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The Daily for Sunday Jul 04, 2021


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33 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

The strange thing about this deer was her left eye was white and cloudy looking!  It sort of looked like a cataract, though perhaps she could have injured it.  Is anyone here an expert on wildlife, or a vet or vet assistant? 


I’m neither and not sure if this can help or not (realizing I am Canadian).  But, here in New Brunswick, we have an agency called the Department of Natural Resources and when we see injured wildlife, they come to see if it can be saved, is badly injured or needs to be put out of it’s misery.

I’m not sure if your state would have such an agency?  

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Good morning Dailyites. Happy 4th of July! Thanks Rich for the Daily.


We have Elvis dressed up for the 4th and were going to take him down to our local Sun City restaurant for brunch but there's a 90% chance of rain starting in an hour and throughout the day. May skip brunch and go to Fish City Grill for lunch.


I'm very concerned about our Florida residents and (my sister Ann). Please stay safe. My heart ached when I heard a long married couple were found together in the rubble. 


Mamafaomi I'm sorry about your situation with Sam's relocation. 


Going to a downtown hilltop to watch fireworks if the weather improves.  Rain should be done by 8 pm. Will see.


We are excited about our friends from Prescott visit on Tuesday. We have so much planned and hoping our weather cooperates. 


Cheers, prayers and blessings. Please be safe. Watch out for those crazy drivers!



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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  Happy Independence Day to my CC friends in the United States.  As a child, I remember helping my mom make a scarecrow for the garden we had out at the farm.  It was fun putting an old shirt and pants on it, trying to make it look real enough to actually do the job.  Mom stuffed it with straw, leaving the pant legs and sleeves partially empty to flap in the breeze.  I'm not a great country music fan - there are a few songs I enjoy, but prefer old time rock and roll.  DH is more of an American Songbook kind of guy, and really doesn't care for country music.


@mamaofami what trials and tribulations you've had to go through to get decent care for Sam; hopefully with your children's help, things will finally be worked out with positive results.


@rafinmd thank you for putting our friend on the care list - it was a lovely send-off for him at a regional park.  Everyone brought lawn chairs and umbrellas, and many who lived at the park seasonally rode their golf carts and lined them up at the back of the assembly.  After the touching service, those with golf carts held a parade through the park - something our friend began for special occasions after coming back from spending many winters in Palm Springs.  Lots of balloons, streamers, and smiles to bid him a fond farewell.


We had a large storm cell pass through the "frozen tundra" last night with lots of thunder, and some rain, helping to break through the hot temperatures we've been subjected to this past week.  Hopefully the storms haven't created any wildfires, as has been happening in British Columbia the past few days.


I enjoy margaritas, especially strawberry ones, have had today's wine, and who doesn't like today's meal suggestion?  Summer used to mean an abundance of weiner roasts and mom cooking burgers on our little round charcoal grill in the back yard.  This year it'll be DH cooking hot dogs and sliders on our BBQ.  I'm making up a small potato salad that will accompany the goodies from the grill to fill the table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Raising the glasses tonight to toast all on the happy list.  Stay well, be safe, wash your hands, wear your masks, and hydrate!



Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂


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Good Morning Everyone from a bright and sunny day at the beach ( right now anyway)

    Happy 4rth to everyone celebrating. The fireworks did go off as scheduled last nite. Rain stopped just before 8pm. The most amazing thing happened. At the end of the fireworks display, everyone was clapping as always. Then suddenly we heard someone singing "God Bless America", then the whole crowd joined in ! It was amazing. Made me cry.  

    Quiet day today. Watching the path of the storm.


Stay safe and enjoy today


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20 minutes ago, kazu said:


I’m neither and not sure if this can help or not (realizing I am Canadian).  But, here in New Brunswick, we have an agency called the Department of Natural Resources and when we see injured wildlife, they come to see if it can be saved, is badly injured or needs to be put out of it’s misery.

I’m not sure if your state would have such an agency?  


Jacqui, after the holiday I'll call someone and make some inquiries.  There is a wildlife rehabilitation center in our neighboring county so they may have some answers about this deer and her eye.  She didn't seem to be in any distress but may go blind in that eye.  Anyway, we will see what the experts say.  If she comes back to nibble on the vegetation today I will try to get a photo of her.  

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1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Happy Independence Day , America.

we lost the appeal with Kessler to extend Sam’s stay, and are now being informed that since none of the facilities we are looking at are open over the weekend, something we weren’t informed about, we are responsible for paying $1874 per day to Kessler until the admissions people return to work on Tuesday.  We were told that Kessler would be open over the weekend and assumed that would be the case for admissions at the facilities we asked them to look into. Last night was the first time they used the term skilled nursing facility rather than sub acute facility and I’m not sure of the difference.

So sorry this is happening. The difference between a Sub Acute and SNF is acuity/ level of care required. Maybe this link might help. 

Several years ago my boss’s parent was moved from the hospital to a sub-Acute. We were surprised at how high the acuity level was at the sub-acute. There are surprisingly few sub-acutes in this area.

I would expect Medicare to cover some days of rehab if your DH requires it (ie:meets the standard).



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4 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning Everyone from a bright and sunny day at the beach ( right now anyway)

    Happy 4rth to everyone celebrating. The fireworks did go off as scheduled last nite. Rain stopped just before 8pm. The most amazing thing happened. At the end of the fireworks display, everyone was clapping as always. Then suddenly we heard someone singing "God Bless America", then the whole crowd joined in ! It was amazing. Made me cry.  

    Quiet day today. Watching the path of the storm.


Stay safe and enjoy today



You gave me goose bumps with that story.  Hearing about people honoring our flag and country is not something we hear about in the news lately.  More like the opposite of that.  The anti-American activists seem to make the news every day.  I'm happy to hear about your patriotic crowd, and that you got to enjoy it.


Hoping you and all Floridians stay safe in the upcoming storm.  Praying for you all.

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I've been to Bar Harbor on a cruise, but I don't have many pictures since the weather was rainy and very cold. Here's one of the few:


Most of the cruise, come to think of it, had bad weather. It was in October, and while it was warm and sunny when we boarded in NYC, rain was starting by the time we passed the Statue of Liberty. We sailed directly into storms between NYC and Halifax, and during our first night out these peculiar white paper bags - you know the kind I mean - appeared on every staircase landing and throughout the ship. That morning, every conversation I overheard at breakfast included the word "Dramamine."

I'm not prone to seasickness, but the motion of the ship was strong enough that I feared falling. In the middle of the afternoon, a loud crack was heard throughout the ship and the bow pitched down so sharply that water came over deck 13.


It was raining lightly in Halifax and Saint John, hard in Bar Harbor. Boston, in contrast, was sunny and warm. Newport was overcast but not actually raining (much), and we disembarked in Manhattan in the rain.


Dinner here will probably be hamburgers, but vegan and not cooked on the grill, as they stick too badly.


I do have the flag flying. Didn't on Memorial Day or Flag Day because of rain most of both days.

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Good Morning Dailyites! Wishing everyone a terrific Independence Day.


Here in Central VA, we are experiencing (touch wood) incredibly good weather for this time of year: temps in the 80s and low-ish humidity. DH loves it because it means multiple burgers for dinner evenings, LOL. I try to change it up a little with ground chicken in addition to traditional beef burgers. We have even tried Beyond Meat burgers and were pleasantly surprised.


During the day, we will visit our town’s main park that has scheduled patriotic events by our local Sons of the American Revolution chapter. Our Congresswoman will be there too (we are at the outer reaches of her 10-county district). After dinner, we will watch the DC fireworks on TV. When we lived in the suburbs of Washington and things were more accessible, we spent many a Memorial Day/4th of July down on the Mall with friends, enjoying a picnic before the shows. 


@mamaofami Carole, please, you are not complaining. As a member of your ‘Daily Family,’ I am astounded at how well you have handled recent events. And I am sure that I am not alone. Your daughter and son-in-law are advocating for you now and always. Your strength of character is breathtaking. And we here on CC are cheering you on during this difficult time. Please continue to share your progress.


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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

My  dog  was  huddled against  me  last  night  due  to  the  many  fireworks  going  off  in  the  neighborhood. I  turned  the  AC  on in  the bedroom  to  counter  the  noise somewhat. I  have  no  problem  with  professional  organized  fireworks  displays  but  hate  the  sounds  in  the  street going  on  for  hours.


I hear you and completely agree.  Fireworks don’t just affect most animals, they affect a lot of veterans too.

People need to start posting these signs:



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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

I’m discovering that a Lego set that states for ages five and above should also state for ages 70 and below!😱

I remember Legos when the DDs were young.  Just a word of caution, in carpet those little pieces are sometimes hard to find.  Be careful when walking barefooted!  But that is one way to find missing pieces.  🤣

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31 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Jacqui, after the holiday I'll call someone and make some inquiries. 

Georgia Department of Natural Resources


The Georgia Department of Natural Resources is an administrative agency of the U.S. state of Georgia. The agency has statewide responsibilities for managing and conserving Georgia's natural, cultural, and historical resources, and has six divisions: • Coastal Resources • Environmental Protection • Historic Preservation • Law Enforcement • Parks, Recreation & Historic Sites • Wildlife Resources.Wikipedia
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1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Happy Independence Day , America.

we lost the appeal with Kessler to extend Sam’s stay, and are now being informed that since none of the facilities we are looking at are open over the weekend, something we weren’t informed about, we are responsible for paying $1874 per day to Kessler until the admissions people return to work on Tuesday.  We were told that Kessler would be open over the weekend and assumed that would be the case for admissions at the facilities we asked them to look into. Last night was the first time they used the term skilled nursing facility rather than sub acute facility and I’m not sure of the difference.  My daughter signed her last email to the social worker supervisor with her full name, title, and law firm to which she is senior counsel. We have a copy of the emails back and forth and if necessary, will wind up taking legal action, not something any of us want to do.


On the bright side, Sam continues to improve every day. Yesterday he walked 60:feet without the walker. He can dress and undress himself, and use the toilet facilities on his own. His speech and memory are good, and I am afraid he will have surpassed the medical needs of sub acute and will come home on Tuesday and I will  be left scrambling to find an agency and an aide. 

And so this saga continues. I am worn out by what feels like a battle to get him the appropriate care. Sorry for so much complaining.




Carol, first don't be sorry for the complaining.  Everyone needs to vent occasionally,  and families are there to listen to the venting and lend what support they can.  Just remember the Daily is one big family that supports those who need it and cheers those who are celebrating.  Here's hoping everything gets straightened out Tuesday,


While I know it's difficult, try to relax and take care of yourself.  You are not alone.  Your kids are helping, and the Dailites are supporting you anyway we can.  Sending a big virtual HUG.





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Happy Sunday to all, and Independence Day for those of us south of our Canadian neighbors!

We will include hot dogs and baseball in our day.

Bar Harbor was on the itinerary of several of our cancelled cruises.  Someday, I hope, someday!

@mamaofamiI am so sorry that you have the stress of dealing with insurance bureaucracy.  It seems that those presenting 👍 or 👎 have lost every ounce of compassion and don’t recall the Golden Rule.  I am grateful you have your children to fight hard for you.

@smitty34877 I totally agree about neighborhood fireworks.  Whether inside or outside, the animals in particular suffer.

@aliaschief you sound like a wonderful Pop Pop!

Stay safe and healthy, everyone, BHB’s are in our future!

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@StLouisCruisers I watch tv late in the evening while knitting toques, and have been enjoying North Woods Law and Lone Star Law.  I suggest you contact the US Fish and Wildlife Services in your area - they're out there every day of the year to help with animal issues.  Hopefully they can find the deer to check out if it may be in danger because of the partial blindness.  Keep us posted, will you, please?


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Thank you for today's daily and care reports.

I hope all my US cc friends are enjoying Independence Day and the holiday weekend.

I enjoy Country music.

Nice meals,drinks and port days today.

The expected rain has not appeared and at 15.20pm it is 62°F and sunny.

We have just  had home made soup in the garden for lunch.

Hope everyone is having a great day.



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Good morning all and Happy 4th of July!  

I never have, but it might be fun to build a scarecrow.  Loved Kazu's meme about the cell phone!!  Not a fan of country music, but there are a few songs I like.  Agree SO much about neighbors who set off firecrackers -- especially as dry as it is this year.  And our area is booming for a solid week.  


I love Bar Harbor and have been there 4 times (last time was on the Voyage of the Vikings, twice for spring-time East Coast cruises and once for an East Coast cruise in the fall).  We've done the Oli's Trolley, a private tour, city tour, and the last time we just walked for hours on our own.


I hope I'm not duplicating photos, here's a collection of our 4 times there.


The obligatory lobster roll



View from Cadillac Mountain in the spring



I call this the Jay Leno Rock132913769_JayLenorock.jpg.f66cb52b53e27dc7e5b873587661a83b.jpg










Thunder Hole





Wild blueberry pie




Edited by Cruising-along
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2 hours ago, Sir PMP said:

Lobster port Bar Harbor, Maine:





This is such a beautiful and peaceful picture. I will look at it when the heat in the afternoon becomes uncomfortable. Love the colors. 
Thanks Rich and all my daily contributing family here on the Daily. 
Happy Fourth of July. My goal today is to hide at home. Not only  Vets but first Responders can be affected by fireworks. 

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36 minutes ago, kazu said:


I hear you and completely agree.  Fireworks don’t just affect most animals, they affect a lot of veterans too.

People need to start posting these signs:




Our sweet border collie/blue heeler Mackenzie was afraid of thunder, fireworks, gun shots.. She would wake me up at the 1st crack and I would take my pillow into the closet and sleep with her. 

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26 minutes ago, richwmn said:
Georgia Department of Natural Resources


The Georgia Department of Natural Resources is an administrative agency of the U.S. state of Georgia. The agency has statewide responsibilities for managing and conserving Georgia's natural, cultural, and historical resources, and has six divisions: • Coastal Resources • Environmental Protection • Historic Preservation • Law Enforcement • Parks, Recreation & Historic Sites • Wildlife Resources.Wikipedia


Thanks for the resources, Rich.

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18 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

@StLouisCruisers I watch tv late in the evening while knitting toques, and have been enjoying North Woods Law and Lone Star Law.  I suggest you contact the US Fish and Wildlife Services in your area - they're out there every day of the year to help with animal issues.  Hopefully they can find the deer to check out if it may be in danger because of the partial blindness.  Keep us posted, will you, please?


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



You got it Gerry!

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3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you for the Fourth of July report, Rich.  Not really a Country Music Fan but I enjoy it.  Will pass on the Scarecrow.  Like the quote and love Bar Harbor.  The meal suggestion is nice.  My alternative is Mixed Gourmet Greens, Oven Roasted Chicken, and NSA Strawberry Ice Cream what I might have had on MS Zaandam July 4, 2002 when the Zaandam was in Ketchikan.


I was quite distracted by last night's Crystal Serenity sailaway so I hope I didn't miss anything major in the lists:


Today’s care list:

Welfare of furloughed crews
Garlictown difficutl recovery from arm surgery
Western wildfires, Especially Lyttlon
Ger_77's friend
Mamaofami rehab center problems
First responder in Surfside, Florida recovering own child
smitty34877's Miss Camilla in NICU

From the rotation:
StLouisSal’s weakness and fall injuries
Mary229's sister resting after treatment for agressive cancer


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

Happy Independence Day
Front Line Health Care Workers

Jabs for HAL crew at Los Angeles, San Diego and Fort Lauderdale
wandb DS with great cat scan results
Explorer OTS housing Surfsice first responders
great scan result for wandb sister
Laseyv and son in Sedonia for a week
highland cruiser at Diamond Lake
St. Pete Cruiser on a road trip
Carol’s children standing up for their father
Miss Camila moveg to NICU closer to family
Nieuw Amsterdam 11 years old
Dfish in Michigan
Nieuw Statendam in Everglades Monday
CrazyforCats in Pennsylvania
Bennybear DSIL back home
HorizonChaser1857 visiting DS in Okanagan

Mr Boston visiting mom in Michigan

and Staff Captain Sabine, HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)




Thanks for the Care and Shout Out Lists.  Happy Birthday Nieuw Amsterdam.  She is my favorite HAL Ship.

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