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The Daily for Saturday 01/08/2022


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Thanks for our Saturday Daily, Rich.


I need a bubble bath after the bit of shovelling I did last night & a pulled muscle to try to stay on top of the storm.  It didn’t do me much good.  This is the back deck despite my efforts. I don’t know how much snow we got but it is deeper than my high boots.




I was in a very bad place last night already feeling overwhelmed when my stupid power shovel wouldn’t stay charged and I realized I was stuck with the mess shovelling.  A dear friend reached out and found me two people who celebrate National JoyGerm day and they came to my rescue ♥️  They even did a path for the dogs all the way out back ♥️ 




Life has not been good this week and seem to be going from bad to worse.  Speaking to Jose’s doctor yesterday - the neurologist is re-assessing him next week hopefully (I say hopefully as covid has really mucked things up at the hospital and care ) and they will be trying something new to try to get his “confusion” stabilized.  She has pretty much made it clear that unless there is a miracle, he will not be coming home.  He is going to need care 24/7 with his medical problems and his confusion and she used the N word (nursing home) 😢  Assessment hasn’t been done yet and probably won’t be for a couple of weeks or more with covid.

To add to my bad place, yesterday was the final covid test day for Jose’s unit so I called to see if they had the results and if I could go in today.  There has been an outbreak and I am not allowed in for another 14 - 28 days. 😢  They don’t know which it will be.  I am starting to think that no news is good news.


I do like the Dr. Seuss quote.  @mamaofamiI hope the new aide works out and glad you ridded yourself of the old one.  @marshhawkI agree on supplies.  Pet food can be hard to get your hands on.  I just sent 3 boxes of prescription cat food to a friend in Calgary as she couldn’t get it there 😱 




Sorry to be a gloomy Gus - not much good is happening here.  I’ll have to make sure I only have one glass of wine tonight.




Prayers for everyone on Roy’s Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a good Saturday everyone !!!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 

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Good morning friends!  Wow, another day we started at 28F, colder than Julia @JAM37in the more mountainous region of Georgia,  We're heading for 52F with sunny skies today.  Anyone in the frozen tundra would love to be here I bet.  Well come on down!  We went to the gym bright and early so that's checked off the list.  No plans other than laundry today.  


I have not been to Puerto Chacabuco, Chile.  The last time we had that port was June 14.  Love the description of Joygerm Day and fully endorse it.  Bubble baths are nice but I rarely take one.  Male watchers day?  I'll be glad to watch DH today in order to participate with y'all.  I wouldn't mind some gnocchi soup.  Looks pretty good Debbie @dfish@mamaofamiCarol, I hope the service can find you a decent aide soon.  I know how essential they are for Sam, and to help you out with whatever you can't handle yourself.  Prayers for all our Care list people and thanks to Roy @rafinmdfor keeping them updated.  Extra support and prayers for Jacqui @kazuand Jose.  Especially hope you can get to the hospital this weekend to see him.  Thanks Rich @richwmnfor handling the fleet line-up and initiating our Daily.  Have a good day all!


Edited to add I just read Jacqui's post and I'm so sorry to hear the latest report on Jose.  Praying for extra strength for you as you process this and plan for the future.  🙏

Edited by StLouisCruisers
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@kazu you've got more on your plate than anyone should have.  I'm sorry to hear Jose's progress isn't what everyone had hoped, but that won't stop us from praying for a miracle.  


Thank goodness your neighbour found some snow angels who helped out with the shoveling for you.  I know it's hard to reach out and ask, but sometimes we have to humble ourselves and do just that.  Please know DH and I will continue to keep you and Jose in our prayers.


After the kind of day you had, I wouldn't be surprised if you drank your Cardboardeaux straight from the spigot!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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11 minutes ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Saturday Daily, Rich.


I need a bubble bath after the bit of shovelling I did last night & a pulled muscle to try to stay on top of the storm.  It didn’t do me much good.  This is the back deck despite my efforts. I don’t know how much snow we got but it is deeper than my high boots.




I was in a very bad place last night already feeling overwhelmed when my stupid power shovel wouldn’t stay charged and I realized I was stuck with the mess shovelling.  A dear friend reached out and found me two people who celebrate National JoyGerm day and they came to my rescue ♥️  They even did a path for the dogs all the way out back ♥️ 




Life has not been good this week and seem to be going from bad to worse.  Speaking to Jose’s doctor yesterday - the neurologist is re-assessing him next week hopefully (I say hopefully as covid has really mucked things up at the hospital and care ) and they will be trying something new to try to get his “confusion” stabilized.  She has pretty much made it clear that unless there is a miracle, he will not be coming home.  He is going to need care 24/7 with his medical problems and his confusion and she used the N word (nursing home) 😢  Assessment hasn’t been done yet and probably won’t be for a couple of weeks or more with covid.

To add to my bad place, yesterday was the final covid test day for Jose’s unit so I called to see if they had the results and if I could go in today.  There has been an outbreak and I am not allowed in for another 14 - 28 days. 😢  They don’t know which it will be.  I am starting to think that no news is good news.


I do like the Dr. Seuss quote.  @mamaofamiI hope the new aide works out and glad you ridded yourself of the old one.  @marshhawkI agree on supplies.  Pet food can be hard to get your hands on.  I just sent 3 boxes of prescription cat food to a friend in Calgary as she couldn’t get it there 😱 




Sorry to be a gloomy Gus - not much good is happening here.  I’ll have to make sure I only have one glass of wine tonight.




Prayers for everyone on Roy’s Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a good Saturday everyone !!!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 


@kazu,Jacqui, I am so sorry to hear of the ongoing issues and difficult news from the doctors. The huge snowfall and continuing Covid issues just make things worse. I am glad the “angels” came to help with the shoveling and I hope you have people to talk to.Of course,you have all of us.  Please take care.

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37 minutes ago, kazu said:


Jacqui, I was so sad to read your post this morning, I can understand your being overwhelmed. it has to be so difficult as you cannot see Jose or even have face to face talks with his medical team. 

I am glad you were helped by your "snow angels" and i hope you can get more help if needed in the future.

I will keep you both in my prayers, and hope for strength for you at this difficult time.


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Slept late, had coffee, read newspaper and just finished reading all of the Daily news.


Today is my day in the kitchen as I’m going to be making my spaghetti sauce from scratch. It is quite the process as I use fresh Roma tomatoes, pork neck bones for flavoring and it gets tweaked throughout the day with fresh herbs and seasoning. Of course there is a lot of red wine included and some on the side for the chef. We are having our neighbors from across the street over as they really enjoy my spaghetti and meatball dinners.


We have been to today’s port of call so will see if I can find some pics.


@kazu So sorry for all your going through. Continued prayers, thoughts and concerns.


Not too sound vain but even in my later military days the bod did get some looks. Then G Forces and gravity took over!  😩


Thanks Rich, Roy and all our subscribers. Have a great day.


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59 minutes ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Saturday Daily, Rich.


I need a bubble bath after the bit of shovelling I did last night & a pulled muscle to try to stay on top of the storm.  It didn’t do me much good.  This is the back deck despite my efforts. I don’t know how much snow we got but it is deeper than my high boots.




I was in a very bad place last night already feeling overwhelmed when my stupid power shovel wouldn’t stay charged and I realized I was stuck with the mess shovelling.  A dear friend reached out and found me two people who celebrate National JoyGerm day and they came to my rescue ♥️  They even did a path for the dogs all the way out back ♥️ 




Life has not been good this week and seem to be going from bad to worse.  Speaking to Jose’s doctor yesterday - the neurologist is re-assessing him next week hopefully (I say hopefully as covid has really mucked things up at the hospital and care ) and they will be trying something new to try to get his “confusion” stabilized.  She has pretty much made it clear that unless there is a miracle, he will not be coming home.  He is going to need care 24/7 with his medical problems and his confusion and she used the N word (nursing home) 😢  Assessment hasn’t been done yet and probably won’t be for a couple of weeks or more with covid.

To add to my bad place, yesterday was the final covid test day for Jose’s unit so I called to see if they had the results and if I could go in today.  There has been an outbreak and I am not allowed in for another 14 - 28 days. 😢  They don’t know which it will be.  I am starting to think that no news is good news.


I do like the Dr. Seuss quote.  @mamaofamiI hope the new aide works out and glad you ridded yourself of the old one.  @marshhawkI agree on supplies.  Pet food can be hard to get your hands on.  I just sent 3 boxes of prescription cat food to a friend in Calgary as she couldn’t get it there 😱 




Sorry to be a gloomy Gus - not much good is happening here.  I’ll have to make sure I only have one glass of wine tonight.




Prayers for everyone on Roy’s Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a good Saturday everyone !!!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 


Jacqui, I am so sorry to hear these reports. You have nothing to apologize for. Praying that you receive the strength needed, that Jose's medical team finds something in the new batch of tests, that Jose is touched by the healing hand of God and that Marley's condition starts to improve and is not the "c" word. We are here for you whether it's a good day or bad day. Please remember to take care of yourself.

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Good morning everyone and thanks for the daily report and lists.  Fun collection of days today.  We’re going to try the sausage version of today’s meal suggestion, I’ll report the results tomorrow. I like today’s quote but I also like sleeping so I’m not sure if it applies to me. Taking down the tree today and all of the decorations so it will be a busy day.  Haven’t been to today’s port and hope to have a little time today to enjoy the photos. Prayers for everyone on today’s list and praying for a miracle for @kazu.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today.  Joy germs scattered on all of you!

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I hope I’m not being General Obvious (I outrank Captain), but Chewy has been wonderful for us.  We order once a month for our 3 cats.  The order is over the amount required for free shipping, and it appears on our front porch in just a few days.  They’re occasionally out of an item or two, but we’ve always been able to find plenty to keep them happy.

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@kazu I read your post and I am sending healing prayer for Jose and you.   I pray that you can get in to see him.   It is hard enough being in the hospital without any support from loved ones.     🙏


Bath is over with so no bubble bath.  The only stuff I would have for it is a bottle of the Elemis bath gel anyway.     


@aliaschief your spaghetti sauce sounds great.  It probably would go well with the Cariagne wine today.   


The cartoon with a giant glass of wine hit home.   We drink a bit of wine at home and I made the mistake of telling my doctor that I drank one half bottle of wine a day.  She looked appalled and gave me a lecture about drinking.   Now I just tell docs I drink just one glass a day - I don't say how many ounces it holds.   


Prayers for those that need it and please stay safe.   

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Hello all,

This is short but just to let you al know I am here.  I have had serious connection problems for days.  Taking advantage of the ability to post right now.

You are all in my prayers—especially those with serious needs and congrats to those on the cheers list.

Keep me in yours as I try to recover from my autoimmune disorder.


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1 minute ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Hello all,

This is short but just to let you al know I am here.  I have had serious connection problems for days.  Taking advantage of the ability to post right now.

You are all in my prayers—especially those with serious needs and congrats to those on the cheers list.

Keep me in yours as I try to recover from my autoimmune disorder.


Sending you our prayers 🙏 Terri for a full recovery.


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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily report.  Today’s meal suggestion sounded interesting and @dfish recipes confirmed I’d give it a try.  @kazu sorry to read about the snow shovel issues.  I’m very glad that someone helped you.  @1ANGELCAT I think you have a nice new family member.


I snow raked the garage roof.  Hopefully today’s sun clears up up before the next storm hits.

I think this applies to us in New England too.


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@kazu from all across The Daily, we are sending our prayers to you and Jose. For those moments when you need just a bit more comfort, do what a dear friend taught me to do in these days when geography and Covid keeps her distant from me:


Take your right arm pass it across your chest putting your right palm under your left upper arm and onto your ribcage. Keep it there. 


Now, take you left arm pass it across your chest putting your left palm under your right upper arm and onto your ribcage. Keep it there.


With both palms in place on your ribcage, SQUEEZE. Then, SQUEEZE again. There. You've been hugged. Repeat as desired.


Sometimes her 'hugs' are what get me through the day. I hope these Daily 'hugs' will help sustain you, too.



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Had a long post and lost it.

Prickly Pink Margarita:

1 part Sauza® Signature Blue Silver Tequila
1 part DeKuyper® Triple Sec
1/2 part Prickly Pear Syrup
1 part Limeade

How to Mix
Combine all ingredients in a shaker with ice and shake
Strain into glass and serve
Garnish with prickly pear slice and lime wedge (optional)



Screen Shot 2022-01-08 at 11.04.54 AM.png

Edited by summer slope
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