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The Daily for Saturday 05/21/2022


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Good afternoon. I still have not had a chance to read the Daily, which I will do as soon as I post this.  DH found the video he took with his GoPro when he did the ZIP Rider in ISP in 2012.  He deliberately slowed down so he could record more of the ride and the scenery.  The Amsterdam is also in the picture.


I hope this works and the file isn't too big.




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

A salute to all the armed forces; also to waiters and waitresses who work so hard. I write notes to myself these days (post-it notes), so as not to forget things.

I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine.

I've been on a cruise to Alaska, but not Icy Strait Point. Thanks for the photos.


Hot, hot, hot here. 89F right now. I did a little work in the yard earlier, in the shade. Now  it's stay inside. Significant storms are forecast for this evening.


@rafinmd Bon Voyage!

@kazu A little done each days adds up over time!

@grapau27 You have a lovely house and gardens.

@Heartgrove So sorry to hear of your DB's pneumonia; prayers for him to recover quickly.

@StLouisCruisers Congrats to Austin. And happy news on DD picking up cute and sweet Sadie.

@St Pete Cruiser Great pictures!

@Horizon chaser 1957 I'm glad to hear you and DH have recovered and were able to go to the anniversary. 


Prayers for the Care List and Ukraine. Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

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Good afternoon, all!

I’ve been lurking only a little and can’t remember when I last commented. So to keep from repeating myself, hopefully, I will just say that I’ve already had two drug trial doses with a third this Monday. I am finding my stamina so much less than last summer. By the time we do an echocardiogram, pulmonary test, strength test, urine test, blood draw and the lumbar puncture, I am not good for anything the next day. I ruined my record of one year+ without a fall and managed to fall twice. I do not wish to meet any more paramedics.


My sister & brother-in-law are flying in to St Louis on Monday evening. We will spend a few days here and then head to Branson for a visit. I have been experiencing anxiety the last few days, I think partly from being excited to see my sister, but also, she hasn’t seen me since my ALS diagnosis (and since before Covid). I can’t really be much of a hostess at this point. I know she won’t care, but I do!


She’s lucky she did not come to visit this week! Our weather has been atrocious. Thursday there were small tornados all around us, finally the weather moved on and then our electricity went out. We sat for five hours in the dark. Glad we had electric candles and my Kindle was fully charged. Fritz Ernst, our new pup, seemed confused as to why we spent all evening sitting in the dark. Last night I was woken by a huge flash of lightening and crack of thunder. Couldn’t get back to sleep, just listened to the thunder and rain for an hour. This morning-more of the same-quite scary actually as it got dark as night. Right now, more rain, more thunder. Not surprising we have flood warnings.


I will try to do some catching up. Love today’s port. We did both the bear excursion and whale watching right after. That was one of our best whale excursions. Wish I had pictures on my IPad.


Take care everyone,

St Louis Sal



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7 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Yesterday was a frustrating day... While gardening this week I've been noticing more bird activity and even dive bombing me as I work.  Knowing they must be building a nest, but I couldn't figure out where.  Then as I was checking my hanging baskets of Fuchsias, the dive bombing and screaming at me got worse.  I was checking them because some of the leaves were looking droopy and I didn't know why.  Ok, I took down the baskets, and sure enough, one of them had a deep hole, uprooting part of the plant. 😞  Thankfully I caught it before the nest was built or any eggs laid.  I had put aluminum foil on the baskets to deter the birds, but I won't be bothering to do that again.  I've now put forks (tines up) in the baskets, I'm even thinking of hanging some mint-scented sachets near the baskets.  Any ideas from the Garden Club?  I love my Fuchsias, but if this doesn't work I'll have to give up on them.  


While I'm not a very good gardener, I am a stubborn one.  If you want to keep the birds away from your plants, hang strips of tin foil around the hanging baskets.  If you have old CD's hanging around (as many of us do), string them up and let them twirl away near the baskets - the birds really don't like them.  


Good luck!


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Good afrernoon.  It was a busy day outside today.  The new battery operated trimmer and blower worked well.  I really enjoyed not having to fight the extension cords and having to backtrack.  I just need to build up my arm muscles and figure out the best way to hold the trimmer, but that's a work in progress.  When I finished, I washed the cars just in time for it to rain.


We are under a severe thunderstorm warning in about 30 minutes from now.    It is alread already getting dark and windy.


@JazzyV  Vanessa, we learned a couple of things about the batteries for our new trimmer and blower.  First, once the batteries are fully charged, they need to be removed from the charger.  The way it works is that once charged, the charge will begin drain if left in the charger.  Also, evidently once they are charged and you need to use them right away, they need a few minutes out of the charger to cool a bit.  I noticed this when the blower ran the battery down in 30 minutes or less.  Hope this might help extend your batteries charge.


HAPPY VICTORIA DAY to all the Canadian Dailyites.


@summer slope  Dixie, after reading the recipe for the drink, I might have to try it afterall.

@rafinmd  Roy, better late than never.  BON VOYAGE.  Enjoy your  cruise.

@Crazy For Cats  I'm glad the double credit card charges were  cleared.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, congratulations on Austin's 8th grade graduation. Sadie is adorable.  

@smitty34877  Terry, that is good news that your nephew got his job back after his 10 month deployment.

@St Pete Cruiser  I've been enjoying your pictures from your cruise.

@dfish  You might be able to do the ZIP Rider at ISP.  You sit in a sling seat and don't have to hold on with your arms.

@Horizon chaser 1957  Laura, I'm happy you and DH recovered and were able to attend your DS and DBIL's 50th anniversary party.

@grapau27  Graham, thank you for you kind words about my pictures.

 Hoonah is a nice little town to wonder around.  You can either take the shuttle ($) into town or walk along the shoreline.

@Norseh2o and @Cat in my lap  When I have a lot to remember to comment about, I either make a list or multiqoute,  and make my comments that way.  And, I still often forget something anyway.

@St. Louis Sal  Hope this new trial will help you and other ALS patients.  Please try not to be anxious about your DS and DBIL's visit.  They want to see you as much as you want to see them.  If the situation was reverssed, wouldn't you just want to see your DS no matter the circumstances?  Just enjoy being together.


Thank goodness for leftovers  After the Preakness, all I have to do is reheat the pot roast from a few nights ago and throw a salad together.  


Now, it's time to get a glass and enjoy the race.






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4 hours ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

@dfish  Ever notice how nice it is to lean a bit on the shopping cart?   The back doesn't ache quite as much?   Yes, shopping carts are walkers for those of us in denial.  


Have you been spying on me? 


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5 hours ago, USN59-79 said:

I am sometimes confused how we use acronyms to describe relationships here on CC.  For example, is DS a dear sister or dear son?

Not sure what BFF means - best female friend?  I assume that somewhere on CC there is a listing of these.  Can someone point me to it?  Thanks.



i agree. it is all getting rather craxy.

I think it all started with LSMFT back in the 50's. LOL (whatever that started)

Edited by jimgev
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Had some fun playing aroung in the kitchen today. Put together some old recipies along with somenew ideas Came up with this It turned our really well.

I called it:"Risotto Funghi Etoile"

Basically a mushroom risotto with some pork to complete the dinner.

Creativity keeps us going.



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54 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afrernoon.  It was a busy day outside today.  The new battery operated trimmer and blower worked well.  I really enjoyed not having to fight the extension cords and having to backtrack.  I just need to build up my arm muscles and figure out the best way to hold the trimmer, but that's a work in progress.  When I finished, I washed the cars just in time for it to rain.


We are under a severe thunderstorm warning in about 30 minutes from now.    It is alread already getting dark and windy.


@JazzyV  Vanessa, we learned a couple of things about the batteries for our new trimmer and blower.  First, once the batteries are fully charged, they need to be removed from the charger.  The way it works is that once charged, the charge will begin drain if left in the charger.  Also, evidently once they are charged and you need to use them right away, they need a few minutes out of the charger to cool a bit.  I noticed this when the blower ran the battery down in 30 minutes or less.  Hope this might help extend your batteries charge.


Something you should know that they don't tell you about the battery operated equipment is when you have finished charging the batteries, UNPLUG THE CHARGER.  Friends of ours had a major house fire when the charger arced and started the garage on fire, which quickly spread into the attic and started their house ablaze.  Thankfully it was during the day and they were home - neighbours saw the smoke coming from the garage door and called 911 while running across the street to get them out of the house.  When the insurance adjuster was finished inspecting the damage, he said he'd seen numerous fires that been started from the chargers being left plugged in - all it takes is a small piece of dust or dirt to create the arc and get things going.

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5 hours ago, HAL4NOW said:

Alfred Hitchcock must have been a gardener. 

LOL!  Good one! 

1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

While I'm not a very good gardener, I am a stubborn one.  If you want to keep the birds away from your plants, hang strips of tin foil around the hanging baskets.  If you have old CD's hanging around (as many of us do), string them up and let them twirl away near the baskets - the birds really don't like them.  


Good luck!


Thanks Gerry!  I like the old CD idea.  I had put foil on the basket, but either not enough or that isn't working with these birds. 

Fingers crossed, today has been better.  I put forks (tines up) all around the soil, and also hung some mint-scented fabric near the pots.  I saw one bird come near, didn't land, and didn't come back.  She also tried to build a nest in my next-door neighbor's hanging basket and was quickly shooed away (my neighbor then put foil and forks on hers too).  


I was out near the baskets all day pruning a couple large shrubs, so I would have known if they tried again.  Hoping this is the end of the birds saga!  It's been a nice, beautiful day here.  DH even got started on pressure washing chores and got the deck done. 

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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Something you should know that they don't tell you about the battery operated equipment is when you have finished charging the batteries, UNPLUG THE CHARGER.  Friends of ours had a major house fire when the charger arced and started the garage on fire, which quickly spread into the attic and started their house ablaze.  Thankfully it was during the day and they were home - neighbours saw the smoke coming from the garage door and called 911 while running across the street to get them out of the house.  When the insurance adjuster was finished inspecting the damage, he said he'd seen numerous fires that been started from the chargers being left plugged in - all it takes is a small piece of dust or dirt to create the arc and get things going.


Gerry, thanks for the information.  I just unplugged charger.



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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@JazzyV  Vanessa, we learned a couple of things about the batteries for our new trimmer and blower.  First, once the batteries are fully charged, they need to be removed from the charger.  The way it works is that once charged, the charge will begin drain if left in the charger.  Also, evidently once they are charged and you need to use them right away, they need a few minutes out of the charger to cool a bit.  I noticed this when the blower ran the battery down in 30 minutes or less.  Hope this might help extend your batteries charge.







Lenda, I do baby my batteries. I keep them inside, not in the garage where it can get very hot. I take them out of the charger once charged. I have 3 of this particular brand (Greenworks), with one having less amperage than the others. The oldest one doesn't last as long; it's probably 5+ years old. My mower holds 2 batteries at once, and shifts to the 2nd one once the first is depleted. I can usually get the whole yard done; rarely if the grass is too tall, I need to use that 3rd one.


@St. Louis Sal Praying the trail medication helps. I'm sure your family will be overjoyed to see you regardless of any circumstances.


It got dark and windy here, but so far no severe storm thankfully. My power has blinked a couple of times, but held on.

Edited by JazzyV
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Hi everyone,

Just realized that I haven’t posted for a few days.

i have just been feeling lousy.  This fatigue is just beyond me.  i have one or two good days and then it is back.  Tooth is still bothering me.  

I am just sleeping more than usual.  Probably still adjusting to getting back to our time zone.

Having some digestive issues as well and it seems that my auto-immune disorder has decided to flare up. And still no appetite.  

So sorry for dumping on you guys, but that is where I am.

DH is having surgery on Tuesday afternoon for removal of another cancerous lesion on his abdomen.

Just too many things going on.

Hope everyone had a good day.

I am going to bed.

God Bless and hope tomorrow is a good day .



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14 minutes ago, JazzyV said:


Lenda, I do baby my batteries. I keep them inside, not in the garage where it can get very hot. I take them out of the charger once charged. I have 3 of this particular brand (Greenworks), with one having less amperage than the others. The oldest one doesn't last as long; it's probably 5+ years old. My mower holds 2 batteries at once, and shifts to the 2nd one once the first is depleted. I can usually get the whole yard done; rarely if the grass is too tall, I need to use that 3rd one.


@St. Louis Sal Praying the trail medication helps. I'm sure your family will be overjoyed to see you regardless of any circumstances.


It got dark and windy here, but so far no severe storm thankfully. My power has blinked a couple of times, but held on.


Vanessa, even rechargeable batteries don't last forever.


Our severe thunderstorms have not materialized.  When we took our golf cart ride Rounf the neighborhood, it sprinkled and we saw some lightning; then nothing.  It seems all is not lost as it's started raining and I just heard thunder.  We need the rain.



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Just now, Cruzin Terri said:

Hi everyone,

Just realized that I haven’t posted for a few days.

i have just been feeling lousy.  This fatigue is just beyond me.  i have one or two good days and then it is back.  Tooth is still bothering me.  

I am just sleeping more than usual.  Probably still adjusting to getting back to our time zone.

Having some digestive issues as well and it seems that my auto-immune disorder has decided to flare up. And still no appetite.  

So sorry for dumping on you guys, but that is where I am.

DH is having surgery on Tuesday afternoon for removal of another cancerous lesion on his abdomen.

Just too many things going on.

Hope everyone had a good day.

I am going to bed.

God Bless and hope tomorrow is a good day .




Terri, I'm sorry you're having such a rough time.  Try to rest, and I hope things improve quickly.  Sending positive thoughts for your DH's surgery Tuesday, and for a quick recovery.




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9 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Thank you Melanie.  Today it's all about the puppy, right?


Here is a photo of her once they got home.  They have only been in the kitchen so far.  I asked if Sadie was afraid of her new surroundings because it is a very large 3 story house, and that's when she said they'd only played in the kitchen so far.




So all that excitement of a three hour car ride and playing in the kitchen, means it's time for a nap in her crate.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKbCnohte7xvPqlLeC5oD5hV7ntXQOewWgszVPDOQPWWw?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1653159826


It looks like she's right at home already.  At least I hope so.


That is one heck of a sweet face, Sandi!

I had a hectic day and just popped in here before bed.  I'll look no further.  Perfect way to end the day.  Your DD must be thrilled.   😍

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6 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Hi everyone,

Just realized that I haven’t posted for a few days.

i have just been feeling lousy.  This fatigue is just beyond me.  i have one or two good days and then it is back.  Tooth is still bothering me.  

I am just sleeping more than usual.  Probably still adjusting to getting back to our time zone.

Having some digestive issues as well and it seems that my auto-immune disorder has decided to flare up. And still no appetite.  

So sorry for dumping on you guys, but that is where I am.

DH is having surgery on Tuesday afternoon for removal of another cancerous lesion on his abdomen.

Just too many things going on.

Hope everyone had a good day.

I am going to bed.

God Bless and hope tomorrow is a good day .



Try to rest and hopefully you will be feeling better soon.

My covid was before vaccines and I was tired for a couple of months.

Best wishes for your husband's surgery on Tuesday.

Take care.


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10 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Hi everyone,

Just realized that I haven’t posted for a few days.

i have just been feeling lousy.  This fatigue is just beyond me.  i have one or two good days and then it is back.  Tooth is still bothering me.  

I am just sleeping more than usual.  Probably still adjusting to getting back to our time zone.

Having some digestive issues as well and it seems that my auto-immune disorder has decided to flare up. And still no appetite.  

So sorry for dumping on you guys, but that is where I am.

DH is having surgery on Tuesday afternoon for removal of another cancerous lesion on his abdomen.

Just too many things going on.

Hope everyone had a good day.

I am going to bed.

God Bless and hope tomorrow is a good day .



I'm sorry to hear of your fatigue problems.  Hopefully it will resolve with time.   In the meantime, give in and rest.

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