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Mandatory COVID Testing

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Whether you decide to cruise or if you dont feel safe, stay home. To me its black or white.


I'm personally thinking so my stomach is a bit queasy... is it seasickness or covid? People might not recognize right away they came down with it. I'll keep my distance best I can. I think masks are a waste.


Btw I heard the cdc once again reversed itself, it's not easy to catch from surfaces as they first told us. 



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1 hour ago, GA Dave said:

The sentence I highlighted above can be said of almost any human endeavor.  Getting into an automobile carries a pretty high risk with it no matter how good a driver you are, only because there are so many other drivers that may not be good.  Going out to eat at any restaurant carries risk of food poisoning, crossing a busy street carries risk of being run over.  We mitigate risks via things like the testing they are trying.  Is it 100%?  No, but nothing in life is.

Very good points - I agree.


I guess I was making the point as you said, nothing is 100%.  As I said in another post, this is to pacify the CDC so they can sail again.    I did lose my original train of thought.......which I didn't come out saying, "Herd Immunity".    What I observe with the frantic media is the "Today, we have 1,000 more COVID Positives".   Are they symptomatic or asymptomatic?  Those numbers make a big difference.  Are we heading towards Herd Immunity?   People keep freaking out over the media reports but the media is not specific.    "Joe S, 85 who has a critical health history of pulmonary disease, contracted COVID and died today" or "Jane, 35 who has been battling CF awaiting a lung transplant contracted COVID died today" or "Isaac, 2 weeks old, preemie and jaundice contracted COVID died today".


Yes, the more we are now getting out and about, yes, we will be either asymptomatic (not forever but we aren't with the flu either) or symptomatic and heal or die.   "Survival of the Fittest" is alive and well.    Herd Immunity is starting to become prevalent as past viruses historically have documented. 

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13 minutes ago, firefly333 said:


Btw I heard the cdc once again reversed itself, it's not easy to catch from surfaces as they first told us. 




I would have said they finally had the nerve to post what they've known for months but were muzzled from saying.  We don't like change or things we can't control.  It was easier to believe sanitation was the answer.  Nobody wants masks to be the answer so we just won't say it and it will go away and all will be better... 

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1 hour ago, Karma5 said:

You have a good point or two........it really isn't safe until a vaccine is available............

Though for a Vaccine to be approved only has to meet a min 50% effective rate. As I've said for months figured CV Testing will be required to Cruise, Vaccine might be a part of it later. Have no problem getting a shot when approved, but my age and healthy probably be one of last on the priority list. Maybe we'll get lucky and CV will burn itself out like H1N1 Pandemic did. 

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2 hours ago, PelicanBill said:


I would have said they finally had the nerve to post what they've known for months but were muzzled from saying.  We don't like change or things we can't control.  It was easier to believe sanitation was the answer.  Nobody wants masks to be the answer so we just won't say it and it will go away and all will be better... 

Well it stopped the fear of handling bags of groceries and washing fruit for us. I shop for my elderly parents and now they dont have to worry about touching the food so much. They are still sheltering in place because of their ages. So for us was good. 


Though tbh I doubt a little cotton mask does much. I'm doubtful but wear one since its required here.

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3 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:

The whole point of the thread seemed to be to discuss the efficacy of testing keeping the virus off the ship.

True, that was the original intent of the poster. But threads like this one quickly evolve into a debate of “Why do I need to wear a mask?” or “Why do I need to get tested?” 

The effectiveness of a multi-layered approach seems to elude most people that ask these questions. 

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2 hours ago, ONECRUISER said:

Though for a Vaccine to be approved only has to meet a min 50% effective rate. As I've said for months figured CV Testing will be required to Cruise, Vaccine might be a part of it later. Have no problem getting a shot when approved, but my age and healthy probably be one of last on the priority list. Maybe we'll get lucky and CV will burn itself out like H1N1 Pandemic did. 

Or Sars, another Coronavirus. 

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4 hours ago, flyguyjake said:


If they are quarantined in their cabin and are not wearing a mask can they spread the virus through the air-conditioning system to nearby cabins?


Upon a person testing positive on board, is everyone quarantined to their cabins?


Would the ship need an immediate cleaning of commonly touched surfaces like during a norovirus outbreak?


Health panel by rcl states anyone who tests positive would be quarantined in a solo cabin in a separate area.  Not the cabin you booked.  Their travel partners would be quarantined in another cabin.  

Not everyone on board will be quarantined.

They will set up some method of contact tracing.  I imagine it will be very similiar to what MSC has been doing for the last 2 months in europe.

Also states they will increase cleaning of common areas.  The timeline was discussed in their report.


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36 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Health panel by rcl states anyone who tests positive would be quarantined in a solo cabin in a separate area.  Not the cabin you booked.  Their travel partners would be quarantined in another cabin.  

Not everyone on board will be quarantined.

They will set up some method of contact tracing.  I imagine it will be very similiar to what MSC has been doing for the last 2 months in europe.

Also states they will increase cleaning of common areas.  The timeline was discussed in their report.


MSC is using bands they developed that allow tracking. Rcl doesnt have these tracking bands, so how could they do the same? MSC bands someone said run off batteries. Rcl bands only go a short distance.


It's the wrist bands msc has that allow them to track you.


CDc has now said surfaces arent as easy to catch covid from.


Without similar bands they cant do what msc is doing.

Edited by firefly333
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Testing only verifies that you are not shedding virus the moment you take the test. You can have the virus incubating in you. It can cook for days in you before being detected by a test. You can test negative, carry it on the ship, and start spreading it the next day. 

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4 hours ago, firefly333 said:

. I think masks are a waste.

And this attitude is exactly why I won't sail until there is a reliable vaccine and better therapeutics. There are way too many people who don't follow the science.


The virus is aerosolized, even the CDC just added that to their website. Scientists don't know for sure how long it lingers in the air although each subsequent study suggests it is for longer and longer periods.  The aerosolized particles are released by simple breathing and talking. Masks contain these particles. I don't want to be walking down the hallway 5 minutes after someone might have pulled down their mask if nobody is around because they think masks are a waste.



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I feel like we have a much better understanding of the symptoms, effects and treatment of the infected since this started in March, and there's testing out the wazoo.  We also have a better understanding of how to avoid catching the virus.  Nothing we do is ever going to be 100% full proof though until the virus has run its course, but most of us are not going to sit around our house waiting for that either.  So the cruise industry knows this and has a template to reopen and deal with the situation as best they think they can.  It may work well and there may need to be adjustments along the way.  The cruise industry must try to reopen though or they ARE going to go out of business before long.  So eventually, the CDC either puts the US cruise industry out of business or allow them to reopen and allow us to make our own choice of whether to take the risk or not.  There are no guarantees the travel will be risk free.

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24 minutes ago, cured said:

And this attitude is exactly why I won't sail until there is a reliable vaccine and better therapeutics. There are way too many people who don't follow the science.


The virus is aerosolized, even the CDC just added that to their website. Scientists don't know for sure how long it lingers in the air although each subsequent study suggests it is for longer and longer periods.  The aerosolized particles are released by simple breathing and talking. Masks contain these particles. I don't want to be walking down the hallway 5 minutes after someone might have pulled down their mask if nobody is around because they think masks are a waste.



Huh?  I said I wear one, though it's not a n95 which would give me a better feeling of security but I wear one, all the time when I'm out. How is me saying I dont think it helps but I always wear one not following what science. 


I have also said I plan on getting the vaccine asap. As a senior I think I will get faster chances to get it than others. My first cruise is april 25th and hope for the added security of having been vaccinated.


You post makes no sense. You quote me saying wearing my mask I dont feel all that protected and then go off on a rant about following the science. Makes no sense to me your reply.


I do think science says a n95 is much safer than some of the masks I see around. Apparently it's you who doesnt know science to quote me. As I said dallas requires a mask to enter any bldg, so i always wear one, everywhere I go. I dont get why you are quoting me. Stay home. Good idea. 


Here is a quote in case you dont know what's going on. We go nowhere inside without wearing a mask at all times. I'd like a better mask yes, and yes worry mine isnt effective. Please study up on the laws and science.


"The state has mandated that Texans wear masks in public to prevent the spread of the virus."



Edited by firefly333
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11 minutes ago, firefly333 said:

Huh?  I said I wear one, though it's not a n95 which would give me a better feeling of security but I wear one, all the time when I'm out. How is me saying I dont think it helps but I always wear one not following what science. 


I have also said I plan on getting the vaccine asap. As a senior I think I will get faster chances to get it than others. My first cruise is april 25th and hope for the added security of having been vaccinated.


You post makes no sense. You quote me saying wearing my mask I dont feel all that protected and then go off on a rant about following the science. Makes no sense to me your reply.


I do think science says a n95 is much safer than some of the masks I see around. Apparently it's you who doesnt know science to quote me. As I said dallas requires a mask to enter any bldg, so i always wear one, everywhere I go. I dont get why you are quoting me. Stay home. Good idea. 



I am sorry. I know you are conscientious and caring. I am sorry I made this seem personal, I didn't mean to.


I should have been clearer that although I used you words for the example, I was referring to the people who yell at teenage servers that they don't have to wear a mask, those that think not wearing a mask is a political statement and not a health precaution, those are the people I don't trust to keep their masks on. There are so many people who flaunt the rules now, you know they will be on the ships. 


I can't edit it anymore, so again I apologize. That is what I get trying to type and watch a debate at the same time.

Edited by cured
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1 minute ago, cured said:

I am sorry. I know you are conscientious and caring. I am sorry I made this seem personal, I didn't mean to.


I should have been clearer that although I used you words for the example, I was referring to the people who yell at teenage servers that they don't have to wear a mask, those that think not wearing a mask is a political statement and not a health precaution, those are the people I don't trust to keep their masks on. There are so many people who flaunt the rules now, you know they will be on the ships. 

I've never witnessed anything like what you describe.


Governor said today he will allow some bars to reopen at a limited capacity but judge Jenkins said not in dallas cty, they stay closed. I haven't been anywhere lately everyone isnt wearing a mask. I'm just saying I have my doubts about these cotton masks I see being all the effective. My parents are still sheltering in place. I've been in a restaurant one time and out of dallas cty. I'm a hermit. Yes, wrong person to tell to follow the science. My parents live in fear, they are 94 and 102 of covid. 

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12 hours ago, flyguyjake said:

Also you could have a very responsible person who develops mild symptoms, doesn't report to medial unit...


I respectfully disagree, no responsible person would develop mild symptoms and not report them. 

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15 hours ago, Lovincruisin1321 said:

Is there a Professional Doctor on this thread that can answer my question about this article?


Question:  As the virus continues and spreads, won't the majority test "A-Symptomatic"?  If you are A-Symptomatic, you are not physically sick, but can spread it to others that are high risk that can get sick.  

If this is true, then when boarding 200 passengers, and if 80% of them test "A-Symptomatic", then they will not be allowed to board?  Eventually, there will be more A-Symptomatic than COVID Positive with physical symptoms.


How will this work?   Won't cruise lines be "Cutting off their nose to spite their face"?


If you do not have an MD after your name, please do not respond.


CLIA Cruise Line Members to Mandate Pre-Boarding Testing For All Passengers

"(12:25 p.m. EDT) -- Members of the Cruise Lines International Association have agreed to pre-boarding COVID-19 testing on all passengers and crew, regardless of geography.


CLIA's global CEO Kelly Craighead made the announcement today at the world's biggest cruise conference, Seatrade, as "as a core element of initial resumption globally."


"I'm pleased to announce that effective today all CLIA Ocean cruise line members worldwide have agreed to conduct 100 percent testing of passengers and crew on all ships with a capacity to carry 250 or more persons -- with a negative test required for any embarkation," said Kelly Craighead, CLIA Global CEO."

That statement is reliant upon testing availability in all locations of vessels. Something many locations are struggling with right now. And shortage of testing kits may only get worse.

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10 hours ago, firefly333 said:

MSC is using bands they developed that allow tracking. Rcl doesnt have these tracking bands, so how could they do the same? MSC bands someone said run off batteries. Rcl bands only go a short distance.


It's the wrist bands msc has that allow them to track you.


CDc has now said surfaces arent as easy to catch covid from.


Without similar bands they cant do what msc is doing.

Yes, I learned in great detail on CC how those MSC bracelets work.  I'm wondering if Rcl can create similar tracing on their ships by installing the technology needed.    Maybe they will do by a phone app. Like some US states and other countries are using.  I suspect their experts are working on something similar to what MSC is doing.

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7 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Yes, I learned in great detail on CC how those MSC bracelets work.  I'm wondering if Rcl can create similar tracing on their ships by installing the technology needed.    Maybe they will do by a phone app. Like some US states and other countries are using.  I suspect their experts are working on something similar to what MSC is doing.

If it's the same "experts" that run their website, then I'm not holding out much hope.

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18 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Yes, I learned in great detail on CC how those MSC bracelets work.  I'm wondering if Rcl can create similar tracing on their ships by installing the technology needed.    Maybe they will do by a phone app. Like some US states and other countries are using.  I suspect their experts are working on something similar to what MSC is doing.

Ncl and rcl just barely announced the new upgrades to their app that you can unlock your door and order from their app on 22 ships. They would have to require smart phones to travel of all pax even children. 



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