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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday September 5th, 2022


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I hate being late and always make a point of being at least a few minutes early.  Cheese pizza is okay, but I prefer mine with toppings.  On this International Day of Charity, I think I'll go through our clothes closets again and pack things up to take to the Salvation Army tomorrow.


A restless night last night, even though the suspects in the stabbing incident that took place yesterday are supposed to be far away.  Police said late last night that they haven't confirmed the fact that the report of seeing the two men 2.5 hours from here was in fact the two they were looking for.  Every creak of the house and every noise outside seemed amplified as we basically slept with one eye open.  I think a nap is in order today.


@Cruzin TerriI feel so bad for you and your DH; what a mess you have to contend with, and on a long weekend when so few are available to help you.  I can't begin to imagine the mess you're having to deal with.  Call your insurance company and let them send in the disaster relief team to do the clean up and moving of things.  That's why we pay for insurance.


@StLouisCruisersand @marshhawkI'm glad to hear that neither of you is affected by the flooding in Georgia - we saw video of it on the news last night.


When we were still working, Labour Day was usually the day we'd rush home from our last get-away for summer, knowing the next break wasn't coming until Christmas.  Now of course, every day is Labour Day, and there's not much rushing around now.  Yay!


DH has suggested we do smokies on the barbecue tonight, so I'll take a package out of the freezer and thaw them so he can work his magic.  Paired with potato salad, I think it will make a nice dinner for us on the deck this evening.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is hurting, especially for the 10 victims who died and the 15 who were injured yesterday.  Cheers to all who have celebrations today.  Stay safe, everyone!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂




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Happy Labor Day Monday Dailyites!  I love todays quote.  Remarkable doesn't have to be huge, but if you can make a grumpy or sad person smile or laugh, that's a tiny miracle.  I'll start with that.    So many of you make me laugh, and on some days that is a miracle.  Be proud of small miracles that you do!

  I will never solve any world problems.  I have great ideas on how to, but not the voice.  Ever notice the squeaky wheel gets the grease?  I squeak to my friends, and my DH.  It is a tiny squeak in the universe of noise.




I will be working today, it is amazing how few people didn't realize it was a holiday, and said , no, call me on Monday.  So why not.  I was just going to sit and watch TV on this rainy day,  I can sit and get paid instead.


Counting down my days until the cruise, will get out a suitcase today and start throwing in shoes. @rafinmd it's a 10 day cruise.  Yup. On a Fantasy class ship.  In a porthole cabin.  And I see that the rain will still be going on when we drive to Mobile. I hope we don't have hurricanes for 10 days.


Penny called yesterday, Jesse is home.  He is currently in denial about his condition, and she found him outside, having a smoke.  She broke down and started crying, and needed to talk to someone.  So she called me.  Being a smoker, I explained about habit and addiction, and you have to break one before you break the other, and on top of that he needs to want to quit.  I understand Jesse.  I sympathize for her, and I was probably not the best person to call.  But I also believe, life is short, just be honest. I hope you all have a fantastic day!


edited- I love cheese pizza in NJ and NY, sorry, the rest of the US, just cant get it right. Love the cheese fats dripping down my chin.  

Edited by marshhawk
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Thanks for our Monday Daily, Rich.


Happy Labour Day everyone !!!!




I guess I celebrated late for something day by being in slow motion this morning 😉 Probably did too much yesterday.  I definitely need more coffee!




Pizza with lots of cheese is wonderful - especially with other toppings!  Day of Charity is worthy of celebrating every day 👍 




I like the Green quote and DH loved chili verde.  Thanks @0106for the variations.


@Cruzin Terri oh my heavens!  What a mess you have on your hands 😔 So very sorry to hear this and the delay in repair. 😞 You poor thing.


@ger_77so glad you are safe.  What a horrific thing.  So many lives lost & people suffering.  Truly sad 💔 


Since I’m in cleaning mode, I am getting the SUV detailed today.  It needs a good cleaning and this is one job that DH did that I don’t have time to take on right now 😉 I’ve taken on everything else but this has no appeal to me and I’ll gladly pay someone to do it for me.




The hummingbirds are having a blast with the dahlias.  Wish I could get a pic but they are way too fast.


Well, pitter patter, I better get at ‘er.


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great Monday everyone !!!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 when / where needed.

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Thanks Rich and all who contribute to make this a great place. Love Chili Verde. No plans for today except maybe getting more active into getting ready for my Alaska cruise. It is good news about the Volendam. I hear that two other cruise ships will take the place of our BHB but not sure how all the works. I'm just excited because I will be spending a lot of time on the Volendam starting in Dec. This short trip to Alaska will be wet my whistle until then. It will be on the Westerdam so a little bigger but any BHB is a special time. And any time with my sister is special. 

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15 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

I love cheese pizza in NJ and NY, sorry, the rest of the US, just cant get it right. Love the cheese fats dripping down my chin. 

I prefer multiple meats on my pizza; the drippings are richer 🙂 

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36 minutes ago, ger_77 said:


@Cruzin TerriI feel so bad for you and your DH; what a mess you have to contend with, and on a long weekend when so few are available to help you.  I can't begin to imagine the mess you're having to deal with.  Call your insurance company and let them send in the disaster relief team to do the clean up and moving of things.  That's why we pay for insurance.

i called the insurance company immediately.  They sent the water mitigation specialist last night.  He was here until 11 pm working.  So the process is started.  He helped us move things, etc. He was really nice and did all he could to help us.

Thanks for your concern.


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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

In addition I want to say how sorry I am that Terri @Cruzin Terri's home had a leak and a flood yesterday.  What a nightmare!  I hope everything can be replaced or repaired and you are back to normal in short order.  Good luck!

Thanks Sandi.

We will try to handle some stuff today by ourselves, but don’t expect any outside help today because of the holiday.  Thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers.


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Good morning, all! Cheese pizza is good, and a holiday before fall,arrives is always welcome. @ger_77 stay safe! I keep messaging DD just outside of Saskatoon and telling her to stay in her car between the house and work, and other semi helpful motherly things.

@Cruzin Terri what an awful mess! As you say, at least it’s clean water, but still such a headache and not a quick or easy thing to deal with.

We head home from visiting DS and DBIL in the Okanagan today. It has been hot, and lots of smoke coming up from the fires in Washington State and some smaller ones in the southern Okanagan. Of course, we are leaving this morning so the wind has changed and the smoke has cut back a lot.

Just over 3 weeks until we leave on our big trip, so lots to do! And of course the Grand Africa itinerary changes are rolling in. @richwmn, Rich, they have dropped Dakar, Senegal off the GA, so I suspect we may see it dropped off the GWV itinerary as well when the time gets closer.

Happy Monday, everyone, and isn’t every day a holiday aboard a BHB?

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1 minute ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

what an awful mess! As you say, at least it’s clean water, but still such a headache and not a quick or easy thing to deal with.

Thanks for your thoughts.  Believe me, I am grateful it is “CLEAN WATER”.  Imagine the mess if it weren’t.  


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@Cruzin Terri  My thoughts are with you.  Yes, be grateful it's clean water!  

Our house was built in the 60's.  They used terra cotta plumbing from the house to the street.  The day before my first colonoscopy, right before I was to take those "pills", I heard a crack.  Sounded weird, checked out side, nothing fallen from the pines.  Flushed the toilet,, and all of a sudden, the shower in the back bathroom started filling with brown yucky water.  As did the tub in the front bathroom.  as did the toilets.   I called DH at work, he said, call a plumber....10K dollars later, the entire front yard had been dug up, all the terra cotta plumbing changed out, turns out that one of the pines had a root that grew around the terra cotta, and crushed it.  


I spent a lot of money that wiped out a good savings source, the plumbing service had financing, and never offered it to me.  When DH asked where all my money went, I said it went down with sh.. in the front yard.  There is an upside to everything though, since the yard was dug up, I planted seeds and had jalapeno and green peppers grow there for two years.  🤗

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Good Morning All,

As for so many others, yesterday was a scorcher. We received 3 calls from the power company about the “power outage” at our address- this while we had power all along. 😂 (not complaining, just a little amused). We have no special plans for today. I’ll probably work on a sewing project. We’ll throw a few things together for a brief trip to San Diego for a convention in a few days.


Today’s Wine:


St. Urbans-Hof 2019 Nik Weis Urban Riesling (Mosel, Germany)

I found this Riesling is available on one site only, for $13. All other sites noted it as unavailable, and were encouraging purchase of the 2020 vintage.


Notes of pine frond and mint lend a cooling, vital freshness to this feather-light Riesling. Off dry in style, it's a pristine, lemony sip that finishes long on a delicately earthen tone. Best now–2023. ANNA LEE C. IIJIMA

Wine Enthusiast

Notes of pine frond and mint lend a cooling, vital freshness to this feather-light Riesling. Off dry in style, it’s a pristine, lemony sip that finishes long on a delicately earthen tone. Best now–2023. Best Buy.


Have a great day everyone!



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Good morning all!

Happy Labor/Labour Day.  Nothing to be late for today, this will be an at-home day for me, catching up on some housework.  I like cheese pizza, but prefer Hawaiian pizza.  It's a good day to gather items for charity.


The quote is good (IMO something remarkable doesn't have to be earth-changing, it could be something remarkable to only you). I'll pass on the meal but both the drink and wine sound great.  Have never been to this port.


@Cruzin TerriI'm so sorry about the leak and damage to your house!!  What a nightmare.

The same thing happened to a neighbor -- in fact we found out that all the houses in our neighborhood have that potential.  Most of us have replaced that piece on every sink and toilet since then and pray it won't happen. 


Joy @Seasick Sailorprayers for your DH.

Gerry @ger_77so glad you and your DH are safe.

@HAL4NOWI don't get migraines, but do get headaches if there's even one tiny bit of cilantro in a dish (and so many have it).  For me it's a bitter taste, not soapy -- and one little flake will ruin the whole dish. 



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Good morning. Cool here this morning so dogs and I enjoyed the walk. It will be a lot warmer this afternoon but still not nearly as hot as many places. I am glad I am where I am.


The meal looks good. I have been to Belem - not one of my favorite memories. Took a ship's tour there which did not go as advertised. The nature walk turned into a forced march as the guide took us off the beaten path so to speak. And one participant badly injured her foot (she was able to continue the cruise fortunately).  We got caught in heavy ground traffic returning late to the ship but at least the ship was still there. I remember going to my cabin and collapsing. I had plenty to say to the shore excursion people the next day and think they had heard most of it already. Our guide really overestimated the endurance and agility of a group of not too young people. And it was a very hot day. 


I am piling stuff into my car to take to our thrift store when it next is receiving donations. That should be Thursday. And I plan to take on some weeks that are growing along and in our driveway. Vinegar and salt are in order. Otherwise a quiet day.


My strongest best wishes to all who need them. Durango is quiet.... I hope it stays that way. 









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Good morning from sunny and breezy central Texas.  We are back in the upper mid-90sF for the next ten days and with very little chance of rain.   


We got bought some very strong (ie: expensive) weed killer to try to get rid of the crab grass and other weeds taking over the yard.  Now that I need a calm day to spray the yard, the forecast is for 5-15 mph winds fore the next ten days.


I hope everyone has an enjoyable Labor Day.  I try not to be late, but today I can celebrate? be late for something day since I am washing the sheets that did not get washed yesterday.  The past two years, we've taken quite a lot of things to the local thrift store and to Goodwill.  Like so many other Dailyites, I like a lot of cheese on my pizza with other toppings.  When we are in Italy, we usually get a Margarita pizza, which is the closet we come to a cheese pizza.


Today's quote is interesting, and if we make someone smile, laugh or feel better that is remarkable even in a small way.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink.  I prefer my chili with beef and a thick red sauce.  True Texas chili does not contain beans, but we like our chili with beans.


We have been to today's port, but no one got off the ship as it was an unscheduled stop.  After the old Regal Princess ran aground off the coast of Brazil, Captain "Sandbar" as he became know around the ship, was required to stop at the first port and have divers inspect the hull.  Since it was at night, I don't even have pictures of the town.  Hope someone else has some to share.


2 hours ago, HAL4NOW said:

My DW's grandmother helped to form the union for seamstresses in Los Angeles many years ago, back when workers were regularly abused in that industry. We take so many things for granted now in the work world that others had to struggle to bring about. Happy Labor Day.


Good for your DW's grandmother helping organize the seamstresses in Los Angeles.  


2 hours ago, HAL4NOW said:

I love cilantro, but it is one of my triggers for migraine headaches. Two other triggers I have been able to identify are chocolate and the nitrites in smoked meats. 


It's good you know some of the triggers for migraine headaches, but I'm so sorry chocolate is one of them.  For me, that's a basic food group.


2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, Good morning to all of you.

I didn’t get much sleep last night.  Lots of equipment running all night to extract the water from the carpeting.

This house is a mess.

Today being Labor Day, we will have no help at all.  We were advised to wait until tomorrow to call a plumber for the toilet situation.  All it needs is a small plastic pipe from the tank to the bowl.  It split and the water just kept pouring out of it. I am just grateful that the water that flooded our house was clean.  I guess you have to be thankful for something’s.  It could have been worse. We will have to replace the flooring in all but two rooms.  We will probably do it in the whole house, even if it costs extra since the carpeting is 21 years old.

There were so many things to move out of the way yesterday and we were both so tired.  

I guess we will spend today just trying to go through some stuff and see what is salvagable and what is not.

I’ll try to check in later.

Have a good day everyone.

God Bless and thanks for your kind words.



Terri, I'm glad you had help last night, and good luck with going through your things.  I hope most will be salvageable.


1 hour ago, Mr. Boston said:

Good morning everyone from Kildeer, IL. It’s a gloomy Labor day here.  Sorry that I haven’t been around much lately but a large work project has taken over my spare time.  I like the collection of days today.  I hope I’m not late for my flight home today.  A cheese pizza sounds delicious.  Love International Charity Day.  I don’t agree with the quote at all, life isn’t a scorecard.  The meal and drink sound very nice.  I haven’t been to today’s port and would enjoy seeing the photos.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events and safe travels to all who are traveling on this Labor Day. 


Safe travels home, and I hope your flight is on time and goes smoothly.


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Happy Labor Day Monday Dailyites!  I love todays quote.  Remarkable doesn't have to be huge, but if you can make a grumpy or sad person smile or laugh, that's a tiny miracle.  I'll start with that.    So many of you make me laugh, and on some days that is a miracle.  Be proud of small miracles that you do!

  I will never solve any world problems.  I have great ideas on how to, but not the voice.  Ever notice the squeaky wheel gets the grease?  I squeak to my friends, and my DH.  It is a tiny squeak in the universe of noise.




I will be working today, it is amazing how few people didn't realize it was a holiday, and said , no, call me on Monday.  So why not.  I was just going to sit and watch TV on this rainy day,  I can sit and get paid instead.


Counting down my days until the cruise, will get out a suitcase today and start throwing in shoes. @rafinmd it's a 10 day cruise.  Yup. On a Fantasy class ship.  In a porthole cabin.  And I see that the rain will still be going on when we drive to Mobile. I hope we don't have hurricanes for 10 days.


Penny called yesterday, Jesse is home.  He is currently in denial about his condition, and she found him outside, having a smoke.  She broke down and started crying, and needed to talk to someone.  So she called me.  Being a smoker, I explained about habit and addiction, and you have to break one before you break the other, and on top of that he needs to want to quit.  I understand Jesse.  I sympathize for her, and I was probably not the best person to call.  But I also believe, life is short, just be honest. I hope you all have a fantastic day!


edited- I love cheese pizza in NJ and NY, sorry, the rest of the US, just cant get it right. Love the cheese fats dripping down my chin.  


Ann, thank you for your nice words about the Dailyites bringing laughter to your day.  They help make my days better, too.


1 hour ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Monday Daily, Rich.


Happy Labour Day everyone !!!!




I guess I celebrated late for something day by being in slow motion this morning 😉 Probably did too much yesterday.  I definitely need more coffee!




Pizza with lots of cheese is wonderful - especially with other toppings!  Day of Charity is worthy of celebrating every day 👍 




I like the Green quote and DH loved chili verde.  Thanks @0106for the variations.


@Cruzin Terri oh my heavens!  What a mess you have on your hands 😔 So very sorry to hear this and the delay in repair. 😞 You poor thing.


@ger_77so glad you are safe.  What a horrific thing.  So many lives lost & people suffering.  Truly sad 💔 


Since I’m in cleaning mode, I am getting the SUV detailed today.  It needs a good cleaning and this is one job that DH did that I don’t have time to take on right now 😉 I’ve taken on everything else but this has no appeal to me and I’ll gladly pay someone to do it for me.




The hummingbirds are having a blast with the dahlias.  Wish I could get a pic but they are way too fast.


Well, pitter patter, I better get at ‘er.


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great Monday everyone !!!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 when / where needed.



Jacqui, I don't blame you for paying someone to detail the car.  I don't mind washing and waxing the cars, but I do not like cleaning the inside. 


54 minutes ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

Good morning, all! Cheese pizza is good, and a holiday before fall,arrives is always welcome. @ger_77 stay safe! I keep messaging DD just outside of Saskatoon and telling her to stay in her car between the house and work, and other semi helpful motherly things.

@Cruzin Terri what an awful mess! As you say, at least it’s clean water, but still such a headache and not a quick or easy thing to deal with.

We head home from visiting DS and DBIL in the Okanagan today. It has been hot, and lots of smoke coming up from the fires in Washington State and some smaller ones in the southern Okanagan. Of course, we are leaving this morning so the wind has changed and the smoke has cut back a lot.

Just over 3 weeks until we leave on our big trip, so lots to do! And of course the Grand Africa itinerary changes are rolling in. @richwmn, Rich, they have dropped Dakar, Senegal off the GA, so I suspect we may see it dropped off the GWV itinerary as well when the time gets closer.

Happy Monday, everyone, and isn’t every day a holiday aboard a BHB?


We visited Dakar, Senegal, in 2009, and took the shuttle into town.  After walking about two blocks from the drop off point, we turned around and headed back to the shuttle.  It was not a comfortable feeling walking around there.  On our way back to the shuttle, the afternoon call to prayer was sounded and all the men unrolled their prayer rugs and took over the sidewalks.  Our shuttle was the last one to let people off; after that, the shuttle ride was basically a quick tour without stops.  If you do make it to Senegal, I recommend going to the Ile de Goree.  It was the island where slaves were shipped to the new world. We enjoyed the tour there.  Because the ferries to Goree run from a different dock which is not close to where our ship docked, I would also recommend a ship tour.  Safe travels home today.


@ger_77  Gerry, I'm glad you continue to be safe.  I hope they capture to the suspects soon.  My heart goes out to the victims and their families.  



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Happy Labor Day!  My DS is having a dinner party tonight!  I already did my walk and tai chi, so I am just relaxing!


@Cruzin TerriHope water dries up and doesn’t damage much.  


I wonder why Dakar was removed from itinerary- I saw on Africa news that there has been severe flooding, but that happens sometimes there.  


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@Cruzin TerriIt is a very simple job to replace the hose to the toilet.  Doesn't make sense to hire and wait for a plumber for that.  Obviously the water is already turned off at the hose.  Just take a pair of pliers or a wrench if you have one, unscrew the hose from the faucet and the toilet tank, and take it to a local hardware store to get a replacement.  Cost will be less than $5.  90% of the hoses have the same fittings as yours, you are just taking it to the store with you to be 100% sure it fits.  Screw the new one on, turn on the water, and your toilet is fixed.

On the same theme, it is a good idea to check the hoses to your washing machine as they can fail the same way.  We always turn the water off to them when we go on travel just to be safe.  However, I have never thought of turning the water off at the toilets.


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17 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

No time to write. Big flood in my house.  Toilet in master bath broke water all over the house. Waiting for someone to come and help us get the water out.

What a mess!



14 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

We had someone come tonight and he put equipment all over the house to get the water out.  We have to have all the carpeting removed in the living room, two bedrooms the vanity in the master bathroom, baseboards have to be replaced.  Cannot use master bedroom.


4 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

I didn’t get much sleep last night.  Lots of equipment running all night to extract the water from the carpeting.

This house is a mess.

Teri, I’m so sorry you are dealing with this. We had something similar at my moms’s house. 
We had just finished remodeling the downstairs bathroom so it was usable and DM didn’t have to go upstairs all the time. Unfortunately someone (and I’m not going to say who) forgot to turn off the water to the upstairs toilet after using it and didn’t make sure the toilet tank stopped running. We’ll, it didn’t “seat” and kept running. Which  would have been OK (just a large water bill) except there was a clog at the street, so the (clean) water backed up through the new shower and flooded 3/4 of the downstairs. It was a shock when I went to check on the house (DM had not moved back in yet) and I stepped in more than an inch of water! 😱 

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7 minutes ago, USN59-79 said:

@Cruzin TerriIt is a very simple job to replace the hose to the toilet.  Doesn't make sense to hire and wait for a plumber for that.  Obviously the water is already turned off at the hose.  Just take a pair of pliers or a wrench if you have one, unscrew the hose from the faucet and the toilet tank, and take it to a local hardware store to get a replacement.  Cost will be less than $5.  90% of the hoses have the same fittings as yours, you are just taking it to the store with you to be 100% sure it fits.  Screw the new one on, turn on the water, and your toilet is fixed.

On the same theme, it is a good idea to check the hoses to your washing machine as they can fail the same way.  We always turn the water off to them when we go on travel just to be safe.  However, I have never thought of turning the water off at the toilets.


Thank you Ray,

I appreciate all your instructions.  However you are talking to two people that are not mechanically inclined and I am not sure that what the water mitigation tech said last night is the only thing wrong. Plus the plumbing bill will be covered by the insurance.  it may be more than just that.  

This whole thing is a nightmare right now.  


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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Happy Labor Day!

I've nothing to be late for today, and I'm usually early for things any way. I'll be having cheese pizza later (with pepperoni on it). We should all try to be charitable. Interesting quote.

I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine.

I haven't been to Icoaraci.


It's raining off and on here and in the low 70's. I've been busy this morning, trying to do a bit of deep cleaning of my bedroom in preparation for the new bed coming on Thursday. Next I think I may take the lace curtains down in there and wash them. The insurance claims person is working even though it's a holiday; she called and they only want to pay for replacing some shingles. Well, I hadn't even planned to try to put in a claim due to the age of the roof. So I'll just take anything they give me, to help offset the cost of replacing it. They'll also pay for the plaster repairs inside.


@Seasick Sailor Joy, continued prayers for Allen. 

@luvteaching Enjoy the Eurodam cruise.

@Cruzin Terri Oh no on the toilet issue and flooding at your house! Sorry to hear so much will need to be replaced. 

@ger_77 Awful what happened with the stabbings. I'm glad you're safe, but certainly understand your unease.

@marshhawk I'm glad Jesse is home, and sorry how tough it is for his wife. 

@kazu I don't blame you for getting someone to detail the SUV; that's a lot of work!


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. 

Stay safe everyone.

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