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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday December 31st, 2022


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1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Happy New Year's Eve to our fellow Daily-ites on day #21, Ocho Rios, Jamaica, on the lovely Rotterdam.


Lifting prayers for all who need them. Birthday wishes to Sandi's DDIL. Lots of New Year's cheers will be happening tonight! 


Bon Voyage Rich! Thank you for the glue holding our Daily Family together. Have an awesome cruise.


The laundry fairy called and will deliver our now found laundry. I did not get the story as to what happened. 


Last night's dinner in MDR: Allen loved the chiliI reinos. When I can't find something I like, I order lobster. I've had it 6 or 7 times...


There's a very nice dinner menu in MDR tonight. Yes, steak and lobster for those wondering..


We are sitting at our same favorite table as we did last year. Here's last year's picture:




There was a picture of the 2 of us, but I deleted it as it looked like I was wearing a chandalier on my head, as @ger_77 remarked, lol.


My sweet husband is starting to stir, so I will sign off for now. He's a bit better but the cough.. Ewww. Today is covid testing for our friends again. I'm praying they all test negative and start the new year on a "positive note"


Blessings and prayers for the 4 Idaho students/victim's families. Thankful they caught the killer.


Bless our Pope Benedict as God opens his arms to welcome him to heaven.



So happy someone found your laundry so you didn't have to go down to the laundry department and check the lost and found!  LOL!   Glad Allen is better and hope anyone taking tests today test negative.  Have a wonderful New Year celebration!🥂




59 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I will definitely celebrate Champagne Day, New Year's Eve and will meditate for world peace.  As we bring the year to a close, I want to thank @richwmnfor getting the Daily started, and for everyone who contributes, whether on a regular basis or whenever they can.  I look forward to turning on the computer every morning to see what my friends are up to.


Yesterday was busy, but didn't turn out the way I thought it might.  First of all, we had a phone call that DH's aunt passed away at age 97.  She had been in frail health for the past few months, so it wasn't a surprise.  Then a couple of hours later, I found out a cousin of mine had suffered a fatal stroke at age 75.  Later in the afternoon, our son called to say that his DW's grandmother passed away in Japan; nobody seems to know just how old she is, but she is in her 90's.   I've heard that things come in 3's, and I've subscribed to that theory, but never thought they would all come on the same day.


I've got all our things packed and the luggage pieces only weigh about 30 or 34 pounds, so I'm well within the limits.  Today after I get my nails done, DH and I have to head to the Apple store because the AirTags I bought this summer aren't working.  I tried replacing the battery in one, but it still wouldn't connect with my phone.  Hopefully they can figure out what's going on, because I can't imagine they're only good for 1 trip!


Being a carnivore, I'm going to take a pass on today's menu suggestion.  I don't care for the mouth feel of mushroom in a sandwich.  Just thinking about it makes me shiver.  LOL  Instead, we'll be having our last meal of 2022 that will consist of lemon pasta with shrimp and a side salad at the kitchen table.  And wine - sparkly wine - Frexinet!


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially for the soul of Pope Benedict today.  Cheers to all with celebrations, and Happy New Year to all my friends here at the Daily!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



So sorry to hear about all the sad news today.  Condolences on the passing of DH's Aunt, your cousin, and DS's DMIL.  Hope that is the end of that type of news.  Safe travels to your cruise!




32 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!   


We had a houseful last night for Farkle.  Brother Bill and his wife, niece Liz and her husband, and nephew Ian's SO and 2 year old daughter.  Bill is hoping he is called off work tonight so he can come back.  But, he said the Call Off Queen is also scheduled to work so chances are slim.  


2022 has had its challenges, but mostly good things came my way.  I am so thankful for my beautiful new house and for being close to family.   Sue and I had a wonderful cruise to Norway in July and her lost luggage was found and delivered to her.  I had a wonderful opportunity to cruise again in October (two weeks before my big move) and to meet up with several CC Dailyites.  


The friendships made here on the Daily are a highlight.  Who knew how close a community we would create back in early 2020?  Many thanks to Rich @richwmn for inspiring us by expanding the Daily Fleet Location to include all it does today.   Thanks to Roy @rafinmd for stepping in while Rich is cruising and for keeping our prayer and celebration lists.  Thanks to @cat shepard Ann for the daily wine reviews and the memes.  I always get a laugh!   Thanks to @summer slope Dixie for the drink recipes.  Most of those look really good to me.  I hope I can remember some of them to try this summer when I'm on a BHB.   Thanks to everyone who contributes on a regular basis - all of you who post your port pictures have expanded my horizons and bucket list.  We've picked up great ideas like having a celebration tree all  year long that reflects the current season or holiday.  @ger_77 roll recipe will live on forever in so many more homes.  Everyone who posts here has made this what it is.  Thank you!!


Today's meal sounds good and could be pretty easy to make.   This first one lacks the directions because they are on a pay site, but most of us can figure it out.   https://www.copymethat.com/r/eMBnpA4bi/how-to-make-roasted-mushroom-parmesan-sa/




Here's a sheet  pan version.   https://thebrookcook.wordpress.com/2018/08/01/sheet-pan-crispy-mushroom-parmesan-sandwiches/




This next one looks like something I'd like to try someday.  https://justinesnacks.com/crispy-mushroom-sandwich-with-basil-parmesan/




But who am I kidding?   Tonight is New Year's Eve.  We're having my famous chicken wings (famous in the family - slow cooked for 4-5 hours and basted with barbecue sauce often), sauerkraut balls, shrimp cocktail, and a veggie platter for good measure.  


Wishing everyone a wonderful day and a safe and fun celebration tonight.  





Debbie, when you start your year round celebration trees we want to see photos!  I recommend a slim tree to save space unless you have ballroom-size living spaces.  🌲  Happy New Year to you and Sue!





31 minutes ago, Mr. Boston said:

Good morning everyone.  Just put the Veuve Clicquot in the fridge. New Year’s Eve is my sister’s birthday so I’ll be giving her a birthday call shortly, happy birthday Patricia!  Love the quote by Willie Nelson.  The meal suggestion sounds tasty.  I haven’t been to today’s port but it’s on my bucket list. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list and for world peace.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!  Happy New Year everyone! 🥂🍾🎉

Happy birthday to your DS Patricia!  Many happy returns of the day for her.🎂



14 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:

@rafinmd and all,


My DH just got off phone. His sister (my DSIL) who has been fighting metastatic melanoma along with heart and blood clot complications has been taken to the hospital by ambulance.


Her son said, "She has severe pain throughout her body and her heart was beating way too fast. She isn't doing well."


I asked my DH if he wanted to leave for there now and he said, "No. We had a nice visit at Christmas."


Having seen her struggles over the past weeks, my prayer is that my 90 year old DSIL knows that it is okay to let go. I sense she does as, yesterday, she sent a long (for her) email thanking us again for our visit this past week.



Melisa, Prayers for your family as you all deal with your DSIL's health issues.  Thank goodness you were able to get there for Christmas for that last visit.  Peace to you all as she nears the end of life.🙏

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13 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:

@rafinmd and all,


My DH just got off phone. His sister (my DSIL) who has been fighting metastatic melanoma along with heart and blood clot complications has been taken to the hospital by ambulance.


Her son said, "She has severe pain throughout her body and her heart was beating way too fast. She isn't doing well."


I asked my DH if he wanted to leave for there now and he said, "No. We had a nice visit at Christmas."


Having seen her struggles over the past weeks, my prayer is that my 90 year old DSIL knows that it is okay to let go. I sense she does as, yesterday, she sent a long (for her) email thanking us again for our visit this past week.





Praying that your DSIL is made comfortable. Bless you for making the trip. I am glad your DH wants to remember the nice visit. 

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To all of The Dailyites --


As this  year comes to an end, thank you each for the love and care you share on this thread. Thank you also for the enjoyment you spread through your pictures and tales of adventures both current and past. And, an extra thanks to those that have a special role in The Fleet Report and Daily.


My wish is that 2023 brings you each all you've ever hoped for and grants you blessings you've never dreamed.


🎉Happy New Year! Happy 2023!🎉



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Good morning and a Happy New Year’s Eve!!  🥂 🍾 🎉  I agree with Willie Nelson.  I will be having my mushrooms with a steak, thank you.  I don’t believe that world peace is a possibility but I will meditate on it anyway.  I guess that conflicts with my agreement on the Willie quote.  🫤


Tonight my husband and I will exchange Christmas presents and celebrate the ringing in of the new year.  I’ve been driving back from Canada for two days and he’s been in NC for Christmas and his Mom’s birthday; and with 72f/22c weather!  I arrived home to 65f/18c with sunny skies, warm breezes, and the deer beside my deck.  Quite the welcome change to that brutal weather we had in Buffalo and Southern Ontario.  People around here are probably wondering why my car is covered in salt-with-snow-muck while theirs are all sparkly clean.  I stand out like a sore thumb.  I had a lovely time celebrating the season with friends and family but I am glad to be home.  🥰  


I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable New Year’s and may 2023 be your best year yet!!!  🎊

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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Yesterday was busy, but didn't turn out the way I thought it might.  First of all, we had a phone call that DH's aunt passed away at age 97.  She had been in frail health for the past few months, so it wasn't a surprise.  Then a couple of hours later, I found out a cousin of mine had suffered a fatal stroke at age 75.  Later in the afternoon, our son called to say that his DW's grandmother passed away in Japan; nobody seems to know just how old she is, but she is in her 90's.   I've heard that things come in 3's, and I've subscribed to that theory, but never thought they would all come on the same day.


Condolences to you and your extended family. Almost too much to bear on one day.

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Thank you all for the Daily and Fleet report!  Thank you for being so welcoming to newcomers to the thread and to these boards. It's currently pouring rain here.  Maybe that might have some tourists deciding to stay home instead of coming into Niagara Falls for the New Years Eve fireworks.  I don't know if the concert will go ahead or not.  There is a map circulating on Facebook for locals to avoid the tourist area.  My dh and I will be doing what we have done every year.  Staying home and going to bed early.  Pretty much what we have been doing since New Year's day of 2020 as I had a major surgery coming up on January 13, 2020 and was told to stay healthy for the 2 weeks  before my surgery.  I told friends and family that I had to isolate myself.  By the time I was able to get out and get back to hanging out with friends, everything was shutting down.  Here we are, still isolating 3 years later.  

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Happy last Saturday of 2022 Dailyites!  This has been a most interesting year for me.  Yes I did a cruise, which was fun, relaxing and reminded me that I love cruising, which is why after retirement I keep on working.  I started on taking my health a bit more seriously, and finally addressing some of my problems.  I had to rethink the quote, why do it today when I can do it tomorrow.  I lost one of my best buddies this year because of her living through that philosophy.  And this time instead of getting angry, it taught me something about myself.


The best part of this year was finding the Daily, and meeting all of you.  You teach me, you make me laugh, you've made me cry, and being here with you all is like being wrapped in the arms of angels.

This is a place where we feel safe, we share our joys, and our disasters, and our dreams.  I know I am addicted to being here.  To find out what is going on with everyone, and to know that while we are all going through weird and hard times, we manage to pick ourselves up, and get on with living, and I think that the secret to that is that you all have joy in your hearts.


So at the end of 2022-for you all I wish a very Happy 2023, that you never lose the joy and the compassion that you share with others.


Tonight, no plans.  Far too many idiots that dwell near the holler.  They shoot guns up in the air, and seem to have forgotten that what goes up, must come down.  We are going to meet up with Penny mid afternoon.  She called last night, and said that Jessie was not feeling well enough to go out and sit and be with people.  I am going to go pay bills, and hopefully when we are done with our late linner/dunch (early dinner, late lunch) I can stop at the store, and pick up something to eat for tomorrow.  Thinking shrimp and asparagus for dinner.  I am making sausage cheese balls for breakfast.  I suspect that the DH will go through eggnog and Pepperidge Farm Christmas cookie withdrawal.    I am not in any rush to take down Christmas, not until the 7th.  



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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I will definitely celebrate Champagne Day, New Year's Eve and will meditate for world peace.  As we bring the year to a close, I want to thank @richwmnfor getting the Daily started, and for everyone who contributes, whether on a regular basis or whenever they can.  I look forward to turning on the computer every morning to see what my friends are up to.


Yesterday was busy, but didn't turn out the way I thought it might.  First of all, we had a phone call that DH's aunt passed away at age 97.  She had been in frail health for the past few months, so it wasn't a surprise.  Then a couple of hours later, I found out a cousin of mine had suffered a fatal stroke at age 75.  Later in the afternoon, our son called to say that his DW's grandmother passed away in Japan; nobody seems to know just how old she is, but she is in her 90's.   I've heard that things come in 3's, and I've subscribed to that theory, but never thought they would all come on the same day.


I've got all our things packed and the luggage pieces only weigh about 30 or 34 pounds, so I'm well within the limits.  Today after I get my nails done, DH and I have to head to the Apple store because the AirTags I bought this summer aren't working.  I tried replacing the battery in one, but it still wouldn't connect with my phone.  Hopefully they can figure out what's going on, because I can't imagine they're only good for 1 trip!


Being a carnivore, I'm going to take a pass on today's menu suggestion.  I don't care for the mouth feel of mushroom in a sandwich.  Just thinking about it makes me shiver.  LOL  Instead, we'll be having our last meal of 2022 that will consist of lemon pasta with shrimp and a side salad at the kitchen table.  And wine - sparkly wine - Frexinet!


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially for the soul of Pope Benedict today.  Cheers to all with celebrations, and Happy New Year to all my friends here at the Daily!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



I was so sorry to see this Gerry. My condolences on all the losses. It has to be hard to hear of three deaths at once.

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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

I've heard that things come in 3's, and I've subscribed to that theory, but never thought they would all come on the same day.

Prayers for you and your family on the passing of your DH's aunt, your cousin, and your son's DW's grandmother. So much for your family to absorb in one day. May the loss your family feels now soon be filled with memories of the lives each loved one led.


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@ger_77I am sorry for all of your family losses yesterday.


@HAL Sailer I am so glad that you took DH to visit his sister for Christmas.  Prayers for you and your family at this time.


@Seasick Sailor Our cruise/traveling friends got back from a cruise the day before Christmas.  The wife has a terrible cough, not covid, not pneumonia, and apparently not bronchitis.  They have ended up in urgent care twice since they have been home.  Can you get your hubby out sitting in the sun?  That might help his cough.  I certainly hope that the cough is not an allergy to cruising!   

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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I will definitely celebrate Champagne Day, New Year's Eve and will meditate for world peace.  As we bring the year to a close, I want to thank @richwmnfor getting the Daily started, and for everyone who contributes, whether on a regular basis or whenever they can.  I look forward to turning on the computer every morning to see what my friends are up to.


Yesterday was busy, but didn't turn out the way I thought it might.  First of all, we had a phone call that DH's aunt passed away at age 97.  She had been in frail health for the past few months, so it wasn't a surprise.  Then a couple of hours later, I found out a cousin of mine had suffered a fatal stroke at age 75.  Later in the afternoon, our son called to say that his DW's grandmother passed away in Japan; nobody seems to know just how old she is, but she is in her 90's.   I've heard that things come in 3's, and I've subscribed to that theory, but never thought they would all come on the same day.


I've got all our things packed and the luggage pieces only weigh about 30 or 34 pounds, so I'm well within the limits.  Today after I get my nails done, DH and I have to head to the Apple store because the AirTags I bought this summer aren't working.  I tried replacing the battery in one, but it still wouldn't connect with my phone.  Hopefully they can figure out what's going on, because I can't imagine they're only good for 1 trip!


Being a carnivore, I'm going to take a pass on today's menu suggestion.  I don't care for the mouth feel of mushroom in a sandwich.  Just thinking about it makes me shiver.  LOL  Instead, we'll be having our last meal of 2022 that will consist of lemon pasta with shrimp and a side salad at the kitchen table.  And wine - sparkly wine - Frexinet!


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially for the soul of Pope Benedict today.  Cheers to all with celebrations, and Happy New Year to all my friends here at the Daily!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



Sorry to hear your 3 sad stories Gerry.

Prayers 🙏 and condolences for all the families and friends.


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13 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@ger_77I am sorry for all of your family losses yesterday.


@HAL Sailer I am so glad that you took DH to visit his sister for Christmas.  Prayers for you and your family at this time.


@Seasick Sailor Our cruise/traveling friends got back from a cruise the day before Christmas.  The wife has a terrible cough, not covid, not pneumonia, and apparently not bronchitis.  They have ended up in urgent care twice since they have been home.  Can you get your hubby out sitting in the sun?  That might help his cough.  I certainly hope that the cough is not an allergy to cruising!   


I am going on shore. Allen is laying on a sunny lounger at Lido pool. He will probably sleep a few hours, which I hope will help him..

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1 hour ago, Mr. Boston said:

Good morning everyone.  Just put the Veuve Clicquot in the fridge. New Year’s Eve is my sister’s birthday so I’ll be giving her a birthday call shortly, happy birthday Patricia!  Love the quote by Willie Nelson.  The meal suggestion sounds tasty.  I haven’t been to today’s port but it’s on my bucket list. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list and for world peace.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!  Happy New Year everyone! 🥂🍾🎉

Happy birthday Patricia.


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The Willie Nelson quote is a wonderful thought to take into 2023, so I am writing it on my nice, new calendar.


I cannot thank EVERYONE involved with the Daily enough for the love, prayers, thoughts, pictures, caring and sharing that is expressed each and very day.  I cannot remember when I first discovered it, but do know that Rich and Roy are the mainstays and deserve the biggest thanks, but I see so many other regulars that make it the wonderful place that it is.


Have a Happy, Healthy, Blessed 2023!

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Happy New Year’s Eve!



On January 23, I made my first post on the Daily.  I had been reading for a long time but was nervous about posting.  I was amazed how you welcomed me with open arms.  Thank you to all who contribute.


“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.”  Shakespeare 

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Good morning all,

Adding my gratitude to all who contribute to the Daily. Sending condolences to @ger_77 and @HAL Sailer.


We have had some rain! And are expecting more today. Yesterday we packed up our bikes and headed to a local mountain bike park for a bit and rode in the sprinkles. It was devine! Today we’re going to be inside.


Happy New Year to all!

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Good morning from sunny and breezy with a south wind central Texas.  It is currently 48F, and I think we have a better chance of reaching the predicted high in the 70F today.




We have some sparkling wine in the refrigerator, but I'm not sure if we'll be opening it today.  We usually make it to midnight to greet the new year, but I'm not sure about tonight either.  It's a safe bet we will hear fireworks tonight, and not just at midnight, but starting at sunset.  I think about world peace every day, but we need to do more than meditate about it.


Willie Nelson was correct with today's quote, but then, I often agree with his "pearls of wisdom".


Today's meal might be a good one to file way for when our vegetarian family members visit.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


Unfortunately, we have not been to Nuku alofa, Tonga.  It is definitely on the bucket list.


@richwmn  Rich, thank you for starting and keeping the Fleet/Daily going.  Without  your diligence and hard work, we would not have this wonderful place to come to each day, and all the wonderful friends who we visit with each day.

@rafinmd  Roy, thank you for keeping track of all our needs and our celebrations.  Also, thank you for filling Rich's shoes while he is on a much deserved, extended voyage.

@dfish Debbie, @cat shepard Ann, and @summer slope Dixie, thank you for your daily contributions and the work of researching our menus, wine and drinks everyday.

@StLouisCruisers   Sandi, hope your DS and his family have a safe flight to Cancun, and your DDIL has a great birthday.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I'm glad they found your laundry.  

@ger_77  Gerry, our condolences to you both and your extended families on the loss of three family members.  That's a lot of loss to absorb in one day, and I hope the memories of better times will be a comfort to all.

@RedneckBob  Enjoy your front row seat at the fireworks tonight.

@Mr. Boston  HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your sister Patricia.

@HAL Sailer  Melissa, I'm sorry your DSIL is in a lot of pain and with added heart problems.  I hope she can be comfortable for whatever time she has left.   I'm also glad your DH remembers the Christmas visit with his sister, and I hope those memories are a comfort to both of you.

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope 2023 brings fewer challenges to your family.  

@cat shepard  Ann, I agree, it's always sad to take down the Christmas tree and the decorations.  We usually do that sad chore on New Year's Day.  This year since I put up a small tree instead of the 7 foot one in the attic and since most of our Christmas decorations are in Quartzsite, it will be an easier day, but still a sad one. 


As 2022 comes to a close, I'm very grateful that DH has his surgeries behind him and is improving daily.  Also, thank you to all who contribute to this place we call the Daily, whether it is every day or occasionally.  Without you, it would not be what it is, a peaceful and safe haven in this crazy world.





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1 hour ago, ClippyJoe said:

Thank you for this page. I look forward to coming here each morning. I travel with those at sea, I pray for those who are having trouble, I laugh at the cartoon postings. You have become an extended family for me. I wish you all a Happy New Year.

@ClippyJoe What a lovely sentiment. You have so beautifully summed up what so many of us feel. Thank you!


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