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The Daily for Thursday Jan 14, 2021


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1 hour ago, USN59-79 said:

Thought I might mention something I learned about Costco for those who use their photo area for passport and visa photos.  They will be closing that in-store area a month from now in all of their stores (at least in the U.S.) so if you need some of those photos in the next year or two, now would be a good time to get them.

Well darn.  I use their photo service fairly often, as recently as 2 weeks ago.  Many Christmas card orders too.  Thank you for the info. I'm surprised it wasn't mentioned when we picked up our last order.

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Today, a bit of a loose  collection of pics;

- Calmer seas while underway to Kanazawa, Japan;

- Waiting for the Kanazawa pilot (personal protection equipment or PPE for the boatmen at the pilot break is always a body harness to which they are hooked with a strap/carabiner (D-ring) combo to the innards of the marshaling area, as well as a life vest;

- Amsterdam's Petty Officers (P.O.) Mess, note the dart board; the Filipinos love, I say love, Karaoke and the ship's HRM (Human Resources Manager) has a portable Karaoke system which can be checked out. The P.O. is usually the place (at times, the Crew Mess is chosen) for impromptu Karaoke get togethers;

- The Kanazawa pilots (two of them) on the bridge; they were without a doubt some of the best dressed harbor pilots I've come across, complete with Fedoras, a blazer/sport coat, shirt and tie; smart looking gents! 

- The approach into Kanazawa, Japan and the parking job by Captain Eversen, right behind two Hayabusa-class guided missile patrol boats of the Kaijo Jieitai, the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF)  

- The work station inside the SECO (security officers) cabin,

- Departure from the port of Hakata, Fukuoka, Japan and a performance of Taiko (kumi-daiko) drumming by a local ensemble

- Amsterdam's departure at dusk from the city of Nagasaki, Japan, including going under the 2005-built Megami Ohashi bridge, the longest cable-stayed bridge on Japan’s southern island of Kyushu. A small group of us crew members had gone to the consulate of the People's Republic of China in Nagasaki in the morning to obtain Chinese visas. We visited Nagasaki Peace Park and its impressive peace statue commemorating the atomic bombing of the city on August 9, 1945 afterwards   






















Edited by Copper10-8
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Love those pics. Thanks Copper 10-8 for sharing.  I feel like I have inside secret info!


And thanks to Kazu I now know where Saskatoon is!  Now when I hear  about your crazy weather, I can picture you in the right place.

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7 hours ago, KirkNC said:

Good morning to all.  Hockey has returned so that’s something to look forward to, go Canes!  It will be a unique season with realigned divisions.  Those in the north (not a GOT reference) will duke it out among themselves.  May the best team win.


Go Kings 😉 (in a tough realigned west division) won't be easy 

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Thanks everyone for the good wishes today.


I’m done playing taxi service to two dogs and am home as are Marley and Miko and we are all tired.


Marley came through his surgery well. The surgeon was pleased.  He’s dopey and shakes of course and now as always after surgery, there’s the home maintenance stuff of pills, anti inflammatories, “don’t touch the nose”, etc.

And the wait for the biopsy.


Apologies as when I was finally able to sit down and get back to this thread, CC wouldn’t let me like any of the posts 😢. Says it’s having a problem with my reactions.  


so please, if you don’t see a like, it wasn’t that I didn’t appreciate all of your kindness, it was just that CC wouldn’t let me show it.


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6 hours ago, ger_77 said:



Well, my friends, it was literally a dark and stormy last night!  Good grief, that Alberta Clipper came through here with a vengeance, knocking down traffic light poles, restaurant signs, snapping off trees, and more.'''''''''''''''''''''''



Can't you tell that clipper to mind its own beeswax and stay in Alberta instead of coming across to Saskatchewan? There is however, a HAL connection with "clipper," that being the Half Moon Clipper on Half Moon Cay. They got a brand new clipper in 2019 (1st pic) replacing the old minesweeper (2nd pic). The clipper is used to transport light cargo (mostly BBQ food and stuff) between the visiting ships and the island, as well as to transport island staff on daily 2-hour trips between HMC and nearly Eleuthera Island where most reside 

HAL Half Moon Cay Transport ship Half Moon Clipper 2019.jpg

HAL Half Moon Cay Transport ship Half Moon Clipper at Half Moon Cay, Bahamas.jpg

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22 minutes ago, kazu said:

Thanks everyone for the good wishes today.


I’m done playing taxi service to two dogs and am home as are Marley and Miko and we are all tired.


Marley came through his surgery well. The surgeon was pleased.  He’s dopey and shakes of course and now as always after surgery, there’s the home maintenance stuff of pills, anti inflammatories, “don’t touch the nose”, etc.

And the wait for the biopsy.


Apologies as when I was finally able to sit down and get back to this thread, CC wouldn’t let me like any of the posts 😢. Says it’s having a problem with my reactions.  


so please, if you don’t see a like, it wasn’t that I didn’t appreciate all of your kindness, it was just that CC wouldn’t let me show it.


Glad you and both dogs are home now and that the procedure went well.  If the surgeon is pleased, I would feel hopeful.


As for the not being able to like posts, CC wouldn't even let me in.  The message said I was rejected.  I suspect the cyber gremlins are up to no good today.

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54 minutes ago, doobieb said:

Love those pics. Thanks Copper 10-8 for sharing.  I feel like I have inside secret info!


And thanks to Kazu I now know where Saskatoon is!  Now when I hear  about your crazy weather, I can picture you in the right place.


Gerry (ger_77) is there.  We are on the other side of the country - the Maritimes (New Brunswick).  We get our own crazy weather here albeit different from Gerry’s.

Tropical storms, ‘Nor Easters, polar vortexes - all kinds of good stuff 😆 

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3 hours ago, NextOne said:

Thank you for the Daily, Rich. And also thanks to Roy for the lists of concerns & celebrations -- both are bright spots to my day.

My DH received word yesterday that he'll start radiation treatments on his ankle next week for the cancer that has eaten into the bone. Thirteen daily (M-F) treatments to start. We're hopeful!


Our prayers are with you. 

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3 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

I'm thinking of Master Marley today, too, remembering him as a puppy when he was the unofficial mascot of the "Sailaway Gang".


OH my heavens Ann - you are bringing back memories 😉 

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Good afternoon.  With no pets, we will not be dressing any pets.  Our two dachshunds' only outfit besides their collars were sweaters for cold weather.  One of them tolerated the sweater, but the other hated it.  She would somehow manage to get her front legs out of the sleeves and up through the neck hole, so the sweater would be around her middle.  I guess they don't call them hot dogs for nothing.  😀


It has been years since DH has flown one of his kites.  I am slowly organizing various closets and cabinets.  As part of the organization effort, we took a few things into the town wide clean-up collection site. 


I think technology is good in many ways, especially during the pandemic, but we must be careful not to misuse it.


@kazu Glad that Marley is home and doing well, and that Miko got to go out too.  Fingers crossed 🤞 for a good biopsy report for Marley.


@Cruising-along and @ger_77 what a horrible storm and wind.  The pictures tell it all.  We have been across the bridge at Deception Pass, and it is a good thing the guardrail kept the truck from going off the bridge.


@StLouisCruisers, @NextOne and all others who's loved ones are battling the virus, cancer or other ailments, our thoughts are with you.


@Hflors enjoy the new puppy.  Like kids, the grow up so fast.


With the numbers going up almost everywhere, please be careful, social distance and wear your maks.



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Good to hear Marley is home and doing okay for now.  Thinking positive thoughts for the results when they come back.


I just talked to one of the nephews.  My sister and her two sons are quarantining together.  My sister is quite fatigued, but resting in bed most of the time.  The biggest problem seems to be the lack of taste/smell so getting enough nutritive foods down them all is a chore.  The protein type drinks like Ensure help with that, though they can't taste it.  I'm hoping we will see some better days for them coming soon.  They are in close touch with the doctor's office reporting their symptoms and any issues they have.  😷 🤞

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51 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We have been across the bridge at Deception Pass, and it is a good thing the guardrail kept the truck from going off the bridge.

That bridge could tell stories.  We lived over there for a few years when DH was stationed on Whidbey.  I remember many times the bridge would be closed for hours or longer -- and it was our only way off the island other than driving a ways to the ferry (if they were running).  I seem to recall one really bad accident when one car was dangling off the bridge...😞 I think they did rescue the driver, but that could be my memory playing wishful thinking too.



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(Hey, I can get into my account on my Windows 10 machine!)


January 14, 2013


Puerto Chacabuco, Chile

Dawn came with a misty blue fog hovering around the shadowy peaks which lined the Fiordo Aisen. We made our way through the channel toward Puerto Chacabuco. As the sun rose slowly, more detail became apparent. Both sides of us are surrounded by steep mountains that are broken by the occasional waterfall or narrow cut that was left by a glacier that went through in the past. The area has much of the look of the Lynn Canal in Alaska, but without the large number of waterfalls.


After a quick breakfast our group assembled in the Wajang Theatre to collect tender tickets. By 8:30 we were heading below to board our tender for the short ride to the port. Officials asked if we are carrying any food and look in the occasional pack or bag to confirm that no one had any items that are banned, but the infamous sniffer dogs were nowhere to be seen.


Two bright blue busses awaited and our group of about 35 from our roll call was quickly on its way into the Andes. Our guide was an ex-pat from Wyoming who had brought his family to live in Chile and was quite knowledgeable about the country and culture.  The area was quite rural and because of its ruggedness, much of the farming is done with horse and plow. The area recently had roads installed (but cars and gas were very expensive) and instead of installing wired phone service, due to practical matters and technology, they are going directly to cell phone.



We stopped at 2 National Reserves and several scenic locations on our way to a farm where we had lunch. The family whose farm we stopped at grew their own organic produce and had roasted two of their lambs in their fogon (fireplace barbeque) and served us lunch in their quincho (a covered/enclosed out building with fireplace cooking and typically an eating space). For entertainment they had a couple dance traditional Chilean dances (including the Cuenca). It was one of the best shorex I have taken.



On the way back Our guide shared mate (pronounce it “ma'-tay"), which is a traditional drink related to green tea. In the past couple of years it has become popular as a beverage in the US. In Chile,(as well as several other South American countries), it is a social custom (a group of people share the same cup) and has its own set of procedures that go with it.  Several people in the van asked to stop at a local market to buy wine. (At that time HAL allowed an unlimited amount of wine corkage free wine aboard.) The guide helped those who needed assistance in the market (with language, checking out, etc.) Sail away from the lovely bay was early and blended into several hours of the best scenic cruising I have ever done.









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This date, January 14th, did not happen in 2020.  We flew from San Francisco, on Jan. 13th, to Singapore, arriving on Jan. 15th.  The following morning we would board ms Westerdam for our 30 day Asia cruise.  

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This photo was on the power company's FB page with the caption "If you've lost your Christmas tree, we've found it!"   Seriously, it was the top that snapped off a large tree; if you take a look at the trunk you can see the jagged edge.  I have no idea how long the top span is on a power pole, but that's a lot of tree to be flying around!


The winds are much milder today, thankfully, with most of the area's power being back on.  Some folks in neighbouring towns had been without power for 14 hours.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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5 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

This photo was on the power company's FB page with the caption "If you've lost your Christmas tree, we've found it!"   Seriously, it was the top that snapped off a large tree; if you take a look at the trunk you can see the jagged edge.  I have no idea how long the top span is on a power pole, but that's a lot of tree to be flying around!


The winds are much milder today, thankfully, with most of the area's power being back on.  Some folks in neighbouring towns had been without power for 14 hours.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



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8 hours ago, kazu said:


@rafinmd I don’t think Master Marley needs to be on the Care list.  I appreciate it but he’s a four legged family member and there are a lot more people with serious need for care than he.

I think you're overruled by the group consensus.



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To continue my travelogue -


After leaving Lifou, New Caledonia, the next port was Luganville, Vanuatu.  The day started out nice with a welcoming committee and music.  I had joined another HAL shore excursion to use up some OBC.  About half way through the tour it started pouring rain and did not stop. A nice market had been set up near the pier and I intended to look at it after my tour, but everyone had cleared out by then due to the rain. 


This is the welcoming on the pier.


Lovely day, no rain yet.



Luganville is the place where there was a large military base during WWII.  Many servicemen also took their R & R here.  At the end of the war the military equipment was supposed to be shipped back to the states, but there was a shortage of transport.  They decided to sell it to the French, who occupied the island at the time, at 6% on the dollar.  The French didn't agree, thinking that the US would just abandon the equipment and they would get it for free.  Not so....the US pushed it all into the beach and it has been rusting in the salt water ever since.  This area is called Million Dollar Point. 



You can still see what appears to be truck axels. Not a good picture.  In about 3 minutes the downpour started.




Tomorrow we will be in Port-Vila, Vanuatu.


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