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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday October 15th, 2023


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1 hour ago, 57redbird said:

After about 10 cardioversions (shocks) & 3 internal nerve ablations on his heart for atrial fibrillation, hubby is having an external ablation on Wednesday to hopefully stop it.  Prayers for him, his cardiac surgeon & team as we get though this. Thank you all!

We will keep you close on Wednesday.  Wishes for a successful outcome and rapid recovery.

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Good morning all!

All good days, and I like the quote even though it isn't always easy to do.  Will pass on the red wine, but the drink sounds pretty good.  I'm intrigued by the meal and would love to try the last recipe (with meat) but I bet I would make a big mess.  🤣 I just might try it sometime though.  Last night's meatloaf was yummy, I made the first recipe.


Nothing on the agenda yet for today, we're taking it easy.  Apparently we'll get rain this morning and then this afternoon looks pretty good with temperatures up to the mid 60's F.


Edi @NextOne prayers for a successful surgery and swift recovery.

Debbie @dfish That's so nice of you to make quilts for Sue and River.  You'll have to post photos when you're done.

@57redbirdprayers for your DH that the external ablation is successful.


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1 hour ago, 57redbird said:

After about 10 cardioversions (shocks) & 3 internal nerve ablations on his heart for atrial fibrillation, hubby is having an external ablation on Wednesday to hopefully stop it.  Prayers for him, his cardiac surgeon & team as we get though this. Thank you all!

Prayers and positive thoughts on the way.



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G’day all … it’s been a while.  SIL and husband are aboard Zuiderdam, bound for the Suez Canal, Sharm el-Sheikh and Safaga in a week or so. We haven’t heard from them since they departed FLL. Does anyone know whether HAL has mentioned what their plans are for the canal transit and Egypt ports? I am aware of at least one other cruise where Egypt calls have been canceled.

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Good morning and thanks all! 
@redbirdhope all goes well Wednesday,.  My mom had AF and they were unable to convert her, but with a pacemaker she lived into her 90s.  
@grapau27 nice to see you were able to get Pauline to fly across the pond,  looked like a lot of steak. 



5 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

Awe, Sweetest Day - made me smile. 

Like the quote, pass on the meal, don't know the drink, would try the wine  not been to French Guiana.

Currently 50°, headed to 68° and back to 90° for the weekend, ugh.

Still haven't been able to get a Go pre-paid card the credit union recommends for the Rome cruise - it just throws me into a loop asking for the card number when I don’t have one yet. I was told I cannot order one in the branch, it has to be done on their website, but I'll go Mon and see if they can help me. We leave in less than 2 weeks and it usually takes that long to get a card. I'm already stressing about the pickpocket situation and if I can't get the card, it may push me over the edge. Ugh...

Navigator App started acting wonky yesterday so I uninstalled it w/plans to reinstall it. The universe had other plans. Now I'll have to print boarding passes and hope they can get it installed on the ship. Unless I can find an older version to install. So that's on my list for today.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 




Honestly,  we just use our regular credit card with no extra forex fees.    We have travelled to Italy probably a dozen times,  just use a money belt under your clothes for valuables and then all will be secure.  

When DH was pickpocketed they only got his throwaway wallet with less than 20 euros in it. 




Edited by bennybear
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@57redbird I hope all goes well with your procedure on Wednesday.  

@ger_77 I hope you can avoid surgery for your torn rotator cuff.  My late DH went through it 4 times.  Throwing a suitcase into an overhead compartment and trying to tilt a large rock 3' + with a shovel caused them to blow out after first times done.  

@smitty34877prayers for you and your family.  

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Good afternoon.  I am just now getting caught up on the Daily after a busy morning and early afternoon.  Besides the laundry, I decided to make blueberry muffins for breakfast, but I cheated and used a mix.  Then after breakfast, I baked a lemon Bundt cake to go with our lasagna, Caesar salad, garlic break and wine tonight.  The good news is, we'll have leftovers for breakfast and dinner for a few days.  Most of the lasagna will be cut into serving portions and frozen for a quick dinner on busy days.  In between all that, the clothes were folded and put away, sheets changed and groceries purchased.  Now, I'm just waiting for the sheets to  dry, so they can be folded and put away.


It is a beautiful sunny day, but the wind is a little to high to be outside in this cooler weather.  It is about 69F right now.


3 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Sunday morning to All!  Thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  I know 2 students who use a white cane so will gladly celebrate the day.  I strive for acts of kindness and I always try to repair things myself.  My motto is "if you can do it, so can I".  The vegan wrap looks like the meal I ordered from Pizza Hut last night which I did not enjoy at all so I will pass.  The drink sounds interesting and I do like pinot noir.  I will be going to Devil's Island next year so I will be close to today's port.  I wish I could take Emerson's advice but I tend to replay things in my head to see if I could have done it better.  Poor Napoleon!!


After a long, long delay, the dryer repair person showed up and, guess what?  The dryer was working!!!  Who knows what was the problem but I checked it a couple of times over a day and a half to make sure it still didn't work before I reported it.  I give up!!


The eclipse watching was fun and even though we didn't get the full effect, it did get like early morning in terms of sunshine.  Fall weather is so lovely that I have been sitting outside enjoying it and not getting much done.  I did order some citronella candles as mosquitos think I am breakfast, lunch and dinner; they come from miles to feast on me!!


I need to get going as I have a full week.  Doc appt on Tuesday for my yearly checkup.  My labs were up on a couple of things and it will be interesting to see what he says.  Those that are up tend to fluctuate from ok to a little high.  I am not a pill taker and he knows that.  I hope he can pipe in on my increasing numbness on the side of my left leg.  I know what dermatome it is and it is coming from my L4-L5 which I have had surgery on twice - once when I was young and 20 years ago.  I will refuse to take daily NSAIDS.  We will see.  It seems all my problems are ortho related; I need new bones!!  (sorry for the rant)


Thoughts for all in the world and cheers for those celebrating.


Have a great day everyone!!


Penny, I hope the dryer continues to work.  I also hope you doctor can help with the numbness.  It seems L4 and L5 can be the problem areas in the spine.  That is where DH's stenosis was and the two vertebrae that were fused.


3 hours ago, 57redbird said:

After about 10 cardioversions (shocks) & 3 internal nerve ablations on his heart for atrial fibrillation, hubby is having an external ablation on Wednesday to hopefully stop it.  Prayers for him, his cardiac surgeon & team as we get though this. Thank you all!


Sending positive thoughts for a success for successful procedure for your DH on Wednesday, and for a quick recovery.


2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Prayers for @57redbird’s DH and all the other Dailyites suffering!  And good morning, all, with many thanks for all the news.  I looked on my Navigator this morning and it says 16 days - eek!  Suitcases will be coming up soon.  

Interesting items in the FL and D today.  I would try the recipes, but DD has announced she will be making tempura veg, and she has prepared shakshuka (?) for the next day - so who am I to complain?  She would very much like us to be vegetarian.  When I cook, there’s meat involved…


@kochleffel, there is a good HOHO bus in Funchal, if it is running.  I know there is/was a stop along the waterfront, but the ship’s shuttle drops off one street off the waterfront, near the park, and I don’t remember if there was a HOHO stop nearby, or if you have to walk down to the water.   You might have a look online for schedules, and at least have that as a backup if you don’t hear about the tour with Daniel.  

we had a nice time in Bellingham, the ferry, returning, had a computer glitch and we were told there was no space left all day, and we would be sleeping in the terminal!  We got on the 3 o’clock one, no problemo…



Ann, I agree that the Ho-Ho is a good option in Funchal, to see the town and some of the coastal towns.  I hope Paul @kochleffel keeps it in mind if other options fall through.  We've taken it twice, and picked it up on the main street, not down by the water.


24 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Please keep us in your prayers.  We are having some challenging days.



Terri, I'm so sorry you are having some challenging days.  I hope things improve quickly, and yo are able to go on your trip.  We'll keep you both in our thoughts.  



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4 hours ago, 57redbird said:

After about 10 cardioversions (shocks) & 3 internal nerve ablations on his heart for atrial fibrillation, hubby is having an external ablation on Wednesday to hopefully stop it.  Prayers for him, his cardiac surgeon & team as we get though this. Thank you all!

Prayers 🙏 and good wishes to you all.

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1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Please keep us in your prayers.  We are having some challenging days.



Terri, I'm sorry to hear things have not been going well there lately.  I think you are close to a cruise, aren't you?  Prayers that things are on an upswing for you soon.



DH has plans to grill some burgers for dinner tonight if we don't see a pop-up shower over us at dinner time.  It's one of those "cloudy, what is it going to do next" sky days.  Then we'll have baked beans and pasta salad with the burgers.  No dessert.🙁  


This afternoon DD's cell phone was able to call us without getting a your number is blocked message!  She's had her carrier AT&T looking into it.  No one knows what's going on.  I asked how Sadie and Milo are doing and she mentioned they were just groomed.  I asked for and got photos of them.  She says Sadie is a lot calmer than she was as a small puppy.  Milo loves to cuddle with them, and once in a while Sadie will jump on top of them all to play.  Here's little Miss Sadie.



And her baby half-brother Milo.  They seem to groom him with a fuller face and ears, which to me makes him look more masculine.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhG


She and her DH have been busy the last month.  Their windows at their house were running out of warranty and they had 22 of them that had broken seals.  You know how builder-grade windows are, plus her house has dozens of windows.  They were shipped to her home and were taking up a lot of space in their garage.  Contractors wanted $7,000 to install them!  So they watched YouTube videos on how to do it themselves.  It took several weekends, but they accomplished it.  Two windows were fixed pane half round windows and they were the most difficult.  One of the half rounds.



Carefully removing the old window to replace it with the new one.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhG


The old window panes went into the boxes the new ones came in.  And next Saturday is free dumping at their local dump so they will take a pickup truck load of boxes to the dump and get rid of them all, no charge for dumping fees.  Pretty clever of them!


DS is once again spending the weekend in Frisco with DDIL and Ren.  There was a game yesterday which Ren's team won 2 to 0.  I have no other info on it, sorry.  DS will fly home tonight and I sure hope American can get their act together and not delay this flight again.  Seems like it happens every weekend! 


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11 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Terri, I'm sorry to hear things have not been going well there lately.  I think you are close to a cruise, aren't you?  Prayers that things are on an upswing for you soon.



DH has plans to grill some burgers for dinner tonight if we don't see a pop-up shower over us at dinner time.  It's one of those "cloudy, what is it going to do next" sky days.  Then we'll have baked beans and pasta salad with the burgers.  No dessert.🙁  


This afternoon DD's cell phone was able to call us without getting a your number is blocked message!  She's had her carrier AT&T looking into it.  No one knows what's going on.  I asked how Sadie and Milo are doing and she mentioned they were just groomed.  I asked for and got photos of them.  She says Sadie is a lot calmer than she was as a small puppy.  Milo loves to cuddle with them, and once in a while Sadie will jump on top of them all to play.  Here's little Miss Sadie.



And her baby half-brother Milo.  They seem to groom him with a fuller face and ears, which to me makes him look more masculine.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhG


She and her DH have been busy the last month.  Their windows at their house were running out of warranty and they had 22 of them that had broken seals.  You know how builder-grade windows are, plus her house has dozens of windows.  They were shipped to her home and were taking up a lot of space in their garage.  Contractors wanted $7,000 to install them!  So they watched YouTube videos on how to do it themselves.  It took several weekends, but they accomplished it.  Two windows were fixed pane half round windows and they were the most difficult.  One of the half rounds.



Carefully removing the old window to replace it with the new one.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhG


The old window panes went into the boxes the new ones came in.  And next Saturday is free dumping at their local dump so they will take a pickup truck load of boxes to the dump and get rid of them all, no charge for dumping fees.  Pretty clever of them!


DS is once again spending the weekend in Frisco with DDIL and Ren.  There was a game yesterday which Ren's team won 2 to 0.  I have no other info on it, sorry.  DS will fly home tonight and I sure hope American can get their act together and not delay this flight again.  Seems like it happens every weekend! 


Sadie and Milo look gorgeous Sandi.

Well done to your DD and her husband for fitting all of those windows themselves.

Well done to Rens team.

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16 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


  I asked for and got photos of them.  She says Sadie is a lot calmer than she was as a small puppy.  Milo loves to cuddle with them, and once in a while Sadie will jump on top of them all to play.  Here's little Miss Sadie.



And her baby half-brother Milo.  They seem to groom him with a fuller face and ears, which to me makes him look more masculine.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhG




Cute pups!

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5 hours ago, 57redbird said:

After about 10 cardioversions (shocks) & 3 internal nerve ablations on his heart for atrial fibrillation, hubby is having an external ablation on Wednesday to hopefully stop it.  Prayers for him, his cardiac surgeon & team as we get though this. Thank you all!


2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Please keep us in your prayers.  We are having some challenging days.



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@JazzyV I would get someone to finish the hand quilting for you.  If it is that far along, it would be a shame to not finish it.  


Here are two blocks from the quilt I am working on now.  One is the dark block (blue) and the other is the medium block (gray).   I need 45 of each block.




@Cruzin Terri I sure hope things look up for you and Jim.


Edited by dfish
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4 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

there is a good HOHO bus in Funchal, if it is running.  I know there is/was a stop along the waterfront, but the ship’s shuttle drops off one street off the waterfront, near the park, and I don’t remember if there was a HOHO stop nearby, or if you have to walk down to the water.   You might have a look online for schedules, and at least have that as a backup if you don’t hear about the tour with Daniel.  


1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I agree that the Ho-Ho is a good option in Funchal, to see the town and some of the coastal towns. 


Thanks. The card up my sleeve is that I have unused HIA excursion credit, so I've booked a HAL tour. If I change my mind, it will have cost me nothing, because the credit would otherwise go to waste.


On the wallet and security topic, I will have three wallets total: one in my pocket with €20 or so and one credit card; a very thin wallet with another card, and, if I think I'll need it, a debit card, inside my clothing; and the real wallet with everything else back in the safe in my room.



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@Cruzin Terri Sorry to hear there are issues.🙏

Called Cox Cable to see if we can suspend service during our World cruise and answer yes but need to do it 30 days prior. We also asked how we could reduce our monthly cost. Got rid of one cable box and tv we never use. Told to bring both cable boxes in to store. The replacement box is minuscule compared to old boxes and the new remote has voice command. Bottom line saving $100.00 a month.

@JazzyVDo hope you can find some relief from that pain and medical issues.

@57redbirdHope this weeks medical treatment gets his heart running smoothly.

@dfishWas disturbing hearing about some of your issues. Our resident Betty Crocker needs to get well.

Missing some but healthy wishes to all.


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38 minutes ago, aliaschief said:


Called Cox Cable to see if we can suspend service during our World cruise and answer yes but need to do it 30 days prior. We also asked how we could reduce our monthly cost. Got rid of one cable box and tv we never use. Told to bring both cable boxes in to store. The replacement box is minuscule compared to old boxes and the new remote has voice command. Bottom line saving $100.00 a month.

Others that will suspend service and billing can be the garbage company and USAA will suspend if the cars are left in the garage.

I really like our remote with voice command -- but warning -- once I sneezed while still holding down the command button and it was pretty funny/shocking what it thought I said!!  🤣

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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:


@dfishWas disturbing hearing about some of your issues. Our resident Betty Crocker needs to get well.


Thanks, Bruce.  I am trying to get well.  I'm fortunate that my issues are not serious ones, just ones that need to be dealt with and they will.  I have the referrals I need to take care of things.

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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Others that will suspend service and billing can be the garbage company and USAA will suspend if the cars are left in the garage.

I really like our remote with voice command -- but warning -- once I sneezed while still holding down the command button and it was pretty funny/shocking what it thought I said!!  🤣

Great tips thanks. I’m thing about the achoo response?😁

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Good evening.  After a day of laundry and cooking, I'm tired.  The u0side 8snwe have clean clothes, breakfast for two more days, anfd four more meals from the lasagna, which I'll freeze until they are needed.  The lasagna and the cake were big hits.  


Debbie @dfish the part of your quilt loost good.  Are the dark blue squares with the lighter swirls part of the beautiful fabric you showed us before you move?  I remember how pretty it was.


@aliaschief  Bruce, great you could save some money on the cable bill.



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