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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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7 minutes ago, singinalot said:

I’ll smile some day! About a week before Grandma passed I had to have oral surgery to remove 2 teeth. My smile is not so grand right now as I begin the process of dental implants. 🙈


she has booked Whitefield Chapel now. I love this idea.



She also found her dress today. 😭



Wow! That is a beautiful wedding dress Crystal! That will be fun too. I liked the riverboat more though. 

Oh. I'm sorry. I am supposed to have 3 front teeth and part of my palate removed because of a benign ameloblastoma. Slow growing, I am ignoring it. Probably shouldn't but I am. Implants sound like they take a long time. 



And Mimi is back. She was in the hospital longer than anticipated and has posted on the humor thread. . 


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12 minutes ago, Ozark_Kid said:

Earlier I noticed the sunset so I quickly grabbed my phone to catch a pic.  As I went out to the edge of the deck the motion lights were set off and lit up the tree and post.  I am not used to the extended deck and realize I will need to adjust the lights when the deck is finished.


by the time the lights went out the sunset changed.  We have been considering cutting down the closest tree for a better view.  I believe we will.




After showing the girls the pics my youngest daughter, who works at the nursing home, said we need to stay off the deck until they get the rails up!

If we had that beautiful view of a pond, I would take some trees down too! That is a gorgeous view. :classic_biggrin:

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2 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Looks nice.  This is the first time I saw inside one, definitely will be a learning curve but maybe easier since Mike is a pilot.

Please keep us posted.  Enjoy your new toy🤩

It was also my first time seeing one inside. 😁 We went for a "joy" ride and I kept thinking something just wasn't right. Maybe it was that the windshield seemed a lot lower than mine? 


30 minutes ago, Ozark_Kid said:

While watching football today I saw a Survivor commercial come up.  I didn’t realize there was only 3 episodes left.  The last one was great from start to finish.  

Oh boy, we better start watching them. We have them taped, but are far behind. We haven’t even seen the first one yet. 


1 hour ago, Ocean Boy said:

I love the process of buying a car. It is such a crazy dance.


I have a HUD in my car. I really like it and miss it when using the second car.

I don't know, but maybe the cars are a certain price and you either buy one or don't so no dancing? I'll have to ask Mike how things went.


38 minutes ago, Ozark_Kid said:

It’s in our new car but I didn’t know what HUD was either.  Although it wasn’t anything I was looking for in a car, we really enjoy it now.  Also,  I thought the 12" screen was big in our car until I saw the one in yours.


Not much dancing right now.  Probably will stay like this for at least a few months.


I hope so until we sell the jeep. One of the pilots said he was interested in it, but we will see. He said he could sell it to a dealer for 29,000.00, but they are selling for around 32,000.00 by owner. I would have gone with the dealer even though I like saving money where I can.


27 minutes ago, OnTheJourney said:

Not me. I'm quickly learning to hate it. After not having bought a car since '95, it has been a heck of a steep learning curve trying to absorb 26 years of technological innovations. Then, having finally started some test driving a few months ago, there are now hardly any cars on the lot with the exact model and trim that I'd consider buying. No way will I buy sight unseen. So, I'm giving up for now. I'm content with my old car, which still works great. I can live without all the bells and whistles. Plus, I don't see any car on the road that I like anywhere near as much - interior and exterior-wise - compared to what I have. Most cars nowadays all look basically the same. The same old 'tear-drop' shape. Then, many cars now have the ugliest front grilles I've ever seen. Sorry for the rant, but I've been considering a new car now for the past 3 years and still aren't any closer to actually buying one. The semiconductor shortage issue really put the kibosh on it. It doesn't help the process go any easier in that DW and I have only bought 4 cars in 40 years of marriage!   

What kind of car do you have? I also don't need all the bells and whistles, but the Denali has quite a few. I had no interest in getting another vehicle, but when the dashboard got a crack in it I hated that. Had no clue what to get so I told Mike what he would like to see in a vehicle. I wanted an SUV, but other than that I didn't care. He said he wanted it to be able to tow 6,500? pds. Told him to tell me which ones did and then I went from there. It was between the Toyota Sequoia and the GMC Yukon Denali. Couldn't decide so I went with American made. I know most of it is probably foreign made, but that is how I chose. I could've just flipped a coin. 😄


25 minutes ago, singinalot said:

I’ll smile some day! About a week before Grandma passed I had to have oral surgery to remove 2 teeth. My smile is not so grand right now as I begin the process of dental implants. 🙈


she has booked Whitefield Chapel now. I love this idea.



She also found her dress today. 😭



That's a really nice place and a beautiful dress. Pretty sister also. You both look alike.

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1 hour ago, OnTheJourney said:

I agree completely. A few hours of looking at them or test driving and I'm completely bored. 


Speaking of Tesla model 3's...check this out...LOL   


That's funny. I can see where the iPad would be annoying. I would rather be looking at a HUD or the instrument panel. One glance and you would be able to see where the needle on the speed is. On the iPad I noticed the speed number wasn't very big to see. It did show the posted speed of the highway though. 😀  I don't think I'm interested in driving it.

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Good morning.

It is wet and cold.

It has been exceptionally windy overnight and still windy now.

A very large tree has blown over and is resting against a property in our close putting a big hole in their roof.

Our front and back garden is full of leaves and branches blown from nearby tree's.

We are staying at home today.



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11 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:

My brother has a Tesla. I also think it looks odd without an instument panel. I also think that not having a front grille is weird looking too.


They stand out with that look. 


11 hours ago, davekathy said:

The model Y looks similar to the newer VW bugs from the front.   

And because of that look we have taken to playing a new game in our household called “Punch Tesla”.  

While you are in the car, keep your eyes focused on the cars that pass by. You are looking for a Tesla. It can be an old or new version. These are the cars that you need to point out. Make sure that you don’t mistake other cars for a Tesla.


At this point, you’ve seen a Tesla so now you can “gently” punch the person next to you. You should punch them in the upper arm. As you punch them, make sure to yell “Punch Tesla.” This will confirm that you have actually seen one. When you hit them, don’t be “too aggressive”.😉 You cannot punch a person back if they say “Punch Tesla” and punch you first. 


You can call out the color as well. This is not required. This just helps the other person know what color of Tesla you saw, but most are white or black anyhow.  If you go by a dealership, or if you see a truck load of them, you are not allowed to punch anyone. 


You can’t punch the driver, I like this as I am always driving.  But the driver can hit others in the car. 



You can even play on land formal nights.  Just ask your significant other first.  You wouldn’t want to ruin date night. 😂




Go ahead and start playing with your family members. Those old enough to remember the Bug will catch on quick. If you have kids they’d love a way to pass the time, while hitting their sibling along the way.  You can thank me later. 😁

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12 hours ago, h20skibum said:

So for the day after Thanksgiving, it was time for a brisk walk to burn off some of those calories from yesterday.  Bundled up in five layers with a full face mask, we did a five mile walk at the lake with a temperature like this.  




It was snowing, and I couldn’t believe there were some die hard fishermen on the lake.   At least we had some trees to break the wind, but it had to be really cold in that boat. 



The grandkids and their mom and dad came to help eat some leftovers, and granddaughter started complaining she was cold.  I thought the family room was cold because I was in and out the patio door to add chemicals to the spa. 


I checked the thermostat for that level, and it was reading 65°.  Then I checked the boiler, and there was no heat.  So I call our normal service company, and they can’t get anyone here till Monday.  I finally locate someone in another city to come. 


By the time he gets here, temperatures in the house were down to the upper 50’s.  At least after working on it, we now have heat again. 


BRRRRrrrr!!!   No, not getting me out in that kind of cold!   Used to relish it when we were younger, snow skiing out west....but old bones keeping us from doing that now.  


Bucky is freezing when temps go under 70!  😮😉 

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@ReneeFLL - Make sure that they have fixed the phantom braking issue in Mike's Model Y.  There was a problem when using the auto driving mode (whatever they call it) where the vision system would think that it sees an obstacle in front of the car and automatically applies the brakes.  It's a potentially serious safety issue.  One of the nice things about Teslas is that they can make fixes to some problems in software and then just push an update to the car.  They have supposedly done this with the phantom braking problem in the last couple of days.


Given that Mike is a pilot, he should have gone with the Model S.  He would have felt at home with the new yoke style steering wheel. 😄  Tesla is definitely challenging conventional car thinking.

Here's Why Tesla's Yoke-Style Steering May Not Be the Best Idea Ever

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Am I typing this in vain again.


The only threads I seem to have my post show up on are our future cruises.


If this shows up.


I am so far behind in congratulations and concerns.


From, Ken and his bad elbow.


To beautiful wedding gown as well as stunning evening gown for the wedding.


To Owen's great accomplishments (He is growing up so nice..............WOW)


To holiday shopping.




The only thing new here is the cool weather.


In fact two years ago I froze my **** off in Buffalo New York watching Bowling Green lose to the Buffalo football team.  I spent more time in the women's restroom (there was heat in there) than watching the game with the DD and then her Bff coaching for BGSU.


I swore never again, would I go over the river and thru the woods after Thanksgiving to freeze and watch a football game in the cold.  


I Lied.


Today we are heading to Kent State to see the Kent State football team play Miami of Ohio.

It is going to hopefully let Miami of Ohio win the MAC and head to the MAC bowl in Michigan.


So, we are planning ahead.

Thermal underwear, leggings, sweat pants, cotton shirt, sweat shirt, parka, hat, scarf, babushka, gloves, hand and feet chemical warmers, UGH boots.

I am limiting my fluids because there is no way I will get that off to go P if I have to.

Two blankets.

A Husband. 


So look for me on TV I will be the girl under the Miami Dolphins Blanket looking like the Michelin Man.


Stay warm.

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11 hours ago, Coralc said:

It does look odd Renee. I didn't realize that they have a little tiny steering wheel too. :classic_biggrin: There are tons of them here, since they are made locally.

A couple years ago, I went with my son to tour the Tesla plant in Fremont.  You could only go if you were a Tesla owner or had one on order. 

They made sure everyone powered down their phones, and you had to sign non-disclosure paperwork before starting the tour.  It was interesting to see them being assembled. 

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3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good morning.

It is wet and cold.

It has been exceptionally windy overnight and still windy now.

A very large tree has blown over and is resting against a property in our close putting a big hole in their roof.

Our front and back garden is full of leaves and branches blown from nearby tree's.

We are staying at home today.



It was very windy here yesterday and throughout the night.    

I hope the people with fallen tree in their roof are okay.

I hope to finish up our leaves today or tomorrow, weather depending 

Sunny now but only 37 F 

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10 hours ago, ReneeFLL said:

What kind of car do you have?

'95 Buick Riviera. IMHO, one of the nicest designs I've ever seen. The car was totally redesigned inside and out for that year, then discontinued forever 4 years later. NO bells and whistles by today's standards. Nada. But the most comfortable seats I've ever sat in in any car (way better than all the ones I've test driven). Didn't even have a CD player!  Cassette only. No back-up camera, no GPS, etc. I've put well over $40k into the car over the years (no logical rationalization for this other than over-sentimentality) - it's on the 3rd engine and 2nd transmission and loads of other parts. At $35k, by 1995 dollars, it truly belonged in the luxury class. 


14 minutes ago, h20skibum said:

It was interesting to see them being assembled. 

I have no doubt! I love the idea of EV, but where we live we're still really in early adopter mode. Simply not enough charging stations. I'm very attracted to hybrid (not plug-in though) and so that's what I've been test driving. Problem is I don't like the overall car quite enough to buy it. I'm really stuck on the ugly front grilles, or else would be test driving Lexus, etc.  (apologies to any new Lexus owners!! Just my take on the grilles). 

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10 hours ago, ReneeFLL said:

I don't think I'm interested in driving it.

Were I interested in Tesla, it wouldn't be the model 3 - just too spartan inside (referring to the dashboard primarily) for my taste. I do, however, think the S is a great looking car. Another problem with Tesla in my area is lack of service stations (or even where they're sold) close by. There are none. Most regular service stations (including my brother's) won't do much on them other than routine stuff  due to the high voltages associated with the electrical system. 


1 hour ago, bobmacliberty said:

Tesla is definitely challenging conventional car thinking.

We need to move, globally speaking, towards EV and/or hybrid. Best way to go would be hydrogen fuel cell, if feasible and practical. The only emission is water vapor. 

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9 minutes ago, OnTheJourney said:

 Problem is I don't like the overall car quite enough to buy it. I'm really stuck on the ugly front grilles, or else would be test driving Lexus, etc.  (apologies to any new Lexus owners!! Just my take on the grilles). 

Toyota, and their luxury brand Lexus, as well as Ford seem to have really bought into these front grilles that look like the mouth of some sort of filter feeding fish. I can't stand them. It is THE reason why I did not even look at Toyota's Avolon when I last bought a car or any Lexus models. GM seems to have stayed more traditional at least with their Buick line.

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1 hour ago, bobmacliberty said:


Given that Mike is a pilot, he should have gone with the Model S.  He would have felt at home with the new yoke style steering wheel. 😄  Tesla is definitely challenging conventional car thinking.

Here's Why Tesla's Yoke-Style Steering May Not Be the Best Idea Ever

How do you steer a car with that type of wheel? I can understand highway driving but in town where it may take a complete revolution of the wheel to turn a corner or parallel park a car?🤔 It does not seem hightly functional to me.

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11 hours ago, Ozark_Kid said:

It’s in our new car but I didn’t know what HUD was either.  Although it wasn’t anything I was looking for in a car, we really enjoy it now.  Also,  I thought the 12" screen was big in our car until I saw the one in yours.


There are many things that I never cared about having in a car until I ended up with them due to being part of a package and now I really enjoy and would not want to be without. One is a heated steering wheel. I love it and will not buy a car without one. The HUD is another.

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12 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

Toyota, and their luxury brand Lexus, as well as Ford seem to have really bought into these front grilles that look like the mouth of some sort of filter feeding fish. I can't stand them. It is THE reason why I did not even look at Toyota's Avolon when I last bought a car or any Lexus models. GM seems to have stayed more traditional at least with their Buick line.

LOL!!! Absolutely! I test drove an Avalon - nice enough car - quite nice actually but I KNOW I'd hate the thing every time I either wash or look at it due to the front grille. Agreed on GM, but they don't have much out there anymore that really interests me. LaCrosse was intriguing, but they're no longer available in the US (at least I believe I'm correct about that). 

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13 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:

How do you steer a car with that type of wheel?

LOL...looks more like an airline cockpit yoke..."pull UP, pull UP"  😆 Amazing driving experience though I have no doubt. I wish there was a dealer closer by so that I could at least test drive. I'm less intrigued about getting in these cars with sales people during covid, and actually told the local dealership that I won't do any driving unless the sales assistant is masked. They agreed and so it worked out pretty well. I came close to buying a Hyundai Sonata limited (hybrid) but, again, they don't have the exact model and trim that I'm interested in. Hyundai puts this "solar roof" (not a sunroof...totally different) on the Limited trim of the car, and there are none on the lots to see. So...I'm stuck with moving forward on the new car project until such time as this lack of inventory improves. 

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