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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday June 12th, 2024

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Good Morning from a cloudy day at the beach

       This weather system is a doozy. Heavy rain, then sunshine then more rain. We definitely need it. Going to continue for a few more days. Our golf course was closed yesterday and then reopened. Today it is limited with restrictions. They are monitoring it hourly. Dont think I will be playing tomorrow.

        I really enjoy a good stir fry. May have to give todays recipe a try. Have not been to todays port.

         @catmando  a very Happy Birthday to you!

           @aliaschief  Glad you are settling back into "normal life". Are you planning the next one?

        I had forgotten all the things you need to update with anew car. Besides the insurance and registration, the parking passes for  Cocoa Beach and Jetty Park plus EPass. Luckily most can be done online.

        I was hoping to do water aerobics this AM but it is raining again. 

       Stay safe and enjoy today.


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Good morning folks.  Thanks for today’s daily report, recipes and lists.  Looks like it will be a beautiful day here.


Three good reasons to celebrate today, Cachaca, falafel and Loving Day.


 I really like the quote today, sometimes the smallest task can have the most impact.


Yes to today’s meal suggestion, it sounds delicious.  No to the drink Americano but yes to the Americano that we were served in the Explorations Cafe on the Volendam last week.


 I haven’t been to today’s port.


Prayers for those on our prayer list today.  Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today.  Happy birthday to @catmando! 🎂

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Just now, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a cloudy day at the beach

       This weather system is a doozy. Heavy rain, then sunshine then more rain. We definitely need it. Going to continue for a few more days. Our golf course was closed yesterday and then reopened. Today it is limited with restrictions. They are monitoring it hourly. Dont think I will be playing tomorrow.

        I really enjoy a good stir fry. May have to give todays recipe a try. Have not been to todays port.

         @catmando  a very Happy Birthday to you!

           @aliaschief  Glad you are settling back into "normal life". Are you planning the next one?

        I had forgotten all the things you need to update with anew car. Besides the insurance and registration, the parking passes for  Cocoa Beach and Jetty Park plus EPass. Luckily most can be done online.

        I was hoping to do water aerobics this AM but it is raining again. 

       Stay safe and enjoy today.


We have a long back to back from Miami to Miami on Azamara Journey next January which will take us around South America and will include Antartica, Amazon and a visit to Rio during Carnival. It will be a reunion as several from our World Voyage have booked. October 2025 we are booked on Azamara Quest from Montreal to Barbados which another great itinerary.
Our 2026 Seabourne Sojourn 129 day Ring of Fire Voyage we have not planned yet. It’s a unique itinerary that starts in LA and follows volcano alley through Hawaii, Polynesia with some unique stops along the way including Tawain, South Korea, lots of Australia and Japan and then comes across the Bearing Sea to Kodiak and ends in Vancouver. If our health holds up we are awaiting to see the Azamara 2027 World Cruise itinerary.

We are so fortunate and Blessed to be able to consider such adventures.

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Cachaca was a component of the Brazilian Crush cocktail on May 29. It differs from rum in being made directly from cane juice rather than from molasses. It's difficult to make good falafel; they can easily turn out raw on the inside, burned on the outside, or both. It's startling that the plaintiffs in the Virginia case that ended prohibitions on mixed-race marriage were named Loving.


A ground-beef stir fry sounds rather odd. Tofu stir fry with beet greens is on the menu for tonight. Usually when I order an Americano, I want coffee, but I wouldn't mind the cocktail, only not at this hour of the day. Bota Box isn't my favorite boxed wine so I'll counter with Swedish Hill Winery's Viking White, $16.99 for a 1.5L bottle. "A crisp, slightly fruity, almost dry wine with apple-like and citrusy aromas and flavors. Similar to a Pinot Grigio, it’s a bit lighter and crisper than most Chardonnays. Serve with grilled or broiled seafood or lighter meals."


I haven't been to Santo Domingo but I've called at Puerto Plata twice in the past two years, with a third time to come on the way to Panama.


No nightmares, but I woke up at 4:00 a.m. Got back to sleep at 6:00 a.m. but definitely feeling it.



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Good morning from another cloudy day in central Texas.  I really don't have to look at the weather app to see that it is humid since the outside of the window is covered in condensation.  It is 74F which is also the dew point.  Our predicted high is 84F, and there is no rain in the forecast for today or tomorrow.  In fact, no rain is forecast until next Thursday, and we have several sunny days in the forecast with highs in the low to mid 90s.  There is not much on the agenda today, but I'm sure I'll find something to occupy my time.


Of the three interesting days, I'll celebrate Loving Day, and let Brazil celebrate Cachaça.  Someone can have my falafel.


We'll pass on the meal, the drink and the wine.  The meal might be good with beef other than ground beef.


We have not been to Santo Domingo, but to a beach day in the Dominican Republic on cruises in the late 1990s.  I don't even remember the which cruise line or the name of the beach.


An interesting day in 1931 when Al Capone was indicted,


@MISTER 67  Thanks for the interesting story about Al Capone.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad you got the ground work laid to get an injection if need.  I just hope you won't need it this summer.

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope Tana is feeling better today, and that no one else got the stomach bug.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I hope you feel better tomorrow, and that your travel day goes more smoothly than the trip to Barbados.  Safe travels tomorrow.

@mamaofami  Carol, it sounds like a busy and interesting summer for your family.

@dfish  Debbie, I hope you get the approval for the nerve ablation and an appointment for it soon.

@aliaschief  Bruce, it looks like you have a busy travel schedule to look forward to.
















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Good morning Dailyites from a rather bleak morning in Georgetown. Expecting thunderstorms soon.


Last night just as I was texting my friend to come for a visit, she pulled in the drive way. We are just connected somehow. The morning my car wouldn't start, she called and said "what's wrong?" We talked about her growing up in Costa Rica, going to Russia for college. She is an interesting lady. She also loves Oliver and he will be staying with her when we set sail in Sept.


I put together a pork chop concoction in the crock pot this morning. I'll make mashed potatoes and a salad with avocado. I'm trying to get Allen's weight turned around. We see doctor on July 2nd, and he told us Allen has to gain 1 pound, no weight loss, and to eat heartily. Please say a prayer for him.


Prayers to all on our care list. Hoping Tana, Terri, Jacqui, are feeling better. And to all on our lists: Blessings to you.

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I've never tried Cachaca, but would like to taste it.  I've had falafel and wasn't impressed, but maybe it was just that particular recipe.  Thanks for the explanation of Loving Day - I thought it was a day to be loving, not to appreciate the fact that bi-racial marriages were finally accepted.  Our son is in a bi-racial marriage; his wife is Japanese.


As I look out the windows this morning it appears to have rained overnight.  And listening to the radio, apparently I missed a lot of thunder and lightning ; when DH gets up, I'll have to ask him if he heard anything.  There's a possibility of thundershowers later this afternoon, so we'll just have to wait and see if they materialize.  


@catmandowishing you a very Happy Birthday and many more to come!

@erewhonI'm happy to hear you've passed the 5 year mark - woo hoo!

@Vict0riannso glad you're getting an early surgery date.

@cunnorlI might have missed what kind of car you just purchased, but congrats!


This morning we're off to the Field House where DH will be enrolled (along with me as his support staff) in the cardiac rehab program.  They'll take his bp, pulse, etc., and will start walking the track with him for a few rounds.  Then they'll introduce the rowing machines and stationary bikes, as well as light weights that will be added into the program later.  Should take about an hour and we'll be done for today.  After that DH has coffee with his bandmates this afternoon and that's about all we have on our agenda.


I'd like to try the drink (will put it on the list for taste testing), will let others have the white wine - although I've had the Bota Box cabernet and liked it - and have never had a ground beef stir fry.  Dinner last night was so good and the portions were hugs, so DH and I will be having leftovers - his will be veal cutlets and I'll have lamb chops, both with lemon roast potatoes and we can enjoy them at the table on the deck tonight.  And wine.



Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in the midst of wars.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and  Dixie.  I’ll pass on Cachaca and Falafa but celebrate Loving Day....

I like the Burke quote..

I have not been to Santa Domingo.. ..

A great day in US  history.

I’ll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Chilled Pineapple Pina Colada Soup, Classic Caesar Salad and Broiled New York Strip Loin as served on MS Prinsendam on June 12, 2015.

A chilly start today (50's) but it will warm up to 84, warmer than Port Charlotte...


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I have a sunset today from my 2009 Blount voyage from Chicago to New Orleans. On June 12 we had arrived in New Orleans.





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Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I had a taste of cachaca on my Amazon cruise (not bad) and I do like falafel but have not had it here in the States.  My parents weren't biracial in the strictest sense, my father is Mexican and my mother was of German/Russian descent.  When they married, my grandmother (my mother's mom) didn't speak to them until I was born 2 years later.  So I will gladly celebrate Loving Day.  I really like the quote; the stir fry looks good but I will pass on all the gastronomy today.  Never been to DR and Al Capone was such an interesting person.




I opened the weather app and this was glaring at me:


Sure got my attention!  Presently it is 79F and we will get to blazing hot today and for the foreseeable future.  We will have some slight wind (10-15 mph) so that helps a little as well as the low humidity (~15%). 🤷‍♀️




Dental appt went well and as it was time for full xrays that was done; no problems were noticed and the yearly exam was fine.  Caught up with my dentist (she knows I cruise and I always get "where have you been" when I see her.  No progress or deterioration of the tooth we are watching but she will put in a referral for me to see a specialist to see if there is anything they can do to decrease the one deep pocket I have.  We have been working on this for - gosh, maybe 5 years.  Teeth cleaning goes by fast as I don't have that many teeth in my head!!  LOL!!




My rim is in so off to go get it installed.  I need to see about getting the "cardboard" thingy in the wheel well that was demolished during the incident.  And then maybe check about replacing the rear light covering that has a hole/crack in it.  I noticed it ~ a month or so ago and couldn't figure out how it happened.  Thought it was vandalism and I was totally ticked off.  Then I remember driving on the freeway and hearing a bang from the left side; I think a rock was thrown up and it hit my car there.  The position of the hole/crack didn't suggest it being hit by a car door or anything else.  




Happy Birthday @catmando

@Vict0riann Thoughts on your upcoming surgery and I hope all goes well.  That was a quick schedule!

@erewhon Happy 5 year anniversary!!  

@Cruzin Terri Try to enjoy your last day at the resort.


Thoughts for all who need extra <<<<Hugs>>>> and cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day!


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Good morning. Sunny, dry and will be hot today. Fortunately my ceiling fan was replaced yesterday and I slept well last night. I was exhausted since we decided to do the renovations and repairs that were past due. I unloaded two!!! large curio cabinets and now their is stuff stacked and spread everywhere. I am afraid to move around much as many items are fragile,  but will take this opportunity to really clean the interior of those cabinets and then sorting and packing up some of the stuff from the cabinets so that they can depart the scene to the thrift store or to rescue auction. Meanwhile the renovation work will continue ... finish up my bedroom and then moving on to the living room.... all with me still in residence and clambering over the debris. They hope to finish up tomorrow.


Sooo.... off to remove more out of the line of fire. More later. @Cruzin TerriSo sorry about your cold.... it is so miserable to have to travel when you don't feel well. Hope your trip home tomorrow is uneventful.



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Good morning all!

Our good weather continues at least until the weekend.  Cooler, only mid 60's, but sunny.

I'll celebrate Loving Day but pass on the Cachaca and Falafel.  Also will pass on the drink and meal (I'm avoiding soy sauce when possible), but would like the wine I'm sure.  We've been to Dominican Republic but not to this port.


I'm following 3 live-from threads and emails from a friend who are on the 28-day Alaska Solstice cruise -- so I should get lots of ideas for next year!  


Happy Birthday Chuck @catmando!!

@erewhon Congratulations on your 5th anniversary!  That's a great reason to celebrate 🙂  


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A couple of thoughts on Loving vs Virginia.  Sara and I were married in 1963, four years prior to the Supreme Court decision.  Being stationed on Taiwan, we had to get approval from the Navy Legal Officer.  He mentioned that our marriage would be illegal in certain states that had Navy bases, such as Virginia.  He said that the Navy would handle that by not sending us to one of those states and we were sent to California from Taiwan.  We also had to be counseled by the Chaplain, a Southern Baptist.  His statement was "You know, these kind of marriages don't last very long..."  Sixty one years later...


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Just now, rafinmd said:

I have a sunset today from my 2009 Blount voyage from Chicago to New Orleans. On June 12 we had arrived in New Orleans.





That’s a beauty Roy. Thanks.

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This morning we've gone from heavy overcast to sunny to cloudy to sunny and now partly sunny.  At least, the humidity is lower now.  Yes, it's spring in Texas.  I did find a few chores to occupy me for a bit this morning.  The freezer is a bit straighter, and I know what I have in there now.  I also took advantage of the sun and tackled a very dreaded chore, weeding our two flower beds.  There were not many weeds, but what was in one bed is an ongoing challenge.  The clover has invaded that bed, and it's almost impossible to get it all, so it continues to be a work in progress.


2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites from a rather bleak morning in Georgetown. Expecting thunderstorms soon.


Last night just as I was texting my friend to come for a visit, she pulled in the drive way. We are just connected somehow. The morning my car wouldn't start, she called and said "what's wrong?" We talked about her growing up in Costa Rica, going to Russia for college. She is an interesting lady. She also loves Oliver and he will be staying with her when we set sail in Sept.


I put together a pork chop concoction in the crock pot this morning. I'll make mashed potatoes and a salad with avocado. I'm trying to get Allen's weight turned around. We see doctor on July 2nd, and he told us Allen has to gain 1 pound, no weight loss, and to eat heartily. Please say a prayer for him.


Prayers to all on our care list. Hoping Tana, Terri, Jacqui, are feeling better. And to all on our lists: Blessings to you.


Joy, Allen is in my thoughts, and I hope you can help him gain weight.


2 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I've never tried Cachaca, but would like to taste it.  I've had falafel and wasn't impressed, but maybe it was just that particular recipe.  Thanks for the explanation of Loving Day - I thought it was a day to be loving, not to appreciate the fact that bi-racial marriages were finally accepted.  Our son is in a bi-racial marriage; his wife is Japanese.


As I look out the windows this morning it appears to have rained overnight.  And listening to the radio, apparently I missed a lot of thunder and lightning ; when DH gets up, I'll have to ask him if he heard anything.  There's a possibility of thundershowers later this afternoon, so we'll just have to wait and see if they materialize.  


@catmandowishing you a very Happy Birthday and many more to come!

@erewhonI'm happy to hear you've passed the 5 year mark - woo hoo!

@Vict0riannso glad you're getting an early surgery date.

@cunnorlI might have missed what kind of car you just purchased, but congrats!


This morning we're off to the Field House where DH will be enrolled (along with me as his support staff) in the cardiac rehab program.  They'll take his bp, pulse, etc., and will start walking the track with him for a few rounds.  Then they'll introduce the rowing machines and stationary bikes, as well as light weights that will be added into the program later.  Should take about an hour and we'll be done for today.  After that DH has coffee with his bandmates this afternoon and that's about all we have on our agenda.


I'd like to try the drink (will put it on the list for taste testing), will let others have the white wine - although I've had the Bota Box cabernet and liked it - and have never had a ground beef stir fry.  Dinner last night was so good and the portions were hugs, so DH and I will be having leftovers - his will be veal cutlets and I'll have lamb chops, both with lemon roast potatoes and we can enjoy them at the table on the deck tonight.  And wine.



Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in the midst of wars.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I hope the cardiac rehab appointment goes well.  I loved the wine meme.


1 hour ago, Nickelpenny said:


Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I had a taste of cachaca on my Amazon cruise (not bad) and I do like falafel but have not had it here in the States.  My parents weren't biracial in the strictest sense, my father is Mexican and my mother was of German/Russian descent.  When they married, my grandmother (my mother's mom) didn't speak to them until I was born 2 years later.  So I will gladly celebrate Loving Day.  I really like the quote; the stir fry looks good but I will pass on all the gastronomy today.  Never been to DR and Al Capone was such an interesting person.




I opened the weather app and this was glaring at me:


Sure got my attention!  Presently it is 79F and we will get to blazing hot today and for the foreseeable future.  We will have some slight wind (10-15 mph) so that helps a little as well as the low humidity (~15%). 🤷‍♀️




Dental appt went well and as it was time for full xrays that was done; no problems were noticed and the yearly exam was fine.  Caught up with my dentist (she knows I cruise and I always get "where have you been" when I see her.  No progress or deterioration of the tooth we are watching but she will put in a referral for me to see a specialist to see if there is anything they can do to decrease the one deep pocket I have.  We have been working on this for - gosh, maybe 5 years.  Teeth cleaning goes by fast as I don't have that many teeth in my head!!  LOL!!




My rim is in so off to go get it installed.  I need to see about getting the "cardboard" thingy in the wheel well that was demolished during the incident.  And then maybe check about replacing the rear light covering that has a hole/crack in it.  I noticed it ~ a month or so ago and couldn't figure out how it happened.  Thought it was vandalism and I was totally ticked off.  Then I remember driving on the freeway and hearing a bang from the left side; I think a rock was thrown up and it hit my car there.  The position of the hole/crack didn't suggest it being hit by a car door or anything else.  




Happy Birthday @catmando

@Vict0riann Thoughts on your upcoming surgery and I hope all goes well.  That was a quick schedule!

@erewhon Happy 5 year anniversary!!  

@Cruzin Terri Try to enjoy your last day at the resort.


Thoughts for all who need extra <<<<Hugs>>>> and cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day!



Pennie, I hope the dentist can find a way to save the tooth.  After two years of trying to save one, the bone had receded to the point two teeth had to be pulled.  Instead of a bridge, I opted for implants with bone grafts.  That should help rebuild the bone, and the dentist said they should last 10 to 20 years.  Now, I just have to last that long to get my money's worth out of the implants. 😁


1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Sunny, dry and will be hot today. Fortunately my ceiling fan was replaced yesterday and I slept well last night. I was exhausted since we decided to do the renovations and repairs that were past due. I unloaded two!!! large curio cabinets and now their is stuff stacked and spread everywhere. I am afraid to move around much as many items are fragile,  but will take this opportunity to really clean the interior of those cabinets and then sorting and packing up some of the stuff from the cabinets so that they can depart the scene to the thrift store or to rescue auction. Meanwhile the renovation work will continue ... finish up my bedroom and then moving on to the living room.... all with me still in residence and clambering over the debris. They hope to finish up tomorrow.


Sooo.... off to remove more out of the line of fire. More later. @Cruzin TerriSo sorry about your cold.... it is so miserable to have to travel when you don't feel well. Hope your trip home tomorrow is uneventful.




Susan, it may be unsettling now, but I bet you'll be happy when all the projects are completed.  How are the dogs handling all the work and mess?


36 minutes ago, USN59-79 said:

A couple of thoughts on Loving vs Virginia.  Sara and I were married in 1963, four years prior to the Supreme Court decision.  Being stationed on Taiwan, we had to get approval from the Navy Legal Officer.  He mentioned that our marriage would be illegal in certain states that had Navy bases, such as Virginia.  He said that the Navy would handle that by not sending us to one of those states and we were sent to California from Taiwan.  We also had to be counseled by the Chaplain, a Southern Baptist.  His statement was "You know, these kind of marriages don't last very long..."  Sixty one years later...



Ray, it's nice to prove negative people like the Chaplain wrong.  I hope you and Sara have many more happy years together.


1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

I have a sunset today from my 2009 Blount voyage from Chicago to New Orleans. On June 12 we had arrived in New Orleans.






Stunning sunset, Roy.



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Posted (edited)

Good morning and thanks all! 
@catmando happy birthday! 

We’re one week into the severe water restrictions, and another week best case scenario. Sigh!   I have learned how much water we waste.  Was shocked by how much extra water I use washing my hair in the shower,  so will use the sink.   At least the whole city has clean water flowing and we have cut consumption substantially.   

Unfortunately we also been having storms with tornados, one was very near our Rv, so that has limited our options.  But as Maureen says there still lots to be grateful for! 


Also in a bit of a funk when HAL refunded two unexpired FCD without our request or permission.  And a two hour, three way phone call with Our TA and HAL couldn’t correct it,  even with our TA’s notes. HAL just insists the guest requested it, when neither we nor our TA did.  We’ll see how they respond to the email.   Not impressed.  

loved this scene, the deer were wondering if the patio was open?  


Edited by bennybear
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Concerning the gangster Al Capone:  My history recollection is that he was sentenced to 11 years in prison for tax evasion, proving that you could be taxed even on illegal monetary gains.  I also remember that if you just wanted a regular cup of coffee on a ship, you asked for an Americano so you wouldn't get something fancy that you had to pay extra for.


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11 minutes ago, USN59-79 said:

Concerning the gangster Al Capone:  My history recollection is that he was sentenced to 11 years in prison for tax evasion, proving that you could be taxed even on illegal monetary gains.  I also remember that if you just wanted a regular cup of coffee on a ship, you asked for an Americano so you wouldn't get something fancy that you had to pay extra for.



Ray, that is what I remember hearing, too.



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Eye appointment went OK, but my glasses are wrong for the way. My eyes are now. The doctor told me to just wear sunglasses and be careful if I were to be driving. I have my cataract evaluation on July 9.  @catmandohappy birthday 

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