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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday July 14th, 2023


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Good Morning to All!


Thanks for the information.  Happy Bastille Day to all those who have a tad of French in them (or not 🙂 ).  My life before 50 was truly pandemonium, love Mac and Cheese, and I have a deep respect for sharks.  I was in Belize on an island for about a week (lovely place with no electricity) and I decided to go snorkeling off the dock.  Just swimming around minding my own business and I just had a "feeling" suddenly occur.  I looked behind me and there was a shark following me.  I could feel my heart start to race!!  Told myself I had to relax, slow my heart rate as the shark would "know" I was scared and come and bite me.  As I slowly inched my way back to shore (I wasn't far), I just kept saying "calm down, calm down".  Obviously, I made it back.  Said something to the lady who was the caretaker on the little island and she said, "Oh, that was just a nurse shark!  They don't go after people!!"  Well, there always had to be a first time, I thought.  I think I got 7 more gray hairs that day!!


I chuckled at the quote, food and drink sound delicious and never been to the port. 


Another scorcher today.  I guess there has been some sightings of monsoon action but not at my house.  Trying to save a tooth at the dentist yesterday.  It was just a cleaning but this one tooth is right on the edge of destruction!!  One month of not using my waterpik has taken its toll.  The hygienist was talking about taking her first cruise so that set me on the search for one for next summer.  I have a gap of time that I need to fill.  Hmmmmm.


Thoughts for the care list and cheers to those celebrating.


Have a great Friday everyone!



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Good morning Dailyites. 


A peaceful and quiet morning before pandemonium strikes. 

We took my sis and son to meet Oliver yesterday and they got a tour of the sanctuary while Allen and I loved on Ollie. Today is Ollie's surgery, shots, and chip. Poor little guy sure needs some TLC. He was in a cage with his 3 siblings for his first 10 months! We have ordered all doggie needs and toys, and Ollie will be in his fur ever home on Monday!


Prayers lifted for those on our prayer list, and OH LOOK! We have some celebrations to toast to! Thank you for Allen's Birthday wishes.


This morning is a run to the market to collect all the veggies to chop, pick up the cupcakes, tamales and meat to make the taco's. A bit of pandemonium before the party but looking forward to seeing our friends gather.




Have a great weekend. Sending you love and blessings. 



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1 hour ago, RedneckBob said:

Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info for the contributors!


Great quote from Rose Kennedy!


Bastille Day: Is that the day I can not eat cake 😀.?


Shark Awareness Day: I am very aware of this day. Way back in April 2019 while on a cruise  to the South Pacific on HAL and while snorkeling at Fakarava, I came face to face with a six foot black tip shark. I stayed very calm, waited a minute and proceeded to do my Clint Eastwood impression. Made my hand and finger look like a Magnum 44, pointed it at the shark and said, “Go Ahead, Make My Day”. Well that really scared the shark as it snapped at my finger. Fortunately the result was a trimmed finger nail. 😀


Forgot my Mac and cheese recipe.




And hear is Mr. Shark!



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44 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. Awoke to a thunderstorm and heavy rain. Have not had to use sprinkler system in a couple of weeks so water bill will be down. We will visit New Guinea next year. Still dieting but weight is now coming off slowly but being eighteen less pounds then I was a couple of weeks ago encourages me to continue and lose more.

There will be no morning walk for awhile as storm continues.

@RedneckBob Are you sure you’re recipe does not include a liberal amount of hot sauce? 
Thanks for the reports and here is today’s comics page.



The hot sauce is only added on July 4th; it’s called the Firecracker Mac &  Cheese! 😬

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Good morning,

I missed posting yesterday but did read the posts. Update on baby Murphy is mixed. On the head scans they found she had a stroke at sometime during her crisis. The good news is she is moving all extremities and opening her eyes. I gently discussed with them if they did not do the scan they would not know and look how good she is doing. The medical team said the same but cautioned that things may show up later. Babies brains grow new pathways much easier than adults so things may not be as bleak as they see it now. It seems to them one step forward and one step back each day. 

I pulled the trigger and booked a week at the wellness spa. One of my nieces is coming for 5 of the days. She has helped me out during this past year and is used to seeing me cry.  I know it will be hot but most of the things I will do will be indoors. 

Happy Birthday to Allan and to Roy’s nephew. Prayers to all and have a great day. 

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Good morning, everyone!


It looks like rain here in mid-Michigan this morning.  The weather forecast says it should start later this morning.  Oh, well.  I have a luncheon to go to today and then we'll see what shakes out.  


Happy Birthday to Allen and Keith:  @Seasick Sailor Joy's DH and @rafinmd Roy's nephew.  




Thank you @cruising sister for the update on baby Murphy.  Prayers that she recovers completely from her stroke.  And good for you, booking the wellness spa.  I'm glad your niece is able to join you for part of the time.


The salt and pepper fish looks good to me!  I would probably really enjoy it, but won't make it due to the frying part of it.  I'm sure just baking it takes away from the dish.  I'd gladly eat it if someone else made it.  Here's our first recipe:   https://www.theendlessmeal.com/salt-and-pepper-fish/




This next one has a slightly different batter.  But, it sounds equally delicious.  https://honest-food.net/chinese-salt-pepper-fish-recipe/




This last one does not have a batter, which seems a touch healthier to me.  It might be my choice!  https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/pan-seared-salt-and-pepper-fish




Wishing you all a wonderful day!


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Good morning from sunny central Texas where it is 83F and feels like 93F.  Our predicted high will be 104F, with a heat index much higher.  The humidity is down since I took my walk earlier this morning, but with some cloud cover and a slight breeze, it was not bad outside.


With no rain for several weeks, we are watering everyday, but at night when there is less chance of the water evaporating before hitting the ground.  Two of my Silverado Sage seem to like all the water as they were blooming this morning.  The bees also like the blooms, and were swarming all over the plants.  Most of the bees were small, but there was one very large bumble bee, which I avoided.


After working with our family trees, I found we both have some French ancestry, mainly from the Normans who came to England many centuries ago.  So HAPPY BASTILLE DAY to Dailyites with French ancestry.


We have snorkeled in Raiatea with black tipped reef sharks.  We didn't bother them and they did not bother us.  When DH and older DD did their open water dive for certification, the person who was testing them, took DD down to pet a sleeping nurse shark.  This was off shore in Cancun.  I would prefer to skip pandemonium day, and while I like mac and cheese, DH doesn't, so we won't be having it any time soon.


The Rose Kennedy quote made me smile.  She was quite a character.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink.  The wine sounds nice, and I'd give it a try.


We have not been to Kiriwina Island PNG.  The only part of PNG we've been to was Rebaul, on New Britain Island.


The storming of the Bastille greatly changed the course of French history.


@rafinmd Roy, we celebrated national fry day last night with French fries and shrimp tempura which I cooked in the air fryer.  Please wish your nephew Keith a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY from us.

@kochleffel  Paul, maybe the ban on alcohol and weed may make the after hours in the dorm crazier.  😉

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thanks for you pictures of today's port.

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm glad that Ivan is feeling fine this morning, and I hope with your help, he doesn't overdo today.  Loved the flower pictures.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I hope you don't wear yourself out before the party.  Please wish Allen a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us.



@cruising sister  Lorraine, I'm sorry about Murphy having a stroke during her crisis, but that is good news that she is moving her extremities and opening her eyes.  Sending positive thoughts that from now on Murphy's recovery is uneventful and that she has a complete recovery.  I'm glad you booked the wellness spa and that you niece will join you for five days.
















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Happy Friday Morning Dailyites!  I caught up reading yesterday, and then read today, but I promised to make up some work hours, so I will be heading to work soon.

The computer says it is 78 and sunny with a few clouds...looking out, it's all clouds.  Our weather person said it would rain this morning, i changed the channel and that weather person said no rain, but would have a heat index of 100.  I liked the first report better.


I got Chuck to the train station, and helped him figure out how to get his train card...He should be at the airport by now.  I told him to call me when he got to Arkansas.  Neither of us got more than 2 hours sleep, so it's early to bed for me.


So, this is what has been going on.  Chuck's dad passed away about a year after we started dating, so I never met him.  They built their house on a lake in Hot Springs Village.  It is a beautiful house.  We went to go see Momma Norma in the fall, and all she could talk about was this was the house that Bob built, and she never wanted to leave it.  Thing is now, she never leaves her bedroom which is off the kitchen, and her only other spot is the kitchen or the laundry room.  I noticed that she took every call that came in and gave everyone money.  Her great granddaughter who lives with her, and was raised by her, finally started answering all the calls, and put blocks on them.  But she is a conniving child, and realized that Momma wouldn't say no to her, and when she did, she would then take Mommas credit card without permission, and buy what she wanted.  Not a wise idea.  Momma is Chuck's step mom, his mother passed away when the kids were very young.  She had a son from her first marriage, and that is the one who lives near her, and he took over power of attorney last year. Shut down all the credit cards.


But momma is floundering both due to age, and health.  For the last year I noticed that Chuck and her have the same conversation every week.  She's been in the hospital three times in the last two months. She gets confused, she forgets things, and apparently hasn't paid taxes for a couple of years, and her work desk is piled high.  Now the son wants to declare her incompetent (which she really is at this point)  put her in a facility that can keep her healthier that she has been, clean out the house, and sell it.  Throw the great granddaughter out of the house (she had two scholarship offers for college and turned them both down, and then told momma she doesn't graduate until next year.)  She graduated this year, but momma believed her.  So in reality this family gathering is to clean everything up, both for Momma and the remaining children.  I know Chuck is stressing about it, I know the birth son has had enough!  And the other brother is almost as big a mooch as the brat great granddaughter. (courtesy of his wife, who wont , I repeat wont work)


Of course there is more to this story, but this visit, which should have been a visit with mom, has turned into a revolution of sons.


When I went to "finishing" school in Switzerland on Lake Geneva, we would watch the fireworks across the lake in France on Bastille day.   I was thrown out of finishing school, so for years, I have been living unfinished.  





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27 minutes ago, 0106 said:

Happy Friday! Thank you to all who make the F & D a special place.  

Since I am currently sitting on the deck looking at the ocean I thought I’d provide a PSA about sharks.How can you tell if there are sharks in the water?



Positive thoughts to those who need them.  Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.

OK, what am I missing 🧐

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The veterinarian came to the house this morning and just finished her exam of Sam's tumor on his spleen with her portable ultrasound. He was a well-behaved boy for the doctor and her assistant while being poked. The imaging showed that he does have a mass on the right side as well as a number of nodules. Being the first time to look at the mass we have nothing to gauge how fast it is growing. The plan is to see Dr. Brandy again in December, unless there is any change.


In the last two months he has begun to lick away at his front knees. Sometimes that is a sign of something bothering them and is soothing to him. He slept most of the day yesterday (usually sleeps most of the day but this was more than usual) and he has also begun to leave some kibble in his bowl. These may point that he is irritated by something.


- Jack

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Happy Bastille Day to those of French ancestry (of which I am one).  I have great respect for sharks and if I knew one was swimming close to me, I'd be running on the surface of the ocean like those Jesus Christ lizards!  I've had the lobster mac and cheese on a BHB and while it was okay, I thought it was a waste of a couple of tablespoons of lobster.


Yesterday's clouds gave way to smoke - a whole lot of smoke.  We had to run some errands and were out around 10:30AM - went into a store and when we came out about 15 minutes later discovered a world of smoke.  After listening to the news reports, we found that it was going to continue all day with the heaviest being in the middle of the night - which it was.  We had another amazing sunset where the sun looked the same colour as a bright orange lifesaver candy.  I tried taking a photo with my phone, but it didn't do it justice.  This morning we have an air quality advisory in the extreme position where people with pulmonary issues should stay indoors and for others to limit their exposure.  Not only is the air quality reduced, but so is visibility on the highways, so folks have to be doubly careful.


Yesterday I dropped off 4 bags of blankets for children and puppies and kittens - they were so happy to see them and said how much they appreciated my efforts.  When I got home and looked at my rapidly diminishing yarn stash, I realized I will soon need to go out and buy more afghans to disassemble so I can continue making more.

Blankets for children in crisis:



And little blankies for kittens and puppies in shelters:


Seriously?  I can't get this darn picture to come out right side up!  LOL


I'm glad there isn't much going on for us today except heading over to the hospital where DH can drop off his Holter monitor - he was fitted for it yesterday.  Just another test before he gets an angiogram to see if he has any more blockages or if he just has to live with angina.  He's doing well, but it doesn't hurt to keep on top of things.


@Seasick Sailor please with Allen a very Happy Birthday from Maurice and me, and give him a big hug from us as well!  Try to pace yourself today with all the celebratory work you have to do.

@rafinmd Happy Birthday to your nephew today!

@marshhawk I'm glad to hear Chuck has gone to visit Momma Norma; the family sounds, um, very interesting to say the least.  


I'd like today's menu suggestion, as it seems that's the way I often do fish - coating it with flour mixed with salt and pepper, then frying in a bit of butter.  Yum!  I won't worry about fish today though, because it's Friday night pizza night at our house, so we'll be checking the online menus to see what appeals to us.  Because of the smoke we'll be enjoying our pizza at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations!


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



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I heard from the vet about Jasper.  He has pancreatitis.  He declined his pill in a pocket and wouldn’t let me put it in his mouth.  I crushed it and mixed it with Temptations purée and he sucked it down.  He takes a full pill for 5 days then a half a pill until gone.  Blood test again in mid August.  Hopefully this is temporary.

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Happy 80th Birthday to Allen @Seasick Sailor.Enjoy those great celebrations. 

Happy Birthday to Keith @rafinmd's nephew!

Thanks for the update about Murphy @cruising sister, Lorraine.Hopefully her neural plasticity will heal the stroke damage.


Happy Bastille Day to all who celebrate.Sharks will do whatever they wish so we better give them a day.


Our NH family left this morning  and I cried,as usual.I miss them and very much enjoyed being with the group including the grand dog.

I think our dogs were a little jealous of the bouncy golden doodle but let him take their toys.

DH went for his third doctor's  visit for the week in between thunderstorms and drenching showers.He improves a little every day.

@ger_77, Geri, I am sorry the smoke is back.

@kazu, Jacqui, glad to hear Ivan is  somewhat better. He sounds like such a very nice dog.

Have a good day and stay safe

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16 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

I heard from the vet about Jasper.  He has pancreatitis.  He declined his pill in a pocket and wouldn’t let me put it in his mouth.  I crushed it and mixed it with Temptations purée and he sucked it down.  He takes a full pill for 5 days then a half a pill until gone.  Blood test again in mid August.  Hopefully this is temporary.

Prayers for your kitty, that he gets his meds everyday. 

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Good morning, Dailyites, and thank you to all for the morning news, as our paper has not arrived yet.  We did get a Globe and Mail, so I had one sudoku to do anyway, and I did start the cryptic crossword.  Happy birthdays to Allan and Keith, and many prayers for health for baby Murphy.  


Not much going on here.  Temps still in the 20's, but we are being warned daily about the drought, soon we will be showering with a bucket at our feet like we did in Australia.  We need a pipeline across the country for water, so we can send and receive!


Our Fall cruise is cancelled, I will post it on Jacqui's Bon Voyage list, sad about that, but the only new port for us would have been Sete, France, and that visit has evidently suddenly been cancelled...  Haha!  

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50 minutes ago, summer slope said:

Prayers for your kitty, that he gets his meds everyday. 

He will take them one way or another.  My trip to Walmart had me getting a large supply of the purée since River stopped eating pill pockets.

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