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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday August 2nd, 2024


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Thanks for our TGIF Rich and thanks to our F & B team.


Sorry, I didn't have a chance to post at all, yesterday. An appointment in the morning and then it was back to full steam ahead on the house despite the pain.  Basement is done - dumpster is done.  Now I just have to hope they will pick it up today.  Unfortunately, the dumpster was dirty and before it was realized, whatever it was was tracked through the garage, steps and rug downstairs so today is cleaning and washing to get them sparkling again.


I couldn't help but pray and think of my dear friend yesterday as he underwent surgery 😞 he was supposed to have the same type of procedure as myself the same week as I, but sadly, they couldn’t get the balloon in to open the artery they needed.  As a result, they had no choice but to do surgery yesterday to amputate his foot. 😢 😢 There but for the Grace of God…


Anne  @marshhawkI was so very sorry to read of the latest development & chuck’s hospitalization.  While he is in the best place for his condition, it’s going to be a very hard road for you both.  As @cruising sistersaid you have  village here - lean on us - we’re too far away to be of physical help but talking can help.  I know.  My prayers for you both 🙏 


Prayers or those on the Care list, those suffering losses, grief, pain, health issues, worries & those that need them.  🙏. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising 🥂 



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Good Friday Morning Dailyites!  The computer is not giving temps and weather info, it is telling me what is happening at the Olympics at this time, so my weather report?  Hot, Humid, and Horrible. (3H club)


Braham Pie-Known as the 'Homemade Pie Capital of Minnesota,' Braham has a rich history with pie, making this celebration both a nostalgic and mouth-watering experience. Braham Pie Day falls on August 2. While you celebrate the day, make simple pie recipes at home to enjoy with your family and friends.



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Happy Friday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Another hot one today. Working on a ton of things today so this will keep me busy. 

Chiropractor appointment this morning. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 


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Good morning. It is stifling outside and should be avoided if possible. I have not been to the port, would love the steak if someone else manned the grill and like the quote. Dinosaurs should have their day and most folks here like pie. I am grateful DD is a baker and makes our favorites often. I need to learn more about Indian and British history. 
I have lentil soup bubbling on the stove and plan chicken or egg salad sandwiches for dinner with salad. I thought of @kochleffel when my grocery delivery included Swiss chard. It was delicious last night in garlic  and oil . The extra money spent on delivery was worth it as everything arrived on time with no mistakes.

@marshhawk, During the multiple hospital stays for  DD DH I learned to leave earlier than usual and rest at home. I felt terribly guilty but it was important to be in one piece when he eventually came home. Sending prayers and hugs to you both.

Take care today everyone!

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Good Friday Morning Dailyites!  The computer is not giving temps and weather info, it is telling me what is happening at the Olympics at this time, so my weather report?  Hot, Humid, and Horrible. (3H club)


Braham Pie-Known as the 'Homemade Pie Capital of Minnesota,' Braham has a rich history with pie, making this celebration both a nostalgic and mouth-watering experience. Braham Pie Day falls on August 2. While you celebrate the day, make simple pie recipes at home to enjoy with your family and friends.


As usual I misread the pie-thought it said Graham pie, thinking graham cracker, FYI , I made an eye appointment yesterday morning.


Minnesota is the king of pie, my favorite, apple pie with cinnamon ice cream.  Hard to find the ice cream in the south.  So I'm ok with blueberry or cherry with vanilla.


Yesterday was a horrible day, but it was filled with wonderful people.  All of you, and the staff at the restaurant.  The manager called 911 for me, which tied up their phone for a while, (they do a lot of call in/take out)  The waitress brought cool damp towels to out on Chuck's head as he was sweating so much, we never did order, I had had no food except for an english muffin at 8 yesterday morning.  When I left the hospital in the afternoon, I still had bills to pay, so I drove back up to Northlake, then stopped back at the restaurant to give Terri (the manager an update) and ordered dinner.  The waitresses paid for my dinner, I left a good tip , thanked Terri and the waitress brought back the tip to me, she said, no, we want to help you both today.  There are earthangels, all of you, and those at the restaurant, and the nurses at the hospital.. 

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Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I am not good at making pies but thank goodness for CAD and I love dinosaurs.  Funny quote, I would eat anything with chimichurri but not the drink.  Yes on the wine and I have never made it to Taiwan.  Interesting days in history!!




It is a little more humid this morning - 62% - and already 81F at ~0615.  We should head up to mid 100's but I have my first sub gig at the high school for a friend today so I will be bringing a sweater!  I was invited to participate in an eating disorder study and yesterday sent off a DNA test after taking a huge survey on past and present eating problems (my problem was over 20 years ago).  No renumeration for it but it advances science so I am all for that.  




@marshhawk I hope you got some rest last night.  I was sorry to hear of your day yesterday and I hope today you get some relief.

@aliaschief Safe travels


Thoughts for everyone going through challenges and cheers for those celebrating - especially the wrongly imprisoned US citizens coming home!  Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning, @marshhawkthanks for the update...prayers for you and Chuck.

We had a big thunderstorm last evening.  We lost power for about 2 hours also, which means no water also.  Thanks to the Power Co workers who were out working in the nasty weather.  Our neighbor down the street had the right idea last month, they had a whole house generator installed.  


Thanks for all of the caring and sharing here.  Have a good day!  Karen

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Ooh, did somebody say pie?  I remember vacationing in the US when we discovered The Montana Pie Company - both DH and I were in absolute heaven looking at their dessert menu.  The last time we were in Montana we found they were no longer in business, so all we have is our memories, which is better for our waistlines.  Dinosaurs are fun for kids, and CAD is used in so many places these days.


Thank you all for your responses to my request for prayers for @marshhawk and @catmando yesterday - you really are a wonderful group of people.


It's sort of sunny, sort of cloudy right now and I just heard on the radio that there's a possibility of thundershowers later this morning or early afternoon.  We're expecting a high of 30(86), so it won't be super hot, but hot enough to remind us we still are in the season of summer.


@marshhawkI hope you got some sleep last night and that the kitties knew to leave you alone.  What a lovely gesture by the restaurant for you; there are good people out there.  Please give Chuck our best when you see him and I think it's a very good idea to follow @smitty34877's advice to leave early so you can keep up your strength.

@kazuthat's horrible about your friend's failed surgery, resulting in an amputation!  I'm SO glad yours was successful.  It sounds like you had an amazingly productive day yesterday - perhaps today should be a day of rest and recuperation for you, what do you think?


Not a lot going on for us today, we'll head over to the Field House for the cardiac rehab program, then stop at WM for some cat food and a few vegetables.  I think there's a farmer's market at a nearby mall, so would like to pick up some fresh beans, peas, and carrots to add to our meals and for snacking.  


I'd like to try the drink, especially since all I can only drink decaf. coffee, but haven't heard of Licor 43.  A nicely chilled rose can be good with a light meal, and I'd like today's menu suggestion, but we don't do steaks well at all, so just enjoy them on BHB's.  It's Friday night pizza night and I think we'll head to a neat little place that opened up a short while ago that has 8" pizzas for only $4.  We'll pick up a couple of them to enjoy on the deck tonight and DH will have some leftovers for his night snack.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in turmoil, and in wars not of their making.  Cheers to the Americans who were released last night - that was wonderful seeing them reach American soil once more. Cheers to all with celebrations.  


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good sunny morning from central Texas.  It is 80F and feels like 89F with 89% humidity since the dew point is 76F.  There is a 2mph breeze from the SW, so it won't help much.  Our predicted high is 101F, and our low tonight will be 80F at 7 am tomorrow.  Starting next Tuesday, we'll have a string of double digit days.  I guess summer is back.  The only thing on the agenda is laundry and changing sheets.  I may make a quick run to the dollar store just down the road.


Last night, I watched the former Russian prisoners return to the US.  It was a low key event, but still very nice to see.


Braham Pie Day sounds good, but I'll wait to bake a pie.  Dinosaurs are interesting to study.  DH used CAD a lot in his business, and it made his schematics much easier to do than drawing them like he did when he first started licensing his software.


An interesting quote by Virginia Woolf.


The meal looks good, but I prefer a ribeye, and normally don't put anything on my steaks except seasoning before cooking.  We'll pass on the drink, but might try the wine.


We were in Keelung in 2018 on Coral Princess.


The handover of the government in India from East India Company to the British Crown in 1858 probably didn't change much for the population of India.


Interestingly, I found from many sources the first underground railway was the London metro which opened on January 10, 1863, not in 1870.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I hope Ren doesn't have any problems from having his wisdom teeth removed yesterday.

@grapau27  Graham, thank you for the information about CAD.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I hope your flights today are smooth and on time.  Enjoy your weekend.

@cruising sister  Welcome home, Lorraine.  I'm glad your visit to Minnesota was fun, especially for the DGC.  Wishing your friend a speedy recovery from her surgery.  I've learned the past two years to dress warmly for hospital waiting rooms and rooms.

@superoma  Eva, thanks for the information about Braham Pie Day.

@dfish  Debbie, enjoy the Fish Sandwich Festival today.

@Heartgrove  Jack sounds like an interesting way to get to Australia.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope your friend has a smooth recovery after his surgery yesterday.  It's too bad they could not do a bypass on the artery and save his foot.

@mamaofami  Carol, I'm sorry your tested positive for Covid and are battling fatigue.  I hope you feel better soon.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope today is a much better day.  The people in the restaurant make up for a lot of the unthinking jerks in this world.    You are also one of those people who go out of their way to help others.

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, the problem with applying gift cards to cruise fares is not new.  We had the same problem when we used two gift cards for our 2025 cruise.  DH called our PCC, and she was able to get the cards applied.  














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1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. I’m recovering from 10 days of testing positive for covid. Left feeling exhausted. 


Oh Carol, you poor thing 😞 Rest and recover quickly please.  My sister was very fatigued after her covid and the only resolution is rest.



1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

@marshhawk, During the multiple hospital stays for  DD DH I learned to leave earlier than usual and rest at home. I felt terribly guilty but it was important to be in one piece when he eventually came home. Sending prayers and hugs to you both.

Take care today everyone!


This is very sound advice. ❤️ I didn’t listen soon enough and I hope that Annie does.  Caregiving is tiring as are enduring the tests and visits.  



1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Yesterday was a horrible day, but it was filled with wonderful people.  All of you, and the staff at the restaurant.  The manager called 911 for me, which tied up their phone for a while, (they do a lot of call in/take out)  The waitress brought cool damp towels to out on Chuck's head as he was sweating so much, we never did order, I had had no food except for an english muffin at 8 yesterday morning.  When I left the hospital in the afternoon, I still had bills to pay, so I drove back up to Northlake, then stopped back at the restaurant to give Terri (the manager an update) and ordered dinner.  The waitresses paid for my dinner, I left a good tip , thanked Terri and the waitress brought back the tip to me, she said, no, we want to help you both today.  There are earthangels, all of you, and those at the restaurant, and the nurses at the hospital.. 


That is a truly heart warming rendition of the events, Annie.  I am so glad   truly you were blessed with earth angels ♥️ 



28 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

perhaps today should be a day of rest and recuperation for you, what do you think?


I wish. I don’t have to do the heavy lifting but I do have to give guidance etc which involves stairs.  Hopefully today, there will not be too much of that - but I do have to get upstairs to get it finished so I don’t worry about it come picture time..  Maybe tomorrow will be lazy?



@aliaschief safe travels today.

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After the Coral Princess docked in Keelung, we hired a taxi to take us to Taipei in 2018, and were lucky to have a clear day.  The views from the Taipei 101 Tower were amazing.   When looking at the tower, it looks like it was built upside down.


This is a view from the tower.



This is the ballast that helps lessen the swaying of the building in high winds. 



After we left the Taipei 101 Tower, we took the ho-ho.  We stopped at the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial.  There was a big gathering where the children could do different activities and have them checked off on a form.  To keep the parents there, at the end of the afternoon, there was a drawing where they gave away ten cars.


Chiang Kai-shek Memorial.  We did not go inside though.



The crowds





We took the train back to Keelung.  From the train station we walked to the night market.  We find Chinese night markets very interesting.






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I have a few more pictures of Taipei . mostly.  Taipei, is a big, urban city with modern buildings, while Keelung is a more traditional town.


These first pictures are our arrival in Keelung.





The greeting "committee"



The harbor from the dock.



At the bottom of Taipei 101, there is a huge, modern mall with many high end stores.



The display in the elevator that tracks the progress to the observation deck.  DH videoed the display and said it took 37 seconds.



The area around Taipei 101including sculptures of sheep.



Looking up at Taipei 101 from the ground.  It was difficult to get a good picture from that angle.



One of the main streets in downtown Taipei as seen from the Ho-Ho.



The Chiang Kei-shek Memorial is set in a big area with open spaces and gardens.  Even with the city just outside it is a quiet, tranquil place.







The area around the train station as we headed back to Keelung




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Here are a few pictures of Keelung when we got back from Taipei.  We walked from the train station to the night market and then back to the ship.  Asian night markets are always interesting. 


The street outside the train station.



There were food vendors even before we got to the night market.  We can't remember what the lady was making, but IIFC the filling was chocolate or vanilla, but don't hold me to that.  





A store along the way



A big intersection just before the night market area. 





One of many "restaurants" in the market.  We stopped at one and had a coke and fried vegetables, which we thought was safer.



We came across this building on a side area of the night market.  It is the Dianji Temple, and we went inside.





You can find just about everything in the Keelung night market.







Keelung from the ship as we sailed to the next port.




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1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Good Friday Morning Dailyites!  The computer is not giving temps and weather info, it is telling me what is happening at the Olympics at this time, so my weather report?  Hot, Humid, and Horrible. (3H club)


Braham Pie-Known as the 'Homemade Pie Capital of Minnesota,' Braham has a rich history with pie, making this celebration both a nostalgic and mouth-watering experience. Braham Pie Day falls on August 2. While you celebrate the day, make simple pie recipes at home to enjoy with your family and friends.


As usual I misread the pie-thought it said Graham pie, thinking graham cracker, FYI , I made an eye appointment yesterday morning.


Minnesota is the king of pie, my favorite, apple pie with cinnamon ice cream.  Hard to find the ice cream in the south.  So I'm ok with blueberry or cherry with vanilla.


Yesterday was a horrible day, but it was filled with wonderful people.  All of you, and the staff at the restaurant.  The manager called 911 for me, which tied up their phone for a while, (they do a lot of call in/take out)  The waitress brought cool damp towels to out on Chuck's head as he was sweating so much, we never did order, I had had no food except for an english muffin at 8 yesterday morning.  When I left the hospital in the afternoon, I still had bills to pay, so I drove back up to Northlake, then stopped back at the restaurant to give Terri (the manager an update) and ordered dinner.  The waitresses paid for my dinner, I left a good tip , thanked Terri and the waitress brought back the tip to me, she said, no, we want to help you both today.  There are earthangels, all of you, and those at the restaurant, and the nurses at the hospital.. 

Prayers for you both as you go tbrough this difficult time.  

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Good morning.... a bit late this morning as I had to make a dash to the store for milk. As usual it is sunny and dry although there is a possibility of some thunder storms the afternoon. High will be about 90 depending on when the clouds come. Actually I prefer no thunder storms ... the fire danger is very high and we don't need lightning. Our hot shot crew is over on the eastern side of the state.


Little else from here. Sending my most positive thoughts and prayers to all who need them. I continue to putter along in my sorting. I also need to get in contact with scottie rescue to see about mailing them a couple of boxes of "dust catchers" that I acquired back in the days when I was showing scotties and westies. The clutter in my living room has been out of hand for some years. Time for someone else to dust them.



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3 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. I’m recovering from 10 days of testing positive for covid. Left feeling exhausted. 

Here's hoping you feel better soon. 


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3 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our TGIF Rich and thanks to our F & B team.


Sorry, I didn't have a chance to post at all, yesterday. An appointment in the morning and then it was back to full steam ahead on the house despite the pain.  Basement is done - dumpster is done.  Now I just have to hope they will pick it up today.  Unfortunately, the dumpster was dirty and before it was realized, whatever it was was tracked through the garage, steps and rug downstairs so today is cleaning and washing to get them sparkling again.


I couldn't help but pray and think of my dear friend yesterday as he underwent surgery 😞 he was supposed to have the same type of procedure as myself the same week as I, but sadly, they couldn’t get the balloon in to open the artery they needed.  As a result, they had no choice but to do surgery yesterday to amputate his foot. 😢 😢 There but for the Grace of God…


Anne  @marshhawkI was so very sorry to read of the latest development & chuck’s hospitalization.  While he is in the best place for his condition, it’s going to be a very hard road for you both.  As @cruising sistersaid you have  village here - lean on us - we’re too far away to be of physical help but talking can help.  I know.  My prayers for you both 🙏 


Prayers or those on the Care list, those suffering losses, grief, pain, health issues, worries & those that need them.  🙏. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising 🥂 



That is so sad about your friend losing his foot.

I'm pleased for you that you were able to get stents put in to improve the blood flow.

Best wishes for a good recovery.


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Posted (edited)

Good morning all. Thanks for all the information and great photos. My prayers are with you @marshhawk and Chuck. Today is a day where I celebrate myself and just relax. I have over extended my body and just next to take it easy for a bit. I can blame it on the weather, it was over 88 at 3am and heat warnings are everywhere. There is a Sea Shanty night this evening but we will see if I'm up to dressing up and driving downtown. Here is one of me and my son from last month. 




Edited by lindaler
photo didn't work.
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3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

...Minnesota is the king of pie, my favorite, apple pie with cinnamon ice cream.  Hard to find the ice cream in the south.  So I'm ok with blueberry or cherry with vanilla...

@marshhawk interesting you mention the lack of cinnamon ice cream in the south- when I arrived to MN (from TX) in the late 70s for college, I discovered cinnamon ice cream and instantly fell in love. ❤️ 

In all the years since, I've not been able to find it. And no, just adding cinnamon to vanilla ice cream does not produce the same final product. Just like adding sugar to tea tastes different than "sweet tea" where the sugar is added during the steeping process.

I'll gladly accept real cinnamon ice cream from anyone who wants to send it my way 😋 😎


🫂 🤗 to you and Chuck.

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