH enjoys them), I shut the door and walk away.


Late to the party last night because WOW, did we have a lightning and thunder storm roll through around 3AM.  DH heard it (I sleep like the dead and would have slept right through it) and woke me, as we had all the windows open in the house and on the deck.  The lightning was so constant (both sheet and bolt) that it looked like late evening - the entire area was constantly lit.  We stayed up for about an hour watching the lightning and rain coming down.  It certainly washed the cars off!  Thankfully we had cleaned out the drain pipes a couple of weeks ago so the eaves troughs didn't overflow, and we didn't get hail.  Apparently yesterday in Alberta they had grapefruit sized hail that destroyed vehicles traveling along the highway between Calgary and Edmonton.  I can't imagine what it did to the crops and wildlife!


@Rowsbyit's a woman's prerogative to change her mind - good for you for rebooking your Hawaii trip.  I know you'll be careful.

@kazubeautiful dahlias (see, I do know flowers!  LOL).

@smitty34877I'm happy to hear the family is getting a little better.

@dfishwelcome home!  Sorry about your sister's luggage, and the lack of a wheelchair!


I know DH wouldn't enjoy today's menu suggestion, so will take a pass on it.  Even after last night's storm, it's still warm and muggy, so I don't think I'll be using the oven today.  It seems like a good day to cook a salmon fillet in the air fryer this morning and have it chilled on a lettuce salad for dinner tonight.  Alongside some crusty buns, I think it will make a nice meal on the deck.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra for the people of Ukraine and for the grain in ships leaving the port of Odessa.  We'll raise our glasses tonight to celebrate all on the happy list.  Stay well, get your boosters, wear masks when needed and be safe.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂






Years ago, we'd get ice cream sandwiches often and enjoyed them.  The last few I've had, it seemed they used inferior ice cream, and they were not as good as in the past.  Maybe it was the brand.


6 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Thanks for the warning about the electrical stimulation treatment.  At least now I am prepared!!  My twin says she has her own Tens unit which she got through a chiropractor her son knows.  I have no idea why anyone would want their own unit, but that's what she said.  🤷‍♀️


We also have a tens unit, which DH uses on occasion.  It is easy for him or for me to place the pads, depending upon where he needs them.  We've taken the unit with us on cruises too.


5 hours ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

Good morning all.  There is a posting with a link to Carnival's new CEO this morning.  Rather interesting as it effects all of us who cruise any of the Carnival lines and probably any of the others.  The debt load that most of the cruise lines have now that covid has so severely hurt the business, will cause changes for years to come.  It will prevent reinvesting profits back into the existing ships and from building new ones as the debt load needs to be paid down.

The good news is the new CEO believes in the differences of the individual lines as he recognizes each one has strengths that attract its guests to it.   He also knows that some guests prefer the older (can I say smaller) ships compared to the new builds. The competition with newer start up lines will keep pressure on Carnival/Royal/NCL, but will they not have debt load issues as well?


Thanks for the information.  I hope this means they can find the money to keep the two R class ships in the fleet and in good condition.


5 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We're having a welcome cooling trend, even a few drops of rain the last couple mornings.  A high of 75 and clouds today is more like what we're used to here.  


International Night Out is a wonderful idea, I like ice cream sandwiches but don't remember the last time I had one.  DS and DDIL use CAD for all their house renovations, it's fun to look at them.


I'll pass on the meal and drink, but the wine sounds great.  Last night I made the Chicken Parmesan with roasted potatoes and it was a hit.  Have been to Portugal but not Horta.  Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisersand Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserfor the photos.


I've been putting off calling the doctor about a pain in my arm (near the elbow) and finally did it and have an appointment tomorrow.  It's been going on too long and feels like it's worse.  I'm afraid it's probably a bone spur, and I'm dreading the possibility of surgery...at least we don't have any trips planned for a couple months.


Sue @RowsbyI'm glad to hear that the condo in Hawaii is available and that you changed your mind about going.  I know you'll be careful and have a wonderful time.


Debbie @dfishhoping Sue's bag shows up soon!  Also good grief about the IRS situation. At least you can prove you paid already.  One time it took DH a couple years of back and forth with them but eventually he did "win".  But it wasn't the same situation. 


Jacqui @kazuit amazes me at the progress you're making with Shadow (Little).  You're doing a great job with her.


Sandi @StLouisCruisersabsolutely gorgeous sunrise photo!!


Terry @smitty34877great news that everyone is feeling a little better, especially that Tana and your DH are feeling less congested.  


I hope the problem with the elbow is not serious.  If it's just a bone spur, many times they can shave it down arthroscopically with minimal cutting.  Hopefully, they won't even need that. 


4 hours ago, AV8rix said:

Love, LOVE CAD!!!


I'm so old that I remember designing airplanes using the ancient ink-on-mylar method.  Then in the '80s CAD came along!  We were able to design faster PLUS we could plug the model of our part of the aircraft into the models of other design-groups mating parts and could see and remedy any interference before sending our production drawings out to the shop for fabrication.


Love it so much that, even though I'm retired, I still keep an old copy of Boeing's CAD software on my own computer so I can just fool around with it and dream of new airplanes.


I imagine that DH remembers the ink-on-mylar method.  The summer before we were marred, he worked at GD in Ft. Worth on the leading wing edge of the F-111.


3 hours ago, kazu said:


Thanks - it’s not something done here in our little town nor I think, in most places in NB.  Sounds lovely 👍 



She is a year and 1/2.  I’m no trooper but I am trying.  We had a 2 step back morning with the garbage truck sounds and then my generator coming on. After the garbage truck I brought her IN successfully to take away some of the noise when the generator was going to start up.

But she’s actually happily sleeping in the house and has settled.  Once the drizzle stops we’ll go out and work on hide and seek, leash, play and sit.  


It’s a lot of work but there is reward ♥️ I would say she is near Fox’s fear level which is a huge improvement.



Oh, I am so sorry to hear this 😢 You are kind so help her - believe me she will appreciate the support and more and more as time goes by ♥️ 



Ugh - and how frustrating.  So sorry - especially on the boil order.    Your meme is perfect - that just about sums up any workers I see - at least 7 people and I swear only one is working.



Her rescuer (whom I am in contact with now) is stunned, surprised and happy.  She has a long ways to go. But I try to look at what we have accomplished and not the journey.


I have a couple people criticizing me for trying to do this in the early stages of grief and while they may be right, her only chance was being shipped out now.  There could be no delay - time was of the essence.   I was really disappointed (and hurt) they didn’t share in my success and instead pointed out I was doing the wrong thing for me.  😢  Just a little vent, sorry.



First, Jacqui, you needed to make the decision for you not for your friends, and once it was made, they should have supported your decision.  You are the only one who knows what is best for you.  Debbie, @dfish, said it best, and like the rest, I'm glad you have something to look forward to each day, and that you will have a loving companion.  Another indication you made the right decision is the progress you've already made with Shadow, in addition to saving her life.  Please, as we've all said before, don't hesitate to vent when needed, and you're not seeking attention.  It is a lot worse to hold things in than to vent.


5 hours ago, marshhawk said:

I too have a TENS machine, got it to get the broken elbow going again.  DH would put the pads on, and then start out very low with the shock....until I could actually feel it.  And then I would sit with it on, watching TV, it's not something you walk around with.  @StLouisCruisers If you want it, I could hook up with you and give it to you.  It does help.  I don't use it anymore, but think if i could figure out where to put the pads it would help my back.   It was covered by insurance to a point, I paid off the balance which was like 78.00.  You would just have to order new pads.  


Yesterday we had brown outs every time the air came on.  Today we have no water.  So no shower, no going to the friends pool.  And as of right now, no cooking, washing, cleaning, etc. and no flushing toilet!  Neighbor is home today, but cant walk. (Sciatic nerve problems)  So it's back to the dog and then work, I have to figure out lunch.    I was right, she had her mind on something else, one of her friends passed away from cancer two weeks after he was diagnosed.  And she is currently a mess.

Since DH is watching his favorite show, but starts later than I do, I think at noon, he should go get lunch, bottled water, and then he can work.


We did a drive around the neighborhood to find the broken water main, (the one that the water department told DH they were in the process of fixing) and no one is up there at all.  There was a fire hydrant blasting water in some one's yard, but that wasn't the break. There was no one working on the break, and a truck at the fire hydrant.  So not sure if mid afternoon is the actual estimated time of fix.

It'll be a boil water situation later on.






Ann, the brownouts are bad, but no water is worse.  I hope they (or the lone worker) gets the water main fixed soon.


5 hours ago, aliaschief said:

It’s been quite the day. The ferry to Harris broke this morning so we have rode 5 hours on a scenic route Ullapool to take another ferry to Harris arriving at 8:00 PM. We had to be walk on only as no more room for autos. Our tour guide has hired a taxi and driver for our couple of days on Harris and Lewis.

Problem yes but we have adapted and overcome.


Here are some pics of today’s beautiful sights including the deer herd.




Bruce, thanks for the pictures.  It was good your guide could adapt so readily, but I bet that's not the first hiccup he's had on a tour.  


2 hours ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

Well, today has started out well. First, it has finally cooled off a bit so is pleasant. 2nd, DS turns 50 today-but I'm not sure how that happened so quickly.  Then I had to contact HAL about an OBC that expires in November. I think it was from our cancelled May Volendam cruise when they turned the ship into refugee housing. We weren't able to book the replacement cruise because of the hip surgery. I called Guest Relations and reached an agent in less than 10 minutes! And she was able to extend the credit to our February New Zealand cruise! Amazing on 2 counts. But I'm still waiting for Flight Ease to open up for our May cruise. Erg!

@Cruising-alongpain in the inner elbow is often called golfer's elbow. Ended up with both from work.

Lastly, an email from our Safeway grocery store said they're now offering Covid tests for travel. PCR-quality with results in 20 minutes for $69. Still a little pricy but less than $250 at SEATAC airport.


That is good news that you could get your FCC extended to cover your cruise next year.


1 minute ago, Cruzin Terri said:

@kazuJacqui, if you are happy with what you did, then it is right for you regardless of what anyone else says.  It seems that you and Shadow are doing okay and it is something good for both of you.


I finally have some news.  I have finally gotten an appointment with the Hand Surgeon for a consultation.  Unfortunately, it is not until Sept. 22.  i did request a certain doctor.  if I didn’t I might have gotten an earlier appointment. He took care of me in the past, so I feel more comfortable with him rather than someone I don’t know.  i am on a wait list for cancellations.  Here’s hoping 🤞.  I am trying to figure out how I will handle this.  We are planning a trip to Barbados for the first two weeks in October for our anniversary.  So I am hoping that I can have surgery on one hand after I return and before the Christmas Cruise.  That will help me get a chance to recover.  

Then I will try to get the left hand done after the New Year and have the February cruise to recover from that.  Now, I have that planned out.  Let’s see if the Mayo Clinic cooperates.


That's good news about the appointment with the hand surgeon.  I hope you can get in earlier, and that Mayo Clinic will work with you on scheduling the surgeries.



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Wow!  I didn’t mean to cause a stir and thank you @rafinmd@highscar

@StLouisCruisers & @grapau27 @Cruzin Terri @Quartzsite Cruiser


I am not saying I am the best but I am trying.  The rescuers knew my situation and were willing (or desperate).  Everyone wants a happy, well adjusted dog that needs minimal work. So no one wanted her.


21 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

I have never found that filling a soul hole with something has been bad, if it's good for the soul.   When I got sober, instead of drink, I got cats.  Everyone of them a stray or rescue, and "oh, Ann cant you keep it for a while," and the while turns into years, and I wouldn't  trade that for anything. 


I think you did the right thing @kazu Little Shadow keeps you busy, and your heart in the right place.




21 minutes ago, marshhawk said:


@kazuyou do that so much for us all here, it only makes sense to do that for Little.



I don’t do anything here but I appreciate your kind words.


15 minutes ago, lazey1 said:

Isn't it amazing how others think they know how we should be living our lives!  Ignore these people.


Thank you - they have been widows and supportive but I was hurt - I’m overly sensitive these days, I admit.


15 minutes ago, lazey1 said:

Each and every one of us that has lost a loved one has grieved in their own way for as long as we need and no one has the right to tell us that we are wrong.


I don’t know if I was right or wrong to do this and was full of trepidation but it’s done.  I’m weary, no question but I was weary before and at least I am helping (or trying to ) someone else.


15 minutes ago, lazey1 said:

I admire you for your courage in booking another cruise


The cruise I am going on was booked 3 years ago for DH and myself.  We had been through numerous cancellations, ship transfers, etc.. There is significant FCC involved.  My TA has worked countless hours and it is FINALLY in my name and his FCC is credited - but despite their promise HAL did NOT transfer the OBC which I had earned nor his FCC so now I owe more.  

I told my TA not to worry - if it isn’t fixed (I have gone to a higher power at HAL), there will be other cruise lines in my future if this cruise is not completely up to snuff.  Really have a bad taste in my mouth on this.

15 minutes ago, lazey1 said:


and in stepping up for this little dog. I expect that you will eventually feel that she has done far more for you than you have done for her. 


If things work out, I suspect you will be right, Jane.  She’s a lot of work but she is sweet.  

There is a little glow that goes off when you see a step forward in success.  

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26 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon.  We decided to drive to Dallas to be sure we knew how to get to the correct building in the large UT Southwestern Medical Center complex, and to see how long it takes.  I'm glad we made the effort because a glitch in the GPS directions had us turn two driveways too soon.  It didn't take that long to find the correct driveway thanks to a nice security guard, but it would have been nerve wracking if it had happened Friday.

So?  What did the neurosurgeon say?  Will he have the shunt performed?  And when?  Again, wish my ex had opted for the shunt.  He's in MISERABLE shape now.  Breaks my heart.


I imagine that DH remembers the ink-on-mylar method.  The summer before we were marred, he worked at GD in Ft. Worth on the leading wing edge of the F-111.

Wish that I'd known that he was also an aero engineer when I met y'all.  Would have made for fascinating discussions (but STUPEFYINGLY boring for non-engineers).Yes, F-111 was DEFINITELY done before CAD.


Edited by AV8rix
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Finally got back to posting!  Before I forget @marshhawkthe directions given in the hospital for my sister's abrasions was to keep clean by just running water over the wounds in the shower and then keeping everything covered (with non-stick pads)..  Then the new advice is still similar, but to use a medical wipe to get "scabs" off and put on antibiotic cream, but still keep covered.  Sorry your DH has incurred an injury, and I am sure that blood thinners can make it scarier!  Sending healing prayers.


It has been a beautiful day here and the temps are in high 80's.  We only had a few days of real hot weather, which is not typical.  We are getting some monsoon rains in our areas, or other areas of the state.  Hope it continues.  The discussion of school starting dates the other day makes me hope for moderate temps when our kids start on August 11.  They are still trying to hold some classes outside (weather permitting).  The outside classes are still a Covid thing.  


@kazuyou are doing what is best for you.  I know it took me almost 2 years after DH passed for me to get my head right and I could finally resume activities.  You and Shadow (Little) can work through some of your pains together.  I wish I could have a dog where I live, but there is a no pets clause in my lease agreement!  Hugs to you for brighter days ahead on your own time!


Sending prayers for all on the Cares List and best wishes for healing for all those with various "hurts."  


When I cancelled my cruise yesterday, it was a well thought out decision, and the airport situation was the motivating factor.  But I had been trying to contact my PCC for 2 months (4 emails and 5 voice mail messages) to no avail.  From now on I will just book myself, and work everything out without him.  After all, in a post retirement job I did travel agent work, so I am not a newbie to the fame!


Have a great rest of the evening, everyone.

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4 hours ago, JazzyV said:

I seem to get weird stuff. My left palm has been hurting since Sunday, and now I notice a lump and black and blue area (hematoma). How'd I do that?

Vanessa I must have missed this earlier!  That is odd, do you remember using your palm to push down something?  I do things like that, and can't for the life of me remember how it happened.  

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@kazu hard to believe how thoughtless some people are!  I had a friend who got a new pup after she lost her DH, and it was the best decision ever.   We all make the best decisions we can, and you need love and support, I’m glad you shared!  Helping others is often the best way to help ourselves.
 @AV8rix you made me smile, my cousin was married to a dear man who was an aeronautical engineer too, who worked for Boeing.  He passed away years ago when his children we’re young,  but he was salt of the earth.

@Cruising-along I hope you get some relief! 
and you too @JazzyV

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2 hours ago, AV8rix said:

Wish that I'd known that he was also an aero engineer when I met y'all.  Would have made for fascinating discussions (but STUPEFYINGLY boring for non-engineers).Yes, F-111 was DEFINITELY done before CAD.



Actually, DH is a mechanical engineer with an emphasis on HVAC.  The job at GD was a summer job before his final year at UT.  He took flying lessons while he was in college, too.  Between everything, engineering, flying and computers, you probably could have had some interesting conversations that were above the pay grade for the rest of us.




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2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

We made it to Harris despite all the obstacles we had to pass today. It’s 11:00 PM after our three hour ferry ride and time for bed. Touring Harris and Lewis tomorrow. Long day but we beat the odds.

You will love it.



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@Cruzin Terri I think your very orange sunsets must be caused by the same dust that @MISTER 67 has been talking about.


And this site is possessed I did not try to make this bold.


Wont be on in the morning.  DH and I both have appointments with a new dermatologist.  Ours (who really took very good care of Chuck and the cancer,  quit and moved to TX)  So now we get a new one.

Its on the other side of town, and I have no idea how to get there.  Map Quest puts the office in the middle of 285.  ????


We do have water, but I would not recommend drinking it for a few days.  The dog's Mom still doesn't have water, has something to do with something she needs to change in her house, so the water company is sending a plumber over to her tomorrow.  I just hope that nothing else breaks down and we can get to the doctor tomorrow.


Hugs to you all!

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