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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday August 13th, 2022


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Dear Daily-ites,  thank you to all who contribute. 


My heart is aching for Jacqui and Shadow this morning. Prayers lifted to all on our Roy's care list. Happy Birthday to Sandi's sweet husband. Gerry hoping DH feels ok and hope you don't get covid too. 


Another fire of 60 acres burning last night. Praying for RAIN!!! 


Roy, I would like to have your meal choice today. I could try to eat the whole meal starting with the salad through the orange cake.


I am a middle child. My sister is 18 months older than I and my brother was 16 months younger. My brother died in a motorcycle crash 39 years ago.


My friend who was left handed taught me to crochet, me being right handed. It was a challenge but I stuck with it and made some beautiful pieces to give.


Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend. Blessings,  Cheers and Prayers. 



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Good Saturday morning!

@Crazy For Cats, your late great vacuum was uncommonly thoughtful to give up the dust on tax-free weekend!  

@grapau27, I have just read a book that made passing reference to the anvil at Gretna Green, so your information is timely and appreciated!

Thank you to Food and Beverage, and to everyone who takes the trouble to post photos and memes.

My best ~~

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52 minutes ago, Rowsby said:

Debbie @dfish....I didn't know you were starting a selling/buying/moving adventure....!!  


Will you be staying in the same area....???


Love all the great recipes and food pics.......just wish you delivered.....😉

Years ago my sister and I decided that when she retired we would sell our houses and buy a retirement house together, hopefully  all cash, no mortgage.   Since the rest of the family is in Michigan, it makes sense for us to find a place up there, so I will move to Michigan from Ohio.  We made the decision that we would look in Midland because that is where the majority of the family is.  We would also have easy access to medical care, a quick trip to the grocery store, and good senior services from the city.  

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  No left handers in our immediate family, although our son writes with his right (his handwriting is atrocious in either hand) and bats and golfs with his left.  No middle children, and haven't had a garage sale in a long time.  Looking at all the stuff in the house and garage that could go into a garage sale means hours and hours of sorting and setting out to display.  When it comes down to it, it will be much easier to donate it all rather than haggling over a 50 cent item.


We're experiencing another heat wave this week - for the next 7 days the temperatures are going to be in the low to mid 30's so we'll keep the windows open at night and close them before the heat starts building.  Last night at 9PM it was still 28C which means we're into the hot August nights of old.  


Thanks for the kind words yesterday about DH's positive test - he slept nearly the entire day, which is probably the best thing he could have done.  I made sure he had some food in his system and left him alone so he could hibernate.  He's developed a cough, which I know kept him awake (as it did me), so will have to check to see if we have any cough syrup.  I'm also going to talk to the pharmacist about getting Paxlovid for him . . . why I didn't think about it yesterday, I have no idea!  So far I'm symptom free, but will take a test later in the day just to be sure I'm okay.


I like today's menu suggestion, as it sounds super easy, but there's the matter of the salmon that I had thawed out for our dinner for last night.  It has to be cooked up, so I'll do what I was going to do by baking it.  Once it's cooked, we can have some right away and the rest can be kept chilled for salads and sandwiches.   So it's looking like salmon will be on the menu tonight, even if it's just for our student and me.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra for the people of Ukraine and for the strength they're showing.   I'll raise my glass tonight to celebrate all on the happy list.  Stay safe, get those boosters, wear masks when needed and be well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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I haven't been in Copenhagen in many years but look forward to it at the end of this month. Since the Oosterdam is at Kusadasi, here's a photo from Ephesus.


My college roommate was kicked out of school in Germany when he was 8; the teacher said that left-handed children were ineducable. His father went to the school brandishing his doctoral diploma from Göttingen and pointed out that *he* was left-handed.


Thinking of Jacqui and Shadow. A very sad situation.

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Good morning from sunny central Texas.  It looks like the breeze is just starting.


My mother was left handed, and her teachers tried unsuccessfully to make her switch hands to write.  DH is the middle of the three brothers.  We are not allowed to have a garage sale here with the exception of the one sponsored by the POA.  I either donate things here or take them to Quartzsite to sell there.  If things ever work out, I have amassed a lot of stuff to sell, but the last couple of years have not been the time for a garage sale.


I agree with the quote.  Sometimes a little fear is good.


The meal sounds good and so does the wine.  We'll pass on the drink.


We have been fortunate to visit Copenhagen several times.  I'll repost my pictures in a few minutes.


@dfish  I'm glad the meeting with the realtor went well.  I hope the picnic is not rained out.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, please wish your GH HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us.  Safe travels tomorrow.

@lindaler  Linda, it sounds like you've settled into your new life in Mobile.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad everyone is feeling better, including Tana who is having a better day.  I'm also glad you have help taking care of her while everyone regains their strength.

@ger_77  Gerry, I hope your DH's cough clears up soon, and I hope you stay well.

@kochleffel  That is an interesting story about your roommate.  It's amazing how hard they used to try to make lefties into righties.



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We have been to Copenhagen five times beginning in 2003 on the Rotterdam, on what was the precursor of the VOV.  In 2005, the Marco Polo overnighted in Copenhagen, and we were then three times on the Prinsendam, 2011, 2016 and 1017.  


These pictures are a compilation from all the cruises.


In 2003, we did the ship tour of the three major castles, but I only remember Kornberg as being one of them.  Here are two of the outside in the rain, and one as we sailed passed on our way into port two years later, when we had much better weather.





We have done the Ho-Ho a couple of times and the Ho-Ho boat once.  On one of the times on the Ho-Ho, we toured the Carlsberg brewery.  It was okay, but I'd suggest waiting until Dublin to go through Guinness.


From the drop off point, you could either walk or take the wagon..



A few pictures from the tour.





In 2005, on the overnight when we were on Marco Polo, we went to Tivoli Gardens and had dinner. We wound up at a Norwegian café/deli.  One of the things I tried was reindeer sausage, and it was good.  The nighttime visit was in August, so it was still light fairly late then.




We also went back to Tivoli on one of our Prinsendam cruises.  These pictures are for the Garden Club.




On one of our cruises, I think it was 2011, we got off the Ho-Ho and walked through Christiania, an international community and commune of squatters that started in 1971, and was known for its cannabis trade.  The government cracked down on the trade in 2004, but when we walked through, several people tried to sell us some.  It was an interesting experience.



One picture from our Ho-Ho boat ride.



The main pedestrian street.  Somewhere on that street is our favorite bakery with the best Danish.




A couple of times when we were in Copenhagen, we happened on a special event or group performing in the City Hall Square.  One such event was a food festival, but it was mainly fish, which the locals seemed to enjoy.




We never expected to see a musical group dressed as American Indians and playing native American music.  We never learned if they were locals or if they really were Native Americans, but they sure looked like the latter



Many of the wind generators off the coast.




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37 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

I haven't been in Copenhagen in many years but look forward to it at the end of this month. Since the Oosterdam is at Kusadasi, here's a photo from Ephesus.


My college roommate was kicked out of school in Germany when he was 8; the teacher said that left-handed children were ineducable. His father went to the school brandishing his doctoral diploma from Göttingen and pointed out that *he* was left-handed.


Thinking of Jacqui and Shadow. A very sad situation.

I believe the photo is the Library. When I was there I was stopped by the authorities for having a book checked out pass due over 2049 years. 😀 

Also outside the ruins was an open air market that was selling various things. There was this sign that said, “For 15 euros, genuine fake watches” 😀

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5 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

I believe the photo is the Library. When I was there I was stopped by the authorities for having a book checked out pass due over 2049 years. 😀 

Also outside the ruins was an open air market that was selling various things. There was this sign that said, “For 15 euros, genuine fake watches” 😀


At least, the vendors are honest and tell you the watches are genuine fakes.  🤣



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Good morning

Thank you for the Fleet Report and the Daily.

I am neither left handed nor a middle child. We are prohibited from having a Garage Sale in our community, except on the days designated by the BOD.  Therefore we donate most of the stuff we no longer need or want.

I like the quote.  Some fear is good.  It keeps you out of trouble.

We will skip the meal.  I did not get my pizza last night due to a heavy thunderstorm.  This seems to be the norm every evening lately.  We will try again tonight.

Skip the wine and the drink.

I tried to tackle my finances yesterday and found a big mess.  I don’t know where it happened and finally got tired and stopped.  Will try to straighten it out today.

@dfish Debbie, happy house hunting.  I hope you and your sister find the perfect retirement home.

@StLouisCruisersHappy Birthday to your DH.  Don’t forget to wear your compression stockings on the trip home.  Thanks for the photos of Copenhagen.  It is on the itinerary for next summer’s cruise. We will end the cruise there and stay a few days.

@kazuprayers for you during this difficult time.

@smitty34877Glad Tana’s doing a bit better and you and DD are getting help.  You cannot do it all..

Today is the first day of being Prednisone Free.  I hope I don’t ever need to go back on that stuff.  I am celebrating.

@grapau27Graham, I love your food porn. How do you and Pauline stay so trim?

Thank you all for sharing

Prayers for all that need them and cheers to those celebrating.

Have a great Saturday and God Bless,


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1 hour ago, lindaler said:

Good morning all. Thanks Rich and all who contribute. Looks like a great day for yard work. I plan to work around the house most of the day. But that's ok because I spent last evening going to the Art walk around Mobile with my grandchildren. We had dinner and then stopped for rootbeer floats and enjoyed the music and vendors.  

Linda, it makes me smile to hear you can spend more time with the grandchildren living there in Mobile now.  Seems like it was the right thing to do, moving down there.  Here's to lots more time spent with them in the future!🥂




1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It is a beautiful  cool day here with a wonderful  breeze.I may try dog walking later as the conscripted teenager states he "has no time".Oh my.

I was the only one in my family growing up who was right handed.My father actually went to the Catholic  school to state that his sons were left handed and will not be forced to write with the opposite hand. They stopped insisting on it.He was quite assertive.

Years later I was a supervisor on a stroke unit and  did a study on ambidextrous  stroke patients and the difference  in their recovery patterns. 

We have been to Copenhagen  remember a tiny hotel room similar to Sandi's. It was our first time in Europe and we had a lot to learn!

I think things are a little  better for Tana today and the rest of us are doing well.The fatigue is  an issue but at least we otherwise feel well.We have 24 hour help for Tana for a while which is a huge blessing. 

Debbie, I love the recipes today and am inspired to try the Italian  one.Thanks.Enjoy your family party,even in the rain.


Terry, I never complain about small hotel rooms since that one in Copenhagen!  But we still enjoyed our stay there because they put out a late afternoon spread in the lobby which they called a light dinner, so we didn't have to find one of the very expensive restaurants for our evening meal.  We were usually pretty hungry after sightseeing all day.


Glad to hear Tana is a little better today and that you have 24 hour care now.  Everyone needs their rest!




54 minutes ago, dfish said:

Years ago my sister and I decided that when she retired we would sell our houses and buy a retirement house together, hopefully  all cash, no mortgage.   Since the rest of the family is in Michigan, it makes sense for us to find a place up there, so I will move to Michigan from Ohio.  We made the decision that we would look in Midland because that is where the majority of the family is.  We would also have easy access to medical care, a quick trip to the grocery store, and good senior services from the city.  

It's so nice to hear you are going home to live in retirement with your family all around.  Midland is a great little city so this sounds perfect!  Good luck house hunting!🏡




52 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  No left handers in our immediate family, although our son writes with his right (his handwriting is atrocious in either hand) and bats and golfs with his left.  No middle children, and haven't had a garage sale in a long time.  Looking at all the stuff in the house and garage that could go into a garage sale means hours and hours of sorting and setting out to display.  When it comes down to it, it will be much easier to donate it all rather than haggling over a 50 cent item.


We're experiencing another heat wave this week - for the next 7 days the temperatures are going to be in the low to mid 30's so we'll keep the windows open at night and close them before the heat starts building.  Last night at 9PM it was still 28C which means we're into the hot August nights of old.  


Thanks for the kind words yesterday about DH's positive test - he slept nearly the entire day, which is probably the best thing he could have done.  I made sure he had some food in his system and left him alone so he could hibernate.  He's developed a cough, which I know kept him awake (as it did me), so will have to check to see if we have any cough syrup.  I'm also going to talk to the pharmacist about getting Paxlovid for him . . . why I didn't think about it yesterday, I have no idea!  So far I'm symptom free, but will take a test later in the day just to be sure I'm okay.


I like today's menu suggestion, as it sounds super easy, but there's the matter of the salmon that I had thawed out for our dinner for last night.  It has to be cooked up, so I'll do what I was going to do by baking it.  Once it's cooked, we can have some right away and the rest can be kept chilled for salads and sandwiches.   So it's looking like salmon will be on the menu tonight, even if it's just for our student and me.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra for the people of Ukraine and for the strength they're showing.   I'll raise my glass tonight to celebrate all on the happy list.  Stay safe, get those boosters, wear masks when needed and be well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


Sleeping is just what your DH needs so he's doing the right thing.  I remember packing up my things to leave my quarantine room on the Island and stopping every few minutes to flop down on the bed for a rest.  I probably did that 6 days later when it was time to disembark the ship and fly home, too.  It takes a while to get over the fatigue.  Hoping whatever treatment your DH gets, that he gets well soon, and you don't come down with it at all. 




7 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning

Thank you for the Fleet Report and the Daily.

I am neither left handed nor a middle child. We are prohibited from having a Garage Sale in our community, except on the days designated by the BOD.  Therefore we donate most of the stuff we no longer need or want.

I like the quote.  Some fear is good.  It keeps you out of trouble.

We will skip the meal.  I did not get my pizza last night due to a heavy thunderstorm.  This seems to be the norm every evening lately.  We will try again tonight.

Skip the wine and the drink.

I tried to tackle my finances yesterday and found a big mess.  I don’t know where it happened and finally got tired and stopped.  Will try to straighten it out today.

@dfish Debbie, happy house hunting.  I hope you and your sister find the perfect retirement home.

@StLouisCruisersHappy Birthday to your DH.  Don’t forget to wear your compression stockings on the trip home.  Thanks for the photos of Copenhagen.  It is on the itinerary for next summer’s cruise. We will end the cruise there and stay a few days.

@kazuprayers for you during this difficult time.

@smitty34877Glad Tana’s doing a bit better and you and DD are getting help.  You cannot do it all..

Today is the first day of being Prednisone Free.  I hope I don’t ever need to go back on that stuff.  I am celebrating.

@grapau27Graham, I love your food porn. How do you and Pauline stay so trim?

Thank you all for sharing

Prayers for all that need them and cheers to those celebrating.

Have a great Saturday and God Bless,


I will be wearing compression socks for sure tomorrow.  I wore them yesterday on the 4 hour drive.  Thanks for the happy birthday wishes for DH!  And I'm glad to hear you are off the prednisone now.  Take care!

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1 hour ago, dfish said:

Years ago my sister and I decided that when she retired we would sell our houses and buy a retirement house together, hopefully  all cash, no mortgage.   Since the rest of the family is in Michigan, it makes sense for us to find a place up there, so I will move to Michigan from Ohio.  We made the decision that we would look in Midland because that is where the majority of the family is.  We would also have easy access to medical care, a quick trip to the grocery store, and good senior services from the city.  


What a fantastic plan...!!


Is this something that will happen quickly.....possibly even before your next cruise in October....???


Or will you be "threading the needle" between cruises.....:)

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I'm sinister (a lefty).  It is said that we lefties are in our right minds -- a medical/anatomic in-joke. 


Anyway, the only time being a lefty causes me any problems is eating with chopsticks in public where others can see me.  Asians NEVER use the left hand for chopsticks -- may (or may not?) be for the same reason that middle easterners never use the left hand for eating.  All the servers at my regular sushi places and Asian restaurants already know me but if I go to a new place I always explain immediately to the server that I cannot do ANYTHING with my right hand -- write, throw a ball, sew, etc.


So I was at Nami on K'dam earlier this year (I LIVE at Nami on Pinnacle-class ships).  I noticed two women at the sushi bar a couple of seats off to my side.  They were BOTH holding their chopsticks in their left hands!  I gasped and said to them, "You're using your left hand for your chopsticks!".  They grinned at me and said, "Yes, and we've already noticed that you are doing the same.  We were about to say something to you".   Turns out they are also sushi/sashimi addicts so I lucked into dinner companions for the rest of the voyage.



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Today we visited the city of Delft and The Hague. Weather again in nineties. Delft factory, old and new churches, lunch on the plaza and then over to Hague to see Prime Ministers office, Parliament and some Rembrandt and other notable art at the museum. Beautiful cities, 


Tonight we are having a Rjistafel dinner which is always a must have dining experience in the Netherlands.


MS Rotterdam tomorrow. Interesting our guides opinion on why we have to board MS Rotterdam in Rotterdam versus Amsterdam is not because of canal conditions but because it is so much cheaper for ships to dock in Rotterdam.



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1 hour ago, RedneckBob said:

I believe the photo is the Library. When I was there I was stopped by the authorities for having a book checked out pass due over 2049 years. 😀 

Also outside the ruins was an open air market that was selling various things. There was this sign that said, “For 15 euros, genuine fake watches” 😀

Yes, it's the Library of  Celsus. What currency did you have to use to pay the fine?


If a genuine fake was 15, I wonder how much a fake fake would be. Or would a fake fake be genuine?


On SR 80.



Edited by kochleffel
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Good morning and thanks all!  Glad to hear there’s help for Tana.


I’m enjoying the photos of Copenhagen, we’ve visited three times pre digital.   We enjoyed our hotel in Nyhaven along the canal in an old warehouse.  We had such amazing experiences with the wonderful Danes.  Particularly on our first arrival when by accident we ended up in the countryside at a Royal location when we missed our train stop.  


@Seasick Sailor lol,  my dear grandmother was left handed and tried to teach me to Crochet,  you must be a much better student 🤷‍♀️😂




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4 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

If you've walked by the St. Alban's Church I showed you earlier you remember this powerful looking fountain in front of it.  enhance




Another place you may or may not have seen is where the gazebos are located that the Danish Royal family wait in to board their yacht.  They wait in the one with the crown on top, their guests wait in the other one.  Of course!enhance


Here is the Amalienborg Palace complex where the Royal Family live.  It's not far from the yacht gazebos.enhance




There are actually four palaces on this square, one at each corner.  In the center of the plaza is this statue.enhance


The Marble Church (also called Fredrik's Church).enhance


on our 2017 Kiel Canal cruise on the Prinsendam we actually arrived in the evening and spent the night in Copenhagen.  Here is an early morning shot as we headed into the downtown area.  This pic makes me feel peaceful.enhance


This is from our walk through the Kastellet, a pentagram-shaped fortress built in the 17th century.enhance




See the windmill behind this gorgeous building?enhance




This is what we like to do in many of our ports - just walk through and see what life is like there.  We don't always need a tour, right?enhance




I wish I was in Copenhagen today!  enhance


Great photos Sandi which bring back memories.

Happy birthday to your husband.


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3 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Dear Daily-ites,  thank you to all who contribute. 


My heart is aching for Jacqui and Shadow this morning. Prayers lifted to all on our Roy's care list. Happy Birthday to Sandi's sweet husband. Gerry hoping DH feels ok and hope you don't get covid too. 


Another fire of 60 acres burning last night. Praying for RAIN!!! 


Roy, I would like to have your meal choice today. I could try to eat the whole meal starting with the salad through the orange cake.


I am a middle child. My sister is 18 months older than I and my brother was 16 months younger. My brother died in a motorcycle crash 39 years ago.


My friend who was left handed taught me to crochet, me being right handed. It was a challenge but I stuck with it and made some beautiful pieces to give.


Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend. Blessings,  Cheers and Prayers. 



Sorry to hear about your brother Joy.


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2 hours ago, Live4cruises said:

Good Saturday morning!

@Crazy For Cats, your late great vacuum was uncommonly thoughtful to give up the dust on tax-free weekend!  

@grapau27, I have just read a book that made passing reference to the anvil at Gretna Green, so your information is timely and appreciated!

Thank you to Food and Beverage, and to everyone who takes the trouble to post photos and memes.

My best ~~

Thank you.

After we visited the Old Blacksmiths shop we went to the Gretna retail outlet.


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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We have been to Copenhagen five times beginning in 2003 on the Rotterdam, on what was the precursor of the VOV.  In 2005, the Marco Polo overnighted in Copenhagen, and we were then three times on the Prinsendam, 2011, 2016 and 1017.  


These pictures are a compilation from all the cruises.


In 2003, we did the ship tour of the three major castles, but I only remember Kornberg as being one of them.  Here are two of the outside in the rain, and one as we sailed passed on our way into port two years later, when we had much better weather.





We have done the Ho-Ho a couple of times and the Ho-Ho boat once.  On one of the times on the Ho-Ho, we toured the Carlsberg brewery.  It was okay, but I'd suggest waiting until Dublin to go through Guinness.


From the drop off point, you could either walk or take the wagon..



A few pictures from the tour.





In 2005, on the overnight when we were on Marco Polo, we went to Tivoli Gardens and had dinner. We wound up at a Norwegian café/deli.  One of the things I tried was reindeer sausage, and it was good.  The nighttime visit was in August, so it was still light fairly late then.




We also went back to Tivoli on one of our Prinsendam cruises.  These pictures are for the Garden Club.




On one of our cruises, I think it was 2011, we got off the Ho-Ho and walked through Christiania, an international community and commune of squatters that started in 1971, and was known for its cannabis trade.  The government cracked down on the trade in 2004, but when we walked through, several people tried to sell us some.  It was an interesting experience.



One picture from our Ho-Ho boat ride.



The main pedestrian street.  Somewhere on that street is our favorite bakery with the best Danish.




A couple of times when we were in Copenhagen, we happened on a special event or group performing in the City Hall Square.  One such event was a food festival, but it was mainly fish, which the locals seemed to enjoy.




We never expected to see a musical group dressed as American Indians and playing native American music.  We never learned if they were locals or if they really were Native Americans, but they sure looked like the latter



Many of the wind generators off the coast.




Excellent photos Lenda.


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Good morning, all! None of the days apply to me today, and I haven’t been to the port - yet.

@dfish thank you for the recipe. The retirement move sounds like an excellent idea. Happy house hunting with your DS! @ger_77 so sorry to hear your DH has Covid. He may sleep a lot for awhile. When we had it in May, the only symptom that lasted more than a day or two was the overwhelming fatigue. Here’s praying you manage to dodge it! @kazu I’m hoping you find the right special needs rescue for Shadow. Love and strength to you both.

Last night I tried to save a roasting pan that had chicken and BBQ sauce burnt onto while using it on the BBQ. (My fault)

In desperation, I tried an internet suggestion of using a very thick layer of baking soda, covered with water, and boiled on the stove for 30 minutes. Did you know that baking soda can dissolve, travel in steam, and reform as white residue everywhere the steam touches? Neither did I.  Now I do. Today I am washing down the entire kitchen. At least it should sparkle when I’m done. I will also be throwing out the pan which is now totally ruined. Follow me for more cleaning tips!😏

Happy Saturday, everyone! Salutations to all aboard a BHB, which is probably not coated in hardened baking soda.


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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


At least, the vendors are honest and tell you the watches are genuine fakes.  🤣



We have sailed into Kusadasi several times.

The bazaars are great for haggling.

I bought a genuine fake Rolex from a special collection at the back of the one of the bazaars and it has kept perfect time for several years when I have been at work and several people have said how real it looks.


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