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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday November 11th, 2022


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Just got home from seeing my DB.   @JazzyVonce he finishes his IV antibiotic course and being better to ambulate better he will be released to home and then he will have to travel to wound care at the hospital.   My DSIL is doing a terrific job motivating him to not slack off which he is prone to do.  If he fails to make progress he will be kicked out to a nursing home.   I had to deal with that with my DF when he was 90.  He refused to do PT so ended up in a nursing home.  We made him understand that he could come home but not in a wheel chair.  He thought through that and got up and with help from my siblings started walking and was able to go home.   I talked to DB just as I did with my Dad, going home requires a lot of work on his part.   He has PT at 1:00 today and my DSIL took a break but will return for his PT session.    

Looking forward to seeing the comments I missed earlier.  I think I see some photos of Manaus.   Thanks for the photos!   

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27 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

So lucky that they caught that!  AFib is the leading cause of stroke.  The new Senator from PA had a stroke and it was due to uncontrolled AFib that he probably never realized he had.  My late DH had it too.  He had to go through cardioversion and they had to shock him three times.   Prayers for this to heal!  

Sorry to hear about your late husband.

The famous American Olympic swimmer Mark Spitz has Atrial fibrillation and he regularly advertises an A Fib monitor on UK TV.

Edited by grapau27
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Good morning, today is Remembrance Day in Canada.  We give thanks and remember those who served.   We have many to remember in our family from both world wars.   It is truly moving to see names of family engraved on the memorial of Vimy ridge. 
@*Miss G*  grateful for your first husband service! 
@smitty34877 happy birthday to your grandchildren! 
@NextOne so glad they caught your AFib,  my mother had it and lived into her late 90s as does my aunt.  


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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thanks for posting what I wrote last year.  I did post four pictures the next day.  In the meantime I found some pictures on the tablet and will try posting them, but without much commentary.


The meeting of the waters.  The murky water is the Amazon, and the clear is the Rio Negra.



Our firsr view of Manaus



One of the passenger boats that travel the Amazon 



The little boats we transferred to for the ride through the jungle.IMG_0296.thumb.JPG.74109bfe117ed80f9fae074303e0e789.JPG


Houses in the jungleIMG_0310.thumb.JPG.60de28fda9d7bd83ae9bda7571bc3227.JPG




Pictures from our tour of the city









Manaus at night



Our last day we got another samll boat with another couple to go out in the jungle again.


A cayman hidding in the vegetation 



We stopped at one house and they brought out their pets.  The sloth was soft, but I didn't pet the snake,  DH did.





Once back in town, we walked down to the market on the riverfront.IMG_0458.thumb.JPG.3334f99025b1c8a8d49de9f6c57b9c88.JPG




This shows the river levels for many years.  It was at the head of the dock.




Nice photos Lenda.

I hope today is a better day for you and Steve.


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Good morning to all.... barely. I started reading and then had to take a call from the shelter regarding and issue with a vicious dog. Not something I can handle but I referred them on to someone who can .... and I sincerely hope this is the last I hear of it.


Am wearing my poppy pin today. My Father served in the Navy in WWII. He fortunately had a long life afterward. He was determined to go and he worked hard to get high blood pressure down so he could pass the physical. He was not at sea... he was an officer stationed in London and working on the German surrender terms. 


Have been to Manaus in 2015 on the Princendam. I enjoyed the stop and I did walk around and felt safe although I did not venture far by myself.


Weather here is cold in the mornings... was 15F when dogs and I went out about 7:30. High will be in the low 40's. But the forecast is dry. Snow making is underway at Purgatory.... and Wolf Creek has about 46 inches and skiing has begun.


@NextOneglad the AF was caught early. One doctor suspected I had it but EKG showed nothing and I wore a heart monitor for a couple of weeks which also was negative. Scary stuff.


Reading about all the cruises is making me restless.







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@rafinmd Roy, please take me off the Care List as, luckily, Nicole gave me no new issues beyond the ones Ian left behind.


We did have a brief fright last night when an electric pole transformer blew up with a huge bang and an incredible red fireball. Neighbors joined me in rushing outside to find the source. The fire department arrived followed by the power company. Amazingly, none of us lost power!


Today dawned sunny and calm with a gentle breeze. We've been out running errands and nothing in this area looks worse from Nicole. The Ian debris stacks don't look blown about which was a major concern. Other areas -- along the Atlantic coast -- did not fare as well. My 🙏prayers🙏 for them.



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One thing about Manaus where people haven't posted pictures was the inside of the Opera House.  On my 2019 Prinsendam Grand South America voyage I attended an evening performance here.  Here's a collage of views of the hall:


and the view from my seat in the second row:



Most of the music that night was unfamiliar but they did play "Tequila" and the conductor became quite animated when the time came for the audience part:





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Good afternoon from a very wet central Texas.  Naturally, it was pouring when the van came to transfer DH back to rehab.  Fortunately, there was a portico at both the hospital and rehab.  David, the person who does the transfers, even drove me to my car so I did not have to walk in the rain.  I will say, the people here are very nice.


DH's blood pressure dropped too low again just after his getting into his room.  It scared and upset me a lot since that was what sent him to the hospital.  I did get a chance to talk with a nurse supervisor who really listened.  She recommended we tell the doctor the history of why DH's BP needs to be higher than most people's BP.  That will have to be up to DH since the doctor comes too early for me, usually before visiting hours.  This morning, the hospitalist who wanted to keep DH in the hospital, suggested that since the problem occurs in the morning, he try taking the meds at night.  When the pharmacist came by to discuss his meds, she agreed to that change.


Now, that the dust has settled so to speak, the transfer was probably not as bad as it seemed yesterday.  I'm just very grateful they sent him to the hospital where they found the blood clot.


The procedure used to remove the clot is still experimental, and they had reps from the company that makes the equipment used in the room during the procedure.  DH thinks he was the fifth person to have it done.  Now, it's time for him to buckle down and rebuild his strength and regain the ground he lost so he can come home.  He still has a long road ahead of him.


Again, thank all of you for your support during all of this.


@smitty34877  Terry, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your grandkids.  Looking back, I think there was a lot of miscommunication between the doctors and between the hospital and the rehab which caused a lot of needless stress and worry.

@AncientWanderer  I did get some rest.  I don't think the confusion was between the shifts but between two doctor who didn't agree and between the two facilities.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, our condolences to your friend on the loss of her mother.  With all the changes for your cruise, just remember the saying "Ship happens", and watch how you say it. 🤣

@NextOne  Edi, you were so lucky they found the AFib when they did.  I'm glad you are feeling fine and are on the right meds.  Good luck with the cataract surgery.

@Sharon in AZ  Sharon, I hope you feel better soon.

@Cruising-along  Carolyn, thank you for your kind words.  Enjoy the day with the grandsons.

@St Pete Cruiser  We were in Manaus in 2006, and the bridge had not been built.

@rafinmd  Roy, a belated BON VOYAGE.  I had to smile and laugh at your description of the hospital.  It was perfect.  Thank you for the pictures of the Opera House.  I think I posted one from there, but my pictures were not that good due to the lighting. 

@JazzyV  Vanessa, thank you for what you said about the confusion at the hospital.  I think the bigger the hospital is the more things get muddled.  Thank you too for the birthday wishes for my DM.

@grapau27  Graham, thank you too for honoring her birthday.  Thank you for your kind words about my pictures.  Today, is turning out to be a better day.  It could not have gotten much worse than yesterday.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I hope the antibiotics clear up your DB's infection and he can is able to go home soon.  I also hope they get the bedsores cleared up.

@CHIEFWINEMAKER  Welcome to the Fleet/Daily.  We're a very friendly and caring group, and we hope you'll join us often.

@HAL Sailer  Melisa, I'm glad Nicole spared your place from further damage.


It looks like the rain has finally slowed down and DH is napping.  I will probably head home soon, before the afternoon rush.




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The committee meeting last night was so bad that I walked out, which is hard to do in a Zoom meeting where you're the host. I'm the executive director of the organization and I feel that I will have to advise the board to reject the report of the committee even though I was a member of it.


Armistice Day was changed to Veterans Day in the U.S. within my lifetime, and my mother continued to call it Armistice Day. When the U.S. started changing Federal holidays to Mondays, it changed Veterans Day but the public reaction was so negative that Congress changed it back to November 11. When I was growing up, veterans' organizations sold paper poppies on the sidewalks outside businesses, but I haven't seen that for a long time.


FWIW, my mother also said the Pledge of Allegiance without the words "under God," which were added around the same time. This was a continuing problem in PTA meetings, the only time she had to recite it.


I might like the trout or might not, but I would prefer the pot roast.



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Good evening everyone. The day got away from me.


Lenda, what happened to Steve in the hospital yesterday is why sick people should never go to a hospital. Twice, when Sam was in for 2 days, they decided he needed a PT evaluation at 5pm before he could leave. Only trouble was the PT department left at 4pm. I was at home, called the hospital admionistrator, my daughter was in the hospital trying to get him duscharged and my son was at his house on the phone with the admitting MD who wouldnt discharge Sam. I finally got the administator to go down to the Er and they let him go home. The second time it happened, the administrator and I were on first name basis. Sems, since he came in by ambulance, and on a stretcher, they needed to verrify he could walk even though we told them he had PT privaely.

So frustrating.

I'm curious to know how the blood clot was removed. Sam's was in his brain. They went up the groin with a tiny machine , opened it like a cage around the clot and pulled it back down.


Stay safe everyone,


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12 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

what happened to Steve in the hospital yesterday is why sick people should never go to a hospital.


What do you recommend instead? My last hospital stay was for surgery, and I would rather have had it there than at home on the kitchen table.

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4 hours ago, CHIEFWINEMAKER said:

Thank you for the daily update and  much respect for my fellow Veterans and those who are thoughtful enough to support us. Safe travels to all. - >>>Chiefwinemaker USCG Retired

Welcome and thank you from the United Kingdom.


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2 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good evening everyone. The day got away from me.


Lenda, what happened to Steve in the hospital yesterday is why sick people should never go to a hospital. Twice, when Sam was in for 2 days, they decided he needed a PT evaluation at 5pm before he could leave. Only trouble was the PT department left at 4pm. I was at home, called the hospital admionistrator, my daughter was in the hospital trying to get him duscharged and my son was at his house on the phone with the admitting MD who wouldnt discharge Sam. I finally got the administator to go down to the Er and they let him go home. The second time it happened, the administrator and I were on first name basis. Sems, since he came in by ambulance, and on a stretcher, they needed to verrify he could walk even though we told them he had PT privaely.

So frustrating.

I'm curious to know how the blood clot was removed. Sam's was in his brain. They went up the groin with a tiny machine , opened it like a cage around the clot and pulled it back down.


Stay safe everyone,



Carol, they used a new method to remove the blood clot.  I'm not exactly sure how to explain it, but the blood clot was huge, going from the artery from the heart into both lungs.  It was so big that waiting for it to deslove was not an option since it would take months. They went in through a vein in his groin and  using a new method they were able to remove the vast majority if not all of the blood clot.  


Friom what we understand DH was the fifth person to undergo this procedure.  It is so new,there were at least three or four representatives of the company which developed this new method of removing a blood clot from the lungs.  We were very fortunate that another problem sent DH to the right hodlital at the right time, otherwise I'm not sure what would have happened in the long run.  At the least, according to a doctor, he would have had problems with his heart and pulomary hypertension. As large as the clot was, we were extremely lucky he survuved and has a good chance of regaining a normal life. It will take time, but ar least we have the time now.


Yes, there were differing views about keeping DH longer, but without being in the right hospital at the right time, I hate to think what the outcome would  gave been.  I'm very glad he was sent to the right place at the right time.





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7 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Carol, they used a new method to remove the blood clot.  I'm not exactly sure how to explain it, but the blood clot was huge, going from the artery from the heart into both lungs.  It was so big that waiting for it to deslove was not an option since it would take months. They went in through a vein in his groin and  using a new method they were able to remove the vast majority if not all of the blood clot.  


Friom what we understand DH was the fifth person to undergo this procedure.  It is so new,there were at least three or four representatives of the company which developed this new method of removing a blood clot from the lungs.  We were very fortunate that another problem sent DH to the right hodlital at the right time, otherwise I'm not sure what would have happened in the long run.  At the least, according to a doctor, he would have had problems with his heart and pulomary hypertension. As large as the clot was, we were extremely lucky he survuved and has a good chance of regaining a normal life. It will take time, but ar least we have the time now.


Yes, there were differing views about keeping DH longer, but without being in the right hospital at the right time, I hate to think what the outcome would  gave been.  I'm very glad he was sent to the right place at the right time.





I am glad too for you both Lenda that you were at the right hospital and he had the new operation to clear a massive blood clot.

Hopefully some time soon you will both be back on a ship.

Take care.



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4 hours ago, mamaofami said:

That was said tongue in cheek. 


Carol, I couldn't use any reaction to this post.  While you intended what this post is referring to as tongue-in-cheek, after the week we've been through, it hit a very raw nerve with me.  If DH had not been in that particular hospital, the outcome because of the blood clot could have been drastically different.  At best, DH could have had permanent damage to his heart and lungs.  I know for a fact they were using a picture of the clot as a teaching tool on rounds the next day.



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