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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday June 30th, 2024

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Good morning.  Thanks to all who participate here.  I don’t always post but I am a daily reader.  Prayers for all in need.


It continues to be hot and humid.  Summer is not my favorite season so I am staying within air conditioning whenever possible.  I am a “love it when it snows” type of person.


DH had a doctor’s appointment this week.  Dr wants him to see his cardiologist sooner than his appointment in September.  Her office called and now appointment is on Wednesday.  Guess doctors can have some pull at times.  DH has been complaining of right side chest discomfort which won’t go away.  May not be muscle strain as previously thought.  We shall see.


Our friend who had a stroke has been moved to a rehab facility.  Talking to his wife I don’t know if he will remain there.  She is not sure about care during the overnight and stayed with him the past two nights.  Continued prayers, please.  Thank you.  

Have a great Sunday.  Katherine 



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Good Sunday Morning Dailyites!  Its very toasty and humid outside.  I stepped out to feed the "outdoorians" and the blast of heat, very still air, made me feel ill.  The sky is clear, but it just doesnt feel right outside.  Computer says its 78 degrees. And sunny.  Well, it will be sunny once the sun rises above the hill top.


@grapau27Thanks you for the Father David message this morning.  


We ended up tying balloons on to Donna's mail box around 10 last night.  DH was sure she would see them when she came out to move her car, but I think she fell asleep and stayed asleep, since the car was still at the end of the drive this morning.  I did get a text from her at 6, that thanked us for the surprise.  But they are not on the mailbox anymore. 


Making womp biscuits and sausage for breakfast.  If you dont know what womp biscuits are, its the biscuits in a tube, and when you want to bake them, you unwrap the baking instructions and pop the tube open by womping it on the corner of the kitchen counter.


(Yankee version of biscuits).  I read that in an article in the Atlanta Newspaper years ago, when in the early 80's the city was more Yankee than southern.  Well, after 40 plus years, there are 6 different varieties in the store, so I'm thinking it was another Yankee win.


@sailingdutchyHard to pinpoint my favorite F1 driver. I own a Perez hat.  He had some incredible drives in the past.  The last several years, I think the spirit has been broken so that he can still keep the drive, but try not too hard to win.  I like Norris, I had a crazy dream about him during Covid, where he drove past me while I was walking a wooded trail, and asked if it was a good track to race....it was a dream, of course I said yes. LOL. I'm actually looking forward to the Ollie Bearman move to F1.  We have followed him through F3 and F2, and even named the kitten Ollie after him.  It will be nice to see some new faces.  I am not a fan of Riccardo, never have been.    I've been enjoying the Hulkenburg/Magnesun  battles.  I like Fernando, hence naming the cat Furnando, but most of all I like a diverse race, close finishes, exciting moments and a good story.  Enjoy the race today!


another F1 moment ....sorry dailyites!  LOL










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Good morning. It is awfully humid and we are expecting the dreaded severe storms this afternoon. I spoke to the dogs about going on a shorter walk today and they seemed to agree.Nobody is moving much here.

I will celebrate the extra second available and those who have a Parliamentary form of government. I agree with Debbie @dfish, thatI prefer plain lobster and that lovely butter. It is obscenely expensive now and  has not been purchased recently. I love avocados too but they have been expensive as well.

I have not been to the port but thank Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the pictures. 
@marshhawk, Thanks for the pictures of the kittens and their new friends. 

@cat shepard, Ann, I have often been tempted to jump in a pool with my clothes on! Humidity is the worst.

Take care today everyone.

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17 minutes ago, Lady Hudson said:

Good morning.  Thanks to all who participate here.  I don’t always post but I am a daily reader.  Prayers for all in need.


It continues to be hot and humid.  Summer is not my favorite season so I am staying within air conditioning whenever possible.  I am a “love it when it snows” type of person.


DH had a doctor’s appointment this week.  Dr wants him to see his cardiologist sooner than his appointment in September.  Her office called and now appointment is on Wednesday.  Guess doctors can have some pull at times.  DH has been complaining of right side chest discomfort which won’t go away.  May not be muscle strain as previously thought.  We shall see.


Our friend who had a stroke has been moved to a rehab facility.  Talking to his wife I don’t know if he will remain there.  She is not sure about care during the overnight and stayed with him the past two nights.  Continued prayers, please.  Thank you.  

Have a great Sunday.  Katherine 



Prayers 🙏 for your DH and your friend Katherine.

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Good morning from sunny central Texas.  It is a little cooler this morning at 78F and feels like 85F.  The predicted high is 97F.  Currently, the weather app says there's a 3 mph wind, but the neighbor's flag is just hanging there.  We could get an 8 mph wind this afternoon.  The humidity is 93% with a dew point of 73F.  There is still no rain in our future, so basically, it is a typical summer day.


California avocados would be good today.  Parliamentarians are good at keeping a meeting on topic.  Leap seconds help us stay on time.


I like the Maya Angelou quote.


The one lobster roll we shared was good, but we also prefer our lobster with just butter.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We were in Busan in 2000 on the old Regal Princess when the town was still Pusan.


The 1860 debate on Darwin's theory would have been interesting to see.  I don't remember "The Johnny Carson Show", but in 1955 we only had one tv station and it was not CBS.


@StLouisCruisers  I hope you can make up the lost time to Alesund.  Thanks for the pictures from Busan.

@MISTER 67  I don't remember a major tropical storm or hurricane this early in the season.  The two so far seem to targeting the Gulf of Mexico.

@dfish  Debbie, while I would enjoy your cooler high today, I would not enjoy your morning low.

@Lady Hudson  Katherine, I hope the cardiologist can help your DH.  It's good that the doctor got the appointment rescheduled sooner.












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Good morning all,

The weather has cooled significantly overnight. I can wait until later to go on my walk. My DGD and I made one of the soup recipes yesterday, the creamy one and it was delicious. Thanks Debbie for finding all the good recipes.  I cooked the brisket all day yesterday and sliced and froze it for the party. I don’t care for BBQ ( not a good thing in Kansas City). My recipe involves dry ranch, dry Italian, dry aujus and peperoncinis. I will heat it up the day of and it will shred nicely in the juices and be ready for sandwiches. People can add BBQ sauce if they like. I guess I better buy some. 

Prayers and well wishes. Everyone have a great Sunday. 

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When we visited Busan in 2000, I was still using a film camera. These are some of the pictures I scanned them into the computer.  It was a sunny day, but as you can see from the pictures, the pollution was bad.  We did a tour that day which included a temple and the UN cemetery.


Our first stop was the Tongdosa Temple.  This Buddhist temple is known for having shrines instead of statues and includes 35 buildings.















The UN Memorial Cemetery which is divided into sections, each of which contain the graves of soldiers from the same country.  It is the only UN cemetery in the World.



This is the section where the British soldiers were buried.  Interestingly, there is a small section for the US since most the US dead were repatriated home.



All my pictures of the city were taken form the ship when we sailed.








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Good morning. Attending church online today. Another day with chances of rain. Keeping an eye on the tropics to see where this storm may be headed. Looks like it’s going to be a long dangerous hurricane season. It’s a pretty time in NW, Florida as the Crape Myrtle’s are reaching full bloom and they are bountiful.

Not much on today’s agenda. NASCAR, cooking dinner. Taking a day off from walking. 
So time for church. More later. Have a great Sunday and week. Bruce


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1 hour ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


It is a nippy start to the day at 54F this morning.  The forecast says we'll only get to 70 today.  That's ok by me.  The next two weeks look like moderate temperatures and I like that.  Not a lot on the agenda today.  Sue wants to get the rest of the hostas replanted.  She's moving them from the hot sunny side of the house to a more hospitable area.  I'd like to hit the trails out at the Nature Center as we haven't been there in ages and weather like today is perfect for that.


I am a purist when it comes to lobster.  Skip the mayo and the roll and just give me the lobster and melted butter.  I do know others love them.  Last summer in Bar Harbor we decided to find out if we were missing something, so we had lobster rolls.  Nope.  We're sticking with our plain lobster.  This first recipe uses both butter and mayonnaise.  Lobster Rolls




Here's a similar version.  More Lobster Roll




This recipe lightens the mayo that is mixed in.  Still too much bread.   https://www.skinnytaste.com/lobster-rolls/




I hope this finds you all well or getting better from whatever ails  you.   Wishing you a wonderful day!




Now that’s what I’m talking about. You are on a roll! 👍👍👍

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Happy Sunday, the last day of June!  Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I love avocados and usually always have them on hand and use them a lot, I will take the extra second and as I wasn't sure what International Day of Parlimentarism was, I had to go look it up:


"On this International Day of Parliamentarism, we celebrate a day dedicated to dialogue between those representing our voices and their concerted effort to protect and promote human rights, democratic values and the rule of law.

Parliamentarians for Global Action is uniquely placed to approach issues, whether democracy, the environment, gender equality, international justice, peace and security and the inclusion of marginalized populations, from a human-rights based approach."




Love Maya Angelou and love the quote.  I am with @dfish, I don't "get" the facination with Lobster Rolls.  Had one on my Canada cruise; one and done.  So I will pass on all the food and drink today and never been to Busan.  I would love to have been a fly on the wall during the evolutionary debate and I wasn't born yet when the "Johnny Carson Show" debuted but I did watch it much later.




We are on track for more thunderstorms today and we are under a wind and dust advisory and flood watch this afternoon.  I didn't get any rain yesterday but I could hear low rumblings and it just seemed cooler; I had the door open most of the day.  I think today will be more of the same with a high ~100F.  I ended up cleaning the ceiling fan in my bedroom yesterday; not sure why I decided to do that but, boy, it sure needed it!!  Since I am in my bedroom really only to sleep, I guess I didn't realize how bad it was.  So today I will......... who knows. I think I do need to go out and get some decongestant as my right ear is a tad plugged and has been for a while now.  No other symptoms but I am tired of it.  




Thoughts for all who need extra support.  Cheers for those celebrating.  Enjoy the last day of June!





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Good morning all!

It's a cloudy, drizzly day today, highs in the high 60's.  Starting Tuesday we'll have a long stretch of sunny, much warmer days.  As usual our summer will start around the 4th.  We had rain overnight, so I'm sure the slugs are having a field day -- hopefully on the Sluggo I put down, and not my flowers and herbs.


I will pass on the California avocado (and all avocado), and celebrate the other two days.  I agree with Debbie @dfish, I prefer my lobster without the roll.  In fact I prefer crab, but that's another story.  And not a fan of butter, I like mine with cocktail sauce.  The wine sounds lovely, and I would try the drink and hope it isn't too sweet.  Have not been to Korea, thank you Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the great photos.  I avoid crowded cities whenever possible and I read that Busan is the 2nd most populated city in Asia (and that says a lot).  So there's 0% chance I'll get there. I wonder if it still has an air pollution problem like when Lenda was there.


Not much on the agenda today, we need to get groceries -- and most likely will do more cruise planning.  Have a great day everyone!

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Good Morning from a warm and cloudy day at the beach

    Do not know what the weather is going to do. Dont think that hurricane is coming near us but you never know. Have to stay alert this time of year. Although in my almost 40 years of living in Florida, this is early for hurricanes.

    I am not a fan of lobster. Do occasionally like a good lobster roll. The quote is a good one. Never been to todays port.

     Ann @cat shepard  I have been known to jump in the pool with my clothes on, especially after golf.   I also went in the ocean at Fakarava. It was so hot! I was dry but the time I walked back to the tender.

    Nothing much on the agenda today.

Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good morning, Dailyites, tomorrow is Canada Day, so the newspapers this weekend all seem to have extra puzzles to do, which will keep us busy.  I love avocados, and lobster in any form, so today's my day!  The drink sounds pretty good, I'd try it.  We haven't been to South Korea, and I'm afraid the developing world is not calling to me these days.   I was tired and grouchy yesterday, I think I had maybe overdone it the day after the surgery, but I slept well last night and feel good today.  Off to church soon, I think I will wear a mask again, then breakfast at the golf club - I'll take the mask off for that.  


This is early for the first hurricane of the season, hope it is not a taste of things to come!  It is a bit overcast here but no rain yet.  I'll say prayers this morning for those ailing on CC, especially Tana and Jacqui! 


Lobster roll in Halifax




and the real thing in Newfoundland!



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PS We got a reminder that final payment is coming up for our next cruise - and Club Orange was not listed on the itinerary.  I'm a bit concerned about that, as someone else on CC mentioned they had lost their CO, so I'll be checking that out with our PCC.  

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Good morning, 

We had rain overnight and now there's none in the foreseeable forecast! We're even predicted for highs close to 80 by later in the week. 


Today isn't too busy. DS is coming over to get his nail gun and he'll call my DM. She's having a heart procedure on Tuesday. She goes in tomorrow, has the procedure Tuesday and comes home Wednesday. My sisters will pick her up and they'll have pizza for dinner and then take her home. I'm operating under the "no news is good news" mantra. DM is quite upbeat and, at 97 (98 in August) is glad to be having this done. She's informed us that she has no plans to leave us! 


My friend who is sailing with me next Sunday is pretty much packed and I'm getting multiple texts each day about excitement. Me, on the other hand, will pack on Friday or Saturday. I do have manicures booked for both of us and DM gave us each a small gift to open when we are onboard ship. 


Have a lovely Sunday!


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3 hours ago, Lady Hudson said:

DH had a doctor’s appointment this week.  Dr wants him to see his cardiologist sooner than his appointment in September.  Her office called and now appointment is on Wednesday.  Guess doctors can have some pull at times.  DH has been complaining of right side chest discomfort which won’t go away.  May not be muscle strain as previously thought.  We shall see.


Our friend who had a stroke has been moved to a rehab facility.  Talking to his wife I don’t know if he will remain there.  She is not sure about care during the overnight and stayed with him the past two nights.  Continued prayers, please.  Thank you.  

Prayers 🙏 @Lady Hudson for your DH and your friend.

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Posted (edited)

Ok... I will take the lobster roll. I also like lobster with butter. Whichever is offered, I will take.


Cloudy here this morning with heavy rain forecast for this afternoon and tomorrow and we are under a flash flood warning. The rain seems to come in waves. Temperature is only going to be in the 70's -right now it is 64. Have to carefully time the doggie ins and outs. After Monday a dry period is predicted  so I will reset the sprinkler system.


Have not been to the destination of the day and probably won't get there, interesting as it looks. Right now I am holding spots on 2 cruises and am getting less and less sure about those. We will just have to see. It isn't the cruise that does me in.... it is the organization to get there and the travel from Durango. Although I do have to pace myself going ashore. The joys of age.


Have a light wash going and then I need to move some things out of storage area to the car for a thrift store run and then I need to shift more stuff from my condo into the storage area. Hopefully in that circle a few things will disappear into the trash. This is slow work for one person.


Hope everyone is progressing toward better health....nothing we can really do about age.









Edited by durangoscots
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Posted (edited)

Good morning and Happy Sunday. The girlfriend decided not to spend the night and had her mother pick her up. Summer decided to still spend the night in the living room where they had built a “fort”. Since the storms are coming later I think I’ll get in the pool early. 

I like avocados. My father’s sister and her husband had an avocado orchard in Fallbrook, CA. It was large but they ended up selling it and moved to Hawaii in the 80’s because none of their children wanted to continue with the orchard. Sad. I have good memories of walking through the trees. We were living in Brush, CO at this time and whenever they came to visit they brought a suitcase full of avocados and my DM was thrilled because you couldn’t buy them anywhere at that time. This was in the 60’s. 

I’ll skip the drink but would like to try the wine. I like both lobster rolls and just lobster with butter. Last lobster roll was in October 2022 in Portland, ME on our Nieuw Statendam cruise. 


Have a great day everyone!



Edited by Sharon in AZ
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7 hours ago, richwmn said:

1955 "Johnny Carson Show" debuts on CBS-TV

I would have been 6 days old, Wow!  I wonder if my parents watched it but with two small children I doubt it. My father was in Grad school and my mother was working full time at a bank.  She has told me that she could only take two weeks off work when she had me— her vacation time for the year. 

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