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Celebrity just ruined my cruise leaving tomorrow


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Whenever there's a discussion about travel insurance, some veteran cruisers always make me feel like a wuss because we always take out "any reason" insurance. This thread reminds me why we do so.



While I might not yet be something people on this board would call a veteran cruiser (only about 100 days on sea), I never travel anywhere without an insurance - cruise or not.


Granted that ours is annual (cheaper than having the same insurance taken for a specific trip) and is not "cancel for any reason" but it's still a lot more than many people here on CC have.


Sorry folks, I love to cruise, but a cruise is not an adventure vacation. It is a lazy way to see places. Neither the cruise lines or their passengers are risk takers.



Agree 100%, especially with the "lazy way to see places" - that is why we are hooked.

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OMG.....we, yes we are not entitled to a refund.....please read the fine print! Celebrity has determined it unsafe (in the 11th hour) to dock in this port...for good reasons. Unless your head has been stuck in the sand during the last year, you should have known that this change in itinerary was a real possibility.....I'm very much aware that my med cruise which includes Turkey next year may very well not include Turkey next year....so be it. I'm disappointed as you are, but still going to make the best of this vacation.....get over it and enjoy the cruise, life is too short! Hope to see you at dinner.

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Things have been tense in that region for a few weeks, and Celebrity should have made this decision at least last week, giving people time to change plans. I have two cousins who are on this cruise, and I really did warn them at least a month ago that they need to be prepared for the itinerary to be changed. Well, they said I was crazy and Celebrity would never cancel Israel. I know people will disagree with me, but I've thought it was foolish for any cruise line to have port stops in that area. You never know from week to week when tensions will increase to the point of being dangerous. I feel bad for those of you who are on this cruise and are disappointed.

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We are in the lounge at Heathrow waiting to fly to Rome, the UK Gov advice is clear and states tension remains high and you should consider the risk of further incidents... Had the original itinerary gone ahead we would not have gone to Jerusalem at this time...


Haworth, I hope you will enjoy your revised itinerary. Obviously it's not what you and everyone else had planned on, but I'm sure something wonderful will come of it.


Life is beautiful and precious - from this cancer survivor, have a great time. :)


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The worst part about this, and it happens with some regularity for all sorts of reasons (weather or safety being the primary ones), is that trip insurance doesn't cover against it either.


Sorry OP, I am worried now about mine (not on Celebrity).

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Things have been tense in that region for a few weeks, and Celebrity should have made this decision at least last week, giving people time to change plans. I have two cousins who are on this cruise, and I really did warn them at least a month ago that they need to be prepared for the itinerary to be changed. Well, they said I was crazy and Celebrity would never cancel Israel. I know people will disagree with me, but I've thought it was foolish for any cruise line to have port stops in that area. You never know from week to week when tensions will increase to the point of being dangerous. I feel bad for those of you who are on this cruise and are disappointed.


Just as easily, they could have cancelled a month, or 2 weeks out, all would have been fine and then they would be taking heat for cancelling too early.


You obviously warned your relatives. The OP is an experienced cruiser. Anyone with that life experience would know this is a possibility, or has their head in the sane.


Celebrity couldn't win.


Happy sailing,


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We are in the lounge at Heathrow waiting to fly to Rome, the UK Gov advice is clear and states tension remains high and you should consider the risk of further incidents.

Had the original itinerary gone ahead we would not have gone to Jerusalem at this time.

Have Celebrity made the right decision? No one knows.

Everyone would know if it was wrong!


That is the understatement of this entire thread!


What's worse than missing your days in port? Not coming back from your day in port... :(

There are no crystal balls here folks, and s*** happens far too quickly.

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The worst part about this, and it happens with some regularity for all sorts of reasons (weather or safety being the primary ones), is that trip insurance doesn't cover against it either.



That depends on what you want to be covered and what kind of insurance you have.


Insurances that cruise lines sell usually do not cover anything else, but a third party insurance covers for example non-refundable third party excursions/other transportation/etc if your itinerary changes.


Also with already mentioned "cancel for any reason" insurance will cover everything if you cancel your cruise because of a change like this.


One must be informed about the differences in different insurances too - the better coverage of course costs more, so one must decide how much risk they are willing to take.

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So interesting to read the comments. Thank you.


Yes, we all understand the 'fine print' and the cruise lines' right to cancel or change ports at any time for any reason. None of us have been living under a rock. We get it. Really.


Yes, we all understand that Israel is in a volatile part of the world.


Yes, we all understand that all of the pundits out there advise that we all should have bought the proper travel insurance in advance. We get that too.


No, we don't hope that you will have a vacation ruined in the future. But we do hope that if that happens to you, at that point you will understand how we are now feeling.


Yes, most of us are here venting our frustrations, and for those of you kind enough to realize that, we appreciate your understanding. For those who feel the need to lecture us on the inadvisability of booking a cruise due to the ports of call, please consider where and why you have booked your next vacation. Did you seriously not book it because you had an interest in seeing that region or those ports??


Thank you again for all the comments. This is been a valuable lesson on more than one front, not the least of which is how kind (or not) fellow travelers can be.

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Taking the itinerary into consideration and booking the itinerary only because of one destination are two very different approaches.


Of course one can and will plan the cruise around the marketed itinerary, but one must be aware what one is actually purchasing when booking a cruise - the itinerary can change anytime for any number of reasons.


Just like cle-guy, all I'm saying is that people need to be informed and understand their commitments.


There have been several people advising OP that they'd be entitled to a significant refund of the cruise fare because of the missing ports etc, which is absolutely not true - just because one pays more for a cruise does not mean that they'd be entitled to anything more than people on cheaper cruises in the same accommodations.


I can totally understand the disappointment coming from a change like this, but facts are still facts and the contract states what the passengers are entitled to.


All major cruise lines I've researched have the same kind of contracts, so this is definitely not a Celebrity specific situation so changing cruise lines does not help either - and voicing the facts from the contract in a thread like this is not insensitive, it's only realistic.


Well put....thank you.

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For those who feel the need to lecture us on the inadvisability of booking a cruise due to the ports of call, please consider where and why you have booked your next vacation. Did you seriously not book it because you had an interest in seeing that region or those ports??


As I said in my previous post before your reply, it is very different to plan a trip around the whole itinerary and booking a cruise just to get to one specific destination. Of course the whole itinerary plays a role in planning, but one must always be prepared to the fact that it can change and one might still miss the "dream destination" they are hoping to see.


If that one destination is that important, one should make more reliable travel plans to see it - a mass market cruise line has to consider the big picture and a lot more things can go wrong (medical emergencies, technical problems, weather, etc) whereas an independent traveller can make their own risk assesment, be much more flexible and not have to worry about the next guy.


Despite of the enormous dissappointment, hope you can still enjoy the cruise - it's still a cruise after all. :)

Edited by Demonyte
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Just heard from a friend who was on an HAL cruise this summer in Alaska. They missed a couple of ports due to mechanical difficulty. Here is what she said: 'A big disappointment, for sure. We got $500 OBC, a free drink and wine with dinner on HAL when we missed Glacier Bay and Anchorage.'


I'm sure that helped ease their pain somewhat. It would be lovely if Celebrity was thinking along those same lines. I'm going to think positively and hope that everyone gets a free drink package to drown their sorrows!

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Just heard from a friend who was on an HAL cruise this summer in Alaska. They missed a couple of ports due to mechanical difficulty. Here is what she said: 'A big disappointment, for sure. We got $500 OBC, a free drink and wine with dinner on HAL when we missed Glacier Bay and Anchorage.'


I'm sure that helped ease their pain somewhat. It would be lovely if Celebrity was thinking along those same lines. I'm going to think positively and hope that everyone gets a free drink package to drown their sorrows!


I do hope you have a good cruise despite all these changes to your itinerary. You don't need the lectures, just an opportunity to vent. We too were nearly in your situation when our Norway trip was reported to be changed totally to a British Isles cruise, due to strikes. We didn't know until we were actually boarding where we were sailing to. One thing is for sure, I'd have been more than disappointed if I'd ended up doing the British Isles cruise - steam would have been blowing from more orifices than just my ears :D.


I can understand X would definitely edge on the side of caution, and perhaps deep down you can understand why it has been changed, even if it still results in disappointment at losing such a longed for destination.


On a side note, we had a great trip over to Aegina on the ferry from Piraeus in August. We also wanted an alternative to Athens as we'd visited several times. Our itinerary was also changed last minute (the day before we left): we lost our overnight in Istanbul and sailed out the same day as embarkation. Being left with more time in Piraeus, we decided to venture further out to the islands and were pleasantly surprised :).

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While i can understand the disappointment of missing a port of call, the only people i feel sorry about are the always nice and friendly people from guest relation on board that will have to deal with problems I cant even believe anyone would ever publicly adress. I can only imagine how much on board credit, future cruise credit, upgrade etc. claims will be made on a basis of unreflected overreaction. I wonder what those exact people would do if hurt / killed in a situtation that their lawyers will afterwards argue as preventable by the cruise operator. Be happy that someone cares for your safety. Go out, enjoy a great ship and crew and make the best out of an adventurous ,,new" vacation without ruining it yourself. And by the way: please stop mixing up kindness with agreeing. Sometimes one can be kinder if honest and straight out. Maybe I am just to ,,German" to understand.

Edited by Exit89
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This travel advice covers Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories


The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against all travel to:





##the Sheba’a Farms and Ghajjar and within 500m of the border with Lebanon (the ‘Blue Line’) east of Metula, including the northern edge of the town



##east of Route 98 along the Syrian border



The security situation in Israel and the OPTs is fast moving, tense and unpredictable. You should keep up to date with local media and travel reports.


Following a number of violent incidents on public transport and near public transport lines in Jerusalem, you should avoid using buses and light rail within Jerusalem.


There have been violent incidents in Israel and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem and the Old City, in recent weeks. There have been numerous stabbing, shooting, arson and stone throwing attacks on people and vehicles, as well as violent clashes between protestors and Israeli security forces. There’s a risk that tourists or bystanders could be caught up in any incident. You should be vigilant at all times.


Tensions remain high and you should consider the possibility of further incidents before undertaking travel to the West Bank including East Jerusalem and the Old City. Expect road closures and numerous checkpoints across the West Bank. The entrances to the Old City may be subject to checks or closures.


There have been violent demonstrations in Arab municipalities across Israel and there’s potential for more demonstrations. Take extra care if a demonstration is taking place nearby and avoid large gatherings.


Take extra care and be vigilant when using public transport in Tel Aviv, in particular at transport hubs, and when using buses in the greater Tel Aviv area. You may wish to consider using other forms of transport.


Be vigilant when using Route 443 between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. There have been reports of stones and Molotov cocktails being thrown at cars on this road.


Rockets have been fired from Gaza towards Israel in recent days. Further rocket fire is possible and you should familiarise yourself with the safety actions that you should take in the event of a warning siren.


In northern Israel there’s still a risk of accidental or deliberate rocket or mortar fire from Syria. Take care when travelling in areas in the Upper Galilee and the Golan Heights.


You should be especially vigilant after Friday prayers and on religious holidays. Demonstrations and other forms of civil unrest can occur at short notice and often turn violent. A heavy Israeli security presence is likely. Be extra vigilant and take great care, particularly at the Qalandiya checkpoint between East Jerusalem and Ramallah, in areas close to refugee camps, in and around Israeli settlements and in the cities of Jenin, Nablus, Ramallah and Hebron. See Safety and security


Visa and other entry requirements are complex. Make sure you’re aware of Israeli immigration policies before you travel. Allow extra time for increased security measures and checks at airports during Israeli holidays and during the peak summer tourist season. See Entry Requirements


There is a high threat from terrorism. See Terrorism


The Overseas Business Risk service offers information and advice for British companies operating overseas on how to manage political, economic, and business security-related risks.


Take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance before you travel.




I can fully understand Celebrity's decision, although it must be extremely disappointing to who booked the cruise for those ports.

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Really?? Tell me what you would do for two days and a night on your fourth stop in Athens? Once you have been to the Acropolis, there really isn't much else of interest. Shopping for junk in the Plaka?


If the State Department have issued a warning against traveling to Israel, I would take Celebrity's position more seriously!


I have had ports of call changed on almost every cruise I've ever taken. It's never been a big deal. But this IS a big deal, this is a very unique itinerary and the only thing different about it is the Israel ports. That's what makes it so disappointing. And to add insult to injury, they waited until the very last minute to make the announcement. Obviously they have been planning this for a while, since they have had time to add these additional ports, and it would really have been nice if they would've alerted us before we left home!


I understand your frustration with extra time in Athens but there are things to do that you might consider. We booked a private tour on our last visit and spent a wonderful day in Corinth and Mycenae, an hour or so drive from Athens. It was a highlight of that trip for us. The Greek countryside(once out of Athens) really is beautiful. We booked with Private Greece Tours.


I'm sorry this has happened to you, we had Egypt cancelled a few years back for similar reasons and it was very upsetting, but we did understand X's decision.

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I don't understand Celebrity's decision at all. There is NO negative travel advice for Israel, from neither the U.S. nor the EU.
Did you not see post #140? I think there is more than a little negative travel advice from the UK Foreign Office.
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Because a cruise line has a gigantic ship and 3000 passengers and 1000 crew they are responsible for. Sorry folks, I love to cruise, but a cruise is not an adventure vacation. It is a lazy way to see places. Neither the cruise lines or their passengers are risk takers.


"Lazy"? Really? Cruises are many things but I have never taken a lazy cruise. A cruise is a convenient, wonderful, interesting way to sample some of the ports that a land vacation may not afford you. It's a way to know where you might want to go back on a land vacation in future. It's unpack once and know your "home" is there waiting for you.


Lazy way to see places - no. I hardly think so.

Langley , you have used the word convenient instead of lazy . How about we split the difference and call it an easy way to see different places ? ;) That's the word we have always used when talking up cruising to non-cruisers . Edited by richstowe
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This is a little off topic but I wanted to thank cruisemom42 for offering a solution, not more discussion. cruisemom posted a lot of helpful info when we did a Black Sea cruise 2 years ago, starting and ending in Athens. While her tastes are more historical/museum-y (sorry I made up a word there :)), she provided many helpful suggestions for our trip.


We loved Athens and could have spent more than the 1 day pre- and post-cruise we had there. Not saying that works for everyone but it isn't a terrible alternative to cancelled port stops.


Of course, that is from someone who didn't book this cruise and find out that some (highly anticipated) ports would be skipped. I can appreciate the disappointment. I don't know what I would do in the same circumstances. I can say that on our Black Sea cruise, there were terrible swells in the Black Sea after a big storm and we missed several ports. We still had a great time but we were in the minority :).


happy sailing



Thanks for the unexpected praise. :)


I've traveled a long time in this area and have had my fair share of changed plans, so I'm nothing if not eminently practical....

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You don't need to pay the 5 percent in the casino since the OBC is refundable. If you use the same credit card onboard as you used for the excursions, the OBC is refunded to your credit card. Your credit card company, at your request, will send you a check in that amount if you ask them.

I feel sorry for all the passengers on this cruise. I do think, however, that Celebrity is thinking of their safety. I would not be comfortable touring in Israel right now.


I do agree 100% with those who are outraged at the refunded excursions in the form of an OBC. I wonder if those affected could take this up with their Credit Card company and get the money refunded that way? Yes, they can get cash in the casino by paying the 5% fee.

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I booked months ago because my trip spent three days in Israel


I have just been informed 12 hours before I leave that it is going to some boring stops in Greece instead


Nothing I can do of course, but I would never have booked this trip if I had known


Random stabbings and firebombings are ongoing in Israel and you're complaining that your itinerary has been changed? It would be irresponsible for Celebrity to port in such a dangerous situation! Would you prefer to be medivaced home?

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