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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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40 minutes ago, Coralc said:

Thank you! And thank you for asking. I am doing very well. I am using the cane, only because I wobble a bit. But no pain at all unless I overdo it. I am thankful that it has healed so well. Especially after how incredibly painful and debilitating it was initially. 

So happy to hear you are doing much better.

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4 hours ago, brillohead said:

I'll talk to them about it next week when I'm there... this was my first trip back to Costa Maya in almost two years, so my day was filled with hugs and catching up with the folks at Maya Chan.  

This was my palapa....



And this is a close-up of the sign.... 




I wish they offered overnight accommodations... I would totally stay there for a week!

Thanks for posting! Great memories.  That is a great place.   Thank for taking us there. 

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8 hours ago, lenquixote66 said:

Thank you ,H.

I guess you are a happy Yankees fan today.Perhaps there will be a Mets vs.Yankees World Series.


Well, I was happy for about 20 minutes earlier this evening😠 Definitely a dramatic ending to the game. Big home runs, blown saves by  (usually) lights-out pitchers, several lead changes that had the Yankees on the wrong side.  At least the manager of the Yankees took my advice & is batting Stanton behind Judge. 😉


I don't like to look too far ahead.  As the great Yogi Berra said "It ain't over until  it's over".


As for the Mets, it's not looking too good. After they run they have been on the last few weeks, to get blown out like they did the last 2 games is disheartening I think they just ran out of gas.


But those are just games for entertainment. The real happy news is that your hand it okay.


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7 hours ago, brillohead said:

I'll talk to them about it next week when I'm there... this was my first trip back to Costa Maya in almost two years, so my day was filled with hugs and catching up with the folks at Maya Chan.  

Thanks, interested to hear what locals think of the plans going forward.


There has definitely been a change of atmosphere around the town and port the last few years.

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Anyone tech here not out on a cruise?


My recharge cord for my tablet is breaking but still works, but in the photo dept onboard harmony they have something called a 3 in 1 that one end is a "C" and the other 2 things plug into each other and together fit the end that goes into my tablet, though I dont know the size. 29.99. The other end not a C is the harder one to fit.


Before I get it the onboard stores also have something called a 3 in 1 I was curious if that is the same thing or just has the same name.


I have a Samsung android tablet, not a apple and both say apple but the guys in photo showed me theirs works. The onboard stores are run by a 3rd party and $23. I will most likely will play it safe and get the one in the photo dept. .. but does anyone know if these 3 in 1 are both the same thing. Or just the same name. Different brands of the same. 


3rd picture is my recharge cord. I had black electric tape over the bend but pulled it down to take the picture. But obviously a good idea to replace. And since they have what I need, no better time.


Are these 3 in 1 the same? And mine.. the problem




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10 hours ago, Arzeena said:

Very happy to hear that! Congratulations!

How are you doing with your injury? Is it recovering well?

The cruises you booked look very interesting. I am sure you are very ready to cruise!


9 hours ago, akcruz said:

Congratulations on the house, priced right in the right market and they go.  Your trips sound great.


9 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

So happy to hear you are doing much better.




Patti + 5 👍  🌹

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How about a few wildlife pictures from a couple walks this week. 


Quite a few deer in the park




You can walk right up to them. 



And, of course, everyone’s favorite wildlife. 



It was soaking up some warm sunshine on the pavement. 

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1 minute ago, h20skibum said:

How about a few wildlife pictures from a couple walks this week. 


Quite a few deer in the park




You can walk right up to them. 



And, of course, everyone’s favorite wildlife. 



It was soaking up some warm sunshine on the pavement. 

Love to see deer (snakes not so much) but we don’t see deer around here due to coyotes I guess. We use to have multiple deer in backyard in daily basis, haven’t seen it in years albeit a few occasions.

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22 hours ago, Keksie said:

I have a narrow window of comfortable Temps inside.  72 to 74.  Anything other then that the air or heat is turned on.  My mother always said I was a hothouse plant and I guess she was right.  It doesn't cost us anymore to run the heat then the air and I pay the bill so comfortable it is.

I’ve always said, I’d rather heat my pool than the house. 😄

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4 hours ago, firefly333 said:

Anyone tech here not out on a cruise?


My recharge cord for my tablet is breaking but still works, but in the photo dept onboard harmony they have something called a 3 in 1 that one end is a "C" and the other 2 things plug into each other and together fit the end that goes into my tablet, though I dont know the size. 29.99. The other end not a C is the harder one to fit.


Before I get it the onboard stores also have something called a 3 in 1 I was curious if that is the same thing or just has the same name.


I have a Samsung android tablet, not a apple and both say apple but the guys in photo showed me theirs works. The onboard stores are run by a 3rd party and $23. I will most likely will play it safe and get the one in the photo dept. .. but does anyone know if these 3 in 1 are both the same thing. Or just the same name. Different brands of the same. 


3rd picture is my recharge cord. I had black electric tape over the bend but pulled it down to take the picture. But obviously a good idea to replace. And since they have what I need, no better time.


Are these 3 in 1 the same? And mine.. the problem




I can't tell if your cable has a microUSB or USB-C end on it, but you can't go wrong with the 3 in 1, other than you are paying captive audience pricing. (total rip off, but you have no choice).

In the first picture, the cable appears to have a microUSB end on it. The 2 attached adaptors are simply microUSB to USB-C and microUSB to Lightning adaptors to convert the end to whatever is appropriate for the device that needs charging. In your case, you won't need the lightning.

The second picture, the box with the charger, can't tell if they include 3 different cables or a cable similar to the first one, but essentially it will be the same sort of thing, you will have 3 options. If you don't need a new charger, go with the first one. Unless this one happens to be cheaper, in which case, hey, you have a new charger.

There's nothing magical about the cable itself. Other than Apple's proprietary lightning connector, there's no such thing as an Apple or Samsung cable. It's all about the ends/connectors. You can use any USB cable that has the appropriate end for your device.

I assume your charger's USB port is USB-A and not USB-C.


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1 hour ago, h20skibum said:

How about a few wildlife pictures from a couple walks this week. 


Quite a few deer in the park

You can walk right up to them. 



And, of course, everyone’s favorite wildlife. 



It was soaking up some warm sunshine on the pavement. 





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4 hours ago, firefly333 said:

Anyone tech here not out on a cruise?


My recharge cord for my tablet is breaking but still works, but in the photo dept onboard harmony they have something called a 3 in 1 that one end is a "C" and the other 2 things plug into each other and together fit the end that goes into my tablet, though I dont know the size. 29.99. The other end not a C is the harder one to fit.


Before I get it the onboard stores also have something called a 3 in 1 I was curious if that is the same thing or just has the same name.


I have a Samsung android tablet, not a apple and both say apple but the guys in photo showed me theirs works. The onboard stores are run by a 3rd party and $23. I will most likely will play it safe and get the one in the photo dept. .. but does anyone know if these 3 in 1 are both the same thing. Or just the same name. Different brands of the same. 


3rd picture is my recharge cord. I had black electric tape over the bend but pulled it down to take the picture. But obviously a good idea to replace. And since they have what I need, no better time.


Are these 3 in 1 the same? And mine.. the problem





Either cable will probably work for you. The 3in1 cables are typically designed to give you 3 of the most commonly used types of connectors, so that the cable will work for a wide variety of devices.  It's hard to tell from the pictures, but it looks like both cables have the same 3 connector types...USB-C, Micro-USB, and Lightning (which is only for Apple devices).  The other end is probably an older USB-A connector that needs to fit into your wall charger block. It's not clear from looking at the onboard store box what type of connector is on the other end.  It could be either USB-A or USB-C, since there's a push to have all devices use the same USB-C connector on both ends. Is the onboard store a vending machine, or is there a person in the store?  If there's a person, I'd ask them to open the box and ensure that the cable fits both your tablet and into your wall charger.  If you can't open the box in the onboard store, it's a safer bet to go with the photo department offering. 


More details follow if you want them...stop here if you don't. 😁


Connector types vary between companies and have changed over time, leaving a bit of a mess for consumers to detail with.  Samsung tablets use either a USB-C or a micro-USB type of connector on the end of the cable that plugs into your tablet.  That depends on whether you have a Samsung Galaxy A, a Galaxy E, or a Galaxy S tablet. It's hard to tell the difference between these 2 types of connectors unless you look closely.  The USB-C is more rounded and can be plugged in with the connector flipped in either direction.  USB-C looks like this:


The Micro-USB connector has one side of the connector longer than the other and will only fit in one direction.  Micro-USB looks like this:


The other end of the cable connects to the charger block, aka "wall wart", that you plug into a power outlet.  Older wall warts accept a larger, rectangular USB-A connector.  Although both sides are the same length, USB-A only fits in one direction.  Like I said, newer wall charger blocks now use USB-C instead of USB-A.  USB-A looks like this





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33 minutes ago, RobInMN said:

I should add, if you can wait until your next port, I imagine you can find one fairly easily at a more reasonable price.


@RobInMN beat me to the punch and I agree with this.  You don't need the 3in1 flexibility and can probably find a much cheaper price in port (or from Amazon at home) if you can wait.

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Good afternoon.

It is 57°F and sunny here.

We went to the remembrance hall this morning on Pauline's dear mam's 6th heavenly memory.

Afterwards we got lunch at Pauline's mam's favourite restaurant then we had a short stroll along the promenade.

I hope everyone is safe and well and y'all are having a pleasant day.






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I recently updated my iPhone and iPad to ios18.  Discovered a few neat updates in the new release. 

I found it handy that you can type out a math equation in the notes app, and as soon as you type the equal sign, it will solve the equation.  

Also discovered a few new things showing up.  If I open a video, it will ask if I want to view it on the device or cast it to the tv.  

Speaking of tvs, I noticed this when I was in our hot tub this morning, connecting my iPad to my Bluetooth speaker. 



Bedroom tv shows up under other devices.  The thing is, we don’t have a bedroom tv.  Evidently, it is picking up one of the neighbors.   

Wonder if I can connect and send them an early wake up call. 😏


I didn’t think Bluetooth had that long of a range.  


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1 hour ago, bobmacliberty said:


@RobInMN beat me to the punch and I agree with this.  You don't need the 3in1 flexibility and can probably find a much cheaper price in port (or from Amazon at home) if you can wait.

I have around $70 ish extra obc I can either eat something or buy stuff. The 29.99 leaves quite a bit, so I have no issue using it if it works. The one end does plug into my plug. Yes I can easily wait but I dont want to order one Idk will work.


My tablet is a S3. One of those with every program known to mankind for work I guess, none of which I use. I have a game I needed more resources for this works for. In fact the bad news is I have 2 of these tablets, though the other some friend tried to get into it and cracked the screen. I'd say I paid $500 and maybe $650 back when I bought them. One time the other one didnt reboot and my know it all friend tried to pry off the screen and cracked it. Still works. So since they wouk with my game I've played forever a war game I play with the boys, I dont care too much about trying to replicate it on amazon. The one in the photo shop onboard, you had to plug 2 of those little end pieces into each other in other to connect to the charging port in my tablet. He didnt seem ro know the size either but he knew how to plug 2 of those ends into each other to plug into the tablet. I've eaten myself to death so I dont mind paying if I know it works. 


The 340 lunch onboard is a filet mignon day 2. Day 1 is turnaround so I dont need more food or to gamble in the casino. He took one out of the box and we plugged it in and it works but I'm not sure I like plugging 2 ends into each other to  make it work? Seems a little jimmied. I'd prefer a cord that both ends plug in directly, but this was the closest he had. He says the one in the shops isnt run by royal so he cant comment.


I agree no hurry. The black electric tape has worked for quite a while, but I wouldnt mind replacing it if this is as good as I can do. For reasons that seem random I added rhe next 2 weeks much later than this week and they both have quite a bit of extra obc. Either bogo or I can spend spend spend.. a wow bracelet... idk what else other than food I'd even want to buy. I'm flying cant be more towels, I'm full up anyway. Dont have suitcase space for bulky purchases. 

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18 minutes ago, h20skibum said:

I recently updated my iPhone and iPad to ios18.  Discovered a few neat updates in the new release. 

I found it handy that you can type out a math equation in the notes app, and as soon as you type the equal sign, it will solve the equation.  

Also discovered a few new things showing up.  If I open a video, it will ask if I want to view it on the device or cast it to the tv.  

Speaking of tvs, I noticed this when I was in our hot tub this morning, connecting my iPad to my Bluetooth speaker. 



Bedroom tv shows up under other devices.  The thing is, we don’t have a bedroom tv.  Evidently, it is picking up one of the neighbors.   

Wonder if I can connect and send them an early wake up call. 😏


I didn’t think Bluetooth had that long of a range.  


 I plan on updating my phone during this next year. Waiting for black Friday sales... but not my tablet I need for  my war game. It needs a new charger is all. 


I do want a new samsung 5.0 android phone though, on my shopping list  :)

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32 minutes ago, h20skibum said:

Bedroom tv shows up under other devices.  The thing is, we don’t have a bedroom tv.  Evidently, it is picking up one of the neighbors.   

Wonder if I can connect and send them an early wake up call. 😏


I didn’t think Bluetooth had that long of a range.  


Be careful what you're watching while sitting in the Hot Tub, just in case😉😇


Roughly 30 feet is typical of Bluetooth range, depending on how many obstacles (walls, floors, etc) are in the way. Outside with minimal obstacles, maybe longer? 


When doing outdoor work, I'll often have a Bluetooth speaker or headphones to listen to music. When I'm streaming music from the indoor Alexa until, I lose the signal about 10 feet away from the house. When streaming from my cell phone, which is sitting on the outdoor table, I feel like I can be much further away than 30 feet & still get a clear signal. 


Maybe it depends on which way the wind blows? 😁 (j/k)


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One time I got in my car that was parked just outside the wall of George’s office.  When I started it weird music was playing from the speakers.  I tried punching the buttons for my radio selections…could not change from the weird “music.”  Only when I heard a voice through my car radio did I realize the car was broadcasting his cell phone conversation from inside the house!  He had been the last driver and the car was parked only some ten feet away from his phone.  (Good thing he leads a blameless life…)  Once I’d driven a short distance away it lost the connection and regular radio broadcasting recommenced.

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On 10/17/2024 at 2:16 AM, A&L_Ont said:

Turns out Owen got three awards tonight. The last was the highest mark in work Co Op at 95%.

We are so proud of him. 



Congratulations to Owen, you must be very proud and rightly so

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