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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday October 23rd, 2023


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Good morning all!

The forecast shows a cooler day here, only the low 50's F.  But the afternoon shows partly sunny, so maybe I'll get in the garden.

My MIL lived on the opposite coast so I didn't get to know her well. The times I was with her, I was thankful to have a country between us... 😉 I try to be a good MIL to my SIL and DIL, and learned especially to never be critical.  I love them both. Whew, very relieved to know we aren't celebrating the burrowing rodents that plague my yard!  I'm not a fan of talk shows so can't comment on talk show hosts.  Funny quote, will pass on the red wine but both the soup and drink sound good.  Have not been to Gisborne and it isn't on the itinerary for the GA. 


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser Safe travels and good report today at Steve's post-op check. 

Vanessa @JazzyV I hope the leg pain, tingling and numbness will improve soon.

@Cruzin Terri That was a hard decision but you made the right one.  Prayers that the situation improves soon.

@Vict0riann Happy birthday to your DS!

Jack @Heartgrove Thank you for sharing the photos of Lily, she's adorable! 


I'm loving all the photos of the fall colors!  

I agree too about keeping the daily discussion and am fine with closing each one.  Actually that's a good idea to close it for other reasons too. 





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31 minutes ago, USN59-79 said:

But how do you all feel about commenting on a topic that was mentioned the day before?


We already do this to some extent....you only have to reference the previous days conversation and we do have the ability to go back and look at the locked conversation if we need to. I like it the way it is!!!



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3 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

ou only have to reference the previous days conversation and we do have the ability to go back and look at the locked conversation if we need to.


If I had more to post about a previous day's topic, I would just copy and paste the part to which I was replying into my reply in the new thread.

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OOOOps.... the reply I was writing disappeared. It may reappear at some point as a partial. Sorry about that.


To sumarize.... nothing going on here. @Cruzin TerriI think your decision to cancel was a good one in that the upcoming cruise, together with other things going on, was obviously causing a lot of stress. Take care... Let the Chips Fall where they may for a awhile. Things will sort themselves out.



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57 minutes ago, USN59-79 said:

But how do you all feel about commenting on a topic that was mentioned the day before?


I would just post it on the new one with the caveat that the comment stems from the day before. The daily is usually open until early morning of the next day, sometimes the whole day so you could still post there instead. 

or copy and paste like @kochleffelsaid

Edited by superoma
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@Cruzin Terri You made the right decision.  Having your DH at peace is worth the money lost.  I hope calmness becomes the norm.


I, too, think we should continue the way we are doing things right now.  Commenting on something from the previous day is easy enough to do.  

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We were at today’s port of the day  earlier this year while aboard the Zuiderdam.  After a short tender ride into Gisborne, we took a short bus ride before boarding a train pulled by an old steam locomotive down the Poverty Bay coastline to Muriwai, about 15 miles from Gisborne.  The locomotive was built in 1897 and was used until 1942 when It was moved to a children’s playground.  Local vintage railway enthusiasts later restored the locomotive and it is now used to entertain tourist.  At Muriwai we got off the train to watch some local school kids in a Māori cultural performance, which featured the songs and dances of the local iwi (tribe).  We then returned to Gisborne.DSC00441.thumb.jpeg.a3fbde9015bd3eb7aa5f59f46f08664e.jpeg



























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Mission accomplished made it Montréal with luggage. Just arrived Bonaparte Hotel A quaint boutique hotel with a highly regarded restaurant. They hauled our bags up and all we had to do was carry our complimentary flutes of bubbly.

A nice start. B.

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Good morning, lots of news early in the day.  I agree, we should have a new thread every day - the Fleet Report changes daily.  I do think we should get to choose which of the four MOLES we want, I would choose the sauce...  Lily looks lovely, and thanks for the reminder that it is DS's birthday.  I will email him as soon as I get off the Daily.   I spend my time rolling my eyes at Pat's weird sense of humour, I guess that makes him the greatest ever!


Disaster day today, DSIL (in Perth, WA) just emailed that she has tested positive for Covid and they are due to fly to India tomorrow.  I wonder what they will do?  If she is like my dear departed MIL, she will try to get away with it.  Hope she recovers quickly.


Finally, I have been playing telephone tag with my GI doctor's office, and they finally caught me just now, and gave me a date for my roto rooter procedure - December 1.  Something to look forward to when we get back...



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Good afternoon,

I  am late to the Daily today . I had a stress test early today and had to hold all caffeine for 24 hours. I was craving chocolate all day yesterday. They told me one M&M would ruin the test and I would have to reschedule. I was crazy reading labels yesterday. 

I like the daily format. I rarely comment on the previous day but I do go back and read what I missed. 

The soup recipes look good. I will try the last two for sure. I like the quote and I had the best MIL. I actually had two and both were great. I hope my DIL feels the same about me. 

Terri, I am glad you made a decision that was right for you. I always held my breath until we were on our way not knowing how my husband would be doing.  

Denise T it is nice to see you are back. Life gets busy and time flies by. I hope you had a good time in Colorado. I always enjoyed the meetings and the new places I got to explore. 

Prayers for those on the lists. No news on Murphy I am sure I will hear something in the next day or two. 

Have a great day. 


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Good afternoon!  

The sun has finally made an appearance after a weekend of steady rain.


Had my Covid vaccine,Flu shot and Pneumovax vaccine this a.m., that should do it for a while🙂


Wishing everyone a wonderful day!

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Good morning and thanks all! 

@Seasick Sailor thanks for seeking an answer.  I too like the daily thread,  I am wondering if for a good compromise they could not close it until the end of the following day.  That would allow those who are not able to read until later to still comment without making the current one too confusing?  Right now it’s closing pretty quickly in the morning.  And remembering we have people from down under part of our group that don’t usually read until much later.   And a few members on Hawaii time part of the year. 

@Vict0riannhappy birthday to your son,  I too love Mexican mole sauce so that’s what I was thinking!  Sorry about your DSIL, hope her insurance will cover her to postpone.  

@Cruzin Terri I am sorry for your disappointment, but in my experience it is better to wait until things improve and then the replacement trip has been even better.  Hoping your DH feels better soon. 

Well we have the four letter word for our forecast today,  Sigh! 


Edited by bennybear
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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

No MIL here. I recall moles and millimoles from college chemistry. There are a few decent talk show hosts around. Funny quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink, and yes to the wine. I have been to NZ, but not been to Gisborne. 


It's 56 and sunny here, after this AM's low of 34. It was lovely driving weather to take my car for inspection. The short section of the PA Turnpike I used had lots of golden trees, as the leaves were turning. I hate to sound like a broken record, but I had another awful night, with lots of pain and tingling in my leg, and inability to sleep. My techniques to ease it didn't do much. I need to be able to sleep! Usually when I finally get up for the day and move around it settles, but not today. My leg felt almost wooden on the gas pedal when I took my car in, and while I waited for the work to be done. It has finally improved now that I'm home. I looked at the post-procedure blurb, and it said you might have worse pain for 72 hours (this is longer). I'll hold off on calling for a few days. I'm to officially report in next Wednesday, 2 weeks after the injection. At least nothing was wrong with the car, just inspections and an oil change.


@grapau27 Thanks for the mole explanation.

@Heartgrove Lovely photos of Lily!

@cat shepard I just posted something in one of the tech areas about the bolding issue, so I'll see if a mod answers.

@RMLincoln I'm cheering you on as you take on your moving chores.

@smitty34877 Nice park setting. I live near a nice one, but sadly we are warned not to walk alone (and I don't have a dog). The sun shining on one's face is always reinvigorating, I find.

@Seasick Sailor Thanks for posting that reply. I think we all like a "daily" thread, not an ongoing one.

@Cruzin Terri You did what you had to do. I hope DH can get some help; perhaps his anxiety is connected to his memory issues? Hugs to you both.

@Mtn2Sea Thanks for the photos from Gisborne.

@aliaschief Happy to hear that you and your luggage made it safely to Montreal!

@Vict0riann Happy Birthday to your DS! Sorry to hear your DSIL tested positive. I hope she can change her plans and not expose others.

@cruising sister I hope your stress test results were good. Continued prayers for Murphy.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

Edited by JazzyV
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Finally been able to read the Daily News again after purchasing the wifi , did not know how much the price had increased for that even for a 5* Mariner ………$250 for about 23 days ? 


Thank you everybody for the good wishes for us traveling to Europe . Our flight was great direct from Toronto to Athens and DW and I had each  4 seats available because the plane only had 68 people on board less than 25 % occupancy . 
Weather is great and we are steaming right now towards Kotor , Montenegro after a couple of nice days in Greece and Turkey .


Found a few CC active readers and lurkers to fill Tony’s Tours ! 

Greetings and Best Wishes




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Good afternoon from a still cloudy central Texas.  While there was rain in Dallas, it was over and the roads were dry before we got there.  The appointment went well, and DH does not have to return until next year unless there is a problem.  It turns out we didn't see the surgeon but his nurse practioner, which was all right with us.  She released DH to drive, so I handed over the keys to the convertible to him.  @JazzyV Vanessa, we appreciate your putting DH on the Care List and the rotation, but I think it's safe to take him off both lists.  The few remaining side effects will clear up slowly -- too slowly for him, but there is progress every day.


Our 1999 diesel motorhome is at the stage that it will probably need some expensive maintenance in the very near future.  It is still not practical for DH to play mechanic, and some would probably still need to be done by a mechanic.  That being said, on the way home, we detoured to a large RV dealer and looked at new, slightly shorter motorhomes.  We found one we like and are thinking about it.  It will take some getting used to a different layout.  In the meantime, we'll be going through the current one and weeding out stuff that's stored in it that we no longer need and/or want.


8 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Good morning everyone.   Thanks for the daily reports Rich.   No MIL to celebrate to today,  @grapau27 thanks for straightening me out about today's mole day, I thought it was the pesky lawn creatures.   A fun quote from Jim Carrey.    I look forward to photos of today's port.   

Chicken soup sounds good today, it was 32 in Kalamazoo this morning and I see frost on the lawn so hot soup would be good.  Pass on today's cocktail, never was a fan of sour apple flavors.   The Oregon wine looks like a winner.    Thanks for researching these for us each day.  

Prayers for everyone on our care list.  There are so many dealing with complications in their lives so prayers for them.      Prayers for those living in was zones - Israel, Ukraine and Gaza.   

I had a great afternoon watching football as the Ravens put on a good game and thumped Detroit.  So many Detroit blue jerseys in the stands I am sure my tickets probably landed in a Detroit fans hands though I was paid well for them.  We are doing a free overnight at a nearby casino tonight.   We can watch John's Viking's game on the big screens.   I forgot my credit card in the restaurant a week ago and this will also serve to get my card back otherwise we would be sitting at home tonight.

@Heartgrove Jack, thanks for sharing the photos of pretty Lily.  

Have a nice day.   Nancy 


Nancy, your night at the casino sounds like fun. 


7 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning to all.

Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for all your work on this Daily.

And a big thank you to all of you for the support you have given me over the past week or so.

DH is having some sort of problem and I am not sure what it is.  He is finding it hard to do much and it just seemed that it was going to be too difficult to do this extensive trip.  He was getting too anxious and it was only making matters worse.  Finally after getting him to calm down a bit and talking it through, we decided that it was better to cancel. We will lose some money but it is better than the alternative.  Fortunately, the hotels were not to be charged until we stayed there, so we cancelled in sufficient time and the airfare was refundable.  RomeCabs accepted our cancellation as did a number of tours we booked.  The cruise was purchased at a sale price and that is about what we will lose unless we can get the doctor to write something.  We will see.

So that is where we are.

He seems calmer already now that the decision has been made.

Again, thank you all for your continued support and prayers.

God Bless,



Terri, I know you are disappointed about needing to cancel the trip, but you did what was best for you and for your DH.  


5 hours ago, Mtn2Sea said:

We were at today’s port of the day  earlier this year while aboard the Zuiderdam.  After a short tender ride into Gisborne, we took a short bus ride before boarding a train pulled by an old steam locomotive down the Poverty Bay coastline to Muriwai, about 15 miles from Gisborne.  The locomotive was built in 1897 and was used until 1942 when It was moved to a children’s playground.  Local vintage railway enthusiasts later restored the locomotive and it is now used to entertain tourist.  At Muriwai we got off the train to watch some local school kids in a Māori cultural performance, which featured the songs and dances of the local iwi (tribe).  We then returned to Gisborne.DSC00441.thumb.jpeg.a3fbde9015bd3eb7aa5f59f46f08664e.jpeg

























GX010205.mov 32.05 MB · 0 downloads  




Thanks for the pictures from Gisborne. The train ride sounds like fun.  We've enjoyed train trips with old steam engines.


4 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Mission accomplished made it Montréal with luggage. Just arrived Bonaparte Hotel A quaint boutique hotel with a highly regarded restaurant. They hauled our bags up and all we had to do was carry our complimentary flutes of bubbly.

A nice start. B.


Bruce, I'm glad you and your luggage made it safely to Montreal.  Enjoy your dinner and then your cruise.


4 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, lots of news early in the day.  I agree, we should have a new thread every day - the Fleet Report changes daily.  I do think we should get to choose which of the four MOLES we want, I would choose the sauce...  Lily looks lovely, and thanks for the reminder that it is DS's birthday.  I will email him as soon as I get off the Daily.   I spend my time rolling my eyes at Pat's weird sense of humour, I guess that makes him the greatest ever!


Disaster day today, DSIL (in Perth, WA) just emailed that she has tested positive for Covid and they are due to fly to India tomorrow.  I wonder what they will do?  If she is like my dear departed MIL, she will try to get away with it.  Hope she recovers quickly.


Finally, I have been playing telephone tag with my GI doctor's office, and they finally caught me just now, and gave me a date for my roto rooter procedure - December 1.  Something to look forward to when we get back...




Ann, that is bad news that your DSIL tested positive.  I hope she is better soon, and that she can reschedule her trip.


4 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good afternoon,

I  am late to the Daily today . I had a stress test early today and had to hold all caffeine for 24 hours. I was craving chocolate all day yesterday. They told me one M&M would ruin the test and I would have to reschedule. I was crazy reading labels yesterday. 

I like the daily format. I rarely comment on the previous day but I do go back and read what I missed. 

The soup recipes look good. I will try the last two for sure. I like the quote and I had the best MIL. I actually had two and both were great. I hope my DIL feels the same about me. 

Terri, I am glad you made a decision that was right for you. I always held my breath until we were on our way not knowing how my husband would be doing.  

Denise T it is nice to see you are back. Life gets busy and time flies by. I hope you had a good time in Colorado. I always enjoyed the meetings and the new places I got to explore. 

Prayers for those on the lists. No news on Murphy I am sure I will hear something in the next day or two. 

Have a great day. 



Lorraine, I hope you are enjoying a double helping of chocolate today.  I hope you get good results from your test.


2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

No MIL here. I recall moles and millimoles from college chemistry. There are a few decent talk show hosts around. Funny quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink, and yes to the wine. I have been to NZ, but not been to Gisborne. 


It's 56 and sunny here, after this AM's low of 34. It was lovely driving weather to take my car for inspection. The short section of the PA Turnpike I used had lots of golden trees, as the leaves were turning. I hate to sound like a broken record, but I had another awful night, with lots of pain and tingling in my leg, and inability to sleep. My techniques to ease it didn't do much. I need to be able to sleep! Usually when I finally get up for the day and move around it settles, but not today. My leg felt almost wooden on the gas pedal when I took my car in, and while I waited for the work to be done. It has finally improved now that I'm home. I looked at the post-procedure blurb, and it said you might have worse pain for 72 hours (this is longer). I'll hold off on calling for a few days. I'm to officially report in next Wednesday, 2 weeks after the injection. At least nothing was wrong with the car, just inspections and an oil change.


@grapau27 Thanks for the mole explanation.

@Heartgrove Lovely photos of Lily!

@cat shepard I just posted something in one of the tech areas about the bolding issue, so I'll see if a mod answers.

@RMLincoln I'm cheering you on as you take on your moving chores.

@smitty34877 Nice park setting. I live near a nice one, but sadly we are warned not to walk alone (and I don't have a dog). The sun shining on one's face is always reinvigorating, I find.

@Seasick Sailor Thanks for posting that reply. I think we all like a "daily" thread, not an ongoing one.

@Cruzin Terri You did what you had to do. I hope DH can get some help; perhaps his anxiety is connected to his memory issues? Hugs to you both.

@Mtn2Sea Thanks for the photos from Gisborne.

@aliaschief Happy to hear that you and your luggage made it safely to Montreal!

@Vict0riann Happy Birthday to your DS! Sorry to hear your DSIL tested positive. I hope she can change her plans and not expose others.

@cruising sister I hope your stress test results were good. Continued prayers for Murphy.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I'm sorry the leg pain is getting worse, and you are having trouble relieving it.  Glad the car passed inspection.


2 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:

Finally been able to read the Daily News again after purchasing the wifi , did not know how much the price had increased for that even for a 5* Mariner ………$250 for about 23 days ? 


Thank you everybody for the good wishes for us traveling to Europe . Our flight was great direct from Toronto to Athens and DW and I had each  4 seats available because the plane only had 68 people on board less than 25 % occupancy . 
Weather is great and we are steaming right now towards Kotor , Montenegro after a couple of nice days in Greece and Turkey .


Found a few CC active readers and lurkers to fill Tony’s Tours ! 

Greetings and Best Wishes





Tony, I'm glad you and Martha made it safely to Athens and are enjoying your cruise.  The  empty plane sounds like our flight to Barcelona the week after 9/11.




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