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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday August 3rd, 2022


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We woke up this morning to rain and more rain with thunder mixed in. It’s weird to wake up to a storm system, it’s usually in the afternoon or early evening. The sun is shining now so we will probably have a nice afternoon. This video came up on my FB memories and it cracked me up how much Summer was talking in the background. It was five years ago. She sounds so little, I can’t believe that she will be 15 tomorrow. 


Right now Craig is making crepes and will make the filling tomorrow. It’s nice having him cook more. He didn’t like my crepe filling the last time I made them because they had ricotta. He hates ricotta (among other things). 

Thank you, Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for input on the transatlantic. I’m sure either way would be nice to avoid jet lag. The April cruise would be nice because it’s going to the ports Craig missed on our last cruise because of covid. 

Have a great day everyone!



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5 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Not a lot on the docket today; I think it might be a good day to go through the "cruise tub" - a large Rubbermaid tub with things I think we might use on our travels.  I'm pretty sure it's time to cull some things, or maybe start using up some of the 16 small tubes of tooth paste.  LOL




After you posted this I went in and checked our cruise box.  We have 7 travel size tubes of toothpaste.  I had to laugh out loud!!

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4 minutes ago, summer slope said:

After you posted this I went in and checked our cruise box.  We have 7 travel size tubes of toothpaste.  I had to laugh out loud!!

Did you check the best by/expiration dates?  I ended up with some real nasty toothpaste.



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@Sharon in AZ I've done both and which way is a bit complicated.  What I really like is a round trip using QM2 one way and a cruise ship the other.  That pretty much needs to be in the fall, eastbound on QM2 and westbound on the cruise ship since QM2 does the world cruise in the spring  season.  If it's just a one way I prefer east bound since I do not like overnight flights.

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Sure, I can give it a try.  Just try reading it more slowly.  🤣




That's what I thought!  Just read it slower, step by step!  You'll get the hang of it, @RedneckBob!!



@bennybearThank you for all the photos of our port today.  Looks like a great place to visit.  We need to see more Japanese ports.🎎


@Sharon in AZI'll echo what Lenda @Quartzsite Cruisersaid about transatlantics.  We enjoy adding an hour a day 5 or 6 times going East to West and slowly acclimating to the time zone in Europe.  Plus if you're flying home you can generally take a daytime flight which I prefer to overnight flights since I can't sleep on a plane and arrive in Europe so tired.  No sleep for many hours.  But that hasn't stopped us from flying all night and arriving in Europe and sailing back home.  True you arrive home more rested but we're retired and don't have to go to work next day.  Have fun picking a transatlantic that goes to all your favorite places.🚢

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Good afternoon from sunny Jacksonville.

That doesn’t mean the ride down was sunny.  We had rain (and I mean torrential rain) for most of I-95 in Georgia.  

Happy to be in the Hotel and resting.  We are not going out for dinner but just having our meal here in the hotel.  

Tomorrow morning I have a knee X-ray and then see the Orthopedic doc for injections in the knee and left hand. I hope I can convince him to give me an injection in the right hand too so that I don’t have to return in 3 weeks.

it was a very difficult drive today with all the rain.

Anyway we are here safe and sound.

Hope everyone is having a good day. 


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7 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good afternoon from sunny Jacksonville.

That doesn’t mean the ride down was sunny.  We had rain (and I mean torrential rain) for most of I-95 in Georgia.  

Happy to be in the Hotel and resting.  We are not going out for dinner but just having our meal here in the hotel.  

Tomorrow morning I have a knee X-ray and then see the Orthopedic doc for injections in the knee and left hand. I hope I can convince him to give me an injection in the right hand too so that I don’t have to return in 3 weeks.

it was a very difficult drive today with all the rain.

Anyway we are here safe and sound.

Hope everyone is having a good day. 


Thanks for letting us know you arrived safely.  Hopefully the doctor will do both hands.  Rest up.  It sounds like it was white knuckle driving for a while.

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1 hour ago, bennybear said:

The stunning Adaschi museum and gardens,  they planned it so the mountains form the backdrop










Thanks for the pictures of today's port.  It's another Japanese port I wouldn't mind visiting.


10 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good afternoon from sunny Jacksonville.

That doesn’t mean the ride down was sunny.  We had rain (and I mean torrential rain) for most of I-95 in Georgia.  

Happy to be in the Hotel and resting.  We are not going out for dinner but just having our meal here in the hotel.  

Tomorrow morning I have a knee X-ray and then see the Orthopedic doc for injections in the knee and left hand. I hope I can convince him to give me an injection in the right hand too so that I don’t have to return in 3 weeks.

it was a very difficult drive today with all the rain.

Anyway we are here safe and sound.

Hope everyone is having a good day. 



Terri, I'm glad you made it safely, but sorry you had to fight the rain.  


36 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


That's what I thought!  Just read it slower, step by step!  You'll get the hang of it, @RedneckBob!!




They say great minds thing alike!  😉







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And a happy Wednesday afternoon to you all!!


I did stop in to read earlier, but then ran over to the work computer and worked.


We did like the new dermatologist, she did correctly diagnose my problem,  and has sent over some prescriptions for me, and she  told me unfortunately that most of what is wrong with my skin, is OMG!!!!..... aging.  Birthday gifts from God is what she called the spots, the bumps, etc..  She was such a happy chatty person, I didn't get a chance to ask her if God had a return policy on said gifts.


The traffic wasn't bad, we got there in plenty of time, the God of traffic lights was on my side, I didn't have to get on the highway, and I get to see her again in a year.  DH has to go back in 6 months, so I am assuming that they think they did get all the cancer with the radiation, and the appointments he was having every month are down to every 3 months, and the others that were every 3 months are now every 6 months.  Whatever will be our excuse for missing work now escapes me.  That and three and a half more weeks of walking the dog.  And we are done with that.


Monday when the air came on, it dimmed or darkened all the lights.  Then yesterday we went without water until about 4, and today we are back to dimming lights again.  My boss in TX said Houston had a cold front come through, it was 88.  I told her she should not have sent the hotter weather here.  85 % of my house is dark, window blinds drawn, shades pulled, curtains covering the windows,  I am beginning to feel like a humid mushroom. 


Welcome @RedneckBob I actually had a most excellent bowl of grits at Flying Biscuit this morning.  Their secret is cream cheese in the grits.  There's no need to wait for that special day to celebrate.


@kazuYou are doing so much better with Little /Shadow than us cat people



To all in pain, may you find comfort.  For all who are sick, may you feel better, and for all you dreamers-may you always dream BIG!


Good question @Sharon in AZ.  There was another way to look at an answer though.  When you cruise back to the states, you wont have to worry about running out of money before you get home.


Well, I have another half hour before I have to go back to work, so off I go to play one on line game of Mahjong.  Thanks everyone for the education you gave me today, and I loved the pictures @bennybear

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2 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning!  Thank you for today’s Fleet and Daily Rich. Thanks to everyone for sharing. 

I haven’t read the entire Daily yet but wanted to ask this question before it got too late. Yesterday’s port of call had me thinking about transatlantic cruises. It’s on my cruise list and we even have one scheduled for April next year. For all of you who have done a transatlantic, which direction is your preference and why?


Cruise from East to West and you won't have any Jet Lag problems.



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9 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Hump Day Daily, Rich.


Good collection of days.  I think I’ll focus on clean your floors day since that’s a must with a dog in the gardens 😉 


Love the quote from GOT.  DH would have loved today’s meal.  Wine sounds intriguing even if it’s probably red 😉  Looks like another searing hot day here. Keep hydrated for those caught in the heat.




The Shadow saga continues with the one step forward, 2 steps back LOL.  She finally discovered she liked a real toy yesterday.





And after our standard play, training I decided to see if I could lure her to walk on leash all the way down the long driveway to the street.  It wasn’t a pretty walk but we did it.  She was absolutely zonked after.




Unfortunately later she got very excited and when I turned my back to stop her from jumping she went for my leg to get my attention!  A very firm correction with a very loud no and a correction.  I’ve been gentle with corrections but that will not / nor should be tolerated.  (No harm intended - it’s what a puppy would do until it knows better) Well, she was not a happy camper and I ended up having to carry her in the house 😔 


But this morning she has forgiven me, it seems.  LOL who needs to forgive who?  And she is paying attention so far to my signal for no jumping 🤞 


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and a 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a good Wednesday everyone !!!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 when / where needed.

Good for you on using hand signals as well as verbal commands.  We learned the value of hand signals when our now 12 year old Eskipoo suddenly went deaf --- hubby had trained him, as a puppy, with hand signals for come, stay, sit & wait so now, even though we still say the commands, he obeys the hand commands....

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23 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

And a happy Wednesday afternoon to you all!!


I did stop in to read earlier, but then ran over to the work computer and worked.


We did like the new dermatologist, she did correctly diagnose my problem,  and has sent over some prescriptions for me, and she  told me unfortunately that most of what is wrong with my skin, is OMG!!!!..... aging.  Birthday gifts from God is what she called the spots, the bumps, etc..  She was such a happy chatty person, I didn't get a chance to ask her if God had a return policy on said gifts.


The traffic wasn't bad, we got there in plenty of time, the God of traffic lights was on my side, I didn't have to get on the highway, and I get to see her again in a year.  DH has to go back in 6 months, so I am assuming that they think they did get all the cancer with the radiation, and the appointments he was having every month are down to every 3 months, and the others that were every 3 months are now every 6 months.  Whatever will be our excuse for missing work now escapes me.  That and three and a half more weeks of walking the dog.  And we are done with that.


Monday when the air came on, it dimmed or darkened all the lights.  Then yesterday we went without water until about 4, and today we are back to dimming lights again.  My boss in TX said Houston had a cold front come through, it was 88.  I told her she should not have sent the hotter weather here.  85 % of my house is dark, window blinds drawn, shades pulled, curtains covering the windows,  I am beginning to feel like a humid mushroom. 


Welcome @RedneckBob I actually had a most excellent bowl of grits at Flying Biscuit this morning.  Their secret is cream cheese in the grits.  There's no need to wait for that special day to celebrate.


@kazuYou are doing so much better with Little /Shadow than us cat people



To all in pain, may you find comfort.  For all who are sick, may you feel better, and for all you dreamers-may you always dream BIG!


Good question @Sharon in AZ.  There was another way to look at an answer though.  When you cruise back to the states, you wont have to worry about running out of money before you get home.


Well, I have another half hour before I have to go back to work, so off I go to play one on line game of Mahjong.  Thanks everyone for the education you gave me today, and I loved the pictures @bennybear


Glad you got good reports from the dermatologist.  When my father asked his doctor about a place on his ear, the reply was, "Process aging."    It's now working on me, but I try to ignore it as much as possible and hide the results if possible.



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We’re aboard the beautiful N. Statendam and about to go to dinner.  We had reservations for tonight, but had a note in the cabin that the Pinnacle does not open until tomorrow.  We had quite a time getting on the ship.  We got to the terminal at 2:30, our designated time.  The line outside the door was at least a quarter mile (it felt like more).  Once we got into the building, things went faster, thanks to VeriFLY.  We had to show our ArriveCan receipt twice.  For the first time, I did not show any paper - everything was on my phone.

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Although I love empanadas I will not be having them today as today is my birthday and my BIL & SIL are taking me out for dinner. Now I have to make a decision Texas Roaadhouse or Red Lobster.

My good news for myself is my friend Camille has decided to join me on my Nov. cruise. I do enjoy going solo but with a companion is better for me. She has cruised previously on Carnival and on Princess but never on a HAL ship.

For over 30 years I lived in the Los Angeles suburbs and being a true blue Dodger fan I listened to Vin Sculley a lot. There will never be another like him. To quote one of his lines; it's deuces wild time, 2 on, 2 out, 2 strikes, 2 balls, what is next?


@kazuI have been a cat person all my live but I can not tell you how much I am enjoying your photos and posts regarding Shadow Little. Or should I say the Trials and Tribulations of Shadow Little?


@RedneckBobwelcome to the daily. It seems that we were both on the roll call of one of the 4 or 5 of my cruises that was cancelled because of Covid.



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3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning!  Thank you for today’s Fleet and Daily Rich. Thanks to everyone for sharing. 

I haven’t read the entire Daily yet but wanted to ask this question before it got too late. Yesterday’s port of call had me thinking about transatlantic cruises. It’s on my cruise list and we even have one scheduled for April next year. For all of you who have done a transatlantic, which direction is your preference and why?




Sharon, you will love an April crossing.  I assume it's heading east in the spring.  Not only do you arrive in Europe rested and ready to hit the ground running, but also, with some itineraries, you gradually head in a northern direction, so you chase the springtime as you head north.  On one we did, we hit spring bloom at every port stop.  It was magical.  Well, springtime is wonderful anywhere.


East to west in the fall is good, too.  The Spanish farewell ports are delightful.  I'd take either way, but springtime to Europe is our favorite.  We're doing another one next May, 30-day British Isles on Zuiderdam.  I can't wait.

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3 minutes ago, lazey1 said:

Although I love empanadas I will not be having them today as today is my birthday and my BIL & SIL are taking me out for dinner. Now I have to make a decision Texas Roaadhouse or Red Lobster.

My good news for myself is my friend Camille has decided to join me on my Nov. cruise. I do enjoy going solo but with a companion is better for me. She has cruised previously on Carnival and on Princess but never on a HAL ship.

For over 30 years I lived in the Los Angeles suburbs and being a true blue Dodger fan I listened to Vin Sculley a lot. There will never be another like him. To quote one of his lines; it's deuces wild time, 2 on, 2 out, 2 strikes, 2 balls, what is next?


@kazuI have been a cat person all my live but I can not tell you how much I am enjoying your photos and posts regarding Shadow Little. Or should I say the Trials and Tribulations of Shadow Little?


@RedneckBobwelcome to the daily. It seems that we were both on the roll call of one of the 4 or 5 of my cruises that was cancelled because of Covid.








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