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The Daily for Wednesday Apr 21, 2021


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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  Love my morning tea (peach today), I admire all Administrative Professionals, having been one for a great part of my working life, and although our small town didn't have kindergarten, I've known some amazing kindergarten teachers.  They have (for the most part) hearts of gold and the patience of Job.


It's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood, temperatures are expected to hit a high of +18C (65F), but tomorrow there's an 80% chance of snow.  A lot of greenhouses are sprouting up on grocery store parking lots, so we'll go out and see what they've got to offer this year.  We won't be buying just yet, as we'll have to keep everything in the house for at least another month, but it will give us some ideas of what we can put in the various pots around the yard.


@sailingdutchy, have a very Happy Birthday!


Neither DH nor I enjoy squash, so today's menu suggestion is one I'll take a pass on.  I do like Roy's, though, and I think you could just pour that Chilled Sour Cherry soup all over me and I'd be a happy camper!  Tonight though, will be grilled pork chops with coffee apricot barbecue sauce and a potato/onion/dill mix done in foil on the bbq.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for Roy.  Raising our wine glasses (we're getting used to our daily Aperol Spritzes, too!) to celebrate all on the happy list.  Be safe, stay well, wash your hands, wear your mask(s) and get your jabs!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



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47 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I am hoping this will not be restricted to Canadian IP addresses as the film has been in the past.  At least I did get to view the trailer and recognized a number of people and voices.




oh, I hope it’s not, Roy.  I hadn’t thought of that, sorry 😞 

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Good morning all!


Quite chilly here, not sure if it broke records like they were expecting. But the sun is shining and it’s beautiful.


I am a coffee drinker, but when I drink tea I usually prefer Earl Grey. I love going to tea rooms and trying out the more unusual ones (gunpowder tea was interesting). I will give a shout-out to my favorite administrative assistant, Jasmine Quintana, who not only keeps our church office humming, but has a second job at the St Louis Art Museum and is herself a wonderful artist (and has 5 teenage daughters, two in college!). When I was in kindergarten, our public elementary was first being built so my parents sent me to the local Catholic School. I can remember having my knuckles rapped by a ruler by a nun dressed in her habit (I was a talkative child 😂), she was quite scary. Sadly I can’t remember her name.


Didn’t think I’d like today’s meal, but that picture does look good. Really want that drink, wine sounds delicious, but expensive.


Haven’t been to Norway. Not to be a downer, but as my ALS progresses I am rethinking some of the cruises that were on my bucket list. I am still somewhat mobile although my travel scooter makes it easier (and safer) to get around. But it puts a lot on my DH and daughters to cope.


Keeping all on the concern list in my prayers today 🙏.  And I will toast all on the celebration list (with a wine closer to my price limit 🤣).


Take care,

St Louis Sal

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1 hour ago, Himself said:

Chicago had an amusement park named RIVERVIEW when I was growing up.  It closed when I was 28.  They had a rollercoaster called the BOBS.  Anytime I have had a Martini my head spins like it did when I was riding the BOBS,


Good morning Father. As you remember I grew up in Algonquin. My grandparents lived in Chicago, so we would take the train in and our grandparents took us to Riverview Park many times. I loved the BOBS!! The park closed when I was a teen.

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Well, Good Morning everyone from sunny Bluffton, SC.

I am starting off on a better note today as I sit in the Car dealership hoping they can find out what is wrong with the back up sensor.  

I am looking forward to a better day than yesterday.

Don’t particularly like squash other than zucchini so I will pass on the meal suggestion and have never been to Norway.  Hope that post pandemic we will be able to do a Northern Lights cruise.

As for Administrative Professionals, they are invaluable.  Have mostly had good ones and they were gems.

Hoping to continue doing some work on our home today.  We are doing some redecorating and stuff.  

Wondering weather the three cruises we have booked have any chance of going.  We shall see.

Thanks to all who expressed condolences yesterday for my dear friend Barry in London.

Take care everyone and stay safe,

God Bless,


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Good morning all!

I'm a bit earlier than usual, we'll be going to see the grandsons this morning instead of our usual Wednesday afternoons (change in their schedules).  Of course I'll be bringing chocolate chip cookies. 🙂 We'll be leaving for a 2-week road trip the end of next week, so trying to get those visits in now 🙂  


Not a fan of tea unless it's later in the day and herbal -- coffee in the morning is what I need 😉  Back in the day I was an Administrative Assistant for various businesses and a state college. The college was my favorite, fun place to work! When I was 5 our town didn't have kindergarten (!) but our youngest grandson is in kindergarten now and loving it.  I can't believe how much the children learn in kindergarten now over when our kids were that age.  We've been to Norway and going again next year, but Vik has never been on our itinerary.


The quote is funny, and also goes with the vegetarian meal on our daily 😉  (which I'll pass on, maybe we'll bbq some chicken tonight)


Happy Birthday @sailingdutchy!

@superoma, @dfishand @ger_77oh no, snow!!!


Here's a photo of our grandson one day in Zoom Kindergarten a few months ago -- obviously no dress code -- now that they're going to in-person school twice/week he has to dress appropriately. He's our little character. 🤣





Edited by Cruising-along
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Thanks Rich for the daily and to all who post. I will hit the road shortly after the coffee kicks in and my last day list is done. I may even pick a few daffodils to take to brighten the trailer. They’ve bloomed late but perfect for my trip. 


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@mamaofamiI'm sorry to hear about how traumatic your surgery was yesterday.  It was a blessing that it is a basal cell.  So much easier to deal with.   I hope you're healing well and feeling better today.


@Cruzin TerriI am so sorry about your friend in London.  It is so hard when they are so far and are suddenly gone.  


@kazuI don't usually eat spinach either.  It is very high in oxalates and can cause kidney stones.  I seem to be prone to them.  But, I do like it!


Here's a bit of springtime in Ohio:




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5 minutes ago, lindaler said:

Thanks Rich for the daily and to all who post. I will hit the road shortly after the coffee kicks in and my last day list is done. I may even pick a few daffodils to take to brighten the trailer. They’ve bloomed late but perfect for my trip. 


Safe travels!  BTW, I love the size of your trailer - it would be perfect for the 2 of us, just a place to sleep and make coffee, etc.  Now to try to talk DH into getting one!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Good morning everyone. After an annoying night because the pressure bandage extended to my nose and I had to breathe through my mouth, I’ve showered, removed the bandage , treated the wound and replaced the bandage with a baseline patch and a bandaid. I can breathe and feel a lot better. I have to keep changing the bandage and applying Vaseline for a month.


Stay safe everyone.



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 Good Morning, Happy Wednesday and Thank You for the Daily.✏️

@sailingdutchy Best Wishes!🎂

Yes, to Norway but no Vik... 2017 Rotterdam, 19 days r/t. Good experience w/ some rain and cool.🌂

We have a Kdgn granddaughter and 'Grandma' (moi) is a retired teacher. 📚

🙏Prayers to all in need and cheers to all who are celebrating special occasions.😃




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Morning to everyone. I am also a bit earlier than usual this morning. Looks like it is going to be another sunny and windy day here. Will be working inside most of the day.


I drink tea in the afternoons and sometimes in the morning if I am traveling and not happy with the taste of the coffee. Have not been to today's port. Probably lovely.


Yesterday was  a sad day for me as I lost my scottie to cancer. He was 11 years old and I had him from a small pup. I had noticed him slowing down the past week or so and when he would not eat yesterday, it was off to the vet. Liver cancer is,  unfortunately,  is common in the breed. So now it is me and the Shih Tzu and I think it will stay that way. It is the first time in 45 years that I have not had a scottie.







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Happy  Birthday to @sailingdutchy  and  Queen  Elizabeth! Good  morning  to  all. We  have  predictions  of  severe  thunderstorms  and big  winds  for  the  afternoon so  I  walked  earlier  with  our  Fred. It  is  fairly  warm now  but  expected  to  drop quite  a  bit  later.

My  kindergarten experience  was  similar  to @St Louis Sal's. We  had  a  very  large  class  and  an  older Sister in  the  local  Catholic  School. l  don't  think  she  found  joy  in  her  work!

I  like  tea  but  have  to  have  coffee  in  the  morning. I  especially  love  Afternoon  Tea  on  a  BHB!Administrative  Assistants  should  always  be  saluted. They  certainly  kept  us  on  our  toes  in  every  work  setting.

I  look  forward  to  information  about  Vik. I  continue  to  try  to  convince  DH  about  a  Norway  cruise  in  2022.        Terry

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Good morning, all! I love tea. It fills that long awkward gap between early morning coffee and afternoon wine hour. The lasagne sounds interesting, although spinach is a tough sell to DH. I haven’t been to Norway - yet. Looking forward to the pictures and descriptions of today’s port!

The sun is shining for one last day before the clouds move in, so I’m off to enjoy it. 

Happy Wednesday to all, on befall of our BHB’s and their eagerly waiting elevators!


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17 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Morning to everyone. I am also a bit earlier than usual this morning. Looks like it is going to be another sunny and windy day here. Will be working inside most of the day.


I drink tea in the afternoons and sometimes in the morning if I am traveling and not happy with the taste of the coffee. Have not been to today's port. Probably lovely.


Yesterday was  a sad day for me as I lost my scottie to cancer. He was 11 years old and I had him from a small pup. I had noticed him slowing down the past week or so and when he would not eat yesterday, it was off to the vet. Liver cancer is,  unfortunately,  is common in the breed. So now it is me and the Shih Tzu and I think it will stay that way. It is the first time in 45 years that I have not had a scottie.



So sorry to hear this.



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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

Good days, although I mainly drink coffee and not much tea (mainly bottled peach tea).

I like the meal  and Roy's meal and the wine. Not sure about the Martini drink.

I haven't been to the port of the day.


Last night I felt something funny while eating dinner, and realized a crown was loose. This morning it fell out. I had been afraid that would happen during the night and I might choke on it or swallow it. Off to the dentist this afternoon.


It was snowing when I woke up. Mainly just sticking to the grass, not the roads. It will be gone by this afternoon. I worked hard to get yard work done and mowing yesterday, knowing this was coming.





@sailingdutchy Happy Birthday!

@mamaofami Wishing you quick healing. Glad you're feeling a bit better today.

@durangoscots So sorry to hear about the loss your beloved scottie.


Prayers to the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

Stay safe everyone and wear your mask.


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22 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Morning to everyone. I am also a bit earlier than usual this morning. Looks like it is going to be another sunny and windy day here. Will be working inside most of the day.


I drink tea in the afternoons and sometimes in the morning if I am traveling and not happy with the taste of the coffee. Have not been to today's port. Probably lovely.


Yesterday was  a sad day for me as I lost my scottie to cancer. He was 11 years old and I had him from a small pup. I had noticed him slowing down the past week or so and when he would not eat yesterday, it was off to the vet. Liver cancer is,  unfortunately,  is common in the breed. So now it is me and the Shih Tzu and I think it will stay that way. It is the first time in 45 years that I have not had a scottie.







So sorry about your Scottie. It is so hard to lose a pet. 😢


St Louis Sal

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All three days are notable for me. I love herbal tea [black tea not so much], I never qualified to be any kind of office assistant - I CAN'T type [backspace key almost worn off] and kindergarten was very memorable for me - though 70+ years ago. When we marched around the room, the boy in front of me smelled like urine most days and I remember rolling out my rag rug to take a nap, love naps. Half day sessions.

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2 hours ago, Himself said:

Chicago had an amusement park named RIVERVIEW when I was growing up.  It closed when I was 28.  They had a rollercoaster called the BOBS.  Anytime I have had a Martini my head spins like it did when I was riding the BOBS,


I've been to Riverview at least once - love rollercoasters. We had 2 nice amusement park near us in SW Michigan close enough to visit at least once a summer. Great family times. Both are now gone, about 35-50 years ago. Housing developments now.


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36 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Yesterday was  a sad day for me as I lost my scottie to cancer. He was 11 years old and I had him from a small pup. I had noticed him slowing down the past week or so and when he would not eat yesterday, it was off to the vet. Liver cancer is,  unfortunately,  is common in the breed. So now it is me and the Shih Tzu and I think it will stay that way. It is the first time in 45 years that I have not had a scottie.





Oh Susan, I am so sorry for your loss.

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37 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Morning to everyone. I am also a bit earlier than usual this morning. Looks like it is going to be another sunny and windy day here. Will be working inside most of the day.


I drink tea in the afternoons and sometimes in the morning if I am traveling and not happy with the taste of the coffee. Have not been to today's port. Probably lovely.


Yesterday was  a sad day for me as I lost my scottie to cancer. He was 11 years old and I had him from a small pup. I had noticed him slowing down the past week or so and when he would not eat yesterday, it was off to the vet. Liver cancer is,  unfortunately,  is common in the breed. So now it is me and the Shih Tzu and I think it will stay that way. It is the first time in 45 years that I have not had a scottie.







😢 So sorry to hear of your loss! 🐾

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2 hours ago, Himself said:

Chicago had an amusement park named RIVERVIEW when I was growing up.  It closed when I was 28.  They had a rollercoaster called the BOBS.  Anytime I have had a Martini my head spins like it did when I was riding the BOBS,

Was the Chicago BOBS ride similar to the Flying Bobs (also called Flying Turns) at Forest Park Highlands in St Louis?  My mother took me on that when I was a little girl. I think that’s why I have hated roller coasters all my life 😳



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