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The Daily for Tuesday 02/22/2022


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1 hour ago, Tbay said:

I had an interesting day yesterday, not that I remember most of it.  I was not making any sense talking to my family and they called an ambulance to take me to Emerg.  I knew who I was, and my address, and those around me, but didn't remember anything recent. No recall of the ambulance or talking to the doctor, tests, etc.  Eventually I realized I was at Emerg.  The diagnosis was Transient Global Amnesia, where you fail to make new memories. Can last up to 24 hours, but thankfully mine was only a few hours. And can happen again, but only happens twice.  I am fine, but it is a strange feeling to have lost those hours.  I had never heard of this. 


Oh my, how scary! I've heard of that diagnosis, but never knew anyone who had it. Hopefully it won't happen again. Do they know what causes it?


31 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

There is an update on Jen today.  I can't imagine how bad her skull fractured when hearing this.

Jen is stable but in a lot of pain from muscles cramping & inactivity. She got oxy about 15 min ago.   Trying to get some food in her she only had a little jello & broth in her yesterday.  Fracture went right through the ear canal & broke the 3 bones in there.  She will have to see audiologist in about 2 months to determine the level of loss. The bones may heal themselves. If not she'll need surgical intervention.


How awful. She must have really taken a hard fall. I wonder if she hit her head on a cement floor of she was going to the basement? Prayers that the bones heal themselves.

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Sheila  got  good  news  on  her  arm. It is  healing  fine and  will do  PT at the  Hospital when

 we  make  appointment  this  week. Dr will  see  her  again in  3 Months. Every thing  was good.

  So  we will  both have a  glass  of  red wine  tonight  with supper so  I  got  my

  Birthday  wish.


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6 minutes ago, irishjim said:

Sheila  got  good  news  on  her  arm. It is  healing  fine and  will do  PT at the  Hospital when

 we  make  appointment  this  week. Dr will  see  her  again in  3 Months. Every thing  was good.

  So  we will  both have a  glass  of  red wine  tonight  with supper so  I  got  my

  Birthday  wish.


Great news, now you can really enjoy your birthday!

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6 minutes ago, irishjim said:

Sheila  got  good  news  on  her  arm. It is  healing  fine and  will do  PT at the  Hospital when

 we  make  appointment  this  week. Dr will  see  her  again in  3 Months. Every thing  was good.

  So  we will  both have a  glass  of  red wine  tonight  with supper so  I  got  my

  Birthday  wish.



Wonderful news Jim!  Celebrate that news and her good report in style with your best red wine.🍷


And tonight I get my first glass of wine in several days too thanks to surgery instructions making me a teetotaler recently.🥂  

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


What a scary event to happen to you.  I surely hope it doesn't happen again.  But it's good the family recognized something was wrong and had you checked out.  Good luck avoiding this in the future.


There is an update on Jen today.  I can't imagine how bad her skull fractured when hearing this.


Jen is stable but in a lot of pain from muscles cramping & inactivity. She got oxy about 15 min ago.   Trying to get some food in her she only had a little jello & broth in her yesterday.  Fracture went right through the ear canal & broke the 3 bones in there.  She will have to see audiologist in about 2 months to determine the level of loss. The bones may heal themselves. If not she'll need surgical intervention.

Sandi,that sounds just awful  and I am sorry she is in so much pain.

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1 hour ago, Tbay said:


I had an interesting day yesterday, not that I remember most of it.  I was not making any sense talking to my family and they called an ambulance to take me to Emerg.  I knew who I was, and my address, and those around me, but didn't remember anything recent. No recall of the ambulance or talking to the doctor, tests, etc.  Eventually I realized I was at Emerg.  The diagnosis was Transient Global Amnesia, where you fail to make new memories. Can last up to 24 hours, but thankfully mine was only a few hours. And can happen again, but only happens twice.  I am fine, but it is a strange feeling to have lost those hours.  I had never heard of this. 


That happened to my friend, Tom.   It was the night he was performing in a play and had to go on with the book.  He couldn't remember a single line, or so that is what people told him.  They took him to the ER after the play and that is the diagnosis he got.  He was fine the next morning.  So far for him it is a one and done.  Hope it is for you as well.


2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Debbie, I also wondered if the aide could read or knew the difference between butter and cream cheese.


Makes me wonder about reading skills.  


2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

It boggles my mind what some people believe, but I guess they can't understand those of us who got the vaccine and booster and follow the guidelines.


It is a crazy world we live in now.




Well, he hasn't explained why his mother is still alive.  Last  year he told her she would be dead in a year from the vaccine.  


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

There is an update on Jen today.  I can't imagine how bad her skull fractured when hearing this.


Jen is stable but in a lot of pain from muscles cramping & inactivity. She got oxy about 15 min ago.   Trying to get some food in her she only had a little jello & broth in her yesterday.  Fracture went right through the ear canal & broke the 3 bones in there.  She will have to see audiologist in about 2 months to determine the level of loss. The bones may heal themselves. If not she'll need surgical intervention.


Oh, my goodness.  She must have really cracked her head.  Continued prayers for her.


20 minutes ago, irishjim said:

Sheila  got  good  news  on  her  arm. It is  healing  fine and  will do  PT at the  Hospital when

 we  make  appointment  this  week. Dr will  see  her  again in  3 Months. Every thing  was good.

  So  we will  both have a  glass  of  red wine  tonight  with supper so  I  got  my

  Birthday  wish.


Let the party begin!!


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Good afternoon, 

We woke up to snow again this morning! Again just enough to cover the grass and the road. The roads hadn't dried out from yesterday and there was a lot of black ice with snow covering it so our main highway (I-5) had multiple accidents, spinouts, etc. I was very glad to have nowhere we had to go today! 


Love the quote and we love Victoria! Pre pandemic at least once a year we'd ride the Washington State Ferry over to Sidney and spend a couple of nights in Victoria. We enjoy the BC Provincial Museum as well as wandering downtown to head to Murchies for tea. When we come in on a ship DH will often stay on-board and I will walk into town and make a circle tour. 


On the ferry one year we were on the first sailing of the season. On-board was the town crier and other dignataries from Anacortes. Found out that Anacortes and Sidney are sister cities. When we got to Sidney they had their town crier, dignitaries, and a red-coated Mountie meeting the ferry. There was some sort of ceremony, some handshaking and the Anacortes folks reboarded the ferry for the trip home. At the start of the season there was only one round trip daily but there were two round trips in the summer. 



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1 hour ago, irishjim said:

Sheila  got  good  news  on  her  arm. It is  healing  fine and  will do  PT at the  Hospital when

 we  make  appointment  this  week. Dr will  see  her  again in  3 Months. Every thing  was good.

  So  we will  both have a  glass  of  red wine  tonight  with supper so  I  got  my

  Birthday  wish.



Wonderful news Jim!

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3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Sorry for the loss of your relative.  Such a senseless and likely a preventable loss.


Thank you Lenda. Senseless and maddening, totally preventable.  His son, who was visiting him (the Dad lived in AZ) also got sick but a mild case --  he's double vaxed (not boosted yet). I nearly cheered when I heard that his wife (my niece) told him to not fly home, to quarantine in  AZ.  He didn't like that, but did it. 

3 hours ago, dfish said:


I'm so sorry, Carolyn.  We all have someone in our family that we fear for.  A colleague of my sister contracted COVID along with her husband.  They were also those who believed it was nothing more than the flu or a cold and a conspiracy by certain people to gain power.   Her husband died.  My sister prays daily for her son as he believes the vaccine is laced with HIV and hepatitis.   

Thank you Debbie.  Bob definitely thought Covid is no worse than the flu.  Until he got it. Prayers for your nephew! 

3 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:

@Cruising-alongOur deepest condolences to his family and friends.

Thank you Melanie.  I feel bad for his grandchildren 😞 

5 hours ago, JazzyV said:


@Cruising-along Sorry to hear of the relative's death; so sad that misinformation leads to this loss.


Thank you Vanessa. Yes, too much misinformation!

4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

We also have unvaccinated  relatives and it is just so sad.My condolences  for your family.

Thank you Terry.

3 hours ago, Tbay said:


I had an interesting day yesterday, not that I remember most of it.  I was not making any sense talking to my family and they called an ambulance to take me to Emerg.  I knew who I was, and my address, and those around me, but didn't remember anything recent. No recall of the ambulance or talking to the doctor, tests, etc.  Eventually I realized I was at Emerg.  The diagnosis was Transient Global Amnesia, where you fail to make new memories. Can last up to 24 hours, but thankfully mine was only a few hours. And can happen again, but only happens twice.  I am fine, but it is a strange feeling to have lost those hours.  I had never heard of this. 

Oh my, I can't imagine how scary that had to be.  Thank goodness you're ok.

2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Jen is stable but in a lot of pain from muscles cramping & inactivity. She got oxy about 15 min ago.   Trying to get some food in her she only had a little jello & broth in her yesterday.  Fracture went right through the ear canal & broke the 3 bones in there.  She will have to see audiologist in about 2 months to determine the level of loss. The bones may heal themselves. If not she'll need surgical intervention.

Sandi I'm so sorry Jen is in so much pain.  Continued prayers.

1 hour ago, irishjim said:

Sheila  got  good  news  on  her  arm. It is  healing  fine and  will do  PT at the  Hospital when

 we  make  appointment  this  week. Dr will  see  her  again in  3 Months. Every thing  was good.

  So  we will  both have a  glass  of  red wine  tonight  with supper so  I  got  my

  Birthday  wish.


Wonderful news!  Enjoy that glass of wine and celebrate!

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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

There is an update on Jen today.  I can't imagine how bad her skull fractured when hearing this.


Jen is stable but in a lot of pain from muscles cramping & inactivity. She got oxy about 15 min ago.   Trying to get some food in her she only had a little jello & broth in her yesterday.  Fracture went right through the ear canal & broke the 3 bones in there.  She will have to see audiologist in about 2 months to determine the level of loss. The bones may heal themselves. If not she'll need surgical intervention.


Sandi, thanks for the update on Jen.  Sorry she is having pain from muscles cramping.  That must have been some fall for that much damage.  Sending good thoughts that the bones in her ears heal themselves, and that she won't lose too much of her hearing.


2 hours ago, lynanken said:

I had never heard of this either until about 10 years ago when my DH had the same thing happen to him. It was  very scary for him and me as well. Thank goodness it has not happened again.


Glad it hasn't happened to your DH again.


2 hours ago, irishjim said:

Sheila  got  good  news  on  her  arm. It is  healing  fine and  will do  PT at the  Hospital when

 we  make  appointment  this  week. Dr will  see  her  again in  3 Months. Every thing  was good.

  So  we will  both have a  glass  of  red wine  tonight  with supper so  I  got  my

  Birthday  wish.



Jim, you got your birthday wish with Shiela's good report.  Hope the PT helps.  Enjoy your wine and birthday celebration.


1 hour ago, dfish said:

Well, he hasn't explained why his mother is still alive.  Last  year he told her she would be dead in a year from the vaccine.  



 We've often say about our misguided neighbors that they can't let facts get in the way of their beliefs and what the know is true.


5 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Just got this from the senior center that I would go to, if they were open...


Laugh of the Day

What did the dentist name his boat? The Tooth Ferry.



Our dentist has a small sailboat in front of the office with the name of the practice on the "sail" since Lake is in the name of the practice.  The boat is the Pearly White.


We knew it was windy, but didn't realize how gusty it was until we had to go to Blythe to pick up a prescription.  DH was just glad the car was high profile as the gusts were giving him fits.


@dobiemom  I hope you made it home safely yesterday in the wind.



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4 hours ago, Tbay said:


I had an interesting day yesterday, not that I remember most of it.  I was not making any sense talking to my family and they called an ambulance to take me to Emerg.  I knew who I was, and my address, and those around me, but didn't remember anything recent. No recall of the ambulance or talking to the doctor, tests, etc.  Eventually I realized I was at Emerg.  The diagnosis was Transient Global Amnesia, where you fail to make new memories. Can last up to 24 hours, but thankfully mine was only a few hours. And can happen again, but only happens twice.  I am fine, but it is a strange feeling to have lost those hours.  I had never heard of this. 

Very scary.  Praying that it is never repeated. 🙏

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Good afternoon, all! I wish I still had a dog to walk, but they’ve been gone a long time now. The meal looks good, but tonight is taco night. I’ve often been to Victoria, and even once on a cruise ship on a BHB heading to Hawaii. 
Here is one of my favourite wildlife photos. This fine fellow was calmly watching me from a bed of ferns on my walk on Salt Spring.


Most of today has been spent getting my resetting and recovering my email after it was hacked. The offending email looked like a Shaw bill. I thought I’d deleted it without clicking anything I shouldn’t, but apparently it. Whatever I touched let them go into my account and forward all incoming emails to a different address, without a copy coming to me. Then they sent an email saying I was sick and needed money to everyone in my contacts.

Everyone. In. My. Contacts. My bank, my TA, my dentist, the HAL excursions desk, EVERYONE. Now that my account is straightened out, all the responses are coming to me. One of the Africa tour companies sent me a very sympathetic letter praying for my recovery. The order desk at the local grocery store informed me there’s really nothing they can do, but thanks for the information. A friend asked if I was now a Nigerian Prince. It has been a long day.

There are strong winds in the Coachella Valley today. We haven’t lost power, but there’s been a lot more sirens than usual. 
Happy Tuesday! This wind would be very interesting aboard a BHB!


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Good evening, I'm finally on later today! (was at work and didn't have time during the day...)


Wish I still had a dog to walk. I had a poodle when I was growing up who was my little brother - he would even sit on the end of the couch and watch TV with the family!  Once I got married my DH and I couldn't agree on what kind of dog to have - I was up for almost anything, but he would only have a Boston terrier (his grandfather used to breed them). I had a bad experience with a Boston who lived on my block growing up, so since we couldn't decide we didn't get a dog.  Once we had kids, I always said I was waiting for them to be housebroken before we got a dog....still waiting!!


Finally another port we've been to.  We were in Victoria on 4 of our 5 Alaska cruises. In 2008 (Amsterdam 7 day) we sailed with DH's two sisters. His one sister and I went to the Empress Hotel for High Tea, and DH and his other sister went on a pub crawl (yes, they sent a HAL staff person to make sure everyone got back to the ship!)





In 2012 on our first 14 day cruise on the Amsterdam, we went to Butchart Gardens....DH wasn't sure about it, but once we got there he was as awed as I was!




We went back to Butchart Gardens in 2017 on our second 14 day Amsterdam cruise.  DH had fallen on a tour boat in Homer, and ended up with a broken bone in his foot and wearing a removable cast. I wasn't sure if he really wanted to see the gardens again but he was insistent that we go...and he walked the whole time we were there!





We went to Victoria again on our last cruise in 2019 (21 days on the Maasdam), but decided to do something different.  We did a brewery tour which was a LOT of fun!!





Hoping everyone is having a good evening (or afternoon, or night, depending on your location).  Prayers are always said for our Care list, and even those not on there but needing one.  Cheers to our celebration lists. @irishjimHappy birthday and so glad to hear good news about Sheila!


Take care,


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Yesterday for us was  2.2,22, last evening a new Mum and Dad were interviewed on TV, she had given birth to twins at 7am. 

We have been to Victoria, flew over on a float plane from Vancouver day before boarding Volendam for an Alaskan cruise. Visited the beautiful Butchart gardens.

@StLouisCruisershope your head will soon be back to normal, thanks for the update of Jen, such a nasty fall,  apparently the bones in her ear should heal.

@Cruzin Terrihope that gradually reducing the  predisone dose, works well for you.

@Tbaythat was a very scary episode for you and your family yesterday.

@irishjim Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, good news of Sheila.

Thanks for all the daily contributions, that Redwood Tree in Victoria must look magnificent with all the Christmas Lights.

A sunny afternoon after a cloudy mornning.

Stay safe, take care everyone.


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1 hour ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

Most of today has been spent getting my resetting and recovering my email after it was hacked. The offending email looked like a Shaw bill. I thought I’d deleted it without clicking anything I shouldn’t, but apparently it. Whatever I touched let them go into my account and forward all incoming emails to a different address, without a copy coming to me. Then they sent an email saying I was sick and needed money to everyone in my contacts.

Everyone. In. My. Contacts. My bank, my TA, my dentist, the HAL excursions desk, EVERYONE. Now that my account is straightened out, all the responses are coming to me. One of the Africa tour companies sent me a very sympathetic letter praying for my recovery. The order desk at the local grocery store informed me there’s really nothing they can do, but thanks for the information. A friend asked if I was now a Nigerian Prince. It has been a long day.

There are strong winds in the Coachella Valley today. We haven’t lost power, but there’s been a lot more sirens than usual. 
Happy Tuesday! This wind would be very interesting aboard a BHB!


Oh, my goodness, I can't imagine the work.   Did you correct your friend and say you were a Nigerian princess, not a prince?  

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5 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


@dobiemom  I hope you made it home safely yesterday in the wind.

Yes we did, thank you. Wind wasn’t as bad as traffic. But we plan on it taking longer to come home (since we leave on the holiday) than getting there. 
Well, the 3-minute video didn’t want to upload so here’s a very short one:


Edited by dobiemom
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