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The Daily for Tuesday Apr 20, 2021


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1 hour ago, summer slope said:

Good morning.  Another gloomy morning here. Looking at another siege of storms this afternoon.  Love cheddar fries.  My DM and I were mirror images of each other.  Volunteer's  need to be recognized everyday all day.  The meal sounds and looks good.  I would cut the sausage's up tho. I like the first quote better than the second one. Major virtual hugs and prayers for our care list.  🍸Toasts to our celebration list.

Stay safe, social distance, and please continue to wear your mask.

Werther's Hot Toddy:

½ c. Caramel
10 Werther's Candies, crushed
2 c. water
10 Werther's Candies, whole
2 cinnamon sticks
⅓ c. lemon juice
4 oz. Whiskey or Bourbon

Place crushed Werther's on a shallow plate, and caramel on a separate shallow plate. Dip rims first in caramel, and then in crushed Werther's.
In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine water, Werther's, and cinnamon sticks. Stir constantly until candies are fully melted. Turn off heat and stir in lemon juice and whiskey. Ladle into mugs and serve.


Screen Shot 2021-04-20 at 7.09.50 AM.png



The HOT was a remedy a friend of mine; mother gave him when he was sick..  His mother was "Bread and Buttered" in County Mayo, Ireland.  It is good for what ails one.

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2 hours ago, richwmn said:

Many years ago when I worked part time in downtown Athens there were two other men that also spent a lot of time in the area. All were about the same build, same hair and glasses, and we were often mistaken for each other. Thing is, we all knew each other well enough to be able to point people in the right direction to find the one they were looking for.

I've always wanted to ask if you were a 'rich woman' because of your screen name. This answers the question that I have too much sense to ask. 

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1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Today is going to be warm and beautiful. I’m heading out for my Mohs surgery and then I’ll be able to get vaccinated when I find the J and J vaccine.


Stay safe and have a good day.




Good luck with the surgery, Carol 🙏🏻 


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It has been 13.5 months since Mitzi and I have had haircuts and I have not shaved for almost that long. It ends this afternoon! We are finally seeing our stylist and I will chop off my scraggly beard - I will post before and after photos later. 


In 2017 today, we were in Manzanillo on the Eurodam. The town and port seemed pretty industrial. We took a tour to Colima and Comala which we enjoyed. A highlight for me was the University Center for Environmental Management. The old hacienda and gardens were lovely - 


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Good morning, all! My look alike story: When I was in my late teens, I was walking through the foodcourt of a large mall in Toronto. A woman at a table I passed called out to me, but it wasn’t my name. When I didn’t respond, she followed me, and touched my arm to get my attention. I turned around, and she scanned my face, then blushed and apologized. She explained I looked almost identical to the young relative she was waiting for at the food court. The thing is, the name she called out was the name of the imaginary friend I had as a   child. There is no possible way this woman could know that. This imaginary friend and I were twins, but she was braver than I was. I hadn’t thought of her in years. It was a very eerie experience!

I like Roy’s suggestion of lamb, but there is already a dish of baked beans started. The weather has cooled suddenly so it’s a welcome dish for tonight. At least no snow in the forecast here, so I’ll stop complaining!

@superoma, best of luck with your treatment. I hope it’s comparatively gentle for you. @mamaofami, I will,be thinking of you too, and hope all goes well.

Enjoy the day, everyone, and Happy Tuesday with our BHB’s ever gentle on our minds!


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Good morning, and thanks for the Daily!

Our thoughts this morning are on treatments, and procedures, and surgeries and our prayers are for successful outcomes for all. We should always praise volunteers.

Yesterday evening people were out in our neighborhood exercising, enjoying the 70F + temperatures, getting walked by their dogs, etc. This morning they were out in their coats sweeping the snow off of their cars and trying to understand the 40 degree drop in 12 hours. Isn't that illegal after we spring forward?

Hope everyone stays safe and healthy and have a great day!


Lori & George



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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

It's nice today, so I need to get the grass cut. Snow tomorrow! Only about an inch, which should melt by tomorrow afternoon.

Good days although I've never had cheddar fries. I like the wine; the drink is too sweet for me.

I have been in the Bay of Plenty during my first HAL cruise. It was on the Statendam and we sailed from Auckland to Sydney.


@superoma Wishing you the best outcome with your radiation treatments.

@mamaofami Good luck with the procedure.


Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

Stay safe and wear your mask.


As we sailed from Tauranga to Napier (2006), we were in the Bay of Plenty. The only thing we saw was White Island, which had the volcanic eruption in 2019 killing 22 tourists.


White Island






White Island Volcano



Smoke from the volcano1963137378_132-SmokefromVolcano.thumb.JPG.a05e4fd22e0eaf2e087a1e13d27c0202.JPG

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 Good Morning,  Happy Tuesday and Thank You for the Daily!✏️

We used to be regular volunteers once a week (when we weren't off traveling) at a local food bank. We were notified that the local public health code ( last March 18, 2020 ) wouldn't allow the volunteers because of age, etc. back to our 'job'......still haven't been called back.  🙃

Yes, to New Zealand's North Island --🚗drove all around on a "road trip" and saw most sights--beautiful.😎

🙏 Prayers to all in need!


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Good morning, all, and thanks to everyone for all the Daily news.  I get my stitches out today, and, as I didn't get the usual call yesterday, asking if I was sick, and to remember to wear a N95 mask, I'm wondering if he intends to remove them virtually!   I will be knocking on the door at the correct time, though...  I guess today is a  "medical" day for many - best wishes to all.


We went to Tauranga on the Statendam in 2006, so I know we have cruised the Bay of Plenty, but I don't have any photos - just of Tauranga itself.  We will be back there next year on Oosterdam, though, and I will remember to pay attention.  





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3 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Today is going to be warm and beautiful. I’m heading out for my Mohs surgery and then I’ll be able to get vaccinated when I find the J and J vaccine.


Stay safe and have a good day.




I will be thinking of you. Good luck.

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Best wishes for successful medical visits for all those scheduled today!  Hope all goes well!


Beautiful day here.  Will start to warm up again.  Hopefully, Spring will be here to stay!  Do wish all the flowering trees would get leaves and lose their blossoms!  Even though I love to see the blossoms, my allergies are really kicking up.  


Think I will finalize getting my new hearing aids today!  Yesterday my trial ones had low batteries and I didn't have any replacements, so back to the old ones for a day.  Glad I only have to do this process every 5-6 years!


Volunteering has been my life ever since I retired 26 years ago, so I don't even think about "Volunteer Appreciation".  I just feel that it is something I should do to keep myself mentally alert and physically active, plus it helps other in need.  It has been lonely doing my Red Cross work from home utilizing only a computer and phone.  Would love to get back to in-peson at the office, and with other agencies!  I remembered to thank every volunteer I saw when I got my two vaccine "jabs."


Have a great day, everyone.

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It will be a beautiful day today in Georgetown.  Sorry to hear of the snow warnings elsewhere. We are hopping on Elvis soon and going to our Farmer's Market and over to lunch for salad and chicken wings. Dinner last night was delicious. The prime rib is the best we've had in many years. 


Thank you Rich for the Daily. And thanks and prayers to Roy, Ann, my sweet sisters and all who contribute. 


Denise I love your hibiscus painting! You are a lovely artist!


Prayers, Cheers, and Blessings. 




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Woke at 2:30 to pouring rain. Jumped up and ran out closing windows in the travel trailer. I have been busy the last few days. I am cruising "overland" to several places over the next few weeks in my travel trailer. I was inspired by talk of a world cruise and ended up yesterday booking the 2023 SA cruise. I've been fine tuning it with my PCC. Today I put the finishing touches on my packing for the overland trip. It sure is easier in many ways to just get on a ship then pack tools and hoses and heaters and everything needed for a road trip. 

Thanks Rich and everyone who is part of this family. 

TYVE6541 (1).JPG

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Four years ago, I planted a lilac.  Every spring since then, the deer have nibbled it down to little stubs.  It has grown later in the season, but of course, no flowers.  This year, as soon as I saw the first leaves being nibbled, I put a fence around it and now I have buds.  So excited!




There's always a lot of trial and error in the garden.  I planted my bulb pot in the fall very carefully,  choosing  daffs and tulips that would bloom at the same time - I didn't check the heights of the plants, it seems!





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Good morning all!

I've never had cheddar fries, but am pretty sure I prefer my fries and cheddar separately. Just catsup please. 😉 A big cheer to all the volunteers everywhere!  DD and DSIL have been volunteering at vaccine clinics for a few months now, cheers to them too.  


The meal looks pretty good, I would cut up the sausage too and add more veggies. Love both the quotes and shout out to all the look-alikes. On one cruise there was a woman who looked just like a co-worker.  It can be pretty eerie at times! 


I got a new phone so have been spending time learning the differences -- I don't like change, LOL.  One thing I did was to change my ringtone to "Waves", music that sounds like ocean waves 🙂  


@superoma best wishes for the start of your radiation

@mamaofami thinking of you today as you have your surgery

@JazzyVthank you for the photos of White Island.  I remember when the 22 tourists were killed, what a sad, sad day. 

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Good morning all. First radiation done, appts for the next 6 on my card. Understanding the process goes a long way to being comfortable with what is happening. Thanks to everyone for their good wishes, encouragement and advice. I really appreciate it especially in these lonely COVID times. 

Our local cancer clinic has a programme of handing out dignity robes to women undergoing radiation. I have attached a picture. You can change into it at home. It has Velcro up the front and each side so it can be opened however it is needed. They are made by volunteers with a note attached that says it is mine to do with what I want after my treatment including burning! I think I will cut it up for a few more masks. I appreciated it this morning.


on a sadder note, we have lost our neighbour on our south side. He went into hospital for esophageal surgery (cancer) on March 24. The surgery was healing but he picked up pneumonia and that took him last night, age 74. The even sadder thing is that funerals are limited to 10 people in Ontario during our stay at home order. We have been neighbours and friends for over 45 years. Some of you may remember we lost our neighbour on the North side just after Christmas. That house is still empty. 

stay safe, wear a mask and thanks again.


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A very good afternoon.  We have not been to the Bay of Plenty, so will enjoy any pictures.  We have only been to Auckland and the Bay of Islands, but the rest of New Zealand is on the bucket list.  


An interesting collection of days as usual.  I'm not sure about Cheddar and fries, but will definitely salute volunteers.  I volunteered at the DDs schools until they graduated high school.  Once we knew they were not flunking out of college (never really any doubt) and moving back home, we began to travel in earnest.  Since we are gone so much of the time (until last March that is), I have not volunteered as I did not think it would be fair to  to be a sometimes volunteer.


I salute look alike day, as my great-aunt had identical twins, and no one could tell them apart, until one developed asthma during WWII.  Afterwards, when they were together, there was just a subtle difference, so I could tell them apart.  However, if only one stopped by to see my mother, we both had to wait until the twin said the other's name to know who was visiting.  They even sounded alike.


The meal suggestion is one I have placed in the try sometime file.  Instead of substituting onions for the potatoes, I think I would add the onions to the dish.  In addition to garlic, we also like a lot of onions.  @dfish Thanks for tracking down the recopies for all the meal suggestions.


The quote is very true in either version.  Another good computer quote is "Garbage in, garbage out".


It's another sunny day here, but our winds are back, up to 20 mph later, and our high is going to be about 67F.  After tomorrow, it will begin warming up and our highs will be in the 80sF beginning next week.  They are  predicting thunderstorms for Friday.


@kazu @Copper10-8 Thanks for the cartoons and the laughs.  We all need a good laugh everyday.

@lindaler  Enjoy your road trip.  Yes, it is easier to pack for a cruise than to get everything loaded in an RV, but there are some places you just cannot see from a port.

@superoma @mamaofami  Good luck with the treatment and the Mohs surgery, respectively.


@superoma Glad the first treatment went well.  What a nice thing for the volunteers to make the robes.  And a great idea to pass yours along in the form of masks.


Since it looks like we may be here again this summer or at least part of the summer, I may breakdown and plant a few flowers in the two flowerbeds.





Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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31 minutes ago, superoma said:

Our local cancer clinic has a programme of handing out dignity robes to women undergoing radiation


That is such a nice gesture ♥️ 

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend and neighbour 😢 I lost a dear friend and neighbour a short while ago and it’s so hard when you can’t hug the one left behind or have a funeral where everyone can attend 😢 

My sincere condolences and prayers 🙏🏻 

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@superoma, I'm glad that your first treatment went well.  One foot in front of the other, as they say.

That's super sweet that they gave you the cover-up.  Years ago, when I had troubles of my own, I was given a little comfort pillow for under my arm that was hand-sewn by the volunteers.  Somehow, the love of whoever had sewn it came through and was a true comfort.  I hope you feel the love, too.  ❤️


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28 minutes ago, kazu said:


That is such a nice gesture ♥️ 

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend and neighbour 😢 I lost a dear friend and neighbour a short while ago and it’s so hard when you can’t hug the one left behind or have a funeral where everyone can attend 😢 

My sincere condolences and prayers 🙏🏻 

Thank you so much

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