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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday July 17th, 2024

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Happy Anniversary @Crazy For Cats🥂


Happy Birthday Disneyland 🎂 🥳 🎉 


Prayers 🙏for those impacted by the Illinois floods and dam failure.


Stay safe @1ANGELCAT I hope you don't lose power.


Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all.

Edited by Haljo1935
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Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  Its 74 and cloudy out, and quite humid.  Atlanta has become the new Carribean with afternoon storms every day. Monday included thunder and lightning, yesterday just rain.  


The last time I saw the Lung doctor he agreed with me, that I no longer was in need of having the oxygen and the office called them to cancel the prescription.  On one of the days that DH was having surgery I got two calls telling me that they were going to be sending the boxes, and to pack everything up and then set up a pick up.  I never called the numbers back, I did write them down, but their directions seemed pretty direct. and then nothing happened.


On Monday the phone rang, DH answered, and said it was the Oxygen company, and gave me the phone, I was listening to music, and waited, and waited and finally a nice man picked up and asked how he could help me.  I told him, that they had called me, and we went through the directions again, and he said that they would send boxes and labels.  Yesterday I got an email from UPS that my package would be delivered today, which is sad, as I need to go out today, and then this morning I read the delivery date again, looked at the tracking number, and even though it says delivery today?  Turns out they dont have the labels yet.  Your guess is as good as mine for an actual delivery time.


I dont want to alarm the cats, but we have enough food for them for two more meals.  I really do need to go out!   Which means that when I do go out, DH has to be able to move to get to the door.  And he broke his key off in the front door, so he cant use that door.


Yesterday after work, we started watching Bodin on Netflix, and we both got hooked, but with only two more episodes left, I turned off the show, and will finish watching tonight.

 This week I cut my hours to 25, yesterday I had no sales, turns out I was set up by the junior assistant to do repeat dialing to previously called, and previously left a message-and they were people who will never pay at full price.  My boss is moving me to a different set of leads.


The hazy sky in the west every day?  Turns out I need to wash windows. 


I love the quote for the inspiration, but I really wish we hadnt killed off all the dragons.   






Todays picture-Amber Cove



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We have been to Bilboa twice while on cruises on Prinsendam.  On Monday, September 8, 2008, we stopped in Santander where we rented a car and drove to Bilboa.  We wanted to see the Guggenheim Museum, but we found out when we got there, the museum was closed on Mondays.  We were able to walk around the outside and explore part of Bilboa.  On September 12, 2016, Prinsendam docked in Bilboa.  That day, I was not feeling well, so DH took the shuttle into town and saw the inside of the Guggenheim Museum.


The Guggenheim Museum



A sculpture outside the entrance



For the garden club, this was on the museum grounds.



The area around the museum



Some scenes from Bilboa



Residencia Fundadore Siervas de Jesus (Servants of Jesus of Charity) 



University of Deusto



Puente La Salve (La Salve Bridge)



The Sacred Heart of Jesus sculpture in the square of the same name.





Pictures of Bilboa taken from the ship in 2016











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Thanks for our Hump Day Daily, Rich and thanks to all of our F & B team.  


Food collection of days and I love the quote.  The meal sounds great!  Haven’t had the white wine but a lot of cardboardeaux can be quite decent - especially my fave from New Zealand.  DD DH and I spent several days in Bilbao and loved it.   It was on DD DH’s bucket list.  We flew there pre-cruise to spend time befor going on to Madrid and finally boarding the Prinsendam in Barcelona.


Bilbao is in the north of Spain and has its own  culture - very different than the Spain most of us know.  There are no tapas there -they have pinchos (which are very much like tapas but with different twists and turns).    The Guggenheim museum is a must if you are lucky enough to get theme.  Not sure if I have digital pics on my device or not - will look.




It’s truly a hump day for me getting so many appointments and Ivan’s surgery over with.  I was worried last night as he was dragging his back end and wouldn’t settle but by 10 PM he went outside with me and finally settled.  Thankfully, I have some soft treats in the house so I can still treat him..  he’s more himself this morning and I’m sure will improve as the sedation wears off , etc.




Today will be a combination of keeping an eye on the bundle of trouble, getting the house ready for me to avoid stairs when I return tomorrow and pre-op stuff.  Ugh.  Ivan is going to his dog walker’s house tonight as I have to be up at 3:30 AM and won’t be able to care for him properly with the rush, etc.  He’ll come back on Friday once I have recovered from my sedation.  I was told I HAD to have someone with me when I get home and all night and would not be able to handle anything else.  Not sure if i will be able to post tomorrow or not so if I’m missing, no worries.




Prayers for those on ch the Care list & for all who need them.  Cheers to those celebrating and cruising


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Just checking in.  I am in a bit of a hurry.  I have a virtual appointment with the Orthopedic Doctor at 10 am.  So I have to get my computer set up.

I have been to Bilbao and will try to post some photos later along with the results of my Ortho visit.


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Good morning, it's a pleasant day here today.  Haven't been to the port, the meal looks interesting.  Taking DSIL to a MD appointment today.  She may want to have lunch after.  

Thanks for the port photos.  Prayers for @kazutoday.  Have a blessed day.  K

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Good morning Dailyites 


Happy Anniversary Juan and Jake!


Thank you to our faithful contributors and Vanessa, thank you for the care, celebration, and cruise listing's. You must have quite a filing system.


My BFF and I hung out most of the afternoon yesterday. We ordered in, and made a list of things needed while we are Cruising. THEN... she told me she's moving into our house while we're gone so Oliver can be in his home!! I'm so thrilled!


Poor Oliver, he was sick yesterday from all his shots. He layed in his bed most of the day and did not eat. But this morning he's back to his normal perky self.


Hoping Ivan is feeling well today. Jacqui, beautiful flowers, thank you!


Prayers lifted for our friends here. Terri, how is Tana? We are getting anxious on tomorrow's appointment for Bonnie. Thank you for thinking of her. 


Wishing all a blessed day. Please show kindness. Xx



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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report.  It’s going to be another hot day. The weather forecast says we will get some relief tomorrow, time will tell.  Thank you all for the well wishes. Today marks the first big date this year. In September we will mark 30 years while on the Zuiderdam. I’m taking the afternoon off from work and we will head out at lunchtime for a bite to eat.  Then champagne later tonight.  I got DH Lego’s Tuxedo cat.  I hope everyone has a good day today.



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Another hot day but here it’s not as bad as some places, 92. Maybe storms tonight. Last night they missed us, maybe tonight too?  I just hope the power holds!  I miss our generator!  But they always feed us here so no worries about getting a supper. Plus, our community has 3 gathering places, each with a dining room, large open “living room,” fitness center, salon, multiple club rooms, a front desk and mailroom. During power outages these centers have power, HVAC, and each building has one elevator on generator power so we’re in pretty good shape!  Hallways have generator outlets and security will use them for extension cords for those who need it for emergency medical equipment. We’re in a good place🙏

Love the quote, inspiring!  

Sorry to hear of more COVID!  
Blessings to all in need!

@kazu Happy Ivan did so well! Prayers you will too, praying for Amazing results!  
Congrats to Jake and Juan! 🥂

and all celebrating. Reminds us that Life is Good🌈

Thanks all for sharing the journey! Maureen

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Posted (edited)

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Will remember the victims of Baton Rouge(3 police officers), International Criminal Justice is so important, and I don't use a lot of emoji's.  


It was supposed to be quite warm today, but instead of bright sunshine we've got clouds and an apparent thunderstorm looming on the horizon.  I guess once the storm gets through, we'll get the heat we were preparing for.  We've been keeping the windows open at night to help cool the house, that way we don't have to turn on the A/C until late in the day.  


General household chores today - laundry, that kind of thing, and getting a good look at our lawn.  It really took a beating on Saturday and you can see where everyone was sitting - DH figures it was from the rubber sandals, flip flops, Crocs, etc., causing the browned spots.  Not sure, but it doesn't look good, so we'll have to contact our lawn guy to see what he thinks.  Later this afternoon DH has a follow up appointment with the TAVI clinic to see how his heart valve is working, so he'll miss his weekly coffee with his band mates.


@Crazy For CatsJake, Happy 20th Anniversary to you and Juan; let the love and laughter continue!

@kazuI'm glad Ivan's surgery went well and that he'll go to your groomer's for the night.  Sending prayers for successful surgery for you tomorrow.

@Seasick SailorI'm happy to hear Oliver is back to his usual perky self today!


I'm going to pass on the drink and the wine, but would like the menu suggestion minus the avocado.  I haven't spoken to him yet this morning, but I'm pretty sure after DH's medical appointment he's going to want to stop at Tim Horton's where we'll pick up a couple of roast beef sandwiches that we can enjoy on the deck (if it's not too hot), or in the pergola tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in turmoil, and in the middle of storms and floods.  Cheers to all with celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We have been to Bilboa twice while on cruises on Prinsendam.  On Monday, September 8, 2008, we stopped in Santander where we rented a car and drove to Bilboa.  We wanted to see the Guggenheim Museum, but we found out when we got there, the museum was closed on Mondays.  We were able to walk around the outside and explore part of Bilboa.  On September 12, 2016, Prinsendam docked in Bilboa.  That day, I was not feeling well, so DH took the shuttle into town and saw the inside of the Guggenheim Museum.


The Guggenheim Museum



A sculpture outside the entrance



For the garden club, this was on the museum grounds.



The area around the museum



Some scenes from Bilboa



Residencia Fundadore Siervas de Jesus (Servants of Jesus of Charity) 



University of Deusto



Puente La Salve (La Salve Bridge)



The Sacred Heart of Jesus sculpture in the square of the same name.





Pictures of Bilboa taken from the ship in 2016











Nice photos Lenda.

We have sailed into Bilbao several times and the main attraction is the Guggenheim museum.


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1 hour ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Hump Day Daily, Rich and thanks to all of our F & B team.  


Food collection of days and I love the quote.  The meal sounds great!  Haven’t had the white wine but a lot of cardboardeaux can be quite decent - especially my fave from New Zealand.  DD DH and I spent several days in Bilbao and loved it.   It was on DD DH’s bucket list.  We flew there pre-cruise to spend time befor going on to Madrid and finally boarding the Prinsendam in Barcelona.


Bilbao is in the north of Spain and has its own  culture - very different than the Spain most of us know.  There are no tapas there -they have pinchos (which are very much like tapas but with different twists and turns).    The Guggenheim museum is a must if you are lucky enough to get theme.  Not sure if I have digital pics on my device or not - will look.




It’s truly a hump day for me getting so many appointments and Ivan’s surgery over with.  I was worried last night as he was dragging his back end and wouldn’t settle but by 10 PM he went outside with me and finally settled.  Thankfully, I have some soft treats in the house so I can still treat him..  he’s more himself this morning and I’m sure will improve as the sedation wears off , etc.




Today will be a combination of keeping an eye on the bundle of trouble, getting the house ready for me to avoid stairs when I return tomorrow and pre-op stuff.  Ugh.  Ivan is going to his dog walker’s house tonight as I have to be up at 3:30 AM and won’t be able to care for him properly with the rush, etc.  He’ll come back on Friday once I have recovered from my sedation.  I was told I HAD to have someone with me when I get home and all night and would not be able to handle anything else.  Not sure if i will be able to post tomorrow or not so if I’m missing, no worries.




Prayers for those on ch the Care list & for all who need them.  Cheers to those celebrating and cruising



Best wishes to Ivan after his op.

Prayers 🙏 your op cures your foot problems.


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@Seasick Sailor, Joy, thanks for asking about Tana . I am glad my brother is here as she is having a difficult time with the coughing and shortness of breath that comes with IPF. He is able to calm her anxieties somewhat and helps me with transfers and such. We still have the private aide during the week who keeps us in good shape as well.The food issues persist as the coughing increases. I feel for her as she tries so hard to get through the day.
Ken has decided to stay until Monday and I feel as if a huge load has been lifted, albeit temporarily .

I will be thinking of Bonnie today and everyday and hope the appointment goes well. Sending my prayers.

I was happy to see Oliver could stay in your home with your wonderful BFF while you are away. I love your descriptions of the social gatherings in your neighborhood. There is always something fun going on!

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29 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report.  It’s going to be another hot day. The weather forecast says we will get some relief tomorrow, time will tell.  Thank you all for the well wishes. Today marks the first big date this year. In September we will mark 30 years while on the Zuiderdam. I’m taking the afternoon off from work and we will head out at lunchtime for a bite to eat.  Then champagne later tonight.  I got DH Lego’s Tuxedo cat.  I hope everyone has a good day today.



Happy 20th anniversary to you both.


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Two days ago I had a sunrise from the Westbound Canadian near Saskatoon.  Today's is from the Eastern Canadian at Saskatoon.  Not exactly the sunrise itself but the sun reflecting off the side of the train as it emerges July 17, 2005.





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The salad would be OK. So would the drink, if I had the nerve to order it. Chardonnay is produced in the Finger Lakes but not in boxes and not that cheap. The closest I could come was a Seyval-Chardonnay blend from Chateau LaFayette Reneau at more than twice the price.


On the travel-agent subject from yesterday: my experience with travel agents in the past -- not cruise specialists, to be clear -- was that they paid little attention to what I wanted and tried to sell me what they would like. There is only one travel agency still in business anywhere near me, and while they will book cruises, they seem to book only expensive ones. The list of lines about which they accept inquiries emphasizes Seabourn, Oceania, Azamara, Viking, Windstar.... They do include Holland America, but I would bet that they would only book suites and only for Grand Voyages and the like. RCI lists them as a travel partner but they won't actually take inquiries about RCI.




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The number of homes without electricity in my county is down to about 5,000 but the utility is saying that many of those will not have power until tomorrow afternoon.

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