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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday January 17th, 2024


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37 minutes ago, summer slope said:

Missionary's Downfall cocktail:


1 ounce white rum
1/2 ounce creme de peche
1 large fresh pineapple chunk, about 1/4 cup
3/4 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed
1/2 ounce honey syrup
8-12 large mint leaves
Garnish: mint sprig
Garnish: pineapple wedges

Add all ingredients into a blender with 3/4 cup of ice and blend for about 20 seconds.
Pour into a Collins glass.
Garnish with a mint sprig and a pineapple wedge.
Serve with a straw.


Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 7.25.53 AM.png

I have no position on Missionary’s Downfall.

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Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the daily updates.  Brr it’s cold here this morning 19F.  Three nice days to recognize, might have to fish out some old Golden Girls episodes to watch on this chilly day.  Interesting quote although I’m not sure that life kills you, I’d say that death claims you.  The meal sounds delicious and the drink sinful!  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for those on today’s prayer list.  Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events today. 🥂

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At lunch yesterday for an appetizer they gave us these corn kernels with a very spicy dipping sauce. Nice and crunchy and tasty. Naturally in Peru one is offered Pisco Sours and these were the best we have ever had.



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Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I am a fan of Betty White and Franklin and love cable cars so I will celebrate those days.  Katharine Hepburn was one of my favorite actresses and the quote is true albeit dark.  Meal sounds interesting but I don't like stout but......  No on the drink, yes to the wine and never been to the port.  Cool world expedition days in history!!


Thanks for all the suggestions/comments on the Apple watch and texting.  I just saw today that Alexa can also do emergency stuff but I need to research it more.  I think the last time I looked you needed a home phone line.  But it was only $59/year.


Busy day today - off to get a CT of the chest (follow up) and then mani/pedi.  My PT yesterday scolded me for doing so much as I went in really hurting.  Oops!!  🤭 My Brazilian visa is now being checked so we will see.  


Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating.


Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Benjamin Franklin was a man of many talents; Betty White was a great actress/comedian who lives on in our memories.  I love riding in cable cars, DH not so much, as he doesn't care for heights.  I could get scared, but I put those thoughts out of my mind and just enjoy the ride.


Well the temperature has moderated quite a bit overnight, so today when we go out, the air won't hurt my face.  It's currently -21C (-5F), which is a dramatic change from yesterday, thank goodness!  We went to 3 different locations to show our support for the province's teachers who were walking the picket line in -46C weather, bringing several coffee boxes from Tim Hortons to each - we know they were greatly appreciated.


@marshhawksending good vibes for you and Chuck today as he has his angioplasty.  Our friend had the same procedure on his legs a few months ago and saw the difference in only a couple of days after the surgery. 

@ottahand7wow, the effects of the steriod are frightening!!!!


A couple of things on the agenda today, DH has a weekly coffee meet up with his bandmates, and I get my hair cut and coloured this afternoon.  It isn't too bad yet, but with our upcoming trip, I wanted it freshened up so it's easier to manage in the heat and humidity. 


I would like to try the drink of the day; I think it sounds like it would be very refreshing on a hot summer's day, or on the deck of a BHB.  I'd like the wine, and I've never had chicken stew.  I do have some stewing beef thawing in the fridge though, and that will be put together in the crock pot so we can have a steaming hot bowl of stew to enjoy with crusty buns at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all who have celebrations going on today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning from a cool and cloudy Quartzsite.  It is 43F and our predicted high will be 71F.  Today, I'll be cleaning house, and I hope I get finished early.  As of now, I only have a slightly sore arm from yesterday's RSV vaccine.


Benjamin Franklin had a huge impact on the formation of our country.  Betty White was a very talented lady who made us aware of the plight of homeless animals, especially dogs.  We had a great time in our younger days riding the cable cars in San Francisco and visiting the Cable Car Museum.


I always likes Katharine Hepburn, and her quote is basically true.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink.  The wine Ann @cat shepard picked sounds good.


We have been to Edinburgh several times, but always docked at Rosyth.


Two interesting days in Antarctic history.


@grapau27  Welcome back, Graham, and thanks for the information.  I'm glad your internet was restored.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I hope there is nothing seriously wrong with your foot.

@marshhawk  Annie, that was thoughtful of the doctor to have you come in a bit later.  I hope all goes well with Chuck's @catmando angioplasty today.

@ottahand7  Nancy, what a night you had.  I hope you can get some rest today, and that you feel better soon.

@dfish  Debbie, we got our boarding time too.  It is 12:30pm which is easily doable.  I suspect we got the later time since we're driving in that day.

@Denise T  Good news about the fasting blood sugar number.  Keep up the good work, Denise.

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm glad your temperatures moderated, but that's still way to cold for us.














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We have been to Edinburgh five times all but the first time on the Prinsendam, so we docked at Rosyth. The first time was in 2008 on Tahitian Princess. The first time we were in Edinburgh in 2011, we took a morning tour to Edinburgh and the castle, followed by an afternoon tour to St. Andrews.  In 2016, we were late docking due to tidal conditions, and our tour to the Falkirk Wheel was cancelled, so we took the train into town.  In 2016, we did several b2bs, so we were in Rosyth and Edinburgh three times. 


The first time, we made it to the Falkirk Wheel, but the tour was nearly cancelled.  The guides for the two buses had to cancel and there were no replacements.  We were given the option of getting off the bus and getting our money back, or doing the tour anyway.  The two drivers went out of their way to make it a memorable tour even without out any commentary.  The wheel provided a guide for the boat ride.  The bus drivers even made a unscheduled stop at the statues of the Kelpies, mythical sea creatures that steal children.  As usual, there was one grump who complained about the lack of commentary on the bus.  IIRC, even having taken the tour, we got a refund.


A view of the stands being erected at the Castle for the Tattoo.  The stands are vey steep and tall, and since I do not like heights, I'm not sure I will attend the Tattoo because with my luck I'd be on the top row and miserable.



When we left the Castle in 2011, we had to wait for our bus until a parade of veterans assembled and marched by, followed by a band, and pipers.  It was worth the wait to see how proud they were.



The Kelpies.



We visited the Britannia, but I will only show one picture of the sitting room.



The last time we did the combination of the city bus and the Ho-Ho, since I wanted to go to the statue of Greyfriars's Bobby.  Here is the statue and his grave in Greyfriars's Cemetery.




Finally, a couple of pictures from the town.  The first was taken in 2016 during the Fringe and the Tattoo.   You could hardly walk down the streets.






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Our first visit to Edinburgh was on August 25, 2011.  Because we wanted to see as much as possible in one day, we took a morning panoramic city tour which included a tour of Edinburgh Castle, and an afternoon tour to St. Andrews. 


The day we were there was Armed Forces day, and not only were the veterans in my earlier picture marching, but many military units too.  I found out today, thanks to Google, that Prince Charles was there and gave the troops a salute.  I'm going to post my pictures of Edinburgh here, and the ones of St. Andrews in another post.


Some of these pictures were taken from the bus, and are not the greatest.  A couple of pictures of houses.





Preparations for the parade





Even though it was June 25, the stands for the Tattoo were already being erected.



The entrance to Edinburgh Castle



The Governor's House circa 1731





Here are a few pictures from inside the castle.  The rooms for the royal family, without furnishings, are first, followed by the quarters for the soldiers.













Looking down on Edinburgh from the castle




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Good 11 degrees morning, it’s still warmer in Juneau. Time to move 😀

Update on Steve, he totally tore the quadricep tendon and surgery went well to reattach it. He comes home today and can’t bend it for a month. 🙏

I love Edinburgh, have been to the Tattoo several times and would like to go back.

Stay warm and safe.

@grapau27will you ask Father David to pray for Steve and his wife Denise as she attempts to make him listen to the doctor 🤞🙏

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These are my pictures from St. Andrews.  Since several Dailyites have shared their pictures from the Old Course, I am only including one.  The rest are from our afternoon in St. Andrews.


Our first stop was St. Andrews Cathedral, really the ruins of the 12th century cathedral.





Our next stop was the Old Course, where we had free time.



After we looked around the Old Course, we walked back into town.  Our first stop was the University of St. Andrew.  We walked into the chapel but were not even allowed time to take one picture because the were setting up to take some pictures, IIRC.





The rest of the pictures were taken as we walked around town.













A pretty park and playground




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These are my last pictures for the day.  We were in Edinburgh once in 2016 on Prinsendam, and three times on Prinsendam in 2017 on multiple B2Bs.  These pictures are from 2016 and our first visit in 2017.  The second time in 2017, we took the city bus out to tour the Britannia, and the third time we did the Ho-Ho and walked the Royal Mile from top to bottom.  


In 2016. we took the Ho-Ho around Edinburgh.   When we were in the vicinity of the castle, we ran into extremely heavy crowds who were in town for the Tattoo and the Fringe.  Several blocks were turned into pedestrian only streets and the Ho-Ho had to make a detour.  Even the area around Waverly Station was crowded.





From our detour on the Ho-Ho



The new bridge across the Firth of Forth.  It was nearing completion, with just a few spans waiting to be installed.  It was opened the next year by Queen Elizabeth II.



In 2017, we did a ship's tour to the Falkirk Wheel, which is an engineering marvel.  It connects two canals which are on different elevations.  Boats enter one of the two chambers on the wheel and are either raised or lowered to the other canal.  The chambers, for want of a better word, used Archimedes' principle of water displacement, so they do not have to add or remove water when the boat enters and exits the wheel.  I strongly recommend a ship's tour to visit the wheel, since the tours are guaranteed a time to "ride" the wheel.


We entered the wheel from the lower canal, were raised to the next canal, sailed down the canal, turned around and went back to the wheel to return to the lower canal.





Entering the wheel on the lower level.



Coming back toward the tunnel and the wheel.



Entering the wheel at the upper level



The view across the countryside from the top of the wheel was spectacular, even on a cloudy day.



Canal boats in the canal near the Kelpies.




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Clear and cold in NJ, 13F climbing up to a whole 23!  I think it’s supposed to be below freezing until next Tuesday, at which time we should be in Maryland. 

Today I need to get to a post office. There is a limited postal counter on campus but I think we’ll venture out to find a neighborhood USPS, then stop at the grocery store and the gas station. That’ll be enough. I hope I can get my weekly call into the teenaged girls I mentor in NM, we don’t always connect but it’s a lift when we do. 

@ottahand7 Nancy, thank you for your descriptive sharing. What a night!  An experience like that of being immersed in the feel of other energies would stay with me forever. Always the pony with you, what a guardian. It may not have been all pleasant but I hope in retrospect you can feel comforted. When I was sick and feverish onboard at least I felt very safe. Gentle hugs!  And continued improvement. 

Annie and Chuck, @marshhawkand @Catmandu I’m sending out blessings to you and all the Care team, praying for Amazing!  

@rafinmd hoping you can rest today Roy, keep warm and quiet, let your body deal with the assault it is undergoing. Just be good to yourself!  

@grapau27 hoping your internet stays for good now. Thanks always for Fr David’s messages, anytime is a good time. 

I’d love to get a bit more sleep but I doubt it will happen. Maybe a good quiet time to write in my journal, always a good way for me to process. 

Thanks for the pix @StLouisCruisers  and @Quartzsite Cruiser We got to Edinburgh on a bus tour and spent a couple of chock-full days in a it’s very rich history. 

@Cruzin Terri hope your foot can be cared for and healed up  before your trip!  Extra blessings to you and Jim. 

Terry @smitty34877 hoping Tana’s new med helps. I admire your calm approach to each hurdle!  


@JazzyV Vanessa, always thanks for your excellent lists, and I look forward to a picture of the decorative radiator!  

Friends in the cold, north and south, please take no risks!  Think extra margin of safety!  

Blessings and Hugs to you all, each of you are a gift to my day!  You inspire me and help me with gratitude, hope and confidence through the messes of life and in the world. You help me feel the joys and beauty of life from all around the world. 



Edited by RMLincoln
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Good days today worth celebrating- Ben Franklin sure made an impact on our country as did Betty White in very different ways. I quite enjoy a good cable car ride; took almost 2 months for me to catch the one in Cape Town open (high winds frequently close it), but I was finally able to do it before I had to leave - the views did not disappoint.

Would try the meal, drink and wine; not been to the port.

Finally warming up a bit (currently  18°, headed to 45° but feels like 9°. Thank goodness it will be above freezing when precipitation comes back into the forecast.

PT at home again today - needs to warm up enough I can turn the space heaters off when I leave.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 


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@marshhawk  Please let us know how your DH does with his procedure. I hope all goes well.

@ottahand7 - Nancy - wow on the steroids. I hope the lowered dose takes those hallucinations away and you get to sleep today.  Hoping you feel better soon.


Wow to all on the ice and cold.  We are starting to have our cold weather again but I am sure it is laughable to all here, even those in Northern Fl.  For those of you traveling here bring a light weight jacket and a sweater, and don't forget your rain coat. It has been a very rainy winter.  Even with this cool and rainy weather I much prefer winter to our horrible hot summer. 


@Nickelpenny please take it easy on overdoing it.  I am sure the PT will give you exercises to do at home that will help you vs making you feel hurt all over.  


Thank you for all the wonderful pictures of the port today. We should have been there last year but had to cancel that cruise due to my back surgery. This year our substitute cruise doesn't go to Scotland - we decided to do 1/2 of the VOV instead and come back to Boston so we only have to fly one way.  I am not sure at this point if we will ever get there, so it is great seeing the pictures.


Have a good day everyone and happy cruising to those traveling.

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2 hours ago, Denise T said:

I am doing a happy dance. My fasting blood sugar was 119. Wow, that is a number I haven't seen in a while. Making changes to my diet which is helping. 

Congratulations.  It sounds like you're on the right track.



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Today's sunrise is from yet another trip, this one from Baltimore.  I was on the Grandeur of the Seas January 14-23 of 2017.  On January 17 we were in Port Canaveral,





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35 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good 11 degrees morning, it’s still warmer in Juneau. Time to move 😀

Update on Steve, he totally tore the quadricep tendon and surgery went well to reattach it. He comes home today and can’t bend it for a month. 🙏

I love Edinburgh, have been to the Tattoo several times and would like to go back.

Stay warm and safe.

@grapau27will you ask Father David to pray for Steve and his wife Denise as she attempts to make him listen to the doctor 🤞🙏

I will and I'm sending Steve and Denise our prayers too.

We spoke to Father David and he is going on holiday to Wales so there will be no sermon this week.

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46 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Our first visit to Edinburgh was on August 25, 2011.  Because we wanted to see as much as possible in one day, we took a morning panoramic city tour which included a tour of Edinburgh Castle, and an afternoon tour to St. Andrews. 


The day we were there was Armed Forces day, and not only were the veterans in my earlier picture marching, but many military units too.  I found out today, thanks to Google, that Prince Charles was there and gave the troops a salute.  I'm going to post my pictures of Edinburgh here, and the ones of St. Andrews in another post.


Some of these pictures were taken from the bus, and are not the greatest.  A couple of pictures of houses.





Preparations for the parade





Even though it was June 25, the stands for the Tattoo were already being erected.



The entrance to Edinburgh Castle



The Governor's House circa 1731





Here are a few pictures from inside the castle.  The rooms for the royal family, without furnishings, are first, followed by the quarters for the soldiers.













Looking down on Edinburgh from the castle




Nice photos Lenda.

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I got DH aka @catmando to the docs at 8 on the dot.  They gave him his dressing gown, told him to put it on, they didnt even have him sign in.  And we kissed, said see you later, and he is theirs for a procedure that will take 2-3 hours, and they will call me when I can come get him.  On the way there the kids were all waiting for the school bus, and on the way back the sun was blinding me!


The last time he had this done was when I noticed that his foot was turning a dark color.  He hates that I "fink" him out to his doc, and has since rarely been barefoot.  He was just about to be put under this morning when i mentioned to the nurses, that he has added another medication.  He didnt tell me he had added it, I found out because i was dumping the trash cans and found the paper wraps for Fentanyl  patches.  Would he have remembered to tell them?  I think not.  They thanked me for the information.


And so now is the waiting time .


Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes.


@ottahand7When I got sick on the transatlantic, i was on so many meds, I was having the same dream over and over and over for days.  It was in pink, involved my doc, a desert, wild leopard like cats and all happening behind pink glass in a giant tube..  Everything was pink!  


It is cold in the house.  I hear the heat come on,  I checked the thermostat, it says 68, but there are drafts in this house.  It's actually warmer on the porch with the space heater. 




and for my friends in Florida



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