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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday February 6th, 2023


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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Debbie, good to hear your DB is in recovery and everything went well.  Hope he heals quickly and is a "good patient".  LOL


Vanessa @JazzyVwas the one who first mentioned taking the phone with her to the basement.  I concur with that idea, and your Apple Watch is a great idea, too.  I don't have one but know a lot of people who do.


Hoping to hear from Joy @Seasick Sailor soon.


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:


Debbie, I wear an Apple Watch too. Sometimes when I accidentally bang my hand against something, it asks me if I've fallen! I have to touch it and say no, I'm fine. So that's an added benefit. My phone in the basement is attached to the wall, so if I couldn't get to it, the watch or cellphone would help out.


A friend of mine fell off her porch coming home one night and broke her hip.  It was January and pretty darn cold out.  Her purse went flying and she couldn't reach it.  She pulled some drain pipe off the house and tried hitting the side of the house with it to get her SO's attention, but that was a no go.  She was calling for help for about 45 minutes when a neighbor heard her  and called 911.  That could have been a long, cold night.  So, that inspired me to get the Apple Watch.


35 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


@dfish  Debbie, that is good news that DB's surgery went well and he is in recovery.  Maybe, he'll surprise you and be a model patient.


I'm not going to hold my breath on that one.  

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3 hours ago, cruising sister said:

I will join the others who have tripped and fallen the past two weeks...I flew over it landing on the airport floor.

🤕OUCH!🤕 Recently, we've definitely needed an emoji response 🤕OUCH🤕  button! Glad to hear you weren't seriously hurt @cruising sister.

Edited by HAL Sailer
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Good morning all!

Apparently several of us had a hard time sleeping last night.  I slept from 9:30'ish-1:30 and then was awake until well after 3am.  I even checked CC, figuring Sandi @StLouisCruisershad started the Daily, and sure enough, there it was with 2 posts. 😉  I thought of popping in and saying "HI" but went back to bed and slept until after 8:30!  Crazy, but lately I seem to do my best sleeping early and late, just not between 2-5'ish.


I like frozen yogurt but prefer ice cream.  No comment on lame ducks, and chopsticks is something I never mastered.  The meal sounds yummy, not sure what we'll be having tonight.  Last night was take-out, I painted for 6 hours and was tired.  Today I have 2 more walls and then will be done for now.  I'll pass on the drink and wine.  We've never been to Belgium, but it's somewhere I really want to go.  Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisersand Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserfor the great photos.


DD told us that they have found 2 kitten siblings they hope to adopt, so I'm excited!  She said they could have them by this weekend.  I'll be happy to have kitties in the family again and I know the boys are excited. They really miss their cats Nimbus and Parkour.  They fed/pet every cat they saw when they were in Thailand recently.  Maybe I'll have kitten photos to share soon. 🙂  


Brenda @bennybearMy sincere condolences on the death of your aunt.

Roy @rafinmdgood news that you slept better last night!

Joy @Seasick Sailorhoping nothing is broken, let us know.

@cruising sisterWelcome home but ouch about the fall!  And sorry to hear your iPad is missing.

Debbie @dfishHappy to hear your DB's surgery went well.


Thinking and praying for the poor people in Turkey.



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44 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Melissa, I know we are all anxious to learn how @Scrapnana Kathi is doing.  I noticed in the past year, except for starting the sail away threads, she only posted when she was on a cruise.  I hope she is doing well and getting treatment.


Yes, @Quartzsite Cruiser, I don't expect @Scrapnana will post, but I was hoping by tagging Pete & Judy @The-Inside-Cabin to trigger a response from @The-Inside-Cabinas Pete posts multiple times a day from the WC. If @The-Inside-Cabin (Pete & Judy) have heard anything from Kathi, maybe they can give a limited update without violating her privacy? 


Just a thought,


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Good Afternoon from a sunny day at the beach

     Late today, had some errands to do this morning.

Have not been to todays port, it was on one of our cancelled trips for 2020 so it is back on the list. Love seeing the pictures.

     It is alarming to hear of so many falls. We all dont bounce like we used to! @cruising sister Hope you are OK !

    @ottahand7 Thank you for your continued reports. Sorry about your blouse . If you had sent it to the laundry, contact them. DD had a lost sundress and I sent them a note describing it and they found it ! 

@StLouisCruisers Dont worry about the forecast They never get it right  Besides you will have agreat time  regardless of weather

      Nothing new here which is probably a good thing


Stay safe and warm and enjoy today




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19 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:

And, where's @kazu??? Unless I missed it, she didn't post on The Daily yesterday nor yet today. Hoping all is well with @kazu ...




It’s ok, Melissa - I’m just in a bad place and everything takes too long to do.

It’s not a good time of year for me - got the call last year that they couldn’t solve the dilema with Jose.  Couple that with being one armed and I’m just not a cheery person right now.  Saw the fleet report and Care list was covered so all is good.

I’ll be back when things are a bit better - I just have too much to do and I am too slow trying to do it.  Insurance claims, fights, potential lawyers, spread sheets.  Heck trying to bathe or wash my hair takes forever.  I’m just in a low mood and that’s no fun.  I’ll be back when I am in a better frame of mind.

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8 minutes ago, kazu said:

I’m just in a bad place and everything takes too long to do.

...I’m just in a low mood and that’s no fun.  I’ll be back when I am in a better frame of mind.

Understandable @kazu. Just know that The Daily-ites are holding you up with care and prayer. And, remember, to wrap your one good arm around yourself and squeeze -- not as good as a two-armed hug but better than a virtual one!


Looking forward to your return,


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@Kazu Can't "like" your post since I really sorry things are piling up on you right now. Sorry that you are down and hope that resolutions to some issues are just down the road and that your elbow starts to behave itself and heals. Joint breaks are so much more difficult to manage than a nice clean mid-bone break (and I would prefer neither). Take it as slowly and easily as you can. Best wishes.....



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Not a lot happened at the Doctor  Using rides to the office with 2 members of my church there is not really a lot to be said.  The Doctor did prescribe an additional 3 days of my antibiotic,
I am generally preparing my meals.  The Rollator to sit while things are on the stove is a Godsend.

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We've been to Zeebrugge three times, once on Noordam III and twice on the Prinsendam.   Twice we took the train to Bruges and once we did a tour to Ghent.  


These are pictures from our two times in Bruges.  In 2004, in addition to walking around Bruges, we also took a boat ride on the canals.  Bruges was quite a bit more crowded on June 2004, than it was in September 2016.  These pictures are a combination of both visits.


A couple of pictures of Zeebrugge on the way to the train station.





In 2016, we took the train from Blankenberge.  This picture was taken from the train station looking toward the church were the shuttle dropped us.



In 2016 on our walk from the train station to the walled part of Bruges, we found a smaller gate that lead us through a part of Bruges we'd not seen in 2004. 





An open area on the way to the main plaza.



The main plaza was not wall to wall tourists.










We took a ho-ho tour that year, and saw some of town outside the walls including this windmill.



Different views of Bruges from a canal boat we took in 2004..










We came across this area on the way back to the train station.




Excellent collection of photos Lenda.


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10 minutes ago, rafinmd said:
Not a lot happened at the Doctor  Using rides to the office with 2 members of my church there is not really a lot to be said.  The Doctor did prescribe an additional 3 days of my antibiotic,
I am generally preparing my meals.  The Rollator to sit while things are on the stove is a Godsend.


Roy, If you don’t mind me asking what were your injuries from your fall? Take care.

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35 minutes ago, kazu said:


It’s ok, Melissa - I’m just in a bad place and everything takes too long to do.

It’s not a good time of year for me - got the call last year that they couldn’t solve the dilema with Jose.  Couple that with being one armed and I’m just not a cheery person right now.  Saw the fleet report and Care list was covered so all is good.

I’ll be back when things are a bit better - I just have too much to do and I am too slow trying to do it.  Insurance claims, fights, potential lawyers, spread sheets.  Heck trying to bathe or wash my hair takes forever.  I’m just in a low mood and that’s no fun.  I’ll be back when I am in a better frame of mind.

Take care and rest assured we are all thinking of you and wish you All the best.

Regards Graham.

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2 hours ago, 57redbird said:

What is her FB site so we can start ordering?

I'm not on Facebook but she told me it's @2teachersnailingit on Facebook.  She started her business with another teacher quite a while ago, but she dropped out.  DD is planning on changing the name to something else, but she is well known in the area at craft shows by the nailing it moniker.  Originally she did nail art but now she does lots of different types of crafts.  Everytime she wears a pair of her light wood earrings people ask her to make them some.  Keeps her busy shipping out orders.





32 minutes ago, kazu said:


It’s ok, Melissa - I’m just in a bad place and everything takes too long to do.

It’s not a good time of year for me - got the call last year that they couldn’t solve the dilema with Jose.  Couple that with being one armed and I’m just not a cheery person right now.  Saw the fleet report and Care list was covered so all is good.

I’ll be back when things are a bit better - I just have too much to do and I am too slow trying to do it.  Insurance claims, fights, potential lawyers, spread sheets.  Heck trying to bathe or wash my hair takes forever.  I’m just in a low mood and that’s no fun.  I’ll be back when I am in a better frame of mind.

Jacqui, so sorry to hear you're feeling down.  Too much to do and not enough strength to do it all.  We pray for healing and your return to feeling strong.  You WILL get there!




12 minutes ago, rafinmd said:
Not a lot happened at the Doctor  Using rides to the office with 2 members of my church there is not really a lot to be said.  The Doctor did prescribe an additional 3 days of my antibiotic,
I am generally preparing my meals.  The Rollator to sit while things are on the stove is a Godsend.


Good to hear you have additional antibiotics to take care of the pneumonia.  I'm so glad to hear the seat on the rollator has been of help to you.  Hope your recovery speeds up now.  The only good thing to come out of your fall was the pneumonia being found.  Who knows how long it would have taken otherwise.


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Woohoo! My new passport just arrived!


@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos of Brugge. I looked it up and I was there in 1998! 

@Cruising-along I'm sure the boys are excited about the possibility of new kittens.

@kazu You've got a lot going on; I hope things become easier for you soon. (((Hugs)))

@rafinmd I'm glad the church members helped you out with rides. Prayers that the additional antibiotic days help. It will take time to get stronger, and it's good you've got the rollator to help out.

@Seasick Sailor Joy, hoping for good news!


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@kazu Jacqui you have been through so much with Jose, injury, your pets that you deserve a break and it’s no wonder your down. 

Take care, seek help if needed and know you have many friends here on CC but closer friends relatives for support.

You’re in our prayers!

Bruce & Sue

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9 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

@kazu, Jacqui please give yourself a hug from all of us and know how much we love you .

Can I suggest wearing sports type underwear, pull on and no closures to worry about. It works for me for the past year.❤️


OMG I am laughing at this.  No way - it’s hard enough getting a top on with one hand.  I obviously have the wrong sports bras.

I am currently not worried about that particular undergarment.  there is no one here but  me - I tried when I got home and gave up.

I don’t have an hour to fiddle and get trapped in one.  I am wearing Caribbean short sleeved shirts  I can get off with one hand and sweats that I can pull up with one hand.   I am not exactly a fashion piece right now - nor dressed well for winter. It is what it is.  I have to be able to get everything on and off on my own.  bathe, wash my hair, etc - in the old days i had DH and I wore that undergarment. Now it’s me and I have to do it myself.

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34 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Apparently just bumps and bruises but they found pneumonia.



If you remember I had pneumonia after Thanksgiving and strength and recovery does take time. It’s now Feb and I still have minor hacking now and then. Time heals but the older we get it takes time. 🙏 Prayers Bud!

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Thank you for the daily. The port pictures look beautiful.  I have never been there.  


So sorry to hear Kazu about your continued issues being one handed.  And you don't really realize that even though it is 'just your elbow' everything else hurts too. I found this out the hard way when I broke my shoulder.  Just take it easy and do what you can with plenty of rest in between. I wore my husband's large button down shirts, no bra and sweat pants for months.  It was the only way I could get dressed.   It sounds like you have come to the same conclusion.  For showering, after I could take the splint off to shower, , I did find a shower chair helped and a hand held shower. I couldn't do a bath or standing shower, way too hard. My haircut place offered me free washes so you may want to ask about this. You'd be surprised how nice people can be.   



Waiting to hear about my son, as per usual it took all day for the hospital to schedule the procedure which I think is happening right now.   I am praying it goes well.  I saw the PA today for my back, and as I thought she ordered an MRI and to see the pain specialist.  I assume medicare is what drives this since it seems that no matter your level of pain this is the road the doctor's go unless it is considered an emergency from a fall, car accident etc.  Oh well - at least I am home and to be frank I am glad we canceled since I don't think I would have enjoyed it feeling like I do.


I hope everyone is doing better today.  Thankful for all your prayers.



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