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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday June 28th, 2023


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2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and many thanks to all who post.  Those skewers look yummy!  My body piercings are only two - one in each ear; they almost closed up during Covid, I wore no jewelry at all for about a year I think, so it was a struggle to put earrings back in my ears, the ones with really thick posts I still have difficulty with.  I don't think we've been to Cozumel - is it on the Caribbean side?


Thinking a lot of @luvteaching today, I have her to thank, I believe, for putting me on the path to figuring out what was going on with Pat and getting him to the doctor.  We both had doctor's appointments yesterday, Pat's BP is going up a tiny bit, he has reduced his meds again, and the doctor quickly diagnosed me has having a trapezius muscle problem causing my "headache".  Never heard of a trapezius!  But I am being sent to a physiotherapist, and he could fit me in next week.  If it works, then the next time, I'll just head straight to the physio...  When I looked on line, there was a picture of the "headache" caused by it, just behind the right ear, and that is exactly where mine is.  So I'm "textbook"!


But Pat's infections are still a worry, and we are going to cancel our Fall cruise before final payment.  It's no use paying out a whole bunch of money and then only getting back a portion when we have to cancel last minute.  Better to get him well and then figure something out!  I had been looking forward to meeting @kochleffel!

I hope this solves your headache issues Ann.


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6 hours ago, 0106 said:



I like the Wright quote and see it exemplified in his architecture.  His beautiful winter home Taliesan in Scottsdale, AZ had a canvas roof!  I highly recommend a visit and also to Falling Waters in PA. 




I've always told single friends, "Marry a chef.  You get to do the funnest things."


I accompanied Mrs. XBGuy on a trip to Scottsdale where she was attending a conference,  I, pretty much, had the days to myself, and one afternoon I drove to Taliesin West and took the tour.  It was SO COOL.


I would be cool to visit Falling Water, but not cool enough to get me to travel to Pennsylvania.


There are four Frank Lloyd Wright "textured block" houses in Los Angeles.  I used to work with a guy who was an architecture geek,  We accompanied him and his wife on a Saturday and toured one of them, the Ennis House which has been used in various movies, most notably "Blade Runner."




Mrs. XBGuy and I were married in the Wayfarers in Palos Verde which was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright's son, Lloyd Wright.







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Try as I might I can’t find the CD of Rio Secreto, but I have one picture that I posted on FB that I can share. 



I forgot about wearing the helmet with the light. It gets really dark at times and they even shut the lights out at one point so you can “feel” the darkness, much like they do in a cave without water. Sometimes you have to swim to reach the next area to move to, sometimes it’s deep and sometimes shallow. There were a few places that I needed a helping hand to get over. 

Here is the website in case you are interested. I think Tina @0106 was wanting ideas for next year. 




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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Terri, Stockholm is a lovely city that we've enjoyed visiting twice.  BTW, we wanted an old episode of Mighty Cruise Ships last night about the Oceana Marina.  What we saw of the public areas was beautiful.

We enjoyed our day very much.  The Marina is a nice ship.  However it is the only one of the Oceania ships that has not had a facelift.  It was due for a major overhaul this coming November but has been postponed until May of next year.  It is starting to show some wear, especially in the staterooms.  The public areas still look good.  Got my photos downloaded.  Now if the ships Wi-Fi cooperates I am going to try to post some from yesterday in Visby and today in Stockholm.


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I am a bit behind in my update on our cruise.

Yesterday we were in Visby, Sweden.  It is called the town of “Roses and Ruins”. 

It is on the Island of Gotland and there is a 2 1/2 mile 13th Century Wall around the city.  The ruined churches all reside within this wall.

We took the free shuttle bus into town and decided to walk on our own.  We got tired awfully fast with the cobblestone streets that were quite hilly.  We walked to one church that is intact and after getting there, were not permitted entry for 1/2 hour because of services in progress.  Well, we didn’t wait.

We walked back, looked at the shops and the other vendors in the town square and headed back to the ship.  Short day.

Don’t have much in the way of photos

Ruined churchDSCN1662.thumb.jpeg.a5b1572dc6bdc2c4aecee5c9419a10a5.jpeg

town square


Typical streetDSCN1657.thumb.jpeg.544a2ec6dc4edd04d75e46903db52de9.jpeg


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6 hours ago, ger_77 said:


Not sure about Frank Lloyd Wright's quote, but  love his architecture - so much so that if we ever won the lottery, we said we'd build a house in his style.  We've been to Fallingwater in Mill Run, Pennsylvania  . . . such an amazing place.  I'd love to return some day just to go through it again, as we had a behind the scenes tour.


Alden Dow, a Midland architect, was a student of Frank Lloyd Wright's and that had a great effect on Midland architecture.  Many, if not most, of the public buildings were designed by Alden Dow.  Also, many homes in Midland have design elements that stem from Alden Dow.  Our home is one of them.


6 hours ago, ger_77 said:

I like today's menu suggestion, especially when you can adjust the spice level.  I'm relieved of kitchen duty tonight because we have a bunch of leftovers that need to be eaten.  We'll have a smorgasbord of things to choose from that we'll be able to enjoy on the deck tonight.  And wine.



It sounds good to me, too!   We're having hot dogs tonight.


4 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning everyone, 

Thank you so much for all the kind thoughts. DS Jeff, his SO Jodi, and I thank you all. Yesterday I didn't go anywhere - and that's the first time since May 5th that the car has stayed home! It didn't mean I was by myself though as people were in and out. Neighbors came down for tea in the morning (routine). Jeff picked up Phil's few belongings at the hospital and was here at 10:30. The hospital had given us a nice basket with a book, journal, some pamphlets (one a bullet pointed one on what to do over the next few weeks) and a floppy soft stuffed bear which DH had beside him the last two days. There were some phone calls and my almost 97 year-old mother let all of Canada know - that was her job! Later in the afternoon a good friend stopped in and she didn't leave until 7:00 so then I finally had a quiet house which I also needed.


I'm going into the funeral home today to make arrangements. DH is to be cremated and we'll have a Celebration of Life later in the summer. I'm thinking of doing a burial of some of his ashes off a ship next summer and not sure about the rest. Not a decision I need to make at the moment. He told me many times he wanted me to take him cruising and I may get a piece of jewelry or something made. We have the Westerdam paid for Sept. 3rd to Alaska and I'm thinking I'll go on that one - probably by myself. We moved two to next year so I have time to decide on those. 

Have a good day everyone! Oh - I have one piercing in each ear and that's it! 




Karen, I am so glad you have been surrounded by friends and family.  Keeping you close in my thoughts today.


3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

I'm loving our weather this week, lots of sunshine and mild temps (low-mid 70's).  Perfect gardening weather.


I have a love/hate relationship with insurance.  On one hand we've had USAA for our home and car insurance for decades and are very happy with them, plus DH worked in the past as an adjuster for a major insurance company.  But travel insurance we've had less than stellar experience. Long story short, there's one company (highly recommended by cruisers online) that we will never do business with again because of their extremely poor customer service when filing claims. Terry @smitty34877said it right. "Be prepared to fight with them".  I will add "be sure you have a LOT of patience".  


I fought with my health insurer for over a year over a bill for a kidney stone.  They came up with every excuse in the book not to pay it.  They paid the doctor, but not the hospital saying it wasn't medically necessary to go there.  I was out of town and the ER is where you go in the middle of the night.  They thought I should have gotten in my car and driven 300 miles to see my PCP.  Then, they didn't know how to subtract out the doctor's fee from the bill as they had paid that.  I told them it was their lucky day as I was a Math teacher and I could help them with subtraction.  It was tough, you had to borrow.  I finally threatened legal action and that got the claim resolved.


3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

I have one piercing in each ear and have no desire to have any anywhere else. 🤣 The wine sounds like the kind of Chardonnay I would like, the drink sounds good too.  And the meal -- I've printed off the first recipe, it sounds SO good and we'll be having that tonight.  Debbie @dfish I have to tell you, whenever I make one of your recipes (like the creamy lemon chicken piccata last night) DH many times will say "ooh, fancy food"!  LOL!!  I told him I'd let you know.  By the way, the creamy chicken lemon piccata was good, and he loved it, but I prefer the piccata without the cream.  It was nice for a change though.  



Let me know about the kebabs, Carolyn.  And, I agree, I would like the piccata without the cream.  Just a lot of added calories in my book.


Due to air quality levels that were in the Danger level, we opted for the Children's Museum today.  The kids had a great time.  It was a small place, but held their interest for hours.  We had to peel them away.  We'll try for the zoo again tomorrow.

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Today on the other hand was spectacular.


This morning I was up to catch the sunrise at 4 am.DSCN1668.thumb.jpeg.935352dec2c35c335772c8e958f3888d.jpeg


These are mostly of the small islands in the Stockholm Archipelago




A friendly sea gull



Heading to the island to join his friends


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Today we went into Stockholm and had two missions in mind.  To see the ABBA Museum and the VASA museum.  We accomplished both.

At the ABBA museum there were lots of interactive things to do and concert and movie clips.  Lots of fun.

First the ABBA Museum.




Some of their gold records


Replica of the “Mamma Mia Set”



Jim and I having some fun.



Next we walked to the VASA Museum to see the old Viking Ship that sunk and was raised and restored




A replica of it to get the full perspective.






Edited by Cruzin Terri
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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Insurance is vital - house, auto, medical, travel. I always had gotten the regular kind, but for my recent TA got enhanced medical and evacuation insurance in addition. I have double holes in each ear, that's enough. I'll remember the Columnists killed. Interesting quote. I've been to Fallingwater a few times as it's not that far away, and Taliesin West in Scottsdale. I like the meal and drink; pass on the wine. I haven't been to Cozumel.


Whew, I'm beat. I didn't sleep well last night due to some stomach upset. And I was up at 5:45 to pick up BFF at 7. His appointment was 7:30 and we were there for 5 hours. Fortunately he only required the first removal for the mohs surgery. I tried to nap a bit in the waiting room, but the chairs were uncomfortable. We went out to eat afterwards and I'm just getting home. The AQI was 244 this morning, putting us in the purple range, the highest in 20 years. Winds have swept some smoke out and we're down to 188, but more smoke is coming in this evening. I may have to wear a mask to cut the grass tomorrow.


@grapau27 @GTVCRUISER Nice photos.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for your photos.

@kochleffel I'm glad the kitties ate food that you put out last night.

@ottahand7 Sorry you had to use your rescue inhaler. Stay safe! Beautiful irises.

@smitty34877 I'm glad DH finally got to a room, but that took a long time. I'm glad the family is able to get back to some meal normalcy.

@Crazy For Cats Lovely rose!

@Seasick Sailor Oh my eyes after looking at those piercing photos.

@rafinmd Thanks for the explanation of Columnists Day.

@Nickelpenny Good thing you don't have a fatty liver.

@aliaschief Safe travels home tomorrow. Great photos.

@RMLincoln I hope the hip is all better soon. Good to hear that extra Benadryl is helping DH's eyes. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Yikes on that neighbor not looking both ways when backing out of her driveway. 

@Vict0riann I'm glad the doctor found a cause for your headache and I hope the PT helps. You always hear body builders talking about their "traps". Sorry you have to cancel your fall cruise, but best to be well first, as you said.

@luvteaching We continue to think of and pray for you and your family at this time. I'm glad you have family and friends to surround you. Many decisions to be made and I'm sure you'll do what's fitting to memorialize Phil.

@XBGuy That Wayfarers in Palos Verde is beautiful; I'd never heard of it before.

@Sharon in AZ Cool photo in the caves.

@Cruzin Terri Thanks for sharing your cruise and the great photos.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.




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17 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Today we went into Stockholm and had two missions in mind.  To see the ABBA Museum and the VASA museum.  We accomplished both.

At the ABBA museum there were lots of interactive things to do and concert and movie clips.  Lots of fun.

First the ABBA Museum.




Some of their gold records


Replica of the “Mamma Mia Set”



Jim and I having some fun.



Next we walked to the VASA Museum to see the old Viking Ship that sunk and was raised and restored




A replica of it to get the full perspective.






Super photos Terri.

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21 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

VASA museum

I've visited Stockholm twice, technically, but in the same trip: before and after a Baltic cruise, having to stay an additional day after because of flight schedules.


I loved the Vasa Museum, and I have a Skeppsratta from the shop on my desk.


The AQI now is 137 but they expect it to reach 151 this evening, which counts as unhealthy for everyone, and 160 tomorrow.


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Good afternoon.  I thought I'd check in before I turn the computer off for the day.


3 hours ago, XBGuy said:


I've always told single friends, "Marry a chef.  You get to do the funnest things."


I accompanied Mrs. XBGuy on a trip to Scottsdale where she was attending a conference,  I, pretty much, had the days to myself, and one afternoon I drove to Taliesin West and took the tour.  It was SO COOL.


I would be cool to visit Falling Water, but not cool enough to get me to travel to Pennsylvania.


There are four Frank Lloyd Wright "textured block" houses in Los Angeles.  I used to work with a guy who was an architecture geek,  We accompanied him and his wife on a Saturday and toured one of them, the Ennis House which has been used in various movies, most notably "Blade Runner."




Mrs. XBGuy and I were married in the Wayfarers in Palos Verde which was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright's son, Lloyd Wright.








What a lovely setting for a wedding.


2 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Try as I might I can’t find the CD of Rio Secreto, but I have one picture that I posted on FB that I can share. 



I forgot about wearing the helmet with the light. It gets really dark at times and they even shut the lights out at one point so you can “feel” the darkness, much like they do in a cave without water. Sometimes you have to swim to reach the next area to move to, sometimes it’s deep and sometimes shallow. There were a few places that I needed a helping hand to get over. 

Here is the website in case you are interested. I think Tina @0106 was wanting ideas for next year. 





Sharon that looks like an interesting place to visit, but now, I'm not sure we'd take the tour.


1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

We enjoyed our day very much.  The Marina is a nice ship.  However it is the only one of the Oceania ships that has not had a facelift.  It was due for a major overhaul this coming November but has been postponed until May of next year.  It is starting to show some wear, especially in the staterooms.  The public areas still look good.  Got my photos downloaded.  Now if the ships Wi-Fi cooperates I am going to try to post some from yesterday in Visby and today in Stockholm.



Terri, thanks for the information.  I hope they can give the cabins a facelift next year.


1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

I am a bit behind in my update on our cruise.

Yesterday we were in Visby, Sweden.  It is called the town of “Roses and Ruins”. 

It is on the Island of Gotland and there is a 2 1/2 mile 13th Century Wall around the city.  The ruined churches all reside within this wall.

We took the free shuttle bus into town and decided to walk on our own.  We got tired awfully fast with the cobblestone streets that were quite hilly.  We walked to one church that is intact and after getting there, were not permitted entry for 1/2 hour because of services in progress.  Well, we didn’t wait.

We walked back, looked at the shops and the other vendors in the town square and headed back to the ship.  Short day.

Don’t have much in the way of photos

Ruined churchDSCN1662.thumb.jpeg.a5b1572dc6bdc2c4aecee5c9419a10a5.jpeg

town square


Typical streetDSCN1657.thumb.jpeg.544a2ec6dc4edd04d75e46903db52de9.jpeg



Terry, thanks for the pictures of Visby.  We haven't been there -- yet.  It looks like an interesting town.


1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Today on the other hand was spectacular.


This morning I was up to catch the sunrise at 4 am.DSCN1668.thumb.jpeg.935352dec2c35c335772c8e958f3888d.jpeg


These are mostly of the small islands in the Stockholm Archipelago




A friendly sea gull



Heading to the island to join his friends



That is a wonderful area to sail in or to sail out.


49 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Today we went into Stockholm and had two missions in mind.  To see the ABBA Museum and the VASA museum.  We accomplished both.

At the ABBA museum there were lots of interactive things to do and concert and movie clips.  Lots of fun.

First the ABBA Museum.




Some of their gold records


Replica of the “Mamma Mia Set”



Jim and I having some fun.



Next we walked to the VASA Museum to see the old Viking Ship that sunk and was raised and restored




A replica of it to get the full perspective.





Terri, your pictures of the ABBA Museum and the Vasa brought back some great memories.  We saw the Vasa in 2005 on our first visit, and toured the ABBA Museum in 2016 on Prinsendam.  We really enjoyed the ABBA Museum, and would go back again.



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Good warm and sunny and smoky evening. AQI is currently at 117, down from 158z we have an alert again tomorrow and possibly Friday. 
I’ve been to Cozumel several times over the years 
Therapy today was Ok, did get the brace, not very comfortable, supposed to try it for an hour each day.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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In a more humorous note, an “agressive cow” was spotted on the Main Street and then on the campus of Kutztown University on Sunday evening . It disappeared and was seen later in a town about 20 minutes away. The cow was seen again last night on the edge of the campus but disappeared again into the woods. Kutztown is about 30 minutes away from me and probably not that far from @Oceansaway17
They have advised people not to approach the cow.



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3 hours ago, dfish said:


Alden Dow, a Midland architect, was a student of Frank Lloyd Wright's and that had a great effect on Midland architecture.  Many, if not most, of the public buildings were designed by Alden Dow.  Also, many homes in Midland have design elements that stem from Alden Dow.  Our home is one of them.



It sounds good to me, too!   We're having hot dogs tonight.



Karen, I am so glad you have been surrounded by friends and family.  Keeping you close in my thoughts today.



I fought with my health insurer for over a year over a bill for a kidney stone.  They came up with every excuse in the book not to pay it.  They paid the doctor, but not the hospital saying it wasn't medically necessary to go there.  I was out of town and the ER is where you go in the middle of the night.  They thought I should have gotten in my car and driven 300 miles to see my PCP.  Then, they didn't know how to subtract out the doctor's fee from the bill as they had paid that.  I told them it was their lucky day as I was a Math teacher and I could help them with subtraction.  It was tough, you had to borrow.  I finally threatened legal action and that got the claim resolved.



Let me know about the kebabs, Carolyn.  And, I agree, I would like the piccata without the cream.  Just a lot of added calories in my book.


Due to air quality levels that were in the Danger level, we opted for the Children's Museum today.  The kids had a great time.  It was a small place, but held their interest for hours.  We had to peel them away.  We'll try for the zoo again tomorrow.

We toured the Alden B Dow house last year with my cousin who was living in Midland at the time.  DH who is an architect, was very impressed with the design and the juxtaposition of the house and the pond. I (who am a professed train fanatic) loved the elevated model railroad in the house.  I would tour it again in a heartbeat.  

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11 minutes ago, Mr. Boston said:

We toured the Alden B Dow house last year with my cousin who was living in Midland at the time.  DH who is an architect, was very impressed with the design and the juxtaposition of the house and the pond. I (who am a professed train fanatic) loved the elevated model railroad in the house.  I would tour it again in a heartbeat.  


We need to tour the Alden Dow house sometime in the near future.  I'd also like to tour The Pines, his parents' house.  We chose our house colors after walking around the outside of The Pines.


For those who might be interested, here is the website and you can see a good picture of the outside of the home.  You'll understand the statement that gardens never end and buildings never begin.  My neighbor, the landscaper, was bemoaning the fact that the previous owners had cut down a beautiful Japanese maple.  I mentioned that it was kind of close to the house and he said, you prune the tree to fit the house, you don't chop it down.  We've since planted a new tree.

Edited by dfish
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I tell you, if people are trying to ensure that I end work on Friday angry and resentful, they're succeeding. Today we had a necessary meeting with a new account executive at our investment advisors, and the meeting was OK but the way people carried on after he left was not. And I'm being hounded about things that are, variously, unnecessary, impossible, outside the scope of my job, and in a few cases not even in the scope of our organization, plus questions that were fine the first time but someone is obsessing about them and asking the same questions every day.


I'm self-medicating with Armagnac, which helps in the short term but isn't a very good long-term approach.


I forgot to mention earlier: my doctor says that my last regular tetanus immunization is recent enough that I don't need anything now.

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Good evening. 


5 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Insurance is vital - house, auto, medical, travel. I always had gotten the regular kind, but for my recent TA got enhanced medical and evacuation insurance in addition. I have double holes in each ear, that's enough. I'll remember the Columnists killed. Interesting quote. I've been to Fallingwater a few times as it's not that far away, and Taliesin West in Scottsdale. I like the meal and drink; pass on the wine. I haven't been to Cozumel.


Whew, I'm beat. I didn't sleep well last night due to some stomach upset. And I was up at 5:45 to pick up BFF at 7. His appointment was 7:30 and we were there for 5 hours. Fortunately he only required the first removal for the mohs surgery. I tried to nap a bit in the waiting room, but the chairs were uncomfortable. We went out to eat afterwards and I'm just getting home. The AQI was 244 this morning, putting us in the purple range, the highest in 20 years. Winds have swept some smoke out and we're down to 188, but more smoke is coming in this evening. I may have to wear a mask to cut the grass tomorrow.


@grapau27 @GTVCRUISER Nice photos.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for your photos.

@kochleffel I'm glad the kitties ate food that you put out last night.

@ottahand7 Sorry you had to use your rescue inhaler. Stay safe! Beautiful irises.

@smitty34877 I'm glad DH finally got to a room, but that took a long time. I'm glad the family is able to get back to some meal normalcy.

@Crazy For Cats Lovely rose!

@Seasick Sailor Oh my eyes after looking at those piercing photos.

@rafinmd Thanks for the explanation of Columnists Day.

@Nickelpenny Good thing you don't have a fatty liver.

@aliaschief Safe travels home tomorrow. Great photos.

@RMLincoln I hope the hip is all better soon. Good to hear that extra Benadryl is helping DH's eyes. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Yikes on that neighbor not looking both ways when backing out of her driveway. 

@Vict0riann I'm glad the doctor found a cause for your headache and I hope the PT helps. You always hear body builders talking about their "traps". Sorry you have to cancel your fall cruise, but best to be well first, as you said.

@luvteaching We continue to think of and pray for you and your family at this time. I'm glad you have family and friends to surround you. Many decisions to be made and I'm sure you'll do what's fitting to memorialize Phil.

@XBGuy That Wayfarers in Palos Verde is beautiful; I'd never heard of it before.

@Sharon in AZ Cool photo in the caves.

@Cruzin Terri Thanks for sharing your cruise and the great photos.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.





This afternoon, the husband of the neighbor who saw the close call yesterday, told their neighbor that she had almost hit me with her car.  She came over to apologize and she was very upset.  We talked a while, and I tried to reassure her that I was not upset and there were no hard feelings.  Surprisingly, once I saw her and had time to get out of the way, I wasn't scared or upset, just surprised she didn'tsee me.  BTW, she mentioned that her sister's name is also Lenda.


4 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good warm and sunny and smoky evening. AQI is currently at 117, down from 158z we have an alert again tomorrow and possibly Friday. 
I’ve been to Cozumel several times over the years 
Therapy today was Ok, did get the brace, not very comfortable, supposed to try it for an hour each day.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.


I hope the brace works and that it gets more comfortable.


12 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

I tell you, if people are trying to ensure that I end work on Friday angry and resentful, they're succeeding. Today we had a necessary meeting with a new account executive at our investment advisors, and the meeting was OK but the way people carried on after he left was not. And I'm being hounded about things that are, variously, unnecessary, impossible, outside the scope of my job, and in a few cases not even in the scope of our organization, plus questions that were fine the first time but someone is obsessing about them and asking the same questions every day.


I'm self-medicating with Armagnac, which helps in the short term but isn't a very good long-term approach.


I forgot to mention earlier: my doctor says that my last regular tetanus immunization is recent enough that I don't need anything now.


Paul, I hope your last too days at work are better than today.



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