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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. That would not be nearly as late if you were in the Eastern Time Zone. And if you were in Europe it would even be earlier. 🤣
  2. Yes, always check that the credit card payment is directly to the cruise line.
  3. I actually laughed, more of a chuckle, before I realized that it was not really funny.
  4. I guess the first one did not impress you very much. 🤦‍♂️
  5. Somehow the market reaction to the quarterly report did not seem to take in all the positives you have pointed out. 🤦‍♂️
  6. Ugh! Pretty soon the only way to get a ship on a stick will be on E-Bay.
  7. I don't think we have changed anything we do. The year after the Costa Concordia disaster, we attended a cruise expo that a brick and mortar cruise travel agency used to conduct yearly. It always ended with a question and answer segment. I asked about the Costa Concordia. The TA who owned the agency then asked for a show of hands as to who had ever sailed on Costa. No one raised their hand.
  8. Not 100% positive, but I do not think they would approve in the scenario you described.
  9. I remember DW doing that on a HAL cruise, but I do not remember it being on any of our Princess cruises.
  10. I sort of knew that, but wanted to confirm. Thanks for answering.
  11. I assume laundry is a send out, or are there self service machines like on some Princess and some HAL ships?
  12. On a land trip, we were once informed that the second flight was moved up, and it might be a problem. I called the airline, Air France, and they said we should have plenty of time and that the baggage would be automatically taken to the second flight. It turned out that our first flight landed early, and the second flight ended up delayed just about to the time it was originally supposed to takeoff. So, we had no problem, though if the times did turn out as on the new schedule, it could have been tight as the terminals were a little further apart than we expected.
  13. That is a good idea. But, I bet if they did it, they would make it an extra charge item.
  14. I can just imagine the howls of protest if passengers pay the high Haven rate for a balcony and get that obstructed view from the slide! 🤦‍♂️
  15. That is good. I hope this works out for you.
  16. Once upon a time, it was a great investment. The stock price kept going up. At one point, the dividend per share doubled. And of course there was the OBC.
  17. Before your cruise, did you buy travel insurance? If so, you should be reimbursed less any deductible.
  18. The cruise has an overnight in Reykjavik before disembarkation. (Also for us we have previously done a land trip to Reykjavik.)
  19. Not totally positive, but I do not think NY state allows CFAR insurance as they do not really consider it as insurance. The thinking is that insurance is something you take out against risk, which CFAR is not. It goes along with the same line of reasoning that allows your insurance premium to be refunded if you cancel as there was no longer a risk that is being covered. Again, I could be wrong, but I believe this is the reasoning of the NY State Insurance Commission.
  20. Isn't it nice when people learn something practical on these boards and are able to use that information.
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