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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday August 2nd, 2023


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@lazey1  Happy birthday!   🎂🍾


Good morning and thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn.   An interesting group of days, our night out will be Saturday when go to a local historical museum for wine and tapas.  I have not been to that museum in 30 years.  Pass on the ice cream sandwich and doing CAD.  Another good quote today.  I like potato salad, especially with eggs, mustard, radish and green olive slices. No celery, no sugar please.   I would like my Maker's Mark on the rocks or a splash of ginger ale.  I like Malbec wine so would try today's value wine.  Thanks for the beautiful photos of today's port.  

@JazzyVthanks for keeping us apprised of all the events and medical issues each day.  Prayers for Baby Murphy, worried there hasn't been any news.  Prayers for everyone needing them and the people of Ukraine.   

We will have temperatures in the 80s today.  I am going to try to get my heavy gardening work done early in the day.  It seems like after I go back outside to work after lunch my asthma is causing me to be winded.  John will probably try to catch fish again today, yesterday all he caught was little ones.  Have a nice day. Nancy 




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6 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. I made potato salad yesterday and don’t use a recipe. I boil the potatoes whole, peel and slice them and add scallions. I like it to marinate in a vinaigrette dressing with a touch of dry mustard. We don’t use the eggs but my mom did. I made five pounds yesterday and it is gone.

We leave shortly to return to the infusion center to get disconnected. The alarm went off on the pump and I had an anxious few minutes with the help line people before they told me how to stop it. Yikes. 
@ger_77, I was glad to hear that an appointment was secured for DH tomorrow. I hope they can help with the angina.

@lazey1, a very Happy Birthday to you!

It is a beautiful day once again with temperatures only going to 80 and low humidity. I love to see how much the dogs enjoy their walks on these nice days.

Take care everyone.


I hope everything goes well at the infusion centre today Terry.

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Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  It's take the cat to the vets morning.  All cats have disappeared.  The appointment was for Tazi, but if we cant find her, Bob will go, as his appointment is in two weeks.

So I will catch up later today


I dont know if I could just do potato salad as a meal, but I cook the taters whole, and then cut them up, I add Hellmans, chopped dill pickle, chopped sweet onion, or red onion, celery, salt and pepper.  I like , bbq sauce on it, put that is an add on when it's on the plate.  (DH likes sweet pickle and eggs added to his, so he orders it as a side often when we eat out) I try to make mine taste like my moms. no recipe.



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Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from the contributors.


Oh no, it maybe RNB Day!  National CAD Day. Does that mean I maybe a cad if I still use a drawing board, t square, right triangle, etc to draft in lieu of a cad. 🤥 ?


And National Ice Cream Sandwich Day. I use to love Eskimo Pies. But you can’t say that anymore. You know the story, you have heard it before and if not hear it is again. In June 2022 while cruising Alaska on the Eurodam, we stopped in Sitka. I decided to go to town and walk in the National Forest. Before reaching my destination I ran into a couple from the state of Washington who I had met on the cruise. We starting talking about the locals of Sitka when the gentlemen I had met wondered if there were any Eskimos living in Sitka. Just as he said that a young local came up to us and said, “Excuse me but you should not call them Eskimo but by their tribal name, Inuits”. For which I replied, “What do you call an Eskimo Pie”. And sure enough the name was changed several years ago to Edy’s Pie!

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I wasn't able to open Shutterfly again, which is unfortunate because that is where all my photos are.  However DH had a group of photos he had taken off our camera and left here.  So we moved a few here to show you a few pics of our walk into Skjolden.  Below is apartment units for rent along the waterfront.






I think this was the rental office for the apartments.




A view of Skjolden across the rapids.




Crossing the bridge to the town we saw several examples of a Victorian-like style home.




Seeing even the Coop grocery store closed we wandered here and there, and then headed back to the ship.  At least we got some exercise.



I'm always sorry when we visit a port on a Sunday and nothing is open.

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5 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:


And National Ice Cream Sandwich Day. I use to love Eskimo Pies. But you can’t say that anymore. You know the story, you have heard it before and if not hear it is again. In June 2022 while cruising Alaska on the Eurodam, we stopped in Sitka. I decided to go to town and walk in the National Forest. Before reaching my destination I ran into a couple from the state of Washington who I had met on the cruise. We starting talking about the locals of Sitka when the gentlemen I had met wondered if there were any Eskimos living in Sitka. Just as he said that a young local came up to us and said, “Excuse me but you should not call them Eskimo but by their tribal name, Inuits”. For which I replied, “What do you call an Eskimo Pie”. And sure enough the name was changed several years ago to Edy’s Pie!

RNB, that’s for the backstory.  I had no idea Eskimo Pie ice cream sandwiches had been renamed!

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Thanks, all, for today’s Daily and Fleet report, F&B recipes, and port photos and stories!     Although I Haven’t been posting lately, I have been following along and enjoying the stories, the memes, the photos, the food and drinks, and the caring for each other. 

Praying for all on our increasing Care list.


Cheers for those celebrating or traveling.


have a wonderful day and stay cool!

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Happy Birthday @lazey1 🥳


@smitty34877 Good luck at the infusion center. Hope it’s not far and a smooth trip for you both. Anxious moments with tge pump alarm!  Glad there was a help line to call and they actually helped. It probably upset the household. You guys are all Amazing troopers!  

Off to dentist for my cleaning, then quick turnaround to get DH to eye doctor. Life is good!  Yes it is hard sometimes but hard isn’t a bad thing, it’s just part of life. One foot in front of the other. 

Thanks Vanessa!  I’m no longer a fan of potato salad. I’ll eat some if it’s on my plate but I haven’t made it in a long long time. 

@kazu What a relief that Ivan is getting helped from these injections. Hugs on this tough but important day. 

Catch up later! m—

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Good Hump Day to All!!  Not sure if National Night Out is celebrated here (probably somewhere) and I do love ice cream sandwiches.  You have to lick the ice cream and then squish the 2 chocolate sides together and then eat.  LOL!!  Ok, I have to admit I thought CAD Day was Coronary Artery Disease Day.  So thanks for the correction @grapau27🤭  I am a computer nerd and would love to learn design on a computer.  Interesting quote; my old boss love Makers Mark and I love Aperol so.......; not a fan of Malbecs; never been to Norway.  Now potato salad.  I am not a fan.  My grandmother always made German potato salad (I am half German descent).  I never really liked it.  I prefer pasta!!  


The class yesterday was fun!  I saw several people I used to work with in the district and it was like old home week.  This district is like a family and once your in (and you haven't done anything to tick them off) you are always in.  Kids go to school there and then come back to work there.  There are many families who have several members working in the district.  In fact, when I came to work there in Nov 2016 many people knew my parents or siblings, knew people I grew up with, or somehow had some common connection with me.  Interesting.


Finally got my medical insurance card though had to call because they said I had a lapse in coverage.  Got that all straightened out easily after a phone call; I was impressed.  Knee appt is now in 2 weeks and the UofA emailed about being in a memory study.  Hopefully they will call today.  AND Fitbit has me in a study.  I am going to need a spreadsheet coordinating all the studies!!  Most I don't have to do a thing so....


It has been "nice" here.  Low 100's but the excessive heat is coming back this weekend - in the 110's!!  Still wish we would get more rain.  @RedneckBob when I worked in AK I was told the natives in AK were NOT eskimos and they were NOT Indians, they were Alaska Natives.  Very insistent with the wording.  That was 20 years ago so...


Thoughts for all on the care list and cheers to those sailing and celebrating.  Happy Birthday @lazey1 


Have a great day everyone!!

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I didn't know what National Night Out was, appreciate all who can create wonders with CAD, and will let others have my ice cream sandwiches, just not a fan.  


It's another beautiful morning out there with clear blue skies and not a breath of wind.  Last night around 11:15, just after drifting off to sleep, there were a couple of huge claps of thunder nearby, almost jolting me out of bed!  At that time, DH remembered he hadn't fully closed the windows to his SUV, so took off faster than I've seen him move in a while.  It appears his gout is now a thing of the past, so we can take him off the prayer rotation for that, thanks!    We had a downpour that didn't last more than 10 minutes, but this morning there are still puddles in the street, so I think we had a good amount in a short time.


I make my potato salad the way my Mom used to - boiling peeled potatoes, then cutting them into small chunks, adding celery, green onions, green pepper, and chopped hard boiled eggs.  The dressing is simple, Miracle Whip thinned out with a bit of milk, salt and pepper.  Sometimes I'll top it off with cooked crumbled bacon, otherwise just a sprinkle of paprika over the top.


@lazey1 wishing you a very Happy Birthday with many healthy returns of the day!

@smitty34877I hope everything goes well getting the port disconnected; yikes on the pump alarm going off!

@kazu I can't believe you and Ivan have been a family for 3 months already!  Thinking kind thoughts as you deal with legal matters today.


I really enjoy Aperol Spritzes, so today's drink just adds a shot of bourbon to the mix - I'd try it, but am not a real fan of bourbon.  Who knows, maybe I'd like it!  I do enjoy today's wine, in fact, we had some when we were with our friends at the lake last week.  Speaking of the lake, I submitted one of my lake photos (the one with the sailboat) to a local radio station contest for beautiful spots in our province, and got notification yesterday that it earned me a $100 gift certificate to a lovely restaurant - how cool is that?!?  Because DH has to go for his angiogram tomorrow, I'm going to let him decide where he wants to have dinner out tonight.  I'm not sure where he'll want to go, but I'm thinking we'll be going to our favourite Italian restaurant where we can enjoy dinner on their deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations!


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



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Good beautiful sunny morning. It’s currently 71 with a high of 82 today. I wish it would stay like this for the rest of the summer.

 I’m not a fan of potato salad, I much prefer macaroni salad. There is a local deli that makes their macaroni salad with bacon and cheese in it . Thanks everyone for the prayers for Barb. The surgery is supposed to take about 5 hours and then in the hospital for about a week. Our birthdays are 6 days apart in November.

 I’m off to the hairdresser this morning.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.


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Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

     I really like potato salad. My Mom made the best. I cannot make it dont know why. I am going to try some of the recipes that you have all posted.

    My friends are here until Friday. Really enjoying their visit. They are going to Alaska on Princess in September. They have no idea of the ports! So last nite, we pulled up their itinerary and we gave suggestions for excursions, etc. It just amazed me that they were not doing any planning. I do realize that I can be an over planner. I enjoy the research almost as much as the cruise!

     @Lazy 1  Happy Birthday. Hope you enjoy your day and have many more.


Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good morning,

just a quick update as I am driving home from Minnesota. Baby Murphy is not doing well. She coded after coming off of ECMO. They put her back on and will try one more time in 3 days to transition her. I personally  think it is giving time for her surgeon to get back in town. Prayers are needed to help this young couple to handle the tough decisions ahead. 

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1 minute ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

just a quick update as I am driving home from Minnesota. Baby Murphy is not doing well. She coded after coming off of ECMO. They put her back on and will try one more time in 3 days to transition her. I personally  think it is giving time for her surgeon to get back in town. Prayers are needed to help this young couple to handle the tough decisions ahead. 


I am so sorry to hear about baby Murphy. My prayers continue for her several times a day. God has a plan.

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12 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

just a quick update as I am driving home from Minnesota. Baby Murphy is not doing well. She coded after coming off of ECMO. They put her back on and will try one more time in 3 days to transition her. I personally  think it is giving time for her surgeon to get back in town. Prayers are needed to help this young couple to handle the tough decisions ahead. 

I am so terribly sad to hear this. Prayers for her and for her family.



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Looks like a bad news, good news kind of day.


First of all, @cruising sister, fervent prayers for sweet baby Murphy to overcome this obstacle and to be in good health soon.  Her family must be terrified.


Then Congratulations to Joy & Allen on the formal adoption of their sweet little Oliver.  From one adoptee to another, Olliver, I know you'll have a wonderful life with these two!!


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We made it to UTSW with time to spare.  There was a big backup on I- 35E shortly before our exit, but we were able to get off and take a surface street.  


We were supposed to be here at 9:30, but we were back in imaging by 9.  Now, we're waiting for DH to be taken back for the lumbar puncture at 11.  The nurse told us they are running ahead of schedule.


BTW, I boil my potatoes whole and peel them when they are cool.  I try to cook them and the eggs the day before making potato salad and keep them in the refrigerator overnight.


2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. I made potato salad yesterday and don’t use a recipe. I boil the potatoes whole, peel and slice them and add scallions. I like it to marinate in a vinaigrette dressing with a touch of dry mustard. We don’t use the eggs but my mom did. I made five pounds yesterday and it is gone.

We leave shortly to return to the infusion center to get disconnected. The alarm went off on the pump and I had an anxious few minutes with the help line people before they told me how to stop it. Yikes. 
@ger_77, I was glad to hear that an appointment was secured for DH tomorrow. I hope they can help with the angina.

@lazey1, a very Happy Birthday to you!

It is a beautiful day once again with temperatures only going to 80 and low humidity. I love to see how much the dogs enjoy their walks on these nice days.

Take care everyone.



Terry, I hope all goes well today at the infusion center.  Glad they could help with the alarm.


7 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:



Oliver "21" Sellers is all ours today!! 








Great news, Joy.


3 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Hump Day Daily, Rich.


Nice collection of days.  I’m not sure about the quote.  Life can be hard at times.  Yum on potato salad.  I’m with you Tina @0106 I cook my potatoes whole too and have to have boiled eggs in them.




Ivan got his 2nd shot yesterday on his 3 month gotcha’ anniversary and they were quite pleased with his weight.  he’s lost 1 pound since their last visit & 6 pounds total since I got him.  👍 He’s just about at his ideal weight!  Vanessa @JazzyV I think you can take him off the Care list.  without jinxing myself, all the signs point to the injections working 🤞 I did get a supply of his pain meds in case.




Busy, emotional morning today - off to the lawyer to get changes to my will for Jose’s endowment & bursary and then the draft for the testimonial portion of it.


Happy Birthday @lazey1 




Prayers for so many of you suffering loss, worry for loved ones and health issues and those that need them.  Cheers to those celebrating.




Have a good Wednesday everyone.





Good news about the injections for Ivan.  I hope the lawyer visit isn't too stressful.



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Good morning. Sunny here and fairly cool. High today maybe high 80's and it gets down into the mid-50's at night. Feels good. Unfortunately no rain in sight but that can always change.


I will take the ice cream sandwiches and potato salad although I really should not. I am realizing I will have to be careful about the food on the cruise in January. Well... as long as I don't have fix the food or clean up the kitchen I will be happy.


Had a really weird thing happen yesterday. Phone rang...number I did not recognize... said "station dispatch". I answered and it Life Alert telling me that they had an alert for Diane and that they were dispatching medical assistance. I told them What? Wait! and then told them she had passed. After some back and forth I think we figured out what happened. When her brother was clearing out some stuff in the house he or someone tossed her unit and pendant into the trash which was collected yesterday which probably set off the alarm. They said they needed to get the unit back to close the account. I said "good luck" and talk to her brother. On the more pressing side as I see it, I will talk to the foster care who has Duffy.


Again my prayers for little Murphy.


Congratulations on the adoption of canine Oliver and to Ivan as he celebrates his 3 month anniversary in his caring home.


Off to sort and toss. My foot feels so much better this morning.  I should have changed podiatrists awhile ago. I may have to get a couple pairs of new shoes when all toe work is complete but at least I will be able to walk much more easily.


Cheers all.... Remember head to sky, feet on the ground.... not the other way around.



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Good morning Dailyites. 


Oh what a beautiful morning! Oh what a beautiful day!! Everything's coming up sunshine! Everything's going our way!! We are so happy! Oliver finally has his forever home. Signed his papers and chip change at 8 this morning. 


My prayers are fervent for baby Murphy, Sweet "S", and to those in need of hugs and positive reinforcement,  I'm here!! Thinking of you @Sharon in AZ.


I have a few errands this morning,  so will catch up later. 



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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I didn't know what National Night Out was, appreciate all who can create wonders with CAD, and will let others have my ice cream sandwiches, just not a fan.  


It's another beautiful morning out there with clear blue skies and not a breath of wind.  Last night around 11:15, just after drifting off to sleep, there were a couple of huge claps of thunder nearby, almost jolting me out of bed!  At that time, DH remembered he hadn't fully closed the windows to his SUV, so took off faster than I've seen him move in a while.  It appears his gout is now a thing of the past, so we can take him off the prayer rotation for that, thanks!    We had a downpour that didn't last more than 10 minutes, but this morning there are still puddles in the street, so I think we had a good amount in a short time.


I make my potato salad the way my Mom used to - boiling peeled potatoes, then cutting them into small chunks, adding celery, green onions, green pepper, and chopped hard boiled eggs.  The dressing is simple, Miracle Whip thinned out with a bit of milk, salt and pepper.  Sometimes I'll top it off with cooked crumbled bacon, otherwise just a sprinkle of paprika over the top.


@lazey1 wishing you a very Happy Birthday with many healthy returns of the day!

@smitty34877I hope everything goes well getting the port disconnected; yikes on the pump alarm going off!

@kazu I can't believe you and Ivan have been a family for 3 months already!  Thinking kind thoughts as you deal with legal matters today.


I really enjoy Aperol Spritzes, so today's drink just adds a shot of bourbon to the mix - I'd try it, but am not a real fan of bourbon.  Who knows, maybe I'd like it!  I do enjoy today's wine, in fact, we had some when we were with our friends at the lake last week.  Speaking of the lake, I submitted one of my lake photos (the one with the sailboat) to a local radio station contest for beautiful spots in our province, and got notification yesterday that it earned me a $100 gift certificate to a lovely restaurant - how cool is that?!?  Because DH has to go for his angiogram tomorrow, I'm going to let him decide where he wants to have dinner out tonight.  I'm not sure where he'll want to go, but I'm thinking we'll be going to our favourite Italian restaurant where we can enjoy dinner on their deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations!


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




Congratulations on the picture win.  Sending good thoughts for your DH tomorrow.


1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Back from the dentist. Small piece of watermelon seed under gum line. A seventy dollar watermelon!😁




Bruce, glad it was an easy if expensive fix.


32 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

And I have been trying to get that Payhauler out of my garage for years! Thanks Ms Crystal for sharing.




RNB, thought you would like it.


25 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

just a quick update as I am driving home from Minnesota. Baby Murphy is not doing well. She coded after coming off of ECMO. They put her back on and will try one more time in 3 days to transition her. I personally  think it is giving time for her surgeon to get back in town. Prayers are needed to help this young couple to handle the tough decisions ahead. 


Lorraine, I so sorry about the latest setback for Murphy.  Sending positive thoughts for an improvement, and strength for the family.  Safe travels home.


Try to do this on my phone is hard.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, or anyone else, I also posted some pictures of Skjolden on July 20.  I you or someone could repost them, I would be grateful.  They are on page 4 of that day's Daily.


I couldn't type under the quote of Sandi's post.




2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I wasn't able to open Shutterfly again, which is unfortunate because that is where all my photos are.  However DH had a group of photos he had taken off our camera and left here.  So we moved a few here to show you a few pics of our walk into Skjolden.  Below is apartment units for rent along the waterfront.






I think this was the rental office for the apartments.




A view of Skjolden across the rapids.




Crossing the bridge to the town we saw several examples of a Victorian-like style home.




Seeing even the Coop grocery store closed we wandered here and there, and then headed back to the ship.  At least we got some exercise.



I'm always sorry when we visit a port on a Sunday and noting is open

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

It was National Night Out last night here. BFF used CAD in his work as an electrical engineer. I like ice cream sandwiches, especially using cookies, but haven't had one in a long time. Interesting quote. I like good potato salad (both traditional and German), but don't make it often just for me. Pass on the drink, yes to the wine. I haven't been to Skjolden. 


It was a chilly start this morning at 58F. But will warm up nicely. We're getting smoke again from Canadian wildfires, but it will stay high enough in the atmosphere to not affect air quality, thankfully. Also I got a notice that mosquitoes with West Nile Virus were found in my town, so they will be spraying today. I have got to get a diagnosis and treatment for this low back pain; I can hardly walk to the bathroom when I get out of bed in the morning, it's so painful. It improves as I move around, but if I stand for any time, it comes back. I have PT later, but for something different.


@0106 Cute photo. Thanks for the recipes.

@StLouisCruisers Enjoy Corner Brook. Thanks for posting your photos and Lenda's.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Have a safe trip to and from Dallas. And prayers for DH's procedure to go smoothly.

@kazu Good news about Ivan! I hope the pain meds aren't necessary in the future. Hugs as you go about your business meeting with the lawyer.

@aliaschief I'm glad it wasn't a serious dental issue, but that was unusual. 

@smitty34877 I'm sure you'll rest easier once the pump is off, for now. Maybe it was empty, so it beeped?

@ottahand7 Lovely flowers (and bees).

@RMLincoln I hope everything checks out for DH at the eye surgeon appointment. 

@ger_77 Congrats on winning a GC with your photo! It was a stunning one.

@cruising sister Oh no, sorry to hear what happened when they took Baby Murphy off ECMO. Continued prayers for her to heal and be strong enough to tolerate being off, and for her family.

@Seasick Sailor Congrats on the adoption of Oliver!

@durangoscots Good news that your foot feels better. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


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