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Anyone else considering not cruising/traveling for the time being? ?


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I am going to be slow to visit Japan again. It is a beautiful country and the people are great, but going there on a cruise allowing time for endless immigration parades as your ship comes in and out and back into Japan. Other countries seem to manage OK without it, as well as having customs officers everywhere in each port, I've seen them patting down crew. But I love the country so this is but grumbling.


But I just don't how they treated those aboard the Diamond Princess.

Edited by Wehwalt
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My Dh is immunosuppressant and we have 6 more cruises planned for the year.  That includes 2 in europe this summer.  Just did a 21 day b2b in caribbean.  We just take our precautions like we always do while traveling.   I always wipe down plane armrests trays basically anything we will touch on plane. Never touch their magazines or flyers.  Use handiwipes then purell our hands.  If you have any small cut on your hands or arms that will come in contact with others put a bandaid on it per his infectious disease doctor.  

Wash hands with warm water and dry with paper towels not blowers.

Be safe and everyone should be fine. 

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2 hours ago, Wehwalt said:

I am going to be slow to visit Japan again. It is a beautiful country and the people are great, but going there on a cruise allowing time for endless immigration parades as your ship comes in and out and back into Japan. Other countries seem to manage OK without it, as well as having customs officers everywhere in each port, I've seen them patting down crew. But I love the country so this is but grumbling.


But I just don't how they treated those aboard the Diamond Princess.

Maybe you do not know what your own immigration people do to visitors cruising around the USA. We waited 5 1/2 hours for a 20 second interview with an immigration official on the Westerdam in December -  this was for a port stop in Key West.

Edited by colbe
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5 hours ago, colbe said:

Maybe you do not know what your own immigration people do to visitors cruising around the USA. We waited 5 1/2 hours for a 20 second interview with an immigration official on the Westerdam in December -  this was for a port stop in Key West.

Sorry to hear you went through this hassle!

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On 2/20/2020 at 1:46 AM, Crusinsusan2 said:

We are truly at a 50/50 over dinner as to whether to book the next adventure or stay put at home while the current Corona situation is sussed out and until we can see how the situation unfolds. I am not asking about a specific ship, itinerary or area just wondering if any of my fellow HAL travelers are feeling our same "pause" dilemma about cruising and traveling internationally at all right now. We have traveled every quarter by cruise and land for the last 20 years and are without any medical issues/medications yet this is the first time we ever have really taken a real true pause in planning even with insurance. Just curious for those not currently booked what your thoughts are?             


No.  Leaving on a southern Caribbean cruise very soon.  I would not be going on any cruise that took me to SE Asia though.

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1 hour ago, HappyInVan said:

Venice's famous carnival cancelled as Italy scrambles to contain COVID-19





This is another example of "panic mode" mixed with some politics.  Politicians need to look like they are doing something, even when in reality they are doing nothing.  Consider that the main Carnival day is this coming Tuesday and that Venice is already crowded with tourists with plenty more on the way.  Those on the way already have their airline and train tickets and you can bet that every hotel room in Venice and the region are booked.  Cancelling an "event" will not stop any of these folks who will still crowd into Venice.  We assume that Japan will soon announce the cancellation of many public events surrounding Cherry Blossom time.  But they cannot stop the trees from blooming and the crowds of Japanese (the biggest fans of Cherry Blossoms) will still go to the various places in Japan to see the beautiful trees.  While one can certainly sympathize with the officials and support their efforts to limit the spread of the virus, common sense often goes out the window when panic trumps reason.



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21 hours ago, colbe said:

Maybe you do not know what your own immigration people do to visitors cruising around the USA. We waited 5 1/2 hours for a 20 second interview with an immigration official on the Westerdam in December -  this was for a port stop in Key West.

Shame. I would suggest avoiding such inconveniences in the countries whose procedures bother you, as I advocated doing upthread. 

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I will not do a cruise trip so long as there is a reasonable threat of a global virus pandemic which is the case today.  The French Finance Minister has reported that their tourist business is currently down 30 to 40%.  If the virus spreads to too many countries, there is little public health officials can do to contain it because of the significant number of infected people spread across the globe.  It will run its course much like the flu virus does today.

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We were booked on one of the cancelled Japan cruises (April 11-25)


Saw a nice cruise Venice to Rome(Civitavecchia) for beginning of May, but with the current cases of Covid-19 appearing in Northern Italy (Lombardy, Veneto region) I think I will wait to see how this virus plays out.    The officials are wishing to find patient 0, no-one seems to know how multiple cases  came to show up in this region.



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19 hours ago, CJcruzer said:

We were booked on one of the cancelled Japan cruises (April 11-25)


Saw a nice cruise Venice to Rome(Civitavecchia) for beginning of May, but with the current cases of Covid-19 appearing in Northern Italy (Lombardy, Veneto region) I think I will wait to see how this virus plays out.    The officials are wishing to find patient 0, no-one seems to know how multiple cases  came to show up in this region.



Our Venice to Rome is in September.  Still planning on going.  Final payment isn't until June.  Hotels in Venice and Rome have free cancellation as does one private tour we have booked.  So we will just wait and see.  Will continue to do some planning for other tours but won't be in too much of a hurry to book any.  

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20 hours ago, CJcruzer said:

We were booked on one of the cancelled Japan cruises (April 11-25)


Saw a nice cruise Venice to Rome(Civitavecchia) for beginning of May, but with the current cases of Covid-19 appearing in Northern Italy (Lombardy, Veneto region) I think I will wait to see how this virus plays out.    The officials are wishing to find patient 0, no-one seems to know how multiple cases  came to show up in this region.




Wouldn't you just know that I am now in Italy?  Out of the frying pan...


(Actually I'm not near the current area of known cases. They are in the NE of Italy and I am in the south.)

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I am avoiding all travel that involves closed spaces and recirculating air.  We divide our travels between cruises and our RV.  Looks like we will be doing a lot of camping this year.  Carnival Corp stock is down $3.50 as I write.  Now that they have identified that the intestinal track also has COVID19 receptor sites I definitely don't want to be on a cruise ship with the vac toilet waste system.  


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14 minutes ago, cruisemom42 said:

Wouldn't you just know that I am now in Italy? 

As you are in Italy, could I ask you how the atmosphere is?  From Italian media can you tell if citizens are obeying the new regulations.

We were just about to book a cruise departing Venice on May 10th, but now are hesitating until we know if we will be able to access and enjoy Venice and if the subsequent ports will allow pax who have transited Venice.

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23 hours ago, Frank5 said:

I will not do a cruise trip so long as there is a reasonable threat of a global virus pandemic which is the case today.  The French Finance Minister has reported that their tourist business is currently down 30 to 40%.  If the virus spreads to too many countries, there is little public health officials can do to contain it because of the significant number of infected people spread across the globe.  It will run its course much like the flu virus does today.


Just to put the corona virus into perspective, the CDC reports that as of January 18th:


"The latest FluView surveillance from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that as of January 18, 2020, there have been 15 million cases of flu, 140,000 hospitalizations, and 8200 deaths in the US this influenza season.

Although the agency is reporting that flu activity is high at this point in the season, severity markers, which include hospitalization and death, are not considered high at this time."


And that's just in the US.  Has anyone changed their travel plans because of 8200 people in the US dying from the flu this season?


I don't mean to downplay the corona virus at all, but it's also good to put some perspective on it.  How many people died in car accidents last year?  Did you stop driving your car?  My friends seem to take delight in telling me about every motorcycle accident within 100 miles, but I don't stop riding my Harley. 

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13 minutes ago, SargassoPirate said:


Just to put the corona virus into perspective, the CDC reports that as of January 18th:


"The latest FluView surveillance from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that as of January 18, 2020, there have been 15 million cases of flu, 140,000 hospitalizations, and 8200 deaths in the US this influenza season.

Although the agency is reporting that flu activity is high at this point in the season, severity markers, which include hospitalization and death, are not considered high at this time."


And that's just in the US.  Has anyone changed their travel plans because of 8200 people in the US dying from the flu this season?


I don't mean to downplay the corona virus at all, but it's also good to put some perspective on it.  How many people died in car accidents last year?  Did you stop driving your car?  My friends seem to take delight in telling me about every motorcycle accident within 100 miles, but I don't stop riding my Harley. 

100% in agreement here.


There is so much fear-mongering going on that some perspective has become completely lost in the common sense aspect of things.


Some are so concerned and jump on the bandwagon, completely oblivious to the fact catching flu and noro viruses are a far bigger threat on a ship than COVID-19.

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We've only got 2 cruises on the books for the next year. An August Greenland on Princess and a 28 Day Asia next Spring on HAL. No plans to cancel either at this point since that decision will not be up for consideration until much nearer final payment. 


More worried about the effect the virus is having on the markets as retirement is only a short distance away. 

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36 minutes ago, CruisingAndDiving said:

100% in agreement here.


There is so much fear-mongering going on that some perspective has become completely lost in the common sense aspect of things.


Some are so concerned and jump on the bandwagon, completely oblivious to the fact catching flu and noro viruses are a far bigger threat on a ship than COVID-19.


Not to mention the news media looking for ratings, views, clicks, whatever.  


From what I can see from reading online, the mortality rate from corona thus far is similar to flu and hits the same segments of the population the worst - immunocompromised, pre-existing respiratory conditions, elderly, etc.


I'd like to know what the Chinese are spraying on their streets and how effective that's been - or is it just for show like a food handler wearing plastic gloves.  All those gloves do is keep the wearer's hands clean and serve as a source for cross-contamination.

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38 minutes ago, CruisingAndDiving said:

100% in agreement here.


There is so much fear-mongering going on that some perspective has become completely lost in the common sense aspect of things.


While I agree that we should avoid panic-demic (which seems very much what is happening) serious concern is warranted.


38 minutes ago, CruisingAndDiving said:


Some are so concerned and jump on the bandwagon, completely oblivious to the fact catching flu and noro viruses are a far bigger threat on a ship than COVID-19.


IF the numbers can be trusted (and the suspicion is that there are more cases than reported which lowers the ratio) the death percentage from covid-19 is much higher than it is with the flu and definitely with Noro viruses which while not pleasant, are not usually life threatening.


We are PAST final payment for our upcoming TA and the news of the virus was not a concern for the Med.  Now, Italy has locked down, cancelled Carnaval, etc.  Hopefully this works for them.  We are just watching and waiting.


We will go if we can.  We’ve been planning this trip for ages with a lovely land visit after but, it does bear watching and it does bear some caution.  JMO.

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37 minutes ago, kazu said:


While I agree that we should avoid panic-demic (which seems very much what is happening) serious concern is warranted.



IF the numbers can be trusted (and the suspicion is that there are more cases than reported which lowers the ratio) the death percentage from covid-19 is much higher than it is with the flu and definitely with Noro viruses which while not pleasant, are not usually life threatening.


We are PAST final payment for our upcoming TA and the news of the virus was not a concern for the Med.  Now, Italy has locked down, cancelled Carnaval, etc.  Hopefully this works for them.  We are just watching and waiting.


We will go if we can.  We’ve been planning this trip for ages with a lovely land visit after but, it does bear watching and it does bear some caution.  JMO.

Don't get me wrong, concern is always warranted when travelling!


For myself, I take the usual precautions.  Washing my hands frequently with soap and water.  I will also use the Purell stations, if ships have them available.  I'm more concerned with others that don't take those precautions on ships (and we've all seen it).


I do get where you are coming from though Jacqui.  There is a flare up of the virus in an area you have plans to be in, that is very much cause for concern.


My point was that there is a lot of misinformation out there (and a fair bit from some posters on CC) that those posting should be getting their information from reliable sources, not from Wikipedia (which should always be taken with a grain of salt as they allow anyone to edit information on there)



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39 minutes ago, SargassoPirate said:


From what I can see from reading online, the mortality rate from corona thus far is similar to flu and hits the same segments of the population the worst - immunocompromised, pre-existing respiratory conditions, elderly, etc.




That's interesting. I wasn't aware that the common flu had a mortality rate of 2%? Good thing I had the flu vaccination!



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